Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-eight [appeal]

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Qi Hongjun and several of his partners were instantly hilarious and excitedly jumping around in this humble office.

"I can't believe it, the Great God would agree to come?!"

"Yeah, although I sent an invitation, I never expected the Archbishop to come."

"You dare to believe that the biggest wrist is here!!"

"Hurry up and contact the media and let the news go out. The HI00 conference will definitely make headlines in minutes!"

When Qi Hongjun heard the partner's words, he quickly calmed down from his excitement, and said quickly, "Don't, don't, the archbishop has already reminded him in the letter, don't release the news in advance."

As he said that, he showed the mobile phone to everyone to see the content of the reply, and one of the partners said inexplicably, "Why?"

After thinking about it, Qi Hongjun said: "What level of existence is the archbishop? Can he hold the scene at that time? What security force does our little broken temple have? Now that his schedule is disclosed in advance, the leaders of Bincheng will be alarmed. Without any preparation, this might not be possible!"

Several partners nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, then listen to the arrangements of the Great God!"

Qi Hongjun said: "Be calm, don't be like this tomorrow, when you meet the great god, you must respect it, but you must not show the appearance of Shi Lezhi's star-chasing fan. This is not a fan meeting."

Everyone nodded again and again, but the excitement and excitement in their hearts were still hard to hide. They didn't dare to think about this kind of thing. You must know that Luo Sheng has never attended the top summits of the real world-class forums in the industry. When he arrived, he would even come to support a platform set up by a third-rate non-governmental organization.

They all know that as soon as Luo Sheng arrives, the HI00 Private Space Business Conference, including Yueming Space Technology Company, will inevitably become the focus of the industry's popularity overnight, and it will definitely change from obscurity to popularity overnight.

Fame, fame and fortune, with fame, profit will follow, this is the truth that every adult understands.

Yueming Technology will definitely become a new darling from a state where no capital is interested. Qi Hongjun and others can almost be sure and certain that investors will definitely come to the door after tomorrow.

Qi Hongjun calmed down at this time.

And solemnly said to several partners: "Don't be dazzled by joy, the more you are at this time, the more calm and cautious. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. It is a good thing to have ambition, but ambition has nothing to do with it. A mismatch in strength will only be a disaster, so if an investor comes to you tomorrow and only accepts an investment of less than 1 million, it is too much and we cannot handle it now.”

Several partners also calmed down and agreed very much: "Brother Qi is right, we are as weak as an ant now, and none of those capital bosses are fools, even those who eat people and don't spit bones. It's definitely the rhythm that's fucked up."

Qi Hongjun added: "Let's stick to the original ideal, maybe this is where the great god values ​​us, otherwise, in our current situation, I really can't think of anything worthy of the great god's attention, and it is impossible for people to come to fight the autumn wind for no reason, definitely It's meaningful."


The next day, Luo Sheng took his private Airbus A380 and landed at Bencheng Airport. Apart from Qi Hongjun and a few people, no one else knew about his trip to Bencheng. Although Qi Hongjun and others wanted to expose the news, All held back.

The HI00 Space Business Conference was held at around ten o'clock in the Ben Thanh International Convention Center.

Qi Hongjun and others were preparing at around 6:00 in the morning. At 6:30, they received a call from Luo Sheng's security team. Before the conference, they began to temporarily redeploy the entire conference site to improve the safety factor.

Undoubtedly, Qi Hongjun and others naturally handed over to Luo Sheng's security team to do the behind-the-scenes processing. Before that, they didn't consider this issue at all, because they didn't need any security work.

But with the arrival of Luo Sheng, it was completely different.

"This is the real big name. You can have this card when you went out to participate in a public event that day. It's worth it in this life." A partner said with emotion.

"How about Peach? Do you want to wake you up and work hard?" Qi Hongjun scolded with a smile.

"If you think about it without breaking the law, you can't have sex."

"At this point, the Great God is probably coming soon, right?"

"Don't worry, the bodyguard team of the Great God is here, and it will definitely come."

"Also ha!"

Qi Hongjun and others came to the conference venue. It is an event hall that can accommodate thousands of people. There is a large stage and a high-definition giant screen behind it. The layout is relatively simple.

There are several blue single-seat beanbags and a small glass table on the stage.

At about 9:30, the people who came to participate in the first HI00 Private Space Business Conference came one after another, mainly from aerospace practitioners, universities and people of insight, basically all of them were uniform. Young people, and most of these young people are born in the 1990s. After all, the new century has ushered in the third decade, and the post-90s are in their thirties.



"Professor Dalin, it is a great honor for you to come to this conference." Qi Hongjun was receiving guests behind the scenes at the moment. She was shaking hands with a brown-haired and blue-eyed woman from Magnesia, whose full name is Dalin Dam, who is Singularity. A head professor at the university and co-founder of an organization called DIY-Rockets.

She was wearing a red cheongsam to attend the conference today, not to mention, she is very similar to her, there are really not many foreigners who can control the cheongsam, Qi Hongjun also praised a few words, his social skills are quite good.


At this time, another guest came, and Qi Hongjun shook hands with him and had a lively chat with several guests. The fact that he was able to invite these people was the result of the limited contacts he had accumulated in Singularity University.

Originally, Jim Kayla and Darlene Dam were the leading figures in the industry, but Elon Musk and bald Bezos were not here. They were undoubtedly the protagonists of today's conference. They themselves think so.

But today there will be a super god who is bigger than Musk.

"Trust me, Mr. Kayla, today's conference will definitely give you a big surprise." Qi Hongjun said with a smile, the conference will start soon.

"A big surprise?" Darlene Dam next to her was also very interested when she saw the mysterious appearance of the other party.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the backstage, which also attracted the attention of Qi Hongjun, Darlene and others.

I saw six or seven people walking slowly. Darlene was stunned when she saw the man in the lead. After reacting, her eyes widened and she couldn't help raising her hand to cover her mouth, which was slightly opened due to subconscious shock.

"OMG, Hongjun, is this the surprise you're talking about?" Kayla said blankly, looking at the hot man in front of her.

"Yeah!" Qi Hongjun replied in a low voice very calmly, and his eyes were always fixed on the front, his expression was quite calm, but his heart was already too excited to express.

The hot man walking towards them was none other than Luo Sheng.


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