Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 866 [Startup of the Ladder Project]

Starting from the second half of this year, companies like Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology are no longer the focus of Luo Sheng's attention. After fifteen or sixteen years of development, they are getting closer to the ceiling.

To break this bottleneck and break through the ceiling, you have to go to heaven!

No matter how much he has been on the earth, he will inevitably end up involuntarily.

Therefore, since the second half of the year, Luo Sheng's focus has shifted to Star Arrow International, and everything has been laid out with the sky as the center of gravity.

However, it is not completely ignored. The companies such as Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology are the basics, and there is no money to look up to the stars without a moth.

If you want to go to heaven, you basically have to use money to pile it up, and of course you can’t without capital.


In Luo Sheng's office, at the moment he is carrying the performance reports of several companies that An Qingxue has just sent. The giant screen in front of him is waiting for a video connection, and he will have to talk to the people from Star Arrow International in a moment. Wired meeting.

Taking advantage of this gap, I also took a general look at the interim results of several companies that have just come out.

According to the disclosed performance data, the global revenue of Côte d’Azur in the first half of this year was US$505.621 billion, down 11.83% from the previous year. The main reason for the decline in revenue was the international pandemic of Sequoia.

More than half of Côte d’Azur’s revenue comes from the international market, and 70% of offline stores are still closed. If it hadn’t been for Dabai Robot to sell the world this year to hedge its performance losses, I’m afraid this interim report’s revenue would be better than the previous year. dropped by more than half.

However, although the revenue in the first half of the year decreased by nearly 70 billion US dollars, the net profit increased by 9% year-on-year. The net profit attributable to owners of the parent company hit a new high of 123.235 billion US dollars, and the first half of the performance hit a net profit margin of 24.37%.

There are a large number of store closures in the international market, and layoffs have reduced part of the contribution, but the biggest part is the contribution of Dabai Robot, which contributed the most core profit to the performance in the first half of the year, surpassing the company's smartphone terminal business for the first time.

You must know that the operation of the bidding Dabai robot a year ago achieved a turnover of 1.91 trillion US dollars, and the profit premium was nearly 200 billion US dollars.

This year's Côte d'Azur relies on Dabai Robot to support this impressive performance. Even Côte d'Azur can't stand the revenue drop of more than 10 percentage points.

Other companies are even more appalling. There are countless companies that have been cut off by more than half of their mid-year reports, and some have even dropped by more than 70%. It is hard to see the extreme.

But to say that the most beautiful boy of several companies under Luo Sheng's command this year is not the blue coast, nor the blue pure electric car.

It is Bluestar Technology Group!

The international market has been hit by the Sequoia pandemic, which has directly led to a surge in demand for cloud services represented by cloud office. Although Bluestar Technology Group is still in people's impressions as an Internet social giant, in fact, it was as early as Luo Sheng put Lu Qi. Since digging over to dominate the cloud computing sector of Bluestar Technology, the company has no longer positioned itself in this way.

Instead, it calls itself a world-leading big data and cloud computing service provider.

This year, the cloud services led by the company's Star-Could have propped up half of Bluestar Technology Group's interim results. Not only did the revenue in the first half of the year not drop, but instead it created a situation where both revenue and profit increased.

The disclosed performance in the interim report was 267.515 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 39.6%, and the net profit was also very good, hitting a record of 70.089 billion US dollars, and the net profit margin was 26.2%.

The market value of Bluestar Technology has returned to the $3 trillion mark in June this year since it was smashed into a golden sinkhole by the Sequoia pandemic.

Not only that, it further broke through the previous high last month, standing at an all-time high of 3.37 trillion US dollars.

As the largest heavyweight in the US stock market, Bluestar Technology has deeply affected the trend of the Nasdaq index and even the entire US stock market. Today's Nasdaq is basically "kidnapped" by Bluestar Technology.

In the past five years, the trend of the two is almost the same. Now Bluestar Technology is standing at a new record high, and the Nasdaq is also standing at a record high of 13,204.15 points.

In the context of this year's global economy being hit hard, Luo Sheng is quite satisfied with the performance of his two core companies. There are big benefits. After business diversification, the performance of this section has stalled, and the other section The business can stand up to prop up the company's performance.

When Luo Sheng was about to take a look at the mid-term report of Weilan Pure Electric Automobile Company, all the sub-screens of the video link were connected to the signal one after another. When Luo Sheng saw this, he put a few mid-term report performance materials in the office. He went to the folder layer on the table, and turned to look at the video screen in front of him.

The first person to connect to the signal was Professor Liu Jianwei, followed by Zheng Tao, the second-in-command of Star Arrow International. The images of the participants appeared on more than ten sub-screens.

Those who participated in the video conference were either the core managers of Star Arrow International or the chief scientific research scientists of key departments like Liu Jianwei.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Sheng is also the CEO of Star Arrow International, but in the past few years, Zheng Tao was in charge of running the company.

