Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and eighty-fourth chapter [all routines]

"Of course I understand. You're talking about spider grenades, right? Lyle Binary is my nemesis on the Riviera, how could I not pay attention to their movements?"

Luo Sheng, who answered the phone, replied calmly to the other party, and silently added in his heart: I can only say it against my will, I can't say that Lyle Binary is a secret chess played by my brother, right?

If this kind of truth is really spoken, then don’t even think about the rhythm of good days, or even the end of good days.

So far, only Luo Sheng knows the biggest secret of Lyle Binary Company, and besides Luo Sheng, Horizon Security Company only knows Qin Weimu.

Although the starting point is not to raise one's self-esteem, but this suspicion is inseparable, and it is indeed possible to obtain greater benefits from it, and no matter how to explain it at that time, it is unclear.

Yang Hongyi's voice came from the other end of the communicator again. He didn't beat around the bush and asked directly, "Can your company come up with a similar new type of grenade? We want it too!"


Seeing that Eagle sauce suddenly has such a conventional expendable weapon with an extremely cost-effective ratio, the rabbit obviously wants to have it, otherwise, he will be very uncomfortable.

Luo Sheng smiled silently, and after a short pause he said in a relaxed tone: "The biggest technical highlight of the spider grenade is the combination of artificial intelligence technology, which is just an extension of it. In the field of AI technology, I am the Cote d'Azur. Speaking of the second, no one on earth dares to say the first, and I will be able to do it in half a month.”

When Yang Hongyi heard this, he cheered up again and again: "Okay! Good! I may have deep doubts when you say this from someone else's mouth, but Mr. Luo, I absolutely believe it."


If I didn't have any scruples, I could take it out now and show it to you. There is no need to wait until half a month later, Luo Sheng secretly replied.

After a while, he added: "Well, come over early next year to see the real thing in person."

Yang Hongyi: "No problem, I will come here in person at the beginning of next year, and I will come with an order if there is no accident, but it may not be as rich as the local tyrants in the Middle East, haha."

Luo Sheng nodded and smiled: "Okay, no problem."

It is now the end of December, and half a month later will be around the 6th or 7th of January of the new year.

Just as Luo Sheng ended the call, Xiaona's voice responded.

"Master, your personal physiotherapist has been waiting for a long time."


Luo Sheng immediately left the large living room and went to the physiotherapy room dedicated to the Science and Technology Complex Building. It was already arranged half an hour ago that he would have a physiotherapy treatment today, and the technicians had already waited 15 minutes earlier. .

As the richest individual in the world, Luo Sheng's science and technology complex has all kinds of leisure services and facilities. Spa therapy is the most basic leisure service.

It's just a sparse and normal daily life.

The Science and Technology Complex Building employs seven professional physiotherapy and health care technicians, three of whom are foreign girls, from Belarus, Tungsten, and West Banya. They have ruled out the possibility of being a spy before entering the building to work.

Luo Sheng offered each of them a high salary of 1.28 million yuan a year. This high salary is naturally matched with top professional skills and full marks in terms of appearance and body. These are all high threshold standards.

Becoming Luo Sheng's personal physiotherapist can be said to be both high-paying and easy to the point that peers can't imagine it. The average actual working time of each person does not exceed 100 hours a year, and Luo Sheng may not arrange one for half a month.

The rest of the time is just for fun.

The biggest requirement is that the employer has physiotherapy arrangements and can arrange to be present at any time, even in the middle of the night.

The employees of the leisure facilities in the technology complex can also use the fitness room, swimming pool, etc. It can be said to be quite free.

The employer is so unpretentious and approachable.

Luo Sheng came to the physiotherapy room. Waiting here for a long time was a blond girl with big waves from Tungsten. She could communicate in Chinese without any problems.

But still the pronunciation is not very marked.

At this moment, Luo Sheng was lying down shirtless, enjoying professional physiotherapy services and chatting with this tungsten girl, who was obviously very happy and very courageous.

Luo Sheng was also thinking about the spider grenade without any pressure.

Yang Hongyi's call gave him a new idea. Spider grenades can not only meet his initial layout needs for Horizon Security Company, but from a commercial point of view, it is a business that can take both ends of the world.

Right now, the local tyrants in the Middle East have placed a large order of 3.5 billion US dollars with Lyle Binary. Luo Sheng can be sure without thinking much that the new weapon and equipment of the spider grenade will definitely be used in turbulent regions such as the Middle East and North Africa in a year. use.

Once Cote d'Azur also launches a conventional grenade with the same function, the result will be a situation where Rabbit and Eagle Sauce will compete with each other for overseas customers. Companies are rivals, and their positions are different, and competition is essential.

The play must also be played seriously.

Luo Sheng secretly said: "No surprise, the two sides should reach a tacit understanding of cooperation in defense trade..."

The pit is the customer who buys the equipment, this is the truth.

If the big dog is equipped, then his nemesis will definitely not sit idly by, which will lead to an inevitable result, the rabbit and the eagle sauce have actually completed the silence and made a fortune.

Even if these customers knew, they would not stop, because they couldn't get along with their neighbors, such as Yilang and the big dog, and the people of the earth knew that they would not deal with each other.

Luo Sheng has almost deduced the future situation. It is not surprising that the big dog will buy the Lyle binary weapon, which represents the profit earned by the eagle sauce, and some of the big dog's enemies are relatively poor, and they prefer rabbits. The product, because it is cheap and affordable, the leather is durable, and everyone who has used it says it is good.

Once the Cote d'Azur launches a foreign trade-type bionic grenade, the customer target is the poorer group of sub-customers.

Moreover, Luo Sheng knew the actual cost of the spider grenade. Xiaona had already calculated the cost, and it was really not expensive at all.

The manufacturing cost after mass production is actually only RMB 220 per piece, and the currency unit is RMB, not USD.

Military procurement generally only takes 20~30% of the profit, that is, the purchase price of one piece is in the range of 264 yuan to 286 yuan.

The real huge profits are created by exporting foreign trade. Any weapon and equipment exported by several hooligans on the earth is no different from stealing money.

Don't look at Rabbit's weapons with good quality and low price, but this does not mean that there is no profit to be made. It can only be said that Europeans and Americans are more ruthless. Rabbit, as a backward player in the international defense trade, wants to get more shares, but also depends on price. to attract customers.

But the cost of spider grenades is indeed very low, and the price of foreign trade type has to be five times the profit.

Luo Sheng already has a pricing figure in his mind. The average unit price of a foreign trade export is 1,350 yuan, or about 200 US dollars a piece, which is a 513.6% profit margin.

The profit margin of military products is such a huge profit. Even if it is five times the profit, it is still good quality and cheap.

You must know that the average price of a dog purchased from Lyle Binary is 600 US dollars, which is equivalent to spending nearly 67% of the unjustified money. If the local tyrants know it, they can’t stand it, and the spider mine in their hands will not smell right away .

Luo Sheng's purpose in doing this is actually to snatch the market of Lyle Binary. Although he runs the company, profits and taxes flow into the pockets of Wall Street and the people of Magnesium, and he does not dare to explicitly close Lyle Binary funds.

By transferring the profits by means of market competition, the money can be disposed of with confidence. As for whether Lyle Binary will be affected, Luo Sheng is not worried at all.

His Boeing junior can cheat, and Lyle Binary can also ask for subsidies in the future.

Placing chess pieces on the opponent's territory, and letting the dead opponent pay to support it is the operation of a high-ranking player. There is only one way to walk in this world.

That's the trick.


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