Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and seventieth chapters [drain the seawater]

A man with a red hat came to Luo Sheng and said with a smile, "Mr. Luo, it's getting late, the luncheon is ready, I'm just waiting for you to pick up the dust."

Just arrived here, Luo Sheng didn't rest, and ran directly to the construction site of the base of the sky tower.

Hearing this, Luo Sheng directly denied it: "No need, just follow the big guy to eat on the construction site, just to see how the food is."

Several red hat managers looked at each other.

Well, the boss has the final say, the construction site will have lunch.

Just when Luo Sheng had just made this decision, the accompanying security officer turned his head and whispered to a subordinate next to him. After a while, the subordinate nodded silently and left quietly.

He brought a group of people to the kitchen where the construction site was located. The purpose was to check the safety of Luo Sheng's next meal and eliminate all potential hidden dangers. The staff who delivered the meals were also replaced by security staff to ensure safety. The food was delivered to Luo Sheng's hands.

These behind-the-scenes work are not known to outsiders. There are many people here, and he is still abroad. By now, Luo Sheng's itinerary must have been known to the outside world. His personal security is too many things, and he has to take precautions.

At about 11:00 and 20, Luo Sheng and others were eating in a canteen on the circular artificial island. In fact, it was a large steel shed, and it was also a temporary building that would eventually be demolished. Such steel There are one or twenty sheds on the circular island.

The scale of the project is too large and the period is very long. The construction personnel are calculated in units of 10,000, and the canteen will not be too few.

Luo Sheng, the chief engineer of the project, and a few others ate at the same table in the canteen. There were also a large number of workers in the canteen who came to eat. Basically, they all knew Luo Sheng, and those who didn't knew they were the big leaders.

At this time, Luo Sheng saw that a reporter was recording video, and immediately stopped:

"What's the point of having a meal? I don't need to rely on the scene of eating a box lunch with the vast number of workers to set up a people-friendly character. It's better to make the workers' food and accommodation conditions better, and the workers' wages to engage in these vain-headed people. The more timely the distribution, the more diligent the work will be.”

Having said this, Luo Sheng turned his head to look around, and sure enough, most of the workers who were dining in this public canteen paid attention to this side, and the workers at the next tables also basically heard what he said.

Luo Sheng said in a loud voice: "Don't worry, everyone, if you are owed wages and wages, you can leave a message on Star Arrow International official V or report anonymously. Although you are not my direct employees, you are a relatively strong Party A. , this Lord, I can still help you do it.”

A few accompanying engineering leaders immediately underestimated: be confident,

Get rid of the comparison, you are the most powerful party.

As soon as the remarks came out, the workers present cheered happily. Luo Sheng's words were still authoritative, and the workers who were sent to work in Linga were also satisfied. Although it was a little harder, the wages were in place and never defaulted. .

This also has a lot to do with the fact that Star Arrow International, as Party A, has paid in place. In addition to the rapid payment of relatively higher profits to the cooperative contractors, they can better pay wages on time when they have money.

It is the most powerful party, but it is also the strongest party.

In fact, Star Arrow International has also encountered some unsightly partners of Party B. They started to act as demons when they got the project in the middle of the construction. However, Star Arrow International is also ruthless, and directly terminated the cooperation unilaterally and put them on the blacklist of the same industry. , would rather directly lose billions of dollars at all costs.

For the demon partners, this blacklist will be a heavy blow, which means that it will be almost difficult to survive and develop in the industry in the future.

However, there are very few people who act as demons. Basically, those who cooperate with Star Arrow International are big companies, and they still need to be embarrassed.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Sheng is so generous and generous, and there is another huge real side that cannot be ignored, that is, he basically spends the investors' money anyway. Well.

When the reporter saw the leader waving his hand behind his back, he also put down the video equipment and stopped filming. Several engineering leaders who accompanied Luo Sheng to the meal said in their hearts that the boss is the boss, and the realm is not ordinary. .

Although the video equipment in the reporter's hand was put away, the mobile phone of the dining worker next to him was still filming. Mobile phones can be used during non-work hours. It is only forbidden to bring personal electronic devices to work when they are on the job.

The videos shot by the workers will also be spread on the Internet, and the professional pictures shot by the reporters are a bit fake and suspected of being a show, but the vlog videos shot by the workers, and so many workers are shooting, on the contrary, it is more down-to-earth. convince.

"How many employees are there currently in the entire project? Is there a specific number?" Luo Sheng, who was eating a boxed lunch, asked casually.

"All together, there are 176,456 people, of which 164,328 were dispatched from China, and 322 have suffered minor work-related injuries since the island filling project. 2 people were seriously injured, and no construction workers have been killed due to work so far." The chief engineer reported the data very smoothly, and seeing Luo Sheng nodded with satisfaction, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The big guy picks up this kind of small question. It seems to be asked casually and it is a small question that is optional. If you can't answer it, something will happen.

Even these random small questions can be answered smoothly, which shows that the person in charge is really responsible, and the small questions can be clearly understood, which means that there will be no problems in the general direction, and there is no need to ask again.

Of course, Luo Sheng knows the exact number of workers here, and he also knows why the injured workers were injured, when they were injured, what the current situation is, and how the placement is going. In the era of big data, these will be put on file, and you can find out at a glance.

If you want to know about the project, just have a mobile phone and ask Xiaona.

During this short meal time, Luo Sheng was basically asking some innocuous questions, but he would also ask some important questions from time to time. In addition to the overall information obtained by Xiaona, Luo Sheng was basically sure that the people below were not crazy. Fishing in water.


This field trip is actually over here, and the next thing is to go through the process.


In the next three days, an unprecedented water pumping feat will be staged at the construction site of the base of the sky tower, draining the approximately 15 billion cubic meters of seawater in the artificial circular island.

Luo Sheng also plans to stay here for a few more days.

the next day.

At four or five in the morning, the entire artificial roundabout was still brightly lit, and the staff performed their respective duties, and they were all in a tense and orderly manner to check the situation of each pump and the energy supply of the power plant.

At seven o'clock in the morning, all the pump coefficients were fully operational, and the seawater inside the roundabout was madly pumped out and transported to the sea outside the roundabout.

Luo Sheng also lived in a building on the circular island. Of course, his residence was much more luxurious than that of the workers, no less than the high standard of a star-rated hotel.

Time passed by, and Luo Sheng woke up around 7:30. She glanced at An Qingxue who was beside her eye pillow and saw that she hadn't woken up, so she got up by herself, pulled it aside and looked out, she couldn't help but be surprised: " Oh, it's starting, there's so much water, it's really spectacular..."

Standing by the window, you can see the artificial circular island. The water pumped out one by one at an elevation angle of 30 degrees is sprayed out, all of which flow into the sea outside the island, and the entire circular island produces a gorgeous rainbow.

All the pumps operate at the same time, and the average pumping volume per second reaches 58,000 cubic meters. In theory, the 15.2 billion cubic meters of seawater in the artificial circular island can be completely drained within three days.

At this moment, Luo Sheng suddenly heard An Qingxue's anger: "What are you talking about, you rascal..."

Luo Sheng glanced at her and corrected her with a serious tone: "Baby, I'm talking about those pumps outside."

An Qingxue: "???"

Qingxue sister paper's inner activity: Huh? This……

Luo Sheng saw that she slumped into the quilt in embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing: "But to be honest, you're actually pretty good, and there are quite a few."

An Qingxue: "Shut up!"

Luo Sheng shrugged, spread out his hands, and left the window to wash up.


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