Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 887 [Surprise or not? Accidental or not? 】

When he turned to the seventh page and read it halfway through, James Gorman's eyes suddenly became round, and the whole person was stimulated to jump up from his seat subconsciously, as if his hair was fried on the spot, His eyes were fixed on the content of the open letter.

James Gorman speeded up the reading of the open letter. He didn't make a sound, but his breathing became more and more rapid, his breath was gradually cold, and his face was green with anger...

The secretary standing next to him looked at the shivering and cold boss. He still didn't say a word, and he didn't show much expression. He was just waiting for the boss's instructions. He didn't want to hit the gun, but the secretary's face seemed to write wrote:

[Boss, are you surprised or not? Accidental or not? Do not! It's not a damn surprise! This is a goddamn fright! 】

At this moment, many bigwigs in the office on Wall Street are basically as frightened as James Gorman, even the tried-and-true capital tycoons, seeing Luo Sheng's this Even the open letter can't hold back his emotions, and all kinds of faces are crooked!


"Lingar Harbor? Orbital Star Harbor? Sky Tower Base? Space Ladder? Budget $8.5 trillion? Crazy Mad, Mad, I'm going to divest! I'm going to divest!!!"

James Gorman's eyes were red with anger on the spot, and he might have been frightened.

In the open letter, Luo Sheng vividly described the vision of the ladder project, but in the eyes of investors such as James Gorman, the potential risk index is already 100,000 monitoring tables exploded in an instant.

Space exploration and human beings marching into space are of course the future that everyone believes in, but it is only a distant future.

In 1968, a classic film "2001 A Space Odyssey" imagined that human beings would be able to realize the great voyage of the universe after entering the new century.

But the reality proves how naive humans were half a century ago. Now it has entered 2021, and the new century has passed 20 years. Not only has human beings not entered the prosperous era of cosmic navigation, but even the International Space Station can’t stand it. about to fall.

Luo Sheng, this lunatic, wants to support everyone to go to hell together and become a martyr.

James Gorman's voice trembled, thinking that 28% of the $1.3 trillion in assets managed by Morgan Stanley, an astronomical figure of nearly $364 billion, had invested heavily in Shengfeng Capital...

Feeling the rhythm of losing his own people, he bet on Luo Sheng that this was his decision when he was in charge of the company.


Don't panic!

Hold on!

James Gehrman kept talking in his heart, then sat down again, raised the cup and planned to take a sip of tea, but the hands holding the cup were shaking.

Divest now? If you can, you will definitely withdraw your funds and stop playing!

But can it be withdrawn?

Obviously not!

Now if it is forced to withdraw capital, can it not explode in place?

The aftermath of the Sequoia Pandemic is still unresolved, and it will definitely lead to a global systemic economic disaster. The crisis in 2008 was all pediatrics, and the global economy may not be able to slow down in the next 15 to 20 years. breath.

James Gorman slowly closed his eyes and said weakly, "Quick, call Luo Sheng!"

The secretary hesitated: "Boss, is this time..."

In the Eastern Hemisphere, it is in the middle of the night.

When he heard this, James Gorman suddenly roared: "Call! Immediately-!"

The secretary shut up and silently dialed Luo Sheng's personal long-distance communication number. After a while, the secretary turned to look at his superior: "Boss, the robot is replying again, just like last time, it seems that you are being attacked by him again... blocked!"

James Gorman: "son-of-a-bi**h!!!"

The whole person is not good. Except for Luo Sheng, no one in the world dares to block him twice in a row!

The last time was last year when the tower base was promoted with great fanfare. Global investors could not understand it.

Star Arrow International didn't explain a word, and the panicked investors had to call Luo Sheng's private phone, hoping to ask clearly and ask for peace of mind.

Then they were all blocked...

At this time, a Morgan Stanley executive came in and hurriedly reported: "BOSS, the three major stock indexes fell collectively, the Dow Jones fell by more than -2.63%, the Nasdaq Composite fell by more than -4.02%, and the S\u0026P fell by more than -4.02%. The 500 index fell by more than -2.93%, and the main company contract of Shengfeng Capital crashed by -33.26%, and it is still venting.

James Gorman's face twitched when he heard it, and he yelled in anger: "Madvarka!! This damn bastard has brought down the global stock market perfectly again!!!"

Immediately, he added quickly: "What about our SF long-term contract?"

The executive responded: "We have already closed all long positions and then backhanded short positions, and we still reap huge profits as a whole."

Hearing this, James Gorman felt a little better in front of him, and he was short and long.

The "SF main contract" game that follows Shengfeng Capital was developed by Wall Street. Since then, it is basically in a bullish trend. It has been in a stable upward trend for many years. The futures premium rate once reached as much as +45%, basically being fired to the rhythm of heaven.

But global investors never dreamed that the explosion was actually an open letter of less than 5,000 words. This is a catastrophic negative for many parties, and investors who are bullish investors are dead, but it is a super positive for the bears. The agency went into a spree and launched a full-scale counter-offensive.

Investors panicked and closed their long positions in the SF main contract, and went short on the backhand.

At this moment, the secretary handed the cell phone to James Gorman and said, "BOSS, BlackRock co-CEO Mr. Lawrence Funk called you an emergency call."

James Gorman, who took the phone, answered with gritted teeth for a moment: "No! That bastard also blocked me. There is no doubt that this must be the result of his careful planning. We are all on his thief ship. It's all caught by him now, neither entering nor retreating, it's sloppy... But that bastard can't keep hiding and not showing up... Is it all there? Okay, we'll talk about it when we meet."

James Gorman, who had finished the call, hurried out of his office with a gloomy face.

At this moment, many capital tycoons from Wall Street have all set off for Goldman Sachs headquarters and sat down to discuss this emergency face to face. All of them are top institutions that have invested heavily in Shengfeng Capital.


On the same day, the three major North American stock indexes, the Dow, Nasdaq, and S\u0026P 500, closed down -3.52%, -4.77%, and -3.34%, respectively.

With the passage of time, the markets in other regions also opened one after another. On the same day, there was no suspense in the high-level diving. The major stock indexes in Europe and the major stock indexes in the Asia-Pacific region all fell without turning back, and all fell by more than 3.5% or more.

There is nothing wrong with what James Gorman said. An open letter from Luo Sheng brought the global capital market to its knees.

Luo Sheng, the name represents the vane of today's global technological development and the barometer of global economic development. Such a strong influence is really no joke.


15 o'clock in the afternoon.

In the physiotherapy room of the Science and Technology Complex Building, Luo Sheng is comfortably enjoying the exquisite skills of the young and beautiful physiotherapists. The whole person is as comfortable as possible. Of course, he knows that the global capital market is now in a moment of mourning, and he also knows that His investors must be in the rhythm of a mental explosion right now, because they are directly blocked.

In fact, this is all intentional.

Luo Sheng can imagine how the Wall Street side has been negotiating overnight how to save themselves, and let them discuss and deduce it first, and if they can't get out of the car, they can only bite the bullet and follow Star Arrow International all the way. black conclusion.

They have a bottom line in their hearts, and they will have a good talk with them when the time comes. The efficiency will be much faster, and a unified consensus can be quickly reached. It will save the time to keep talking about the actual progress of the ladder project.

It's just not very authentic, it's a bit damaged, and the heart is not good enough to stand this kind of stimulation...

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