"Everyone is here, so let's get started. After so many years of preparations for the ladder plan, it's time to enter the substantive schedule of the project." Luo Sheng, who presided over the meeting, immediately opened the conversation.

Everyone was in high spirits, especially Liu Jianwei, who couldn't hide the joy and excitement in their hearts.

The century project, which has been in preparation for more than ten years, is finally about to start...

Luo Sheng looked at Zheng Tao's image, the latter looked down at the materials prepared on his desk, opened the overview and said, "This is the largest and craziest man-made system project in human history. We have to use the latest data to calculate the budget for the construction of the space ladder with supercomputers.”

Luo Sheng said concisely: "How much?"

Zheng Tao also replied neatly: "The budget of the ladder shows that it needs 40.806 trillion yuan, and the total budget is 57.31 trillion yuan!"

Luo Sheng said to himself: "It's about 8.5 trillion US dollars excluding exchange rate changes."

Zheng Tao further deconstructed and added: "In terms of the specific budget, the ground tower base and the space port are built. At present, Linga Port has been completed, and the sky tower base accounts for 3.826% of the budget, about 1.56 trillion yuan. , the proportion of the cost is relatively the least, and the engineering difficulty is relatively the easiest.”

A participant said: "After all, this is ground construction, and it can be regarded as a traditional infrastructure project."

Zheng Tao continued: "The second is the construction of the orbital super space station Tianzhou. Due to the addition of the space factory module, the budget for this module of the space station has also increased to 9.64 trillion yuan. The most expensive is the ladder cable, with a budget of 300,000 yuan. billions."

"The budget for the cable includes a part of the transportation cost, but the space station module of the ladder still needs 4.3 trillion yuan, and the actual budget here is 45.106 trillion yuan."

"In the end, the budget for factories and production lines and other miscellaneous expenses required for various types of ground is about 12.204 trillion yuan, and the total budget for the entire project is about 57.31 trillion yuan, or about 8.5 trillion US dollars."

After Zheng Tao reported this number again, Liu Jianwei and others who were present already knew it was an astronomical number, but they were still deeply shocked.

Strictly speaking, no country in the world has the economic strength to implement a budget of 8.5 trillion US dollars on a project. What shocked everyone the most was that Luo Sheng was able to manage a financial budget that the five hooligans on the planet couldn't handle. do it!

It's incredible to think about.

After Zheng Tao read the briefing, seeing that no one spoke, he looked at Luo Sheng's image and spoke again: "Mr. Luo, according to your original idea, you would introduce Shengfeng Capital to realize the indirect bet of global investors on the Tianti project. , I am worried that when the solar storm comes, will global investors collectively withdraw funds and run in panic? Such a large project cannot tolerate the slightest difference, will it be better to wait for the storm to start?”

The dozen or so people present were obviously the few who knew about solar storms, and they were doing space exploration, so how could they not know about it.

Hearing Zheng Tao's suggestion, Luo Sheng directly denied it without thinking too much: "If you really wait for the solar wind to blow over and then start it up, it will be completely cold. If you are an investor, you would dare to invest if you are so frightened by the solar storm. ?"

Zheng Tao was speechless when he heard it, as long as he was a normal person, he probably wouldn't invest.

Luo Sheng looked around the crowd and said, "Because of this, not only is it not a crisis but a ballast stone, not only can we not start after the solar storm blows, but we have to start the ladder project before the storm blows, which is impossible in the first few years. Launch activities on a large scale, set up a large-scale factory production line on the ground, build the base of the sky tower first, build and store as many modules of the space station as can be built, and then launch them together after the storm."

"After doing this, when the solar storm blows, there is no way for investors to withdraw their capital. By that time, more than half of the capital has been invested in it. If it really quits midway, it will be completely lost, and no one can take it. The plate means that the withdrawal cannot be realized, which means that the withdrawal cannot be withdrawn.”

"So, at that time, not only will you have to bite the bullet and go with me, but if necessary, you will have to make additional investments to maintain this investment target. Even if it is a dream, it cannot be shattered. As long as it does not fall, the story of the sea of ​​stars is priceless. "

At the end, Liu Jianwei, Zheng Tao and others in the participants looked at each other across the video screen.

Everyone didn't say a word, but their hearts were already screaming!

Is this the true idea of ​​the leader?

The purpose of co-authoring is to entangle global investors. As long as you get in the car, don’t want to get out of the car. The door is welded tightly. Either everyone will go to the sky together, or everyone will go to hell together, there is no third way. Optional.

Just don't be too harsh!

Just don't get too excited!

Zheng Tao has already imagined in his mind the moment when the solar storm comes three years later. Global investors estimate that they will not be able to sleep well every day in the days to come. Investors who get on Luo Sheng's "star train" must be What kind of mood, what a scumbag to live a life of fear from now on...

Is there anything more exciting than this?


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