Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-five [Starry sky voyage, looking forward to your joining]

The latest website: Stimulated by a series of major positives in the external market that night, domestic investors are very optimistic about tomorrow's market, and many investors believe that this wave of super strong rebound, even if it falls back, how can it get around the previous high of 3798 Let's test the pressure, shall we?

The time came to Thursday, January 7th. The morning call auction ended. The main board opened up +0.52%, and the index opened at 3616.89. Most investors were very happy to see the gap open.

Most of them think that they can open higher in early trading today, and if they are stable, continue to see more!

However, there are also a very small number of powerful retail investors in the market who immediately became alert when they saw that the call auction opened up +0.52%. Put the presence of the brush.

In the case of a series of super favorable conditions exposed yesterday, it is normal to have to open more than 1 point higher.

They found that this amount was not right, and it was better to withdraw first, and the withdrawal was extremely decisive!

Sure enough, at the stage of continuous bidding at 9:30, there was no upswing five minutes before the opening, but a direct U-turn fell, which made inexperienced bullish investors confused.

However, when it fell to about +0.23%, the disk began to rush up again, and within three minutes V went up and returned to the opening price.

It rose to +0.68% at ten after nine o'clock. Many bullish investors who chased in late yesterday were glad they were false alarms when they saw it, and they were glad that they were not washed out.

Incidentally, the main batch of dirty scolds are still washing dishes.

But in the next time, the entire disk entered a narrow range of shocks, and retail investors did not know that +0.68% in the first ten minutes of the morning session was today's highest point.

With the passage of time, the strength of the multi-party gradually weakened, and the disk began to fall, not only fell below the opening price, but at about 11:00, it once turned green and fell by more than -0.55%. Drop the phone.

At midday, the power of the bears gradually weakened, and the multiple parties began to take advantage of the small advantages and chase after the victory.

It finally closed at +0.23% lower than the opening price, and the index closed at 3606.45 points.

At this time, most of the investors who chased the high yesterday were miserable. Looking at the +0.23% false yin k on the disk,

I am worried that the main force of the institution is intimidating to wash the market, and the market outlook will rise sharply and sell will be empty.

But I am worried that the buy and hold will come back to kill, and my heart is entangled by greed and fear.

Going out of today's market is the result of the suppression of the main funds of the national team. The three financial idiots headed by the three weighted sectors of securities companies, insurance and banks are deliberately controlling the index, resulting in the entire market being unable to rush up. If you dare to go up, I will give you Hit it down.

But it did not fall, and the national team did not mean to make a ruthless move. In the following trading days this week, the broader market was sideways around 3600, and the rise and fall were controlled within a range of ±0.5%.

In fact, this game is already very benevolent to Xiaosan, and these few days are equivalent to giving them the opportunity to profit and get out of the game.

But there are not many people who want to go out. The index can't fall below 3600. I think there is strong support nearby. The Dayang K on January 6 gave them confidence. In addition, some online financial big V with just bad money Bloggers are looking at the market outlook...

All the news is a major positive and bullish sentiment, so most investors choose to hold their shares and wait for the end of the adjustment to continue to rush...


The impact of Star Arrow International's public "Ladder Project" event on the global capital market lasted for about a week. The markets in major regions of the world finally stabilized, and the big A also ended the skyrocketing and slumping situation.

The U.S. stock market miraculously rebounded to the position before the "Ladder Project" incident, and it just gave V up and broke the previous high position.

However, this made domestic investors look at it. They turned around and scolded the big A. Before the Star Arrow International "Sky Ladder Project" incident, the big A was going to rush to 3800 points and look at 4000 points...

Take a look at the current big A, which is already at the 3600 point position and looks like he is dying.

In fact, Wall Street capital is also scolding, but they are scolding Luo Sheng secretly. This time they forcibly put the US stocks on top of them. If you don't go up, it dares to rush down to show you, and the loss will be even worse.

