Global Monopoly of Technology

Modifications from the previous chapter

When the vehicle arrived at the construction site of the base of the sky tower, the leaders of more than 20 infrastructure groups have been waiting for a long time, and dozens of people wearing wine red helmets are waiting for Luo Sheng's arrival.

The most difficult part of the entire sky tower base project, from artificial island filling to sky tower construction, is not the technical problem, but the systematic overall scheduling of the entire project.

How to command thousands of construction machinery and equipment and hundreds of thousands of construction personnel to perform their own construction operations? This kind of overall scheduling ability can only be achieved by Chinese people in the world. In fact, this is also the case of other international infrastructure contractors. One of the core reasons for not daring to accept the Star Arrow International list.

I was immediately scared away, saying that I couldn't do it, no one could do it.

When Luo Sheng got out of the car, one of the security staff accompanying him handed him and An Qingxue a wine red helmet.

After getting out of the car and putting on his hat, Luo Sheng looked forward and saw a banner at first sight. The words on it read:

Warmly welcome the leaders of the headquarters to visit and inspect!

Some reporters were also arranged to report, but the media that can report here are not foreign media, and what can be reported on is subject to the approval of the relevant leaders.

At this moment, Luo Sheng was surrounded by a group of security personnel. He was really helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

Not long after he got out of the car, the heads of major engineering projects who had been waiting for a long time also greeted them in groups. An Qingxue, who was beside him, immediately briefed each of the project leaders of the partners who shook hands with Luo Sheng. introduce.

Luo Sheng didn't know them, but An Qingxue had obviously done enough homework before coming, and it took a long time to shake hands with the principals of the main project contracting partners one by one.

After walking through the procedure, Luo Sheng and his group of dozens of people wearing burgundy helmets walked along the road together, listening to the introduction of the major project partners, and several reporters also watched the camera equipment fly. Run to the front or to the side to capture.

Today's weather is clear and clear, Linga is on the equator, and the surface temperature is still quite hot.

At this moment, an accompanying staff member released an aerial photography drone, and a middle-aged man with a red hat handed a tablet to Luo Sheng, and the display screen on the panel was sent back by the drone. Live aerial view.

The picture shows that Luo Sheng and the others are standing on a large annular artificial island at the moment.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a red hat came to Luo Sheng's side. He was the general manager of the entire Tianta project and knew more than others.

"Mr. Luo, the current progress of the project has reached the end of the secondary reinforcement of the artificial roundabout." He pointed to the tower cranes being dismantled along the coast of the roundabout. The artificial island filling project was accompanied by the construction of Linga Port. It began to fill the island non-stop, and it has not stopped until today.

"The total steel consumption of the secondary reinforcement project reached 42.6 billion tons, accounting for almost half of the country's steel production. A strong retaining wall was built along the circular island with steel cylinders one after another, forming a circle. It was filled with sand and gravel to form a stable foundation structure under our feet."

Luo Sheng nodded silently and listened. The chief engineer of the project said, "The reason why steel cylinders are used is that the silt in this sea area where the artificial circular island is built is relatively deep, and ordinary riprap and caisson are prone to slipping and are not stable enough..."

This is a super long project, which took five years to construct, and the total cost is more than 150 billion US dollars, and it will eat an average of 30 billion US dollars every year.

Each steel cylinder is processed in batches in the mainland, and then transported here by ocean-going cargo ships. The steel cylinders are lifted by a tower crane and then sunk into the foundation of the artificial circular island one by one with a linked hydraulic vibration hammer. The steel cylinder is fixed in the silt, and the hollow part in the middle is filled with sand and gravel.

After a long time, these steel cylinders will definitely face the problem of corrosion after tens of hundreds of years.

But it doesn't matter, after such a long time, the area surrounded by the steel cylinder has been filled into a large solid.

The chief person in charge said while walking: "Starting from February next year, the most extensive project is to drain all the 15.2 billion cubic meters of seawater inside the circular island. It is expected to take three years and more than one million strong The water pump operates 24 hours a day and night, and the second step is completed, and the third step is when the five major infrastructure groups show their talents, the construction of the foundation is carried out inside the roundabout."

Luo Sheng looked at the vast sea of ​​water in front of him and couldn't help but sigh: "Draining this water in three years is equivalent to draining a Taihu Lake in a year, an epic project that has never been seen before, no less than the construction of the Great Wall more than 2,000 years ago. Come out, only we dare to think and do it, haha!"

Everyone accompanying him also laughed and continued to follow Luo Sheng.

These red hat engineering project leaders are now laughing easily, but when they first learned about it, they were also shocked by the rhythm of their eyes bulging out.

The inner area of ​​the artificially filled circular island is more than 30 times larger than that of Taihu Lake in China, and then all the seawater inside is drained. Is this something that people dare to do?

But if it is not drained, the base of the sky tower cannot be built.

After the sea water is drained, the base of the sky tower can be built in a depression more than ten meters below the sea level in the round island. After the completion, the base of the sky tower will be 358 meters above sea level, and it will also become an unprecedented man-made world wonder in this sea area. , can also be clearly seen with the naked eye in space, especially at night.

Those who have seen the scaled virtual model, without exception, are shocked and do not know how to describe it.

It is foreseeable that after the completion of the base of the sky tower and even the final sky ladder, it will become the most unique scenic spot in the world, and it will surely attract thousands of tourists.

Luo Sheng looked back and asked, "Is energy consumption and supply not a problem?"

The person in charge immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, our luck is also very good. We have explored a submarine oil well about 37 nautical miles from you at three o'clock, and the reserves are estimated to be at least 80 million tons. It is contracted to us for full mining operation, and they account for 30% of the share income, which is equivalent to lying down and collecting money.”

Luo Sheng nodded: "Well, just lie down, don't point fingers, don't have any other ideas, just tell them to shut up."

There was a burst of Gordon in the hearts of those who were present, and it sounded like there was nothing wrong with it, but it was terrifying.

The person in charge continued: "With this oil field, all the mechanical equipment of the whole project, including all power and energy consumption, can be supported by this oil well, and India mud can be considered to have hit a historical opportunity. Power plants, chemicals and other modern Basic industries will land on Sumatra on a large scale and industrialize without doing anything.”

A down-to-earth description is like running into a demolition. There is a kind of victory that can really be won by lying down.

Yinni figured it out five years ago, don't do anything, hug Star Arrow International's thigh, and then lie down to win.

As for other things, I don't dare to think about it, such as Linga Port and the base of the sky tower, even if Luo Sheng throws it to the other party, the other party has a hundred thousand courage to be scared. It's too hot to touch, if I really dare to pick it up, the whole ink pad will explode.

Holding your thighs honestly, you can take off when you get a sip of soup, and you can save your worries and troubles. Don't go to the fight between the top bosses, so as not to suffer from the disaster of pond fish.


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