Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 885 [Super Space Station: Forerunner]

After the physiotherapy, Luo Sheng felt a lot more comfortable, and his excess energy was fully released.

After taking a shower and changing into a set of clothes, Luo Sheng left the Science and Technology Complex.

The housekeeper had already arranged his travel arrangements properly. When he walked to his business car, the accompanying bodyguard hurriedly opened the car door, and after a while, he took the vehicle to Star Arrow International Headquarters.


After about half an hour's drive, we arrived at the Star Arrow International Headquarters. Luo Sheng went straight to the seminar room of the R\u0026D building. Zheng Tao, Liu Jianwei and others were there.

Seeing Luo Sheng coming in, everyone stopped discussing.

Zheng Tao also got up and gave up his position as chief. Luo Sheng also took his seat unceremoniously and said, "Old Zheng, you will then preside over the meeting."

For a moment, Zheng Tao took a seat on the left and continued: "Today's discussion is about the facilities of the 'Pioneer' orbital space station, mainly for life support systems and solutions involving living, production and scientific research operations. establish."

Another core part of the space ladder is the space station part, and the ladder needs the support of two large and super-large space stations, one is to deploy a super space station in the geostationary orbit of 36,000 kilometers of the earth, which is named "Forerunner". 1" space.

The space coordinate point of the second super space station "Forerunner 2" is between the balance point of gravity and the centrifugal force of outer space.

A 36,000-kilometer-long sky ladder cable connects the space of "Pioneer 1" and "Pioneer No. 2" and the base of the sky tower on the equatorial line on the ground to form the final form of the space ladder.

Luo Sheng is looking at the isometric three-dimensional model of the "Pioneer 1" space station on the conference screen. Its side view shows a "T" shape structure, which is 898 meters long. Artificial gravity is created by centrifugal force in the environment.

The diameter of the ring is 978 meters, the circumference of the ring is about 3,000 meters, the inner area of ​​the ring is 750,000 square meters, and the total mass is 8,400 tons, which is 20 times that of the International Space Station.

The "Forerunner 2" space station in low orbit is also similar in structure to the "Forerunner 1", but the scale is relatively larger. Its length is 1190 meters, the diameter of the ring is 1298 meters, and the circumference of the ring is 4075 meters. The inner area of ​​the ring is 1.322 million square meters, with a total mass of 13,300 tons, which is 31 times that of the International Space Station.

The core energy supply of these two space stations is nuclear power, but not fusion nuclear energy, but fission nuclear energy.

In addition to the core energy support provided by atomic energy, the inner area of ​​the ring will be covered with solar panels to supply energy to the space station. This is to ensure that even when the nuclear power stops operating, the space station can also turn off unnecessary energy-consuming modules and maintain a stable low-power function. consumption to run.

To build space factories and other supporting facilities, the energy converted from solar energy can only maintain basic operation in emergency situations, and it is unrealistic to supply a large amount of energy consumption. Although fission energy is far less than fusion energy, no matter how poor fission nuclear energy is, it is not comparable to conventional energy sources. of.

At this time, a core researcher who attended the meeting said: "The variable specific pulsed magnetic plasma engine has been successfully developed, and it is this engine that drives the annular capsule of the space station to create artificial gravity."

Luo Sheng nodded.

This engine uses a plasma space propulsion system instead of fuel propulsion. The R\u0026D team within Star Arrow International has completed more than 1,500 hours of continuous ignition tests as early as the second half of 2014.

The researcher continued: "The other great news is that there has been a breakthrough in converting the power generated by the solar cells into a 1250kW multi-channel Hall thruster, which can use both conventional propellants and in-situ outer layers. A new type of propellant for the utilization of space resources has provided a second security guarantee for the space station."

Luo Sheng nodded again with satisfaction: "Well, not bad!"

In addition to stabilizing the entire space ladder, the "Forerunner 1" located in high-altitude synchronous orbit,

It is also an extraterrestrial star port hub. In the future, the resources brought back from outside the earth will be transferred here. The materials will be lowered by nearly 36,000 kilometers from the ladder cable and sent to the low-orbit "Pioneer 2" space station. And then into the surface of the planet.

