Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 838 [Not content with changing the world, we create a new world]

"How about the current production capacity?"

Yao Jianhong heard Luo Sheng's question, and immediately replied: "The production capacity has reached expectations, and the number of virtual brain-computer devices that have left the production line has exceeded 4.72 million units, and a new production line is also steadily advancing. It is expected that by the end of the third quarter It can officially enter the mass production stage, and the existing production capacity can reach the annual production capacity demand of 3,000 units."

"A production capacity of around 30 million..." Luo Sheng nodded silently and added, "Well, it should be almost enough."

The positioning of this new product of virtual brain machine is mainly to take the lead in the domestic market, followed by the entire Asia-Pacific market, and finally consider expanding to the global market.

Luo Sheng also wants to launch a global simultaneous sale, and there is absolutely no problem with capacity supply. Although the world is now facing the ravages of redwoods, the number of unemployed people in North America has exceeded 10 million, and other regions are also extremely bad.

Although the domestic export trade has been hit hard, the production capacity of the whole society has not been cut off. On the contrary, because the export trade has been affected, everyone is waiting to take orders and find jobs.

However, it is a bit unrealistic for the virtual brain machine to expand to the European and American markets. The big white robot can be marketed all over the world or Europeans and Americans have to buy it under the pressure of Sequoia.

Luo Sheng said solemnly: "Of course, we must strive for negotiation if the European and American markets can pry open, but don't have too much expectations. If you don't have expectations, you won't be too disappointed."

The existing production capacity is already sufficient to supply the Asia-Pacific market. As for the larger production capacity, we must first negotiate the European and American markets before further mass production. This thing is very expensive, and it is very hurtful to have tens of millions of units in stock. thing.


At the same time, Luo Sheng was holding a video conference at the core layer, and the outside media had already focused their attention on the Cote d'Azur.

The reason is that the company has already announced the announcement of the new product launch conference. This is the second time that a new product launch conference has been held during the summer. Many fans, media and industry insiders are most concerned about the Côte d’Azur’s announcement for this launch event. slogan:

[We are not satisfied with changing the world, we will create a new world]

The vast majority of people who eat melon saw the slogan of Cote d'Azur for the latest products, and they all said that it was still the same, as always, showing the momentum of being a global technology giant.

Only the Côte d'Azur dares to use this kind of promotional slogan. It is the same as the previous promotional slogans for new products. It is a violation of the advertising law for other companies to use such advertising slogans.

Most people didn't expect that the Cote d'Azur would make a big move this summer. It is necessary to know that the economic environment this year is extremely bad. Of course, many people know that the Cote d'Azur is not doing well this year.

Following a good piece and its supply chain partners, the so-called "one man's success" is nothing more than that.

In addition, other industries are basically lying in the nest.

Other companies are either on the verge of bankruptcy and waiting for government bailouts or their performance has been cut in half, but the annual report disclosed by the Cote d'Azur has blinded all the dogs.

In the fifteen years that Cote d'Azur has released, every promotional slogan of a new product gives the first impression that it violates the advertising law, but it is the best that has never been fined.

The slogan shouted this time is the most exaggerated in history. According to the usual practice, this time it is obviously to enlarge the move.

People's expectations have also skyrocketed. Although the Cote d'Azur has sold out, the summer conference is obviously not the Azure-6 that consumers expect, nor is it a big white robot. Judging from the content of the announcement, it is a brand new product.

The market also gave Luo Sheng a lot of face. The news was disclosed during the afternoon stock market trading period. Stimulated by this news, the Cote d'Azur concept stocks rose first as a respect. A group of younger brothers remembered the daily limit tide.

The share price of Xiongxin Electronics continued to hit a record high, more than doubling the 157.15% increase from the issue price.

The total market value once reached 3,735.9 billion yuan. Compared with the 9 trillion total market value of the entire Science and Technology Innovation Board, Xiongxin Electronics has an exclusive weight ratio of more than 40%, which is absolutely the first brother of science and technology innovation.

Xiongxin Electronics will not rise if the Science and Technology Innovation Index does not rise, and vice versa.

If it weren't for the blue pure electric car on the main board holding it up, it would be the first brother of Big A.

The general public in the outside world is now unknowingly, and the small players in the stock market are aware of it later, and those main funds in the market have already been aware of it.

However, Xiongxin Electronics did not seal it after the daily limit. It only lasted less than ten minutes before being smashed by Shengfeng Capital.

It’s okay for other listed companies to have a 20% daily limit, but a large weight like Xiongxin Electronics pulls a daily limit, which means that the market value has skyrocketed by 600 to 700 billion, and another two daily limit will increase by 2 trillion. It’s incredible, falling down I don't know how many people have to be buried.

