Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter Eight hundred and fortieth [Come, drop God forever! 】

"I'm coming!"

Chen Li was watching the live video on his mobile phone. He was sitting in the living room with three other colleagues, and everyone was watching the same screen on a mobile phone.

Obviously, they have moved into the new dormitory. Even though the installation of the machine was exhausting last night, and the work didn't end until three or four in the morning, Chen Li and several network managers stayed all night.

Because I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, the machine was installed and tested and debugged last night, but it was not activated. The secret key is still in the Cote d'Azur company, and other chain Internet cafes are the same, to cooperate with the launch process of Cote d'Azur .

This made Chen Li's idea of ​​entering the virtual network to see the world in vain, and he couldn't sleep.

When I returned to the dormitory, I chatted with a few colleagues and buddies until the dawn of the day, and I was still waiting for the press conference of the Cote d'Azur. Fortunately, there will be a two-day break tomorrow, and the official opening will be held the day after tomorrow. It is not a big problem to stay up all night, not will affect subsequent work.

At this moment, it was around nine o'clock in the morning, and the officially designated live broadcast room had already opened. Chen Li and his three other colleagues stared at the live broadcast screen of their mobile phones and chatted excitedly while watching.

"To be reasonable, I really want to go to the Star River Hall to watch this press conference live, virtual brain machine, there is no place where the dream begins."

The live broadcast at this moment is a long-lens view of the scene from the aerial photography of DJI drones.

As soon as the camera turned, it switched to the entrance of the main gate of the City of Galaxy. The ordinary fans who bought tickets, people from the industry and the media entered one after another, including domestic faces, as well as many foreigners, as well as those who were on guard on the Cote d'Azur. Staff, bustling and bustling.

All eyes are on this feast of the tech world.

As the camera moved forward together, it finally reached the floor where the Galaxy Hall is located. As long as fans of the Côte d'Azur are familiar with this multimedia hall, which can accommodate more than 7,000 people.

The camera switched again, the scene inside the hall was displayed on the live broadcast screen, and the background music was gone. The current picture is the synchronous live broadcast screen. The video just now was shot and edited ten minutes earlier.

Audiences from all walks of life who participated in today's press conference have already come to the hall.

At about 9:20 in the morning, the main lights in the hall were turned off, and the auditorium area was full of lit screens, or mobile phone screens or laptop work computer screens.

It is worth mentioning that among the many laptop work computers, more than half of them are borderless laptops launched by Cote d'Azur.

Regardless of whether the outside world says that this product is good enough in itself, or whether it relies on the super brand of the Côte d'Azur to get a premium, it is an indisputable fact that AzureBook has suddenly emerged in the PC market.

Today's press conference officially started at 9:45. As time passed by, and it got closer and closer to this time node, some whispering discussions on the scene gradually diminished, until that moment arrived when everyone basically Quietly looked towards the front of the stage.

"Mr. Luo, it's your turn to appear."

At the backstage, a staff member reminded him, and another person hurriedly took a small remote control and walked towards Luo Sheng, who was already waiting at the exit.

He took the small remote control from the opponent and walked straight towards the center of the stage with steady steps.



In the originally quiet scene, the audience sitting in the auditorium either stared at the stage without saying a word, or focused on the laptop screen, or looked around...

When I saw the face of the man who came out from the backstage, the quiet hall suddenly cheered and shouted, and the die-hard fans who were there screamed one after another. The atmosphere of the live broadcast room was also instantly ignited by this scene. Different barrages such as "6666" and "Forever Dropping God" are swiping frantically.

The audience stood up and applauded one after another in the atmosphere of applause, and looked at the hot man on the stage with the same eyes.

The hot man standing on the stage is the idol in the hearts of the die-hard fans present, the beacon in the hearts of countless technology entrepreneurs, the headline news in the hearts of the media, the God of Wealth in the hearts of investors, and the life in the hearts of countless people. The legend of...

He is also the undisputed absolute protagonist of the audience at this moment. He walked out of the backstage without a word and ignited the atmosphere of the audience.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been brushed up with various "card faces".

At the end, Luo Sheng, who came to the stage, looked towards the auditorium in front of him, smiled and pressed his hand, and said, "Thank you for your support, everyone, please take a seat. Thank you again."

Then everyone took their seats, and the applause and cheers gradually fell. Luo Sheng's appearance surprised everyone, and was extremely surprised. The sense of expectation for today's press conference immediately soared tenfold.

Because according to the usual practice, as long as the new products launched by the conferences he presided over have milestone leaps, they are absolutely full of highlights.

The people who are paying attention to this press conference at this moment are all looking forward to it, except for the competitors of the Côte d'Azur and the mortal enemy who is unhappy with Luo Sheng.

