Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters [painful Wall Street bigwigs]

Today's market is unusually hot, and a wave of strong retaliatory rises has ushered in, stunned the bearish Xiaosan, and it is unexpectedly hot.

When I opened high and walked high in the early trading, I felt that this was a scam, so I held back.

When the midday session opened after 13:00, bearish investors' expectations rose and fell, but the fact hit them again, that is, they went against them.

Not only did it not fall back, but after midday, it rushed even more violently. At around 14:20, the main board soared to 4.67%. The most ferocious one was the Science and Technology Innovation Board. The 50 index soared by 11.65%, so brutal that it has no friends.

As time passes by, when the time comes to the so-called "magic 2:30", the Science and Technology 50 Index has risen by 12.95%, the main board has exceeded the 5th percentile, and the trading volume of the two cities has exceeded 1.46 trillion , No matter how you look at it, the bull market has started.

As far as this trend is concerned, maybe the last two trading days of this week may break through the rhythm of the previous high of 3798 points.

Investors who sang short couldn't stand the red, thick, and big red candlestick... So they chased in.

At the close of the day, the main board rose 5.35%, and the index closed at 3598.18 points, only one step away from the 3600-point integer mark, and received an extremely strong bald head.

On January 6th, the Dayang K came out, and the whole market sentiment has recovered greatly. Investors have begun to discuss the possibility of a bull market again. It seems that the scars of the previous two days have been forgotten, and they are all discussing tomorrow's rise. How much, how about the market outlook, is it the fellow don't go series.

As everyone knows, the village chief is already furious.

With such a trend today, there is no doubt that a group of funds that are not afraid of death have been fired up to provoke the bottom line of the village chief, and are frantically testing on the edge of death.

However, at this time, small and medium investors not only did not realize the new risks, but at this time there was a super positive from Wall Street.


On the evening of the same day, world-renowned top institutions or investment banks such as BlackRock, Pilot Capital and Morgan Stanley commented or analyzed research reports on the Star Arrow International Space Elevator Project.

The head of Morgan Stanley, James Gorman, was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal that day and publicly supported Luo Sheng and Star Arrow International.

"Mr. Luo is the only omnipotent super genius I have ever seen in my life. The most incredible thing is that he can always turn incredible things into incredible reality. The space ladder is a very crazy project.

When I heard the news, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night. I am so proud to be able to witness and be more involved in this unprecedented miracle project. "

James Gorman subconsciously played accordion-like gestures, with an uplifting expression to interview reporters.

When he heard the news that day, he was really excited and couldn't sleep all night, but not because he was happy, but because Nima was frightened.

Reporter: "But when Star and Arrow International announced the elevator project, the global stock market crashed. How does Mr. Gorman see the market's choice?"

James Gorman said calmly: "Morgan Stanley and Mr. Luo have established cooperation for more than ten years and have spawned a friendship far beyond the partners. We have known about the ladder project for a long time, so we raised 2 trillion US dollars in funds, but it is not easy to reveal more due to commercial secrets. The stock market flash crash the day before yesterday was obviously irrational, but the market has begun to pick up, the pre-market trading has begun to rise sharply, and the SF main company has grown by 10. The market is clearly returning to rationality quickly.”

Reporter: "But the outside world still has doubts about the ladder project, and the academic community has also come up with theories about this, saying that human beings in today's era do not have the ability to build such a vast project."

James Gorman said lightly: "The birth of great people can lead to great engineering events, and the birth of great engineering events can lead to great engineering theories. The space ladder project is undoubtedly great and epic."

"Of course there are enough reasons for the outside world to question him, but I would like to remind the doubters of the fact that in the more than ten years since Luo Sheng's rise, he has never failed, and anyone who questions him will end up with a result, and he will be punished severely. I can accept being slapped in the face, but I can't accept that Morgan Stanley missed the historical opportunity of the age of cosmology."

Reporter: "Will Morgan Stanley continue to make additional investments?"