Obviously it was Luo Sheng who was leading the audience, but he didn't care about anything, so don't ask, asking is asking for money, asking is building a ladder, and it's weird to be angry with your mother.

The most annoying thing is that you have to support him in public and show unswerving belief in him. This is the most annoying part.

The bigwigs of Wall Street are now all simmering in the fire and have nowhere to vent, not to mention how depressed.


Saturday, January 9

While maintaining his continuous attention to the capital market, Luo Sheng focused more on Star Arrow International and the "Tier Ladder Project". He also knew that this time he was not playing an ordinary game.

Global investors are now stabilized by his partnership with Wall Street bigwigs, but Luo Sheng is very clear that James Gorman and those Wall Street capital bigwigs still lack confidence.

Wall Street capital wants to give confidence to global investors. What Luo Sheng has to do is to give confidence to Wall Street capital. The best way is to promote the Star Arrow International Sky Ladder project to let them see that this project is promising in the future.

The ladder is where the dream begins, the real core fundamental.

At the moment, Luo Sheng is reading the information report on the global public project collection submitted by Zheng Tao. After all the global capital has been trapped, he can also be assured of the global collection of projects, so that global talents and related institutions can be used by him. .

When necessary, global capital will also provide corresponding help to solve some troubles and save worry and effort.

Wall Street didn't enthusiastically lift the sedan chair for Luo Sheng, but had to do it so that the funds and profits trapped in it would not evaporate.

The total budget for this public project solicitation is US$650 billion, of which the partner companies that have been named should contribute at least 30% to about US$200 billion.

The rest will be borne by Star Arrow International, and the funds will be accessed by Shengfeng Capital.

In the project budget of 650 billion U.S. dollars, 500 billion U.S. dollars have been locked in cooperation with large global enterprises, and the other 150 billion U.S. dollars are provided to domestic and foreign private individuals and third-party scientific research institutions as funds for this global public project. A supplement to the solicitation.

Xiaona: "Master, the video recording is ready to start."

Luo Sheng read the information for a while and then came to the large curved sofa in the large living room and sat down. There was a screen and a camera in front of him. The screen on the screen was exactly what he was sitting on the sofa.

The purpose of recording this video is to meet the needs of the global open call for projects. Luo Sheng has to use his influence to call on the world. The space ladder is a huge multi-system super project. In other words, not only must global capital be escorted for it , We must gather the wisdom of all human beings to make this dream a reality.

At the end, Luo Sheng faced the camera with a confident and calm demeanor.

"Hello, the audience before the video, I'm Luo Sheng."

"A week ago, Star Arrow International's super-heavy rocket successfully flew. It broke a new record for human carrying capacity and became the rocket with the strongest carrying capacity in the world. It can be said to be a milestone in the history of human rocket launches."

"Its successful launch has laid a solid foundation for the next 'Ladder Project'."

"Just as people are no longer amazed by Star Arrow International's successful recovery of rockets every time, I believe that one day in the future, people will not be amazed at the space ladder today."

"And behind this is the result of the great development of our increasingly powerful scientific and technological system."

"When Bluestar Technology was founded, we believed in 'move fast and break the rules'. The extreme vastness of the universe will turn all the rules and distances into clouds. We must break the rules and act fast."

"In the short-distance travel of human beings into the early universe, Star Arrow International may be only a ray of harmless ripples in it."

"The undulating waves of time and space will be the stormy waves in the cosmic starry sky, but the horn of the voyage has already sounded."

"In the face of a series of projects in space exploration and deep space exploration, Star Arrow International is still looking forward to cooperating with the outside world from other commercial companies or institutions. For this reason, we will formulate a total budget of 650 billion US dollars and Star Arrow International will provide. Technical support to give full play to the wisdom of private institutions, commercial companies and individuals."

"Dare to dream and move forward fearlessly. I look forward to your joining this time on a voyage to the stars!"


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