Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 865 [New material 1 comes to break through various brain holes]

"This kind of nano-wire mesh deployed on the seabed has a strong deterrent effect. If the enemy sneaks into our territorial waters without knowing it, he will definitely not dare to break in again next time after suffering once." Yang Hongyi looked at the hand in his hand. The bundle of carbon nanowires, after thinking for a moment, looked at Luo Sheng and added:

"It's just that this thing cuts iron like mud to the point where even the steel body of a warship can't stand in front of it. If it is deployed in a large area in my country's territorial waters, it will inevitably affect the migration of species in the entire marine ecology and cause damage to the natural ecosystem."

Hearing Yang Hongyi's concern, Luo Sheng said with a smile: "It's not a big problem, the main goal is to intercept big guys like submarines, not to fish for fish, just make the size and density of the net small, 99% of the ocean is Fish creatures can pass through, after all, there are few large marine creatures, mainly cetaceans, especially blue whales have a high probability of lying down."

"But then again, there are almost no blue whales in my country's territorial waters, and there are very few recorded records. Compared with the probability of being accidentally killed by the wire mesh, it is far less than the Japanese whaling fleet. The Japanese only need a few fewer The cetaceans caught in the subsea are enough to kill the silk nets for ten years.”

Obviously, both time-span statistics and probability statistics are acceptable. Submarines are deployed on the seabed for defense, and submarines and sonar detectors are no longer included.

As long as the submarines are blocked, those submarines cannot penetrate into the hinterland of the territorial waters because of the limitation of their range.

It may be extremely uncomfortable for whale lovers, but the military always considers national security as the first priority, and it is nothing at all to accidentally kill a few cetaceans by the nanowire mesh.

Even mistakenly killed whales fall in their own territorial waters, but they can enrich the ecology of the waters where they are located. You must know that when whales fall, everything is born, and the saying that whales give birth to everything has a long history.

Yang Hongyi pointed to the carbon nanowires in his hand and said, "Can I take this bundle with me? It should be used when reporting."

Luo Sheng nodded happily: "No problem, of course."

Yang Hongyi put it away, and when he was about to leave, he thought of something, and asked on the spot, "By the way, what is the cost of this thing?"

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "It's not easy to calculate. The larger the quantity, the more the relative cost will continue to be evenly shared, which is inversely proportional. The price is calculated in centimeters, and 1 centimeter is not less than the cost of 1 yuan."

Hearing such a cost price, Yang Hongyi laughed and said, "Everything you have is good, the only bad thing is that it is not cheap."

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "The new materials that have just produced results are really not cheap.


Yang Hongyi nodded: "Okay, I'll say goodbye if I have nothing else to do."

The length of one meter is about 100 yuan, which is neither expensive nor cheap. For the coastline of 18,000 kilometers across the country, if you pull a piece of it, it will cost you more than 1 million yuan, but this thing is impossible to use. Weaving into a net must be a multiple of the same base.

It is worth mentioning that even if the military purchases more quantities, it is still limited, far from being able to compare with the amount of ladder cables. When the demand reaches the explosive level of the ladder cables, the cost of one meter of carbon nanowires is only about 0.83. The relative cost is reduced by at least 120 times.


After Yang Hongyi brought the samples to the report, the General Assembly Department really attached great importance to this. In just one week, Yang Hongyi came to meet with Luo Sheng again.

This time, he came over and brought a purchase order of 2.5 billion yuan directly. Luo Sheng's company only needs to provide a single nanowire. How to use the military to decide.

The military has used the powerful properties of carbon nanofilaments to play more new tricks, allowing relevant scientific research institutions to open a brainstorm. The military is not only satisfied with defense, but also wants to play tricks on offense.

For example, the resulting thesis studies whether the development of net-bound firearms can use its characteristics and strong restraint to destroy tanks.

One of the brain holes is to use artillery to launch. The warhead of the projectile is replaced by a traditional armor-piercing bullet with this kind of nano-wire mesh. When approaching the enemy tank, the nano-wire mesh in the warhead spreads out instantly and spreads out directly. If the tank is caught in the net, the tank barrel will be cut and broken when the angle is adjusted, or the crawler will be destroyed, and the tank will lose its combat effectiveness.

There is also an even more unique idea is AOE-style strikes, which are used for large-scale army operations, directly through rockets, missiles and other transport vehicles, replacing the warhead with a nano-wire mesh with super-large coverage and launching it to the enemy's position.

When a net is covered, the enemy in the area is basically reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered. If the enemy is an attacker, it can effectively slow down the enemy's advance. If the enemy retreats, it can be bound to the local area with a high probability. The area cannot be escaped for a short period of time.

There is no sky-shattering explosion and sky-high fire, but its lethality is not too much, and it has a strong psychological shock to the enemy. Just imagine, it is terrifying to see a person beside him being unloaded. .

Its greatest value is not to kill the enemy in an instant, but to kill the enemy. If a limb is cut or injured, it means that if one person is injured, more people will lose their combat effectiveness because of the rescue.

There is also an even crazier idea to create a denser wire mesh for aerial interception to protect important strategic facilities such as radar positions, airfields and so on.

The large-area mesh is theoretically wider than the defense area of ​​the near fire artillery. In theory, as long as the military expenditure can support it, it can be played like this, but it is a bit expensive.

These crazy brain holes are not just ideas, but are really used for experiments by some domestic military industry departments.

If it is confirmed that it can be used in actual combat, it will be considered for installation.

However, this time, the military decided to secretly deploy the submarine deep net on the seabed of the southern territorial waters mainly based on carbon nanowire materials.

There is no need to do it with great fanfare. It is best if the old American submarine does not come and dangle. If it does come, it will stay here forever.

The old beauty will only break her teeth and swallow it in her stomach. It is absolutely impossible to shake out the trap of passive defense set up by others. Shaking it will only make it more embarrassing.

It is foreseeable that if Lao Mei is really unfortunate, the rabbit will immediately close the net when he catches a big fish.

Because it is not revealed on the surface, the two parties will definitely negotiate in private, and the other party will definitely focus on investigating the accident site on the grounds of salvaging the wreckage.

Of course, the net must be taken away. The unknown existence is the most frightening thing. Once bitten by a snake, the old beauty will automatically wonder if the Chinese people have deployed such a massacre in their territorial waters on a large scale. device?

The real and the fake are the real and the real, and a powerful deterrent is created. If you want to fight the autumn wind again in the future, you have to weigh it carefully.

The "Rice Noodles Crossing the Bridge" plan is actually a money-saving strategy. It can be regarded as an "empty city" tactic. After all, carbon nanowires are not cheap. It would take an astronomical sum to enclose the border areas of the major territorial waters.

The deployment is too dense, and it may injure one's own people.

A truly powerful weapon only needs to be shown once in front of the enemy.


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