Half an hour has passed since the press conference. While Luo Sheng announced the demonstration in front of the stage, the work team in the background was busy.

Before the stage, Luo Sheng came to the virtual brain machine, pointed to one of the cables with a diameter as large as a cigarette, and said, "This line can convert the information of the virtual brain machine into digital signals and enter the traditional Internet. The projection of the virtual world on the two-dimensional screen, through the interaction with the traditional Internet, allows us in the real world to observe the scene in the virtual world on the screen, and we can also achieve communication and interconnection through the interaction between the traditional Internet and the virtual world. "

so amazing!

Both the audience at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were staring intently. Luo Sheng gave a brief introduction. Under the witness of everyone, he personally entered the virtual brain machine and lay down. .

The audience was silent, and the audience seemed to lift their hearts. Everyone knew that the moment of history was coming.

At this time, the main screen on the stage was black, but it was not closed. After waiting for ten seconds, the countdown was displayed when the screen turned on again.

The audience at the scene unconsciously followed the numbers on the screen and shouted in unison, and the atmosphere became more and more hot.

"9, 8...3, 2, 1, 0"

The screen appeared again, and the reporters on the scene locked this historic moment into the lens.

In 2006, Luo Sheng opened the door to the world of mobile Internet with his fingertips on the first-generation Azure-X mobile phone.

Today, 14 years later, the presentation of a picture has opened the door to the virtual world.

Everyone present was staring at the screen on the stage, and the scene displayed was a living room, which was surprising.

what's going on?

As the camera shifted, the picture of Luo Sheng sitting comfortably on a sofa caught everyone's eyes. A holographic floating screen jumped out in front of him. Inside the screen was the live broadcast of the press conference. The audience saw themselves The real-time picture is inside.

It means that this is not a good special effect video, but a real-time calculation picture.

At this time, Luo Sheng stood up and walked a few steps, tilted his head to look at the camera and smiled: "Welcome to the virtual world, the scene you see is your personal host interface, and the personal desktop system in the virtual world is full of personalization. Users can choose different styles according to their personal preferences, such as this is an indoor home style, or it can be an outdoor beach style…”

After speaking, everyone saw a holographic interface pop up again in front of Luo Sheng, and introduced: "We have made more than 5,000 different styles of desktops to provide users with choices."

Under the witness of everyone, Luo Sheng clicked confirm to replace the style of a cosmic starry sky, and then the scene turned into a cosmic starry sky like the sky was spinning.

Luo Sheng also became weightless. There was a space station in the scene. I saw him flying towards the space station, and when he entered the interior, he saw various desktop icons fluttering around.

They are the client logo icons of major Internet products familiar to the audience, such as Blue Space, QQ, Yunge Search, Dibao, Battle.net, Steam, etc.

The screen changed again, and it became a DreamWorks style, with cute robots walking around, and their work clothes had the logos of major clients.

The audience at the scene saw Luo Sheng's continuous demonstration of the operation of the host interface. The amazing scenes caused the audience off the field to exclaim continuously, causing a sensation, causing waves of applause and cheers.

"Fuck, is this a real-time calculation picture?"

"This is the desktop scene of the virtual world?"

"Three-dimensional desktop, you can also directly enter the desktop, what a fairy interactive experience."

"Imagination is the only obstacle that restricts the virtual world, and there is almost nothing in it."

"Is this the second world? I've got it!"



The host interface of the demonstration was in the style of DreamWorks. Luo Sheng continued to advance the press conference directly in the virtual world. He called up a virtual brain machine, and then the modular fragmentation and separation kept a rough outline suspended in the air.

"Let's introduce the main hardware components of the virtual brain computer. This is the central processing unit, the DNA storage hard disk..." Every time Luo Sheng read out a module, the corresponding parts floating in the air were automatically framed.

"The virtual brain machine adopts the most advanced semiconductor process so far, and it is also the only commercial product that uses 5-nanometer technology. It represents a product with the highest technical level of human beings so far." Luo Sheng said methodically: "97% of its technologies are applied for the first time. These modules are expensive to manufacture. Taking DNA storage disks as an example, the cost is about 160,000 yuan."


A hard drive is more than 100,000? Isn't the whole set of equipment too expensive? No one with dozens of millions can play?

Although the audience had already prepared in their hearts and knew that this thing is definitely not cheap, Luo Sheng's words successfully made more than 80% of the people die.

The live broadcast room has been "disturbed" by the screen.

"An excellent product should be enjoyed by the vast majority of people in the world. For this reason, we put the CPU, memory, hard disk... and these components..." Luo Sheng removed all the core components from the host. Eliminated, and the remaining components were reassembled to form a new virtual brain machine,

The core components that were stripped out floated in mid-air, and Luo Sheng threw them into another super-large device and introduced: "These expensive hardware are gathered together to build a super central computer and put it in the cloud. Through the cloud, we By providing on-demand services and flexible allocation of desktops, applications, hardware and computing resources to users, the cost of virtual brain machines has been greatly reduced."

Some viewers who were originally dead were rekindled when they heard this. Through cloud computing solutions, it is equivalent to eliminating expensive hardware costs. Paying for cloud services is equivalent to purchasing services, and buying them in installments .

This can indeed greatly reduce the purchase threshold, and you can experience this advanced technology product without paying sky-high prices.

"What is the price of such an epoch-making high-tech product?"

When everyone saw Luo Sheng on the screen, they couldn't help but hold their breaths when they heard this. Everyone hoped that the Archbishop would raise his hand, and he must be able to afford it!

At this time, Luo Sheng reached out and swept out a floating holographic interface with a quotation number on it.


"One, two, three, four... five figures... what? Just fifty thousand dollars?" An audience member at the scene counted, and then was shocked.

After two seconds of sluggishness, thunderous applause broke out in the audience again. Thousands of fans and audience at the scene all stood up and applauded for the price. .

If it is 500,000 units, most people will not buy it. It is not that they do not want to buy it, but they really cannot afford it. At this price, they can afford a house in some ordinary counties, and most people still buy it. I can't afford it.

But 50,000 yuan, although it is not a small amount for the vast majority of ordinary people, it is not an unattainable number.

The point is, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, this set of equipment has to be bought for hundreds of thousands, right?

The official offer was definitely a pleasant surprise.


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