Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 888 [The capital market that screams everywhere]

The latest website: "Master, Xiaona has news to report to you!"

Xiaona's vivid synthesized voice responded to an external sound device in the physiotherapy room. Today, the physiotherapist is a young and beautiful girl from the mainland. She also heard Xiaona's voice. She has been working for two years, so it is not surprising .

"Mr. Luo, I'll go to the bathroom."

Luo Sheng nodded and said, "Go, come back in ten minutes."

She nodded and turned to leave the physiotherapy room. She knew very well that this employer was not an ordinary person. She was actually afraid of knowing some information, which would lead to some unbearable right and wrong. After all, she was just a personal physiotherapist.

At this time, Xiaona's voice came again: "Up to now, more than 5,300 phone calls from 109 investment institutions around the world have been intercepted according to your request."

"Looks like I'm really insane!" Luo Sheng couldn't help showing a smile when he heard it. He could understand it when he thought about it, but if he thought about it from another point of view, it would be hard to calm down if he was involved in such a thing.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "In my name, I will send an email to all overseas investment institutions and domestic private investment institutions that hold shares of Shengfeng Capital of more than 50 billion US dollars. We will start a video connection meeting at 8:00 tomorrow morning, and have a good talk."

Xiaona: "Received."

Are you in a hurry to ask questions? You can meet them together, but the entry threshold is at least 50 billion US dollars to be eligible to participate. Only less than 40 institutions have an investment scale that has reached this threshold.

As for other investors, honestly wait for the results.

The national team will not be involved, because the ladder project has been known in advance, and an additional investment has been added.

At this moment, Luo Sheng estimated that the domestic market should have closed, and immediately clicked on the domestic stock market on a display next to it to take a look. In this technology complex building, basically every room will have screens, or fixed touchable screens. controlled screen or mobile tablet.

"I'm going, it's so miserable, the market almost opened at the limit?" Luo Sheng glanced at the three major indexes and was stunned, and then looked at the K-line of the main board in front of him and closed a top cross star, which closed up slightly. +0.27%, the main board once surged to 3798.35 points yesterday, just less than 2 points to break through the 3800 point integer mark.

Leng is not rushed up.

When I saw this cross star on the motherboard yesterday,

Luo Sheng basically understood that the main funds of the national team were raised and shipped out yesterday.

Luo Sheng said to himself: "The management is going to use Star Arrow International to take advantage of the collapse of the global capital market to give the big A a strong correction, and then let me take the pot to attract the firepower of the shareholders..."

Big A has risen too fiercely during this period of time. The previous semiconductor mad cow market has opened a wave of unstoppable mad cow markets in the infrastructure sector, and then the graphite sector has gone crazy again. At the same time, securities, banks, and insurance companies These three financial idiots have been working hard to suppress, but they also feel quite difficult, and the market still maintains a strong upward trend.

It is conceivable that if these three idiots also let go, Big A would have rushed to 4300 points long ago.

The management hopes to take a steady slow cow and not rise too fiercely. This time, taking advantage of the "black swan" triggered by Star Arrow International is an opportunity for a strong correction, of course, will not let it go, and let Luo Sheng take the blame and secretly Pull up shipments.

The result is that today's big A is terrible, it can be said to be the worst in the world.

The main board actually opened at -9.22%. Not only did the main force directly smash the market without protecting the market, Shengfeng Capital just took away the funds not long ago, and it will not protect the market. At the midday market, the national team symbolically protected the market. At the end of the session, it closed down -8.37%, and the main board closed at 3,458 points, failing to recover the 3,500-point integer mark.

The ChiNext Index closed down 12.3%, and once fell more than 15% during the session. This is a plunge in the index, and individual stocks are simply unwatchable.

But the ChiNext is not the worst. The real worst is the Science and Technology Innovation Board. The Science and Technology Innovation 50 directly staged a 20% drop in the index and closed the daily limit.

In other words, all listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board have all been blocked from the daily limit.

Because the weight of the Science and Technology Innovation Board is basically the company under Luo Sheng, which is deeply related to Shengfeng Capital, and Shengfeng Capital is the whirlpool center of this "black swan" event. The targets held by Shengfeng Capital are without exception. Limit down.

And other listed companies are also hurting Chiyu in the situation of stomping down. Everyone was frightened by the news that "Luo Sheng's construction of the ladder will play and collapse". If Luo Sheng is going to collapse, he has to finish the game. There is already a panic in the peripheral market. Under the atmosphere of the index bursting, the big A could not stay out of it, and the market confidence was hit unprecedentedly!