Everyone couldn't help but think of the propaganda slogan that was released in the announcement of the new product launch conference of Cote d'Azur a week ago, which violated the advertising law no matter how you look at it.

This is the moment everyone is looking forward to.

On the stage, Luo Sheng continued to advance the press conference process according to the rhythm he was most familiar with, and there was only his voice in the quiet hall at the moment.

"... As we all know, the slogan of Côte d'Azur at the beginning of its establishment was [Technology changes life, innovation changes the world]. In the past fifteen or six years, we have made this mission beyond imagination. The major categories of technologies we have created have Human life has had a profound impact, from the smartphone Azure to the intelligent education tablet ieP to the next-generation console and last year's Dabai..."

People are amazed that any of the above-mentioned products that Luo Sheng has collected is enough to create a multinational giant with an annual income of more than 100 billion US dollars, but it is concentrated in one company. This is where the legend lies.

"We've also almost redefined the offline retail experience to be more personal and interactive, and our retail store becomes part of the community. It's open and beautiful, it's a space for inspiration."

Luo Sheng pressed the small remote control in his hand, and a photo of an offline single flagship store in Shencheng appeared on the big screen behind him.

"For example, this store in Lujiazui is open to thousands and thousands of customers. Everyone can come and experience various activities on weekends. Our offline store welcomes 800 million experiencers every year. , I am very happy and happy that so many customers can experience our products for themselves.”

While Luo Sheng explained, the hand holding the small remote control was also waving body language with nowhere to put it, and the barrage said that holding down the archbishop's hand and watching him would not be able to advance the press conference.

"Just last month, we achieved a very important milestone, and we have sold 1.5 billion cumulative units since the first generation of Azure Phones were released in 2006."

After he finished speaking, he pressed the small remote control in his hand, and the big screen behind him appeared a graph of the sales statistics of Azure mobile phones of the past dynasties.

There was obviously a big round of applause from the audience, and this was a round of applause for this excellent product.

This picture explains how crazy the market is for this product, with an average of more than 100 million units sold every year, you must know that the Cote d'Azur does not release new products every year.

The picture shows the cumulative sales volume of the first generation Azure-X to the current latest generation Azure-5X. The cumulative sales volume of the Azure-3 released in 2009 exceeded 473.2 million units, far ahead of other models.

When Azure-3 was released, it was said to redefine Azure. It could surpass previous and previous generations of products and remained the top seller so far. In addition to the excellence of the product itself, it was also inseparable from the good market environment at that time.

Although it was in the midst of the global financial turmoil at that time, the Côte d’Azur at that time was not regarded as a thorn in the eyes or a thorn in the flesh, but was positioned as a dissatisfied partner.

At that time, if we wanted to talk about contradictions, we had some conflicts with Qualcomm, because Qualcomm lost a lot of money in the gambling agreement. I knew that the loss went to my grandmother's house. At that time, no one thought that the Cote d'Azur would take off so fast.

Troubled, but the cooperation has not been interrupted.

It was also the Azure-3 era that opened the North American market, and major markets around the world did not block it. With its unparalleled competitiveness, Azure-3 swept the world and ushered in a wave of replacements.

Until 2011, the company's operating income in this year exceeded 100 billion US dollars for the first time, hitting 137.75 billion US dollars.

The new products of the following generations have not surpassed this model. It seems that Azure-3 is the peak period of the smartphone business of the Cote d'Azur, but obviously not. If this is the peak, then the profit and revenue of the smartphone business segment cannot be sustained. hit a new high.

The failure to surpass the previous work is due to the harsh external market environment and the continuous doubling of the price of the following generations of products. The standard version of Azure-3 is only more than 4,000 yuan. Since Azure-4, it has entered the era of ten thousand yuan machines. The latest The folding screen 5X model is sold for nearly 20,000 yuan.

The continuously soaring price has also blocked the buying threshold to a certain extent, and it is normal that the quantity cannot be exceeded. The rapid development of the Cote d'Azur, and the annual surge in income does not mean that the global economic level and the income of the general public can keep up.

After Luo Sheng announced the number, he paused for a moment and continued: "1.5 billion, this is an astonishing number, almost equal to every person in our country owning an Azure mobile phone. The birth of this product has changed human life. The way you learn, the way you work, the way you play, the way you shop, the way you order food and transportation, the way you connect with each other, the way you capture life’s moments…”

After pausing for a moment again, he paced around the stage, stopped and faced the direction of the auditorium, Luo Sheng said: "If the past fifteen years have been changing the world, then we hope that in the next fifteen years The Cote d'Azur has a grand vision to create a world...with the launch of this product today, it will start a new era."


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