Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 889 [I will give you 2 paths]

Today, the whole network is so lively and lively, the collective mentality of investors in the capital market has exploded, and they have been yelling.

It's not just Luo Sheng's personal social media accounts that swear at him, but also the websites or related forums of his major companies.

The netizens who eat melons and eat melons are all around to watch the show. After all, it's none of their business. It's not a big deal to watch the fun. What's more, they ridicule Luo Sheng's magic operation of inviting you to enter the urn. The world's top investment It can be said that institutions are relishing the schadenfreude.

The domestic physical manufacturing industry has obtained tangible benefits, which is obviously beyond doubt. Every now and then, several trillions or trillions of inflows into the physical high-end manufacturing industry, cement industry, steel industry, non-ferrous metal industry, graphite raw material industry, etc. Wait, these industries supporting the Star Arrow International ladder project are all as excited as chicken blood, and the business orders are soft.

At a time when tens of millions of people in Europe and the United States are unemployed, the demand for human resources has never been so scarce in China since the second half of last year, and the employment rate is soaring. Except for the capital market, all parties should not be too satisfied. .

The grand opening of the Tian Ladder project has become the number one super engine of the national economic engine. It is full of horsepower and has been racing all the way. Huaguo has also become a super engine to undertake the global economic recovery in the current global economic downturn. locomotive.

It's just that the global financial market broke out in a panic, stampede and collapsed, and it did not really reflect the actual economic situation today.

Just after a short one-day blood collapse, calm investors conducted some research and judgments, and there are already large institutions and people with a keen sense of smell who realized that the big A has actually fallen into a gold pit.

I realized that even if the Tianla project fails, it will not be too bad for the Chinese economy. The rise and fall of the real economy cannot deceive people. If the virtual economy is a trick, then the real economy is an internal force.

As long as the inner strength has a deep foundation there, you can take off when you want to take off. It only needs an opportunity.

A group of people with foresight realized that Big A is about to start a super independent market, and even in the next era, it is very likely that the capital market of China will replace the North American capital market and become the weather vane and barometer of the global capital market.

This may be the situation in the future: if the external market falls sharply, the big A may rise up and get out of its own market. If the big A falls, the peripheral market will be affected by emotions and will follow.

Luo Sheng watched the scene of scolding and scolding on his social media account. After watching it for a while, he smiled indifferently and then quit the social software.

Xiaona: "Master, do you need Xiaona to use the AI ​​account to control and evaluate the whole network?"

Hearing this suggestion, Luo Sheng denied without hesitation: "No,

I'm not so glass-hearted, just keep monitoring public opinion. "

Xiaona: "Well then!"

Luo Sheng did not care at all, and was not affected by the current public opinion at all, because this is human nature, and the big A fell so badly. Although it was not caused by himself, the fuse was indeed ignited by himself.

It's just that the national team's funds took advantage of this opportunity to push the trend again and forcefully, and the market directly hit the limit, otherwise it would not have fallen so badly.

This merciless slump directly wiped out the hopes of all investors who were bullish on 4,000 points. Near 3,800 points are densely traded areas, and a large number of stuck stocks are concentrated here, which can be called the hardest hit area.

It is the core key support point when it rushes up, but instead of rushing up, it falls down, which means that it has become a heavy pressure point.

The most important thing is that it has seriously frustrated the confidence and emotions of long investors. It has been hit, and the panic in the market has still not dissipated. Even if the reversal is ushered in, there will inevitably be a wave of inertial killing tomorrow.

A group of people who know each other far away have sharpened their knives and are ready to buy big A tomorrow.


The next morning, around eight o'clock, Luo Sheng came to his office, and Xiaona turned on the large high-definition screen on the wall to encrypt the communication channel.

As for whether the investment institutions participating in the video conference will leak the content of the next discussion, Luo Sheng can't stop it, but he is not worried at all. He believes that the other party will not do so, because it is for their own interests. No harm is done.

Xiaona: "The video communication channel has been established."