But ordinary investors don't know the truth that Big A has fallen so badly. The management doesn't want it to rise too fiercely. The psychological shadow of the last stock market crash is vivid in their minds.

How miserable is Big A today?

Basically, all investors were wiped out, more than 4,000 stocks were all green, and the coefficient of 3,655 stocks fell by the limit. Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. suffered the first limit-down since its listing.

The market value of more than 1.5 trillion yuan evaporated that day. The total market value of Maotai in the same period was almost this price. One Maotai evaporated in one day, which shows how miserable the big A is today.

There were literally corpses all over the place, screaming everywhere.

Luo Sheng couldn't stand it any longer.

I opened my own social software and took a look. As expected, countless investors have left hundreds of thousands of new comments under a recent update.

After roughly browsing the comments, Luo Sheng shook his head helplessly, which was basically the scolding of the investors who lost a lot today.

"Archbishop are you crazy?"

"The strategic placement fund has already lost money to Muggles. I was wrong, I was really wrong, I stopped playing, the Archbishop, please return the money to me, not much, just 300,000 quick money!"


"With the leverage, I exploded on the spot!"

"Why don't you come out to save the market?"

"Protect the stock? They are pushing up the sale, and they are directly killing it. Even foreign capital is trapped in it. It is worthy of being an archbishop, and it is worthy of being the largest capitalist in the contemporary era!"

"Alas, after all, it is capital, de-powder and de-powder."

"If God wants to destroy it, he will make it crazy. President Luo is obviously inflated to the limit! I admit that you are very strong and invincible, but so many years of invincibility have made you unable to see yourself clearly, space ladder? It doesn't belong to this era at all!"

"Eating melons and watching dramas who don't speculate in stocks is too real, so real, Chi Guoguo's human nature, I can't wait to call my father when I eat meat with the archbishop, and now it's all RNM refunds, human nature!"

"Don't gloat at the idiot upstairs. If the global economy is brought down by him, do you think you can stay out of it if you don't invest in stocks?"

"Sabi, it's your stupidity to think that the stock market is the only indicator of economic development? If the global economy collapses, it may not collapse at home. Are you blind? Didn't you see the archbishop investing trillions of dollars in capital? Have you arrived in the real economy? Haven’t you seen thousands of orders from real companies have been placed in three or five years? Oh, what has happened to the US stock market in the past ten years? The Dow Jones has risen to 30,000 points, but the old American What is the decline of the physical manufacturing industry?"

"Looking at the old magnesium's pension fund, after the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, the company has been selling magnesium shares for 12 consecutive years since 2009, with a total amount of more than 2.4 trillion US dollars. The pension fund of the old man is selling his country's stocks wildly, which shows that they themselves are not optimistic about the future of their own country. Where is the net sales of Lao Mei's pension fund invested? You don't know what I told you, it is continuing Great efforts have been made to invest in my flower family, including the archbishop."

"I can't say whether the archbishop can let Star Arrow International build the ladder, but Star Arrow International's construction of the space ladder has played a super solid role in my country's real economy, especially the high-end manufacturing industry. This is not a virtual economy, but a real economy. Real things will not be evaporated. Even if the ladder fails, it will not evaporate. Even if the worst result fails, the big A market will break 10,000 points in the next five to ten years. If the ladder is successful That's still worth it? 10,000 points? 50,000 points? Even 100,000 points is not an exaggeration. Do you know what it means to open the age of cosmology? Do you think the above will be like your short-sighted and ignorant idiots? ?"

"Fuck, why is this floor torn so fiercely?"

"Old Magnesium's pension fund has sold a total of 2.4 trillion US dollars for 12 consecutive years? Magnesium stocks are sold while pulling? It's true or false, brother, where did you get this data?"

"The data must be true. These are all publicly available information, which is normal. The pension fund is actually as important to the people of Magnesia as our social security fund. It is not only important for the financial market, but also responsible for the The more important function is to stabilize the society, so you will find that no matter what time or what happens, the income of the pension fund must be guaranteed at the first time, and our social security fund must also guarantee the income.”

"There is reason and evidence, the logic is hard enough, the floor master is counseling haha."

"Generally speaking, this black swan emergency seems to me to have fallen out of a golden pit. It is a great opportunity to hunt for the bottom, and it is very likely that V will go up!"

"Then brother, why don't you invest in bargain hunting?"

"Because I have long been financially free!"


"Don't say anything, the daring to die, the cowardly to starve to death, others are afraid of me being greedy, and all the spare money in my hands is stud! !!"

"True warrior, good luck!"

"Grow up risks, fall out of opportunities, and you're done!"


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