Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 842 [Crazy offending friends (di) business (ren)]

At the press conference, the audience in the Galaxy Hall was still unsatisfied, especially the fans and audience present, the excitement on their faces did not diminish at all, as if they only needed a little opportunity to easily ignite their inner excitement again.

On the stage, Luo Sheng walked slowly and spread out his hands and said calmly and orderly:

"...As the authoritative vision of a series of great technological concepts of the last century, "Star Trek" has officially premiered more than 50 years ago, and in this half-century long enough to evolve a generation of civilization, whether it is holographic vision or Technologies such as virtual touch have long been out of the legend, and we have been thinking about it for half a world."

After speaking, Luo Sheng pressed the button of the small remote control in his hand, and a poster picture of the world's number one virtual idol singer appeared on the background giant screen behind him, and continued:

"The Hatsune Miku concert is a veritable optical marvel, 3D printers have become commonplace, and Azure's 360-degree panoramic camera has become standard as soon as it is launched... This is our era, now in progress, and human beings are stepping into the virtual world. The pace may be much faster than you think."

Everyone nodded repeatedly to show that they had no objection. It was indeed faster than everyone believed. At the moment of the announcement, no one dared to believe that this day has come, and everyone still believes that this is a technology of a lifetime series.

Luo Sheng walked slowly towards the virtual brain machine prototype placed on the stage for display. At the same time, the device itself opened automatically, and the lid compartment slowly opened automatically like a duck opening its mouth.

Everyone was staring at the close-up of the interior on the big screen, and many game houses were already drooling.

Luo Sheng reached out and touched the surface of the virtual brain computer. The parabolic surface reflecting the metallic luster was smooth and without resistance. With a slow pace, the palm of the device touched the surface of the device and moved. In his next words, suddenly With a sigh, the audience both on and off the field felt that it was the invincible momentum of the winner.

"Immersive virtual games have always been the dream props for players to enter the ideal world, but as everyone knows, the battle between the international big manufacturers in the past ten years has been a smoke of gunpowder. The battle has been fought round after round."

"Today, the children waiting for toys have grown up, and some of them have entered the middle and high-level of those dream companies... From the rise of Samsung Electronics, to the sudden rise of the Côte d'Azur, to the collapse of Nokia, and the once The immortal Sony kingdom is still struggling to support..."

Luo Sheng's voice entered the ears of every audience present word by word. Fans inside and outside the arena, especially domestic audiences, had inexplicably goosebumps when they heard these words, as if It's like watching hot-blooded comics.

"This aura is really invincible!"

"Said the most invincible and domineering words in a calm tone."

"Archbishop: I have a showdown, and I have to die!"

"It's inflation time!"


"Nokia: You scold again! [dog head.jpg]"

"Sony: Thanks, I feel offended."

"Samsung is shaking 2333!"

"My lord, times have changed."


People suddenly discovered that the once legendary giant Nokia was beaten to pieces by Luo Sheng's Côte d'Azur, and now it has been acquired by Microsoft. They are also facing the army of Hua Wei approaching the city.

When Nokia was acquired by Microsoft for its mobile phone business, there was a saying that went viral: We did nothing wrong, but for some reason, we lost.

Yes, the carriage did nothing wrong, and neither did the dinosaurs.

Times have changed, the environment has also changed, technology is metabolizing, and those who cannot keep up with the pace will naturally be eliminated. The reality is so cruel.

Back then, it was an eternal pain in Sony's heart that the Cell chip business was fooled by Luo Sheng and sold to the Côte d'Azur.

It's hard to say that, in a sense, Sony believes that it has created a first-party competitor to home game consoles by itself.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, full of turbulence.

The glorious achievements of the Cote d'Azur today, everyone knows that under the cornerstone of this super-commercial technology empire lies the corpses of many deadly enemies. Nokia is the most typical example.

Stepping on the corpses of old multinational giants one after another as a stepping stone to reach the top.

Today, Luo Sheng really doesn't need to cover up too much. He is so big. The annual revenue of the Cote d'Azur has exceeded one trillion US dollars. Even if he wants to, he can't hold it back.

Then it's just a showdown, directly admitting that labor and capital are the best, and don't agree to fight.

At this moment, Luo Sheng said in an orderly manner: " was under such a war situation that the virtual brain computer project was planned for nearly three years and finally officially launched in 2012. There are uncles whose chins are full of stubble, and there are smart people who are not yet. The outstanding young man, who has been dreaming about the future together with many of him, she and them for ten years, is now finally dedicating this device to the world, bringing the world the greatest expectation in his lifetime."