I saw that one sub-screen after another began to display the connection. At the same time, the Eastern Hemisphere was at night, but the capital bosses on Wall Street did not have any sleepiness at all.

Can you still sleep at this time?

Even Warren Buffett, an old stock god, came. Obviously, Berkshire Hathaway is also one of its core heavy-duty investors, and he was caught.

As the screen continues to show one after another of domestic and foreign capital bosses, all dressed in suits and leather shoes, all foreign faces are not smiling on the screen at this moment.

There was even a Sima face glaring at Luo Sheng, who was in front of the screen. The latter had a calm expression, dressed in a casual outfit and was relaxed and comfortable.

The heads of the institutional investors who have been successfully connected did not speak, but they did not give Luo Sheng a good look.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to talk, but that they are in a state of silence now, otherwise it would have erupted long ago, waiting for other participants to come in.

About half a minute later, all the participants were present, the video conference officially started, and the mute was turned off.

"Mr. Luo, the global stock market has suffered a severe setback. You have brought all the markets to collapse. You have brought global capital to the forefront. In any case, you must have a reasonable argument for investors and the outside world!"

James Gorman, the head of Morgan Stanley, took the lead in questioning on the spot. His tone was as calm as possible, but the dissatisfaction expressed in it was obvious.

"All this is your long-planned plan, right? Get everyone in!" Another investor said angrily: "Do you want to bring everyone to bury with you? What's in it for you?"

James Gorman suddenly replied with a yin and yang peculiar anger: "No, maybe this is his conspiracy to let global capital carry a sedan chair for the Chinese economy, and the ladder may even be a cover, Mr. Luo, you are playing with fire... …”

Luo Sheng lazily leaned back on his chair and said, "Everyone, before answering your questions, let me ask you a question. Have I ever made investors lose money in the past decade or so?"

The crowd was silent.

Luo Sheng spread his hands and said with a smile: "No, yes, because I have always been at the top, and I have won all my records, and you have earned a lot of money."

Lawrence Fonke, the head of BlackRock Group, said calmly: "This is a good reason, but it is not sufficient. The potential risk of you want to build a ladder is so high that it is completely unpredictable."

"Are you talking about risks with me?" Luo Sheng laughed, and withdrew his spread hands, looking directly at Lawrence Fengke's video image and said:

"If investment is guided by risk assessment, then you should not take any decisions I made in the past. Which one is not the risk index bursting the table? Don't you also regard it as nothing and clamoring to vote for me all day long? Last time Shengfeng The attitude of everyone at the Capital Investor Conference is not the same today..."

The crowd was silent again.

Madvarka was very angry. The things Luo Sheng did were indeed extremely risky, but the damn thing is that he can win every time, you can't analyze what his inner logic is.

But he just won, and he keeps winning.

Luo Sheng said again: "Do you want sufficient reasons? Then I will give you reasons. Investors' funds of seven or eight trillion US dollars, plus my own total of more than ten trillion US dollars, even 1% of the profit is not enough. More than 100 billion US dollars, 10% is more than 1 trillion US dollars of annual profits, and you all want 20% or more, it is not enough to cut the surface of the earth, how can you feed the hearts of you old guys That endless greed?"

That's why Luo Sheng dared to speak to James Gorman and the others in such a tone, but everyone still had no temper, and to the foreigners present, it even seemed like a kind of compliment.

Lawrence Fengke said: "What is the probability of the success of the ladder? It's time, Mr. Luo, you know."

Luo Sheng said indifferently: "On the surface of the earth, it is impossible to find an annualized profit of more than 20% for the capital chain of more than ten trillion US dollars. If it is not open source, it will inevitably be inward. If I harvest you, or you harvest them, then only To be able to look up, look into space, open up new sources of profit. Can you talk to me about the success rate? No no no, I don’t want to answer that.”

After a moment's pause, Luo Sheng said decisively, "One is the road to heaven and the other is the road to hell. I have opened up these two paths for you. It is right in front of you. The right to choose is left to you."

Lawrence Funk: "You're such a mean and shameless bastard!"



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