Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 896 [Potential problems of cheating subsidies and packages (additional meals)]

The latest website: The call video recorded by Luo Sheng was published together with the public project solicitation strategy through Star Arrow International.

You must know that in the past short week, the disclosure of the Tianti project has caused an uproar in the global capital market, everyone is in a panic, and Star Arrow International has not spoken out.

As soon as the news was disclosed, the Global Times commented on it immediately: "The series of measures taken by Star Arrow International may be a space development model that countries around the world actively follow."

Luo Sheng's powerful influence today does not need to be repeated too much. Once his video call was released, it caused a sensation in all walks of life.

Especially in the business and academic circles, all major universities and institutes around the world pay attention, because the scope of the project is too wide, not limited to a certain major or a certain field, but a system engineering that combines multiple fields.

The most important thing is that the figure of $650 billion has blinded countless people.


"The public project solicitation strategy was released to the public. It can be said that the four parties are moving, and everyone wants to take a piece of the pie. I am afraid that more than half of them are trying to cheat subsidies and set up projects."

The person who said this is Zheng Tao, the second-in-command of Star Arrow International. Today is the third day after the news was released. He is discussing this matter with Luo Sheng in the CEO office of Star Arrow International.

Many companies involved in cutting-edge fields, whether they are long-established or in the start-up stage, whether they are large enterprises or small and medium-sized start-up companies, are analyzing whether the businesses they operate can have the opportunity to participate in them.

If you can get the favor of Star Arrow International and get one of the targets, it will definitely take off in place, and there is nothing you can't care about.

Not only commercial companies, but also third-party scientific research institutions from around the world, especially research institutions that lack funding.

It also includes some folk individuals with dreams.

Hearing Zheng Tao's words, Luo Sheng said comfortably, "Be confident. More than half of them are too few. At least 70% of them are here to scour our wool. Most domestic and foreign countries must also be many."

Zheng Tao: "Uh... this question really needs to be taken seriously."

Speculation is rife, scouring wool, cheating subsidies, setting up projects,

There are so many people like this, they don't think about doing business seriously, but how to arbitrage.

Just after Star Arrow International released the public project solicitation strategy, there was no accident that it was targeted by a group of wool parties, and related enterprises or institutions have begun to get together or are on the way to establish.

This is basically the same as the situation that Luo Sheng encountered when he went public with his grand strategy of building the entire domestic semiconductor industry chain. At that time, in just half a year, more than 6,000 companies related to the semiconductor industry were newly established. 5% of the hits are to be thankful for.

The rest were all the devils and demons who wanted to defraud subsidies and set up projects. It was like a dance of demons. Luo Sheng actually understood how tired Yao Jianhong, who was in charge of the front line at that time, was at that time.

At that time, even some coal companies and coal bosses set up an integrated circuit department, clamoring to develop chips.

It's not obvious that it came from smashing your wool, but it made President Yao very angry.

Even if you say that a company that digs sand says that it wants to develop chips, President Yao can bear it. At any rate, chips are also changed from sand, and they can also force some related concepts.

But what the heck is a coal digger trying to get chips?

This is absolutely intolerable.

Obviously, these are speculators who want to set up projects and cheat funds for subsidies, including the new energy vehicle strategy of Weilan pure electric vehicles, as well as other strategic support at the national level, etc., which have spawned this group of worms who cheat and arbitrage.

The same is true for Star Arrow International's public project solicitation this time.

Luo Sheng said indifferently: "The times are different. In the era of big data, everything can be traced back to the source. This time, all the funds invested in the private sector will go through the digital currency channel, and not a single penny will become funds with unknown whereabouts."

Digital currency is not a new concept today. Both Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur have provided strong technical support, and a cashless society is a major trend in the future. The country hopes to use ten years to realize the digitalization of the national currency.

Although the technology is in place, the current market is still niche. Although the digital currency channel cannot absolutely prevent funds from being greedy or where their whereabouts are unknown, it also greatly eliminates problems in this regard.

Luo Sheng added: "As the financial rights of all project targets are to be seized, Côte d'Azur will provide support in AI technology-assisted distribution to reduce labor costs, decision-making costs and project tracking costs."

Zheng Tao nodded silently when he heard the words.

If it were ten years ago, Luo Sheng wanted to engage in such a large-scale project solicitation, and it was a huge amount of funds. The funds had to go through several hands from the headquarters to the project target.

Even if the investment in building the entire semiconductor industry chain was avoided, 20% of the funds were still wasted. Most of them were smashed wool, which is undoubtedly an astronomical amount, and they were all eaten by moths Lost.

Only then will there be such absurd but factual things as "if you don't feed those people, how can they do things for you".

Ten years ago, that was impossible. For the sake of a larger strategic goal, Luo Sheng could only endure it.

But today is different. The development, improvement and completion of a series of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing can be directly linked from the headquarters to the implementation of the project. Save decision-making costs, labor costs, and project tracking costs.

This was demonstrated in a textbook style on the tower base project in Linga Port. For example, if Luo Sheng wanted to know the situation, he could understand the actual situation of a certain worker in the project in seconds.

The so-called seizing financial power, all non-governmental project financial support, Star Arrow International provides financial support in the form of strategic investment. In other words, a project needs to be transferred through budget and capital, as long as Star Arrow International invests funds, it is not agreed that it is owned. One-vote veto.

At the same time, the agreement between the two parties will also stipulate that the lost funds will give priority to the liquidation of the founder’s funds. In other words, if the project suffers a loss, the founder’s money will first fill the gap, and Star Arrow International will pay the bill until all the losses can’t make up the hole. , or can not make up for either additional investment, or announced the suspension of the project, or even divestment.

For a project target, you can do whatever you want. It is best if the person in charge of the project can attract other investors.

Star Arrow International is only responsible for the funds it has invested. Once Star Arrow International’s funds are needed, according to the agreement, as a strategic investor, it has the right to decide whether to grant the funds.

Although the financial power is firmly held, it is not a hindrance to those who really want to do practical things, but it is extremely unfriendly to those who just want to take the opportunity to cheat supplements and set up projects. Maybe it’s really playing the real thing, it was originally for the purpose of picking up the wool, and playing the real thing may be able to deceive Star Arrow International, but I have to pay for it myself.

Xingjian International can afford to pay, but for some people who are looking for wool and sets of projects, they cannot afford such losses.

Those who are worth 100 million pay 100,000 yuan and those who are worth 200,000 yuan pay 100,000 yuan. Those are two concepts. The former is completely acceptable, and the latter has to bear 50% of the loss, which is unacceptable.

Luo Sheng said again: "The strategy of Star Arrow International cannot be smashed by 20.33% like the semiconductor strategy of the Cote d'Azur. It was excusable ten years ago. Now all aspects of technology are in place, Star Arrow International This part of meaningless sunk costs and bad debts must be controlled within 3%.”

It is unrealistic and too idealistic to completely eliminate it. Luo Sheng is a person who seeks truth from facts. He never strives for perfection, but only for perfection.

There will always be people who make some unexpected actions, there will always be some tricky speculative angles to open up a breakthrough, and there will always be a few people who collude inside and outside the reselling projects that are not afraid of death, trying crazy on the edge of crime. ...

These bulls, ghosts, gods and snakes Luo Sheng can tolerate their existence, but they must be able to control it within a reasonable range, let them dance in a group of demons in this range, and then find that one clears the other, and controls the overall loss within an acceptable and reasonable range That's it.


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