James Gorman said without hesitation: "Of course, why not? Morgan Stanley is waiting for Shengfeng Capital's next fundraising event at any time, and I believe other friends and business peers are also the same. The name Luo Sheng is a certain investment logic. , I know it sounds very absurd and bizarre, but the facts cannot be refuted by you, and the result of the refutation is that you watch the profits you deserve slip away from your eyes."

Finally, after answering a few questions from the reporter, the interview was over. James Gorman replied to his business car. His original expression immediately turned 180 degrees. That's enough, I actually said such shameless words!"

James Gorman was undoubtedly in pain, and every word he just said was a huge torment on his mind.

He clearly wanted the rhythm of hacking Luo Sheng to death in his heart, but he had to go against his true thoughts and touted it in public, stood up for him, cheered for him, and he had to use the most gorgeous words to decorate the praise, and he had to express it. Extremely trusting.

It was obvious that he was suffering inwardly, but he had to behave calmly.

Even if you don't believe it yourself, you have to do everything in your power to make others believe it.

But he is not alone, because there are other people who say those words that go against his heart to the extreme and suffer the same pain as him.

With the information and determination shown by the major top capital institutions, and the practical actions, coupled with Luo Sheng's solid and sturdy record, the originally panicked global investors once again regained their confidence in him.


"This is the charm of authority!" Luo Sheng, who was at home, sighed with emotion. He was reading an article in The Wall Street Journal reporting an exclusive interview with James Gorman, and he smiled brightly.

Others may not be able to see it, but Luo Sheng, as a client, knows what kind of torture James Gorman suffered when he said these words in an interview.

The same goes for Lawrence Fonke, the head of BlackRock Group, and Berkshire Hathaway's old Buffett. The stock gods are running for hundreds of people, and they are still talking nonsense with their eyes open. Come out and pull the flag, wave the flag and shout.

Luo Sheng also felt that it was very difficult for them.

But the acting talent of this group of people also deeply admires him, even the Oscar actors are nothing more than that.

After looking at the news of the external market, Luo Sheng turned to open the information of the mainland market, and also looked at the general market situation. After taking a look in the morning, he stopped paying attention.

Luo Sheng was stunned when he saw Dayang K's trend of +5.35% on today's trading day, and said, "These people who are not afraid of death are obviously hitting the management's face? Poor Xiaosan is going to be beaten again. ."

By the way, I glanced at the comment area below the broader market index, and most of the comments were bullish sentiments stimulated by this Dayang K.

Luo Sheng really wanted to tell this group of Xiaosan two words: Run—!

But he himself can't say such things publicly, otherwise it will only make the whole market more chaotic. Today's influence, every word and deed has super energy, and sometimes it is really annoying.

The management didn't want to see the index skyrocketing, and wanted to rise but didn't want to make it in one step. Luo Sheng actually knew that big A's investors were very "gentlemen".

If the management let go of their hands and let these masters run wild, the madness of these people is not a joke to you, they really let them free themselves, believe it or not, they can give you more than 5,000 points in a month, and then arrive at You can hit 1000 points by the end of the year.

In fact, in the 1990s, Big A launched the T+0 trading rule. The next day, the market rose by more than 3%. In the following month or so, the highest increase reached more than 100%. The volatility and speculativeness of the market was so staggering that investors almost ran out of underpants for a day or two.

That's it, dare to let this group of masters let go and let them go to the waves?

Sometimes Luo Sheng also feels that there is no need to help these speculative people too much, and let the market make a choice.

After the skyrocketing, it must be a piece of chicken feathers. It has been a long and turbulent road for a long time. At this time, the management is inconvenient and embarrassed to issue new shares. It can’t make it impossible to issue new shares in the next few months, so where will the performance be obtained? What about salary?

Go up slowly, press down when it goes up a little bit, give it some sweetness, don’t follow the series, and continue to issue new shares.

Once it skyrockets, any insidious tricks such as yin legs and lime powder can be used. After all, there are too many intricate off-market interests in this market.


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