Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 841 [Crazy! crazy! crazy! 】

The fans present involuntarily held their breath and stared at the front of the stage. Under the gaze of the audience, Luo Sheng moved a few steps from the middle of the stage. The floor in the middle area was slowly opened, and a virtual brain computer passed through. The elevator was sent to the stage from the inside.

At this moment, the audience who saw the virtual brain machine on the stage all put a question mark in their minds.

Obviously I don't know what it is, and I don't know what it does, but its appearance is very sci-fi, and the industrial design style of its appearance is as always with the genes of the Côte d'Azur.

On the stage, Luo Sheng stood in front of this virtual brain computer and stared at the device intently: "This is the largest terminal device ever launched by the Cote d'Azur. Aren't we a provider of miniaturized mobile terminal devices?"

Audience: Grab our lines!

At the end, Luo Sheng said to the audience: "We all know a common sense that our human subjective impression of obtaining the objective material world comes from our five sense organs, namely vision with eyes, hearing with ears, smell with nose, and taste with tongue. As well as the sense of touch of the body, through these five senses we can form a subjective impression of the world.”

"In fact, they are all biological signals sent from the sense organs to the brain, which are no different from the electrical signals produced by the computer and transmitted to the brain. Just imagine, if one day you suddenly lose all five senses, what will happen to you? A small universe will explode. Awakening the seventh sense certainly won't..."

Hearing the small universe, the seventh sense, etc., there was a burst of laughter at the scene. It turns out that idols also watch Saint Seiya.

After a while, Luo Sheng's voice came again.

"Then think about it again. Since the five senses of the human body are biological signals sent to the brain, what will happen if we can analyze these five brain electrical signals, and then decode them through a compiler to complete the digitization and then interact with the neural network?"

Everyone looked at each other, some were thoughtful, some were surprised, some were curious, but most of them were ignorant.

Barrage: This involves my knowledge blind spot.

Luo Sheng's expression showed a mysterious expression, and he said succinctly: "It will happen... hallucinations! Realize artificially created hallucinations!"


Luo Sheng said methodically: "The word hallucination, literally interpreted, refers to the intuitive experience that occurs when there is no corresponding objective stimulus. It is characterized by a feeling. Due to the lack of corresponding realistic stimulus, the objective test results prove that This feeling is illusory, but in terms of its own experience, it does not feel illusory, and it is very real.”

"So what's the meaning? What's the relationship with the new products we released today? That's a big relationship. Illusions and dreams are important logics for us to open the door to the virtual world."

There was a burst of exclamations in the audience, and everyone was stunned. At this moment, everyone was at the boundary between what they understood and what they didn't understand. It seemed that they had caught what Luo Sheng wanted to say, but they were not sure. At the same time, for this reason Shocked.

At this moment, everyone's minds are like this: Could it be...

Luo Sheng expounded unhurriedly: " compiling and decoding the five senses signals of the human body and digitally inputting them into the digital network world constructed by 0 and 1, all digital signals in the network world are converted into brain signals and fed back to the brain neural network to achieve perfect interaction. , so as to realize the human brain's immersive perception of the digital world."

"Simply put, this set of equipment is a bridge to communicate with the digital world. As you think at the moment, we will enter a colorful fantasy world constructed by 0 and 1 in this way. The virtual world can also be said to be the second world. It is equivalent to your brain being able to interact directly with the Internet, this is the new product we are going to launch today - a virtual brain machine!"

At the end, the scene unexpectedly fell into a quiet atmosphere.

The director in the backstage also gave the audience a close-up of the street at this time. At this moment, the audience was staring at the front in stunned eyes, their mouths wide open and their chins falling to their knees.

The scene was quiet and sudden, and the fiery was equally sudden.

After less than three seconds of silence, the scene exploded with shocking voices, and everyone stood up for the second time.

"My God, I'm not dreaming anymore, am I?"

"Mama asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast!"

"Virtual fantasy world!!!!"


"My backhand is to pinch the thigh meat together fiercely, Nima hurts so much, hahaha, this is not a dream!!!"

"Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!"

"Mom, it turns out that the previous propaganda slogan really did not violate the advertising law!"

"Is it really 2020? Are you sure it's not 2200?"

"The promised lifetime series!"

"Virtual games, you can really play virtual games in your lifetime. I never dreamed that it would be in 2020!"

"Archbishop! Always drop God!!!"

"Archbishop! Always drop God!!!"

"Archbishop! Always drop God!!!"


After Luo Sheng's official announcement, the audience on and off the field was out of control, especially the game house, technology enthusiasts, and electronic product enthusiasts were all excited and crazy.

A frenzy has been reached.

This is the ultimate dream of every game enthusiast, and only as one of them can we understand their mood at the moment, and the frenzy that they almost lost their minds at the moment.

Luo Sheng on the stage was hesitant to speak, because he found that he had hosted so many press conferences, and every time he held the audience perfectly, it was easy to control the stage.

But today's press conference, at this moment, I can't hold the feeling.

In desperation, he had to let the thousands of fans present at the scene digest the news first, and let out his emotions first, but Luo Sheng was very satisfied with the reaction at the scene.

Seeing the big from the small, the reaction at the scene let him know that the virtual brain machine is 100% popular.

Also excited are the investors in the capital circle of Liu Wen. At this moment, the bigwigs in the investment circle such as Venture Capital Fund and Hillhouse Capital are also paying attention to the press conference. When they see this scene, they can finally rest assured, know that stable.

You must know that Xingyu Company raised more than 300 billion yuan, but Luo Sheng did not take a share in it. In any case, the investors were a little unsteady. The more than 300 billion yuan raised was still to buy the virtual brain machine of the blue coast. The fire is a blood loss, but Luo Sheng must have made a steady profit.

Don't worry now, just lie down and count the money.

On the contrary, I am very happy that Luo Sheng did not come in to take the shares, otherwise he would definitely have to share the biggest piece of the cake, and everyone would have to make a lot of money.

However, investors like Liu Wen didn't know about the solar storm three years later, and Luo Sheng didn't foolishly tell them that it was of course impossible for virtual brain machines to use EMP protection measures to increase additional cost pressure.

We have been trying our best to keep costs down.

When the storm hits, all the hiccups will be scrapped. In the next three years, Xingyu Internet Cafe will definitely make money steadily, but it will definitely not be able to recover the cost in three years. Once it is destroyed by the solar storm, it is sure to be a stable and profitable business For cash cows, investors can only continue to place orders with the Côte d’Azur. If you earn money twice in the same place, if you don’t invest in shares, you will have zero losses. Isn’t it beautiful.

Luo Sheng is not the master who suffers.

But then again, it is unlikely that big investors like Liu Wen will pay the bill. It is inevitable for big A to welcome the registration system. It is no surprise that Xingyu Internet Cafe will be listed next year, and most of Xingyu Internet Cafe will be listed for two years before the storm. Left and right, by that time the investors have basically run away.

Therefore, it is very likely that the poor retail investors of Big A will take the order. Good things don’t get two rounds in turn. When it’s their turn to drink some soup slag, they will always take the biggest order.

When it comes to taking over and standing guard, retail investors may be late, but they will never be absent.


At this moment, Luo Sheng was pacing back and forth on the stage, the applause had continued for two or three minutes without stopping, and the excitement of the crowd was still undiminished.

If they were not allowed to release their emotions, the press conference could not go on, and the sound of the microphone could not cover the thunderous applause and cheers of the audience at the moment.

Time passed minute by minute, and as the audience finally digested their excitement, Luo Sheng continued to advance the press conference process.


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