The real core is the "Pioneer 2" space station, relying on the space station to extend and build space factories, space docks, space power plants, space farms, space real estate, space tourism and many other industrial facilities.

These are all planned and implemented step by step and gradually improved.

The huge "Forerunner 2" space station has a complete life support system and complete living and living functions. In theory, humans can live permanently on the space station with sufficient resources.

Many industrial facilities will be gradually improved like building blocks. 13,300 tons is only the starting point, not the end point. Its future scale will only become larger and richer with continuous development, until it becomes a super space city. .

Zheng Tao, who was sitting next to him, shook his pen with a pen, and then looked at Luo Sheng and said, "Mr. Luo, the people from the Aviation Administration of China came to talk with me yesterday. It seems that they intend to merge the Tiangong space station project, so I can only take You came out and pushed people back."

In this matter, Zheng Tao really can't be the master.

After the Tianti project was reported, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration also knew about it. It’s okay if they didn’t know. After knowing this, the people in the Tiangong project didn’t want to play, and they wanted to jump to Star Arrow International directly.

The International Space Station is small in front of the two "Forerunner" super space stations. Tiangong is smaller than the International Space Station. It is the smallest of the small.

In terms of budget, the two "Forerunner" space stations have a base of over 2 trillion US dollars, and the current budget is 15 trillion yuan, while the budget of Tiangong space station is 40 billion yuan. The budget guarantee of the "Forerunner" space station is its 375 times as much.

No one is in the mood to play anymore.

If the Sky Ladder project is a foreigner's project, there is nothing to say. If you have enough energy, you must make the Tiangong well. No matter how small or bad it is, it is your own. But the Sky Ladder Project is a space project led by the Chinese people, so it is completely different. .

Luo Sheng is working on such a crazy century project. It seems that the Tiangong project is not very meaningful, but it is a bit like playing a house.

At the end, Luo Sheng shook his head and said, "Cooperation is possible, but it's okay to merge. The Aviation Administration of China is a state agency, we are a private commercial company, and the Tianti project has gathered global capital. It's complicated here. You can fall in love but not get married."

Zheng Tao, who heard Luo Sheng's last sentence, smiled and said, "This is not a hooligan..."

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "So we have to spread it out in advance. If it doesn't work, then don't talk about love. Everyone can worry about it."

Having said that, Luo Sheng looked around the crowd and added: "Over the years, we have cultivated a large number of core talents ourselves. There are people from the Air China Bureau who want to change jobs. We can accept them, but we can't take the initiative to poach people."

Everyone nodded silently, and it was a burden with too many factors.

Luo Sheng went on to say: "The Sky Ladder project is too vast. Even if Star Arrow International has strong technical strength and strong financial support, it still needs external support when facing cosmic exploration and deep space exploration projects. To achieve Star Arrow International's strategic control, and to provide certain financial and technical support, give full play to the wisdom of the private sector and other commercial companies for my use."

Liu Jianwei, who had never spoken, couldn't help but said, "Mr. Luo, you mean, can the ladder project be made public?"

Luo Sheng nodded slowly and said with a smile: "The project has actually started, and it's too late for investors to get in my car even if they want to get off. No matter what, I can't help them. I can give them a big surprise."

Everyone couldn't help but look weird. Everything was easy to talk about before the vote. After the vote, I'm your father. Shouldn't it be so realistic?

Where is this a surprise? Investors may not be shocked when they know the truth.

Luo Sheng added: "Such a huge and vast super project, countless pairs of eyes around the world staring at you with magnifying glasses, analyzing and studying you, can't hide it for a long time, and a high-profile announcement with a strong attitude can boost the confidence of investors. ."

Zheng Tao rolled his eyes in his heart. Investors knew that even if they could not withdraw their capital, they would at least yell like a national football fan: "RNM refunds money!!!"

The ladder project is definitely more exciting and exciting. If you succeed, everyone will go to heaven together, or if you fail, you will all go to hell.


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