"The price of a single spider grenade is US$275, and the production license will be obtained. It will be mass-produced in early March next year." Marcus Lyle replied neatly.

There is no doubt that the spider grenade will definitely pass.

The executive of Horizon Security said on the spot: "Well, we will sign the $1 billion contract today, and the first batch of supply must be given to our company first!"

Marcus Lyle smiled: "First come, first served, as it should be."

The spider grenade is $275 per piece. As a consumable grenade, it is definitely not cheap. Horizon Company directly took out a purchase order of $1 billion, which is equivalent to purchasing more than 3 million pieces.

Although there are a lot of them, in the turbulent North America and the Middle East world, they can't stand consumption. If they really fight, they will be gone in a year or two. Even if there is a large-scale battle, they will be consumed in a few days.

If the spider grenade flows into the black market, the price of one will not be less than 1,000 US dollars. As long as it is produced, some of it will definitely flow into the black market.

Marcus Lyle said: "In addition to the normal throwing, we have also made a modified version of the spider mine, which can be applied to the gun-mounted grenade launcher to increase the range of the spider mine. It only costs $300."

Grenade launchers that use the principle of guns are generally less accurate, but the biggest feature of spider mines is that they do not require any precision. As long as the mine is thrown into a rough target area, it will search for the enemy target by itself.

The distance that an adult throws a grenade is generally about 60-70 meters, but the effective range of a grenade launcher can easily reach a range of 200-300 meters.

There is no doubt that this can greatly improve the survivability of soldiers on the battlefield, which in turn can improve combat effectiveness.

Spider mines can not only be applied to grenade launchers with a little magic modification, but also rockets, cluster bombs, cluster bombing, and even conventional missiles. Just replace the warhead with a large number of spider mines. .

According to different battlefields and different combat needs, it can be flexibly matched. As a conventional consumable weapon on the battlefield, it is quite versatile.

At the recommendation of Marcus Lyle, Horizon Security's $1 billion purchase order resulted in the purchase of 2.6 million spider grenades and 1 million improved spider grenades.

The purchase and sale between the two parties seemed to be a normal negotiation. In fact, it was the result of Luo Sheng's arrangement. It was just a process, but the people in the Wujiao Building next to it were always kept in the dark.

All of Marcus Lyle's major decisions are actually the results of Luo Sheng's decisions.

For the major improvements of spider mines, such as the launch of this spider grenade, it is definitely necessary to purchase a grenade launcher, so that other military enterprises can also have a meal. Lyle Binary does not eat alone in order to obtain the support of "friends", at least not It will give you a stumbling block to be targeted by everyone.

Through the interweaving of interest ties, this is also Luo Sheng's consistent business thinking. By turning potential enemies into his friends, Lyle Binary can better establish a foothold in the North American military industry.


Three days later, Lyle Binary Company officially announced that its second military product, spider grenade, welcomed its first major customer, and Horizon Security Company placed a purchase order of US$1 billion.

It is worth mentioning that Horizon Security's current swarm drones are purchased from Lyle Binary, and they are old customers who are happy to cooperate.

On the day the news was released, the capital market responded immediately, and the market value of Lyle Binary jumped 18.8%, with a total market value of $136.62 billion, a record high since the company went public.

It has only been two years since Lyle Binary went public, and it has soared from the initial $12 billion to its current position. It has soared by 1138.5% in two years, an increase of more than ten times.

There is no suspense to become the most beautiful cub in the North American military sector in recent years.

Just after Lyle Binary announced that Spider Grenade had secured its first major buyer, bigger buyers were already on their way.

The big dog local tyrant then led a delegation to visit the Lyle Binary Company. This business has not yet been negotiated. After the local tyrant appeared in the photo of the Lyle Binary, the stock market directly rose first, and it was not ambiguous at all.

On the day the local tyrant led the delegation, the stock price of Lyle Binary rose again by 12% on the same day, and the market value exceeded a record high of 155 billion US dollars.

It's not clear that this is for sending money.

Sure enough, on the second day after the local tyrants led a delegation to visit, the two parties directly launched a public signing ceremony, and the second large order was settled steadily.

The local tyrants took out a huge purchase order contract of 3.5 billion US dollars.

It is worth mentioning that the purchase price of local tyrants is more than double that of Horizon Security. The average cost of a spider mine is 600 US dollars. The export of weapons is basically doubled, or even several times.

A typical example is Lockheed Martin's "Fat Electric" F-35 series of stealth fighters, and the profit of orders exported to allies is more than 400%.

Lyle Binary only doubled the export price. The local tyrants said that this is the most conscientious North American arms dealer they have encountered in so many years. They covered their ID and thought they were buying things at the "rabbit" house.

It was originally planned to buy 2 billion US dollars, but the local tyrant saw that Lyle Binary was such a conscientious businessman, so he backhanded and added another 1.5 billion US dollars...

In the end, a large contract of 3.5 billion US dollars was reached, and nearly 6 million spider grenades were purchased. It is expected that all deliveries will be completed in the second half of next year.

The income of Lyle Binary's two orders topped half of last year's income, and the capitalists would be sorry if the stock price did not rise.

Horizon's order was announced, and the stock price rose sharply.

The local tyrants came, and there was a wave of rises before the order was placed.

Now, the list of local tyrants has been thrown out, which is beyond imagination. Lyle Binary's stock price has risen by 8%, and the total market value has risen to 167.4 billion US dollars in just a few days.

The capital market is extremely optimistic about the future of Lyle's binary, and directly looks at 200 billion US dollars.

Because, the biggest customer has not come yet.

That is, the Wujiao Building has not placed a purchase order, and the biggest benefit has not yet been realized.

The current stock price has doubled that of Boeing in the same period. Boeing's junior three has been in trouble in recent years. It can be said that "waves have not settled down again and again". The previous "Boeing 737 incident" encountered large-scale returns from global customers. , Now the global aviation industry has been severely beaten by the Sequoia pandemic, which is simply worse for Boeing.

Although it is a giant with a history of a hundred years, it is now abandoned by capital like a shoe, and its market value is only more than 80 billion US dollars.

And Boeing's junior three directly played the trick of "shame", not giving subsidy, believe it or not, bankruptcy will show you, or large-scale layoffs.

Eagle sauce has nothing to do, so I have to pay to continue to subsidize, Boeing can't fail.

In comparison, Eagle Sauce looks at Lyle Binary, which is more worry-free and pleasing to the eye. Since the listing, not only has the market value been rising, the capital has doubled in price, and nearly 10,000 jobs have been added in the past two years. Not only New products have been launched one after another, and the blue ocean, a thorn in the eyes and thorns in the flesh, is still in a state of anger and keeps litigating.

If Mei Lijian was such a company, if there were more companies like this, Luo Sheng would have been suppressed long ago. How could he be so happy and take all the limelight from Mei Lijian? get angry...


And just in the past few days, when Lyle Binary is in the limelight in the global military industry, Luo Sheng, who secretly controlled the global Lyle Binary at home, received a call from Yang Hongyi today.

At this moment, Luo Sheng, who was answering the phone, heard the voice of the other party: "Mr. Luo, have you heard about the new smart grenade recently released by Lyle Binary, a newly emerging military enterprise in North America?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng was stunned for a moment.


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