Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 876 [Large-scale seafood fishing scene]

After five days, Luo Sheng's field trip to the scene ended. Today is November 18th.

At about 16:00 p.m. local time, Luo Sheng's private plane had lifted off from the takeoff runway of Linga Airport, heading towards the country.

Through the plane's porthole, Luo Sheng could see the artificial circular island in the sea below, and also saw a large number of people in the depression. At a rough glance, there were at least seven or eight hundred people, and the seawater in the ring had been drained by the coefficient. , the specific time spent is 75 hours, and there are currently large and small low-lying puddles left.

The diameter of the artificial ring island is nearly 70 kilometers, and the area inside the ring is larger than that of Taihu Lake in China. Even in the low-orbit outer space of 300 to 400 kilometers, this huge artificial tiankeng can be clearly seen.

However, the sea area where the artificial ring-shaped island is located is not a deep-sea area, and the deepest part of the ring is only about 16 meters.


At the same time, at Linga Port, the world's largest unmanned cargo terminal, three ocean-going cargo ships of nearly 400,000 tons have completed the port.

However, at this moment, the intersection of the wharf port and Linga County is now occupied by hundreds of people, who are holding up signs of embracing, and some have painted some marine life, coral reefs and so on.

Apparently, this is a group of so-called international marine environmentalists.

"Here is the most objective and impartial on-the-spot report brought to you by the BBC. Star Arrow International has been puzzled by the world since it launched the Linga Port project eight years ago. From filling the island to now draining the entire island's waters, what are they going to do? What to do is still a mystery, and Star Arrow International has so far refused to disclose its project purpose to the outside world on the grounds of commercial confidentiality."

"According to the latest images taken by Google satellites, the seawater in the ring-shaped islands has been drained, and thousands of construction machinery and equipment of various types have been driven to the depressions, so the audience saw this sad picture captured by the satellite. Unfortunately, the artificial ring-shaped island is a coral reef, waiting for their fate to usher in destruction, as well as all the creatures inside."

"Because we can't go deep into the island, drone aerial photography is also prohibited. We don't know more specific content for the time being, but from the satellite map, the sea area around Linga has been seriously polluted."

"Unfortunately, the local government has not commented on this, did nothing, or even strongly supported it, which is undoubtedly disappointing, only these environmentalists are fighting, but they are obviously single-handedly. Gu, can't compete with Luo Sheng and his huge business empire..."

Not only the BBC, but also CNN, NBC and other western media are reporting on the scene, all of which are all clamoring for environmental damage. However, at the same time, forest fires are breaking out in the Amazon rainforest, and forest fires are also breaking out in Australia. Wildfires are also breaking out in California.

This year, many parts of the earth are in a big fire, and there is almost nothing to do. When the fire is extinguished, it depends on the gods to save face, but these media basically just mentioned a few words without pain and itch, and skipped it. Even as if it didn't happen.

Interestingly, these embracingists occupying the intersection have a tacit understanding and did not cross a striking warning line drawn in front, because they dare not, and the reason why they dare not is a huge warning sign standing next to it. The warning signs written are very deterrent.

The content is:

[This is the private property of Star Arrow International, which is sacred and inviolable and enjoys legal autonomy. Any unauthorized intruder will be regarded as a hostile act and can be killed on the spot]

If this warning slogan is not deterrent enough, then the five security personnel with live ammunition standing within the cordon at this moment is the greatest deterrent.

These so-called environmentalists are not stupid, anyway, most of them are doing things with money to cooperate with these media performances. If you were killed on the spot, you could not find a place to cry. Star Arrow International did not have to bear any legal responsibility, at most it would be morally condemned.

These environmentalists know that they can do whatever they want without crossing the line, and the security guards within the cordon will not care, as long as they do not cross the line, they will not interfere with any of their behaviors.

There is a lot of noise here, and there is a busy place at the port of Linga Port. A large number of construction machinery and equipment or other materials are unloaded from the freighter, and heavy construction vehicles or heavy truck transportation vehicles are connected in a line to enter Tiantaki. construction site.

Impressively, the engineering equipment of the five major infrastructure groups entered the construction site. Attracted by the scene.

The collective dispatch of the strongest infrastructure on the planet's surface is not covered. The first freighter brought a large amount of construction machinery and equipment, and the other two freighters brought steel, cement and other infrastructure materials. On average, there will be one every two days. The super freighter berthed into Linga port for unloading.

The vast majority of domestic infrastructure material manufacturers have received orders from Star Arrow International to varying degrees, and many leading companies in the industry have received orders with a soft rhythm, and have ramped up their production capacity to supply this super customer.

The stock price of the infrastructure sector is really unstoppable. Take Hilo Cement, the leader in the cement industry, as an example. It has been on an upward trend since the beginning of last year. It originally fell this year, and it seems that it will start to fall.

But no one expected that Star Arrow International suddenly brought super benefits to the entire infrastructure sector at this time, and Hilo Cement became one of the core cement building materials providers.

As a result, the stock price stopped falling and turned up, with no intention of looking back. The previous low of 55.62 yuan has skyrocketed to the current 83.73 yuan, and the total market value has reached 443.7 billion yuan.

Such a big advantage, as long as they dare to fall, some retail investors dare to take it, but the main players are unwilling to give up their chips. Idiots know that the current infrastructure sector is a money-giving market. Everyone is rushing to raise money. Can't hold back.

Investors have even shouted the slogan "As long as Luo Sheng appears in any industry, this industry is a sunrise industry".


Inside the artificial circular island.

A foreman at the scene was watching the surveillance screen in an indoor podium and shouted into the microphone: "Okay, okay, the seafood fishing crews are evacuated quickly, you haven't eaten since morning? Didn't you let me You guys are going to play. Engineering equipment has 25 minutes to enter, hurry up and evacuate!"

The interior of the roundabout is now full of silt, and hundreds of people are all very energetic, all covered in mud, and they are all enjoying themselves catching fish.

Some workers are carrying crabs in a large net, while others are carrying lobsters in a large net. All of them are a happy batch.

Most of the people present are in their thirties and forties. I have to say that the happiness of men is sometimes really simple.

An old man, Genghu, saw a 1.5-meter-long shark stranded in a low-lying puddle. He ran up excitedly, went up to knock him out with a hammer, and then directly resisted walking with his cheeks up. Breathless.

The other side was also very lively. There were several marine biologists on the scene, and one of the staff members was also carrying an anesthesia gun.

There is a whale shark, the largest fish in the world.

The name is very intimidating, and it doesn't look like a good person, but it is actually an extremely gentle creature, even a little silly, and it has the nickname of "Dahan Shark".

The whale shark weighed about 12 tons. More than a dozen people used temporary welded plates to transport it. The whale shark has been anesthetized and will not react violently.

When it was pushed to the edge of the roundabout, a nearby tower crane that had been prepared for a long time lifted the plate frame out.

This big fish is also the only fish in the roundabout that has been released into the ocean. The remaining marine creatures in the roundabout will become food and reward workers. All kinds of seafood caught are enough for the on-site workers to eat several meals of mountain and sea delicacies. The big meal is a free food improvement.

As for those still in it, they will always be suppressed below by the base of the sky tower that is about to be born.


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