Today, a lot of people with big capital brought a group of retail investors to stir up their emotions, and then they were all buried on the top of the mountain by Shengfeng Capital. In the late trading, they rose and fell from the daily limit of 20% to the final closing, which only rose by 3.13% , Whether it is retail investors or hot money on the top of the mountain, they will either cut their meat tomorrow, or wait a month or two to untie them, and honestly be a minority shareholder of Xiongxin Electronics for a period of time.

Although most of the hot money in Big A is reluctant to provoke listed companies with strong control of Shengfeng Capital, there will always be a few unbelieving heartbeats.

Then, if you are here, don’t rush to leave, and embrace time together to make value investments.

The quilt covers more than a dozen points, and it is very painful to cut the meat, so I can only put in the price.


There are still about 12 hours left before the virtual brain machine conference.

It's around 9 o'clock in the evening at this moment. At the location of "Xingyu Internet Cafe 100709" in a third-tier city in China, this chain of Internet cafes that was transferred more than two months ago and has been renovated ten days ago, today In the evening, all the network administrators, the two foremen, including the manager Lin Tongfang, were there.

In addition to the original network managers, new recruits were also present. They all knew that the headquarters was going to deliver the machines today, and the renovations and upgrades in the field had been done long ago, and the machines were only in place.

Anyway, all the network managers, including Lin Tongfang, were puzzled by the style and layout of the interior decoration of the Internet cafe, because they found that no matter how they looked at the layout style, it didn't look like the keyboard host display.

Curious, I don't know, but I have to do it, and continue to be curious when I'm done.

Time passed by minute by minute, and at about 9:45, Lin Tongfang and others saw more than a dozen large trucks driving towards their store. The building next to the Internet cafe was a large supermarket with a square. Now There are about twenty aunts doing square dancing.

"Xiao Li, you go talk to those aunts and ask them to give up the space. First, go to the supermarket to buy a few boxes of drinks and give them a bottle each." Lin Tongfang took out his wallet and took it. A one-hundred-yuan bill is not enough for parking on the side of the road.


Not long after, after several network managers communicated with each other and gave each aunt a bottle of drink, the aunt who danced in the square was embarrassed and embarrassed, so she asked her debut to stop the truck. It was not too early, and it was almost ten. Clicked.

After the vacant lot was vacated, trucks drove into the square, and in addition, a minibus came, which was also quite eye-catching. Those aunts and aunts, passers-by, A, B and C, stopped to watch curiously and whispered. on.

The dozen or so people who got off the CMB were all first-line technicians in uniform work clothes. Eighteen hours ago, they were still in a city more than 1,000 kilometers away. Tomorrow I have to run to another city.

Lin Tongfang also quickly greeted him. These technicians were all sent by the headquarters. Tonight, we have to install the machines of this chain of Internet cafes here, and then the other two in this city. Tomorrow I have to run to the next city, as busy as I want.

However, there will be a technician who will be responsible for the maintenance of the three virtual brain computer chain Internet cafes in the city. He will stay here for about a month and a half. In addition to maintaining equipment operations, the main task is to simply train the network administrators, including the foreman, how to Deal with some basic failure problems of the device.

It is enough to have a simple understanding of the equipment. If there are problems that cannot be solved, the network administrator can contact the headquarters to ask professional technicians to guide him how to deal with them by remote video. Now that the communication technology is so developed, any mobile phone can be used in real time. connect.

If there is a major problem that cannot be handled, let the machine lie there first, and the headquarters will send someone directly to maintain it.

At the same time, the headquarters will regularly send professional and technical personnel to each store to check one by one every quarter. It can be seen that the level of professionalism and standardization is unmatched by traditional Internet cafes.

At this moment, the driver of the first truck slowly drove the vehicle to the gate of the Internet cafe.

"Okay, stop, stop! Stop!!"

The truck turned off and stopped, and the staff immediately went to the back of the car to open the cargo compartment. Lin Tongfang also greeted the network administrators in the store to help. He glanced into the cargo compartment and found that they were all large rectangular boxes. The meters are long, and they are all wrapped tightly.

The network administrators thought that there were multiple computers in each packaging box, and they did not know that it was a virtual brain computer. Moreover, the packaging box did not have the LOGO of the Cote d'Azur, so the packaged boxes could not be seen.

The person in charge who was dispatched came to the side and solemnly warned: "The machines and equipment in the box are worth 50,000 to 60,000 units, so be careful!"

The network administrators misunderstood that each box contained at least 10 computers, that is, the rhythm of 50,000 to 600,000. All of them trembled with cleverness and carefully carried them.


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