At the press conference, as soon as Luo Sheng's voice fell, a long-lasting applause suddenly resounded, and everyone felt that they were suddenly ignited. They looked at the man on the field like a pilgrimage, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Live barrage: "Blood-boiling teak, it would be even better if it had a BGM."

One technical breakthrough after another, fierce competition again and again, suppression and countermeasures again and again, it seems that the speed of burning money can't see the end... After more than ten years, it finally came out.

On the stage, Luo Sheng slowly turned around and sat comfortably in a slightly flat area on one side of the virtual brain computer. Facing the thousands of spectators at the scene and the people outside the camera, he continued to tell:

"In the hardware battle between major international manufacturers, after Microsoft's Ki became the fastest-selling electronic product in human history, the word human-computer interaction became popular overnight like Super Girl. Whether it was Google or Sony, it launched a headset. The purpose of any type of device is not just to enhance the visual experience.”

"Google is thinking about integrating video synchronization into that little piece of plastic that's less than 2 centimeters in size, and has unabashedly launched a personal TV function on Google+'s 'Hangouts', while Sony will integrate objects and faces. Identification was the focus of development, focusing on implementing the Namekian 'combat power detection mirror' function."

"It's reminiscent of a classic joke: Magnesium's kids all want a tights and red panties, while Japan's kids all want to get into Gundam."

"Coordinated with the upgrade of hardware equipment, the software battle was also quietly going on in the same period. Square's CTO Hashimoto announced their new 'Luminous' engine at the E3 exhibition that year, which is almost the pride of the Japanese game industry. The engine of World War I, like its technical promotional film "Agni's philosophy", is full of desperate taste, just to shout: As for art, I am not old!"

"But we all still remember that Sakaguchi, who spent 135 million dollars like crazy, almost hired the world's top CG master to produce "Final Fantasy: The Deep Soul", and the picture quality almost scared Hollywood stars at that time. At that time, it really triggered a big discussion about the replacement of actors by virtual characters under CG technology. As a result, we also know that Square almost went bankrupt because of this movie, which eventually led to the merger with Enix, and also made Sony a big bargain. ."

"Whether it's Sakaguchi or Hashimoto, they haven't turned back on the road of vision that is my life as always, it's a man!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been brushed up: Well, Stud, this is the old traditional art of Benzi children's shoes.

The developers in Japan are inexplicably causing discomfort. Is this a compliment? Are you still laughing?

Anyway, Square felt offended, but being dissed by the platform businessman's father also dared not speak.

No way, do you still want to let "Final Fantasy" land on the virtual brain machine platform?

Traditional home game consoles can already announce GG, at most a few more years, the future is the world of virtual brain machines, and as an industry practitioner, I know this even more. So far, no one can compete with Cote d'Azur in this field. .

Luo Sheng got up again and walked back and forth on the stage for a while, and said at the same time: "When it comes to technology, the people of Magnesium have something to say. Ben has been in my eyes for many years. Even if you are not familiar with "Virtual Arena", at least you have seen the advertisement of "Paradise II" on the subway. The light rendering of flowing clouds and water is as beautiful as the algorithm of its engine. ."

Friends of the Magnesium: You continue to tout, it is better to increase your efforts, the Wo people are very happy.

Luo Sheng expounded like a lot: "Unreal has already made a lot of money as an engine businessman, and their eyes are farther than others. It was in 2010 when Azure was just selling crazy, it opened its UDK as AOS. It is a free development kit for the terminal and opens up the future game mobile terminal market in advance. Unreal 4 further abandons Unreal Script and opens up the more popular C++ as the basic language, and its promotion and use group is very clear."

Having said that, Luo Sheng shrugged and spread his hands: "Of course it's the same."

Friends of Magnesium: ? ? ?

"To be honest, a few years ago, we actually wanted to buy the phantom at a high price, but today it seems that we don't need it. I don't want to target anyone, I just want to say that the friends who are still alive have already There is no one who can fight." Luo Sheng's words were like a lonely master.

"???" Global friends and businessmen are full of question marks: "I don't want to lose face?"



The audience at the scene was excited by Luo Sheng's expansive speech. Although these words are not generally crazy, and the friends and businessmen are extremely uncomfortable when they hear it, it seems that there is no good way to take him.

After Luo Sheng played a few main friends (di) business (ren), he felt that it was almost the same, and immediately added calmly: "OK, then we will use this real machine for a live demonstration, let everyone Get a glimpse of what this virtual digital world really looks like."


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