Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 886 [An Open Letter to Global Investors]

Entering the new year of January 2021, the popularity of Star Arrow International has ebb, and the news reports related to it have decreased significantly.

There doesn't seem to be any news that is too hot in the world. After all, Luo Sheng has raised everyone's "appetite", and some so-called big news is difficult to even make a headline last year.


Technology complex building, in private offices.

At this moment, Luo Sheng is sitting comfortably with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a paper document handed over by An Qingxue. The contents of an open letter from the author.

After it was determined internally that the "Ladder Project" would be announced to the outside world, the management began to work on the related work. The proposed open letter has not been released to the public, and Zheng Tao is also waiting for Luo Sheng's reply.

This open letter does not mean that Luo Sheng did not contribute a word, and the internal management is responsible, but it was released in the name of Luo Sheng as the chairman and CEO of Star Arrow International.

At the moment, Luo Sheng is flipping through pages one by one. There are a total of 8 pages of A4 paper with a total of about 4,200 words, and the English version of the translation exceeds 11 pages.

After reading the whole article, Luo Sheng put the information aside and immediately said: "Xiao Na, send a message to Zheng Tao in my name. There is no problem with the content, and there is no need to revise it, just publish it as this content."

Xiaona: "The message has been sent."


One and a half hours later, Zheng Tao officially published the "Open Letter to Global Investors" in an electronic version, which was translated into 27 languages ​​and words. You can download and read, and stick to the most prominent position on the home page.

Good guy, some reporters staring at Star and Arrow International got hilarious after seeing the latest news and reading the content of the open letter.

The latest news released by Star Arrow International has four words in the eyes of every reporter: super hot!

In the past few days, the media are looking for the first hot spot of the new year to attract the public's attention. I didn't expect that the hot spot will come in only three or five days in 2021, and the hot spot is beyond imagination.

As soon as this open letter came out, it was as if a "Big Ivan" nuclear bomb was thrown into the Pacific Ocean and exploded. Reports, directly to Tu Bang.

Like a super hurricane sweeping the world.


New York, Morgan Stanley headquarters.

"BOSS, Star Arrow International released an "Open Letter to Global Investors" last night, which is a printed electronic version." The secretary of its head James Gorman will have 11 A paper folder of page contents was handed to him.

"Open letter? Hell, Luo Sheng is short of money again, right? He wants to hollow out global investors until he is satisfied? Shet..." James Gorman took a sip of his freshly brewed tea , spit out and cursed in the comfort, put down the cup and took the document from the secretary's hand.

For Luo Sheng, he was very upset but "had to love".

In fact, Morgan Stanley has been cut leeks by Luo Sheng quite a few times. It not only has a place after the list of victims, but also is quite high. Among them, it has been cut leeks twice, and once was the bearishness of the subprime mortgage crisis in North America. Options, one call option on Bluestar Technology.

But in the past ten years, he has made a lot of money through Luo Sheng many times. It is a rhythm of life and death. On the whole, he has made a lot of profits. Morgan Stanley is facing the character of Luo Sheng, or the entire Wall Street. When facing him, the mood is complicated.

When James Gorman's secretary heard the boss's words, he said silently in his heart: Boss, this time is more exciting than lack of money! More surprises!

His secretary didn't remind him, but he had obviously read the contents of the open letter a long time ago. After all, it's called an open letter.

And the boss obviously hasn't read today's news, otherwise, there is no need to drink morning tea in the office, and the global media has already fried the pot.

"Okay, let me see what this guy is up to..."

At this moment, James Gorman opened the folder with a relaxed mind, and what caught his eye was the eye-catching title - "An Open Letter to Global Investors".

I glanced at the title and started browsing the content:

【Dear investors and partners】

【Thank you for your attention and support to Star and Arrow International. After the deliberation and voting of the board of directors, we decided to officially announce today that all investors are very concerned about and eagerly want to know about the major projects that Star and Arrow International is advancing. We believe that in the new century The first year of the third decade is a good new start. 】

[Today, the world has entered an era of vigorous and rapid development of science and technology, full of changes, challenges and opportunities. Under the background of this era, how does Star Arrow International stick to its original intention, continue to create and innovate for the future, and create value for the society, customers, consumers and investors? As the Chairman and CEO of Star Arrow International, I would like to share with you our thoughts, plans and actions. 】

【Star Arrow International is a technology company driven by mission, vision and values. The corporate culture of Star Arrow International stems from our belief in the beauty of people and society. 】

[In recent years, we have been thinking about what can and cannot be changed in this era of big waves. At the past annual meeting celebration, we announced that Star Arrow International once again emphasized the future-oriented mission, vision, and values ​​and comprehensively upgraded it. 】

[The mission of "our journey is the sea of ​​stars" set by us at the beginning of our establishment has never changed. Star Arrow International never pursues becoming a "tech giant company", nor a "strong company". We hope to become A "good company" brings positive energy to the society, undertakes more social responsibilities, serves customers, is recognized by employees, and a good company that satisfies shareholders. 】


When James Gorman looked at the first page of the open letter, he didn't feel anything at all. In his eyes, it was just some tall, correct nonsense.

The current global science and technology circle is this kind of shit, and it has been ruined by Luo Sheng. Every time it is to look at the world and serve all mankind, what is always talked about is the mission, vision, values, etc. .

It seems that if you don't learn Luo Sheng's tune, you won't be strong enough, and you won't be able to mix in the technology circle.

But for James Gorman, the top old fox on Wall Street, there is no G-spot at all. Only profit can hit the G-spot of these greedy creatures.

Calmly turned to the second page and continued reading. At this time, James Gorman frowned and scolded in a low voice: "Damn, has he spent last year's $3 trillion? Impossible! Even if Dozens of burns won't last for more than a year!"

Last year, it raised three trillion US dollars for Star Arrow International!

The content of the second page finally got to the point. What I saw was Luo Sheng’s open letter stating that Star Arrow International would once again accept a $415 billion financing from Shengfeng Capital in the first quarter of the new year.

James Gorman was very helpless and could not decide the decision of Shengfeng Capital, and Luo Sheng had stated directly in the open letter that the board of directors of Shengfeng Capital had passed the vote, in fact, it was just a process.

In the past, I didn't tell you about urine. This time, I told investors quite formally that James Gorman thinks Luo Sheng is a good person, at least he is more friendly to investors than before.

Continue to open the third page, the fourth page, the sixth page...

Zhang Moss Gorman quickly realized how naive he thought that Luo Sheng would be a good person. When he turned to the seventh page, a roar suddenly resounded in the quiet office:

"Watt hair???"


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