Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 899 [Editor-in-chief, super material, immediately arrange front page headlines for me]

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It was also the first time that Qi Hongjun had seen his idol God at such a close distance. After staying for a few seconds, he immediately walked fast and won.

"Hello Mr. Luo, I really don't know what words to use to thank you for your busy schedule. It's such an honor."


Luo Sheng extended his right hand politely, while Qi Hongjun lay down with his hands together to show respect.

Seeing several foreign faces walking behind him, Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Can you introduce your friend?"

He also gave Qi Hongjun a lot of face, and his arrival was still relatively sudden, and he didn't want him to be too difficult to do, smashing his circle of friends.

Luo Sheng can understand Qi Hongjun's heart at the moment. On the one hand, he doesn't want to and dare not neglect himself, but this will make other friends who have been invited from all over the world look down on him. If the friends are unhappy, it will be difficult to do.

Hearing this, Qi Hongjun was grateful, and immediately nodded: "Of course there is no problem, let me introduce, this lady is Dalin Dam, a professor from Singularity University and the co-founder of DiyRockete; this is Mr. Jim Kayla. , from the International Academy of Astronautics; this is..."

Luo Sheng also politely shook hands with these guys, and exchanged a few words politely. It was a simple acquaintance.

Jim Kayla and the others were very shocked. They never thought that Luo Sheng would come, let alone that Qi Hongjun could invite such a super celebrity, and they all looked at him differently for a while.

Qi Hongjun's performance is very calm now, but his heart is refreshing. He also clearly felt that the moment Luo Sheng appeared, the eyes of several friends on him changed to varying degrees, and they became more important.

This wrist is not ordinary big.

Dalin Damm and others originally thought that they must be the protagonists in today's HI00 conference, but the moment they saw Luo Sheng, they knew that they could only play supporting roles today.

With Luo Sheng present, even if Elon Musk came, it would be a supporting role. At most, he was the second protagonist. No one could steal the attention and focus from Luo Sheng.

But they didn't complain that Qi Hongjun didn't inform them in advance. Although it's no use to be the protagonist of today's conference, they were still very pleasantly surprised. It is basically impossible to communicate with a superstar like Luo Sheng on the same stage under normal circumstances, and even more so. high value.

In the minds of several foreigners, this trip is definitely a huge lucrative trip.

Other than that, when you participate in other public activities in the future, you can start by saying, "I used to talk about this topic in a forum with Mr. Luo".

The rhythm is full in an instant when you force a grade or something.

You know, a can of Coke can only be sold for two yuan in a convenience store, but the same can of Coke in a star-rated hotel can immediately sell for ten yuan.

Now who can communicate with Luo Sheng on the same stage, which one is not a super boss? To be able to communicate with such a superstar on the same stage once, the value is the rhythm of the soaring.

Qi Hongjun said weakly: "That Mr. Luo, I have to ask you to cooperate a little when I appear later..."

Luo Sheng smiled and nodded happily: "No problem, you are the host, I will follow your rhythm."

Qi Hongjun said in his heart: Don't joke about it, boss, as soon as you show up, the rhythm will automatically come to you, how can we hold it...


As time passed by, around ten o'clock, the first HI00 private space business conference was held on time, and the host was also Qi Hongjun.

Industry-leading guests such as Darlene Dam and Jim Kayla appeared one after another, but the center seat was vacant.

This made some of the attendees quite curious. They thought that the biggest wrist today was Jim Kayla, but it was obvious from the seats that there was a bigger wrist than him yet.


At the same time, Luo Sheng was in a lounge in the background.

"What do you think of this young man Qi Hongjun?" Luo Sheng sat lazily on a sofa. Apart from him, there was only An Qingxue, assistant and secretary in the lounge. The latter poured a glass of water for him, Sitting down and thinking about it, he said:

"Judging from the information in the data and his performance just now, he has good social skills, and from his resume, he is also very inspirational. He is a person who has ideals and can put them into practice. "An Qingxue has followed Luo Sheng for so many years, and she is no longer the vase that only warms the bed and does housekeeping.

After thinking about it, she added: "Let's not say anything else, with such tight resources, at his age, he can organize the HI00 conference, and his team organization ability can be improved based on this alone. On the whole, giving a certain amount of support may really fly.”

Hearing this, Luo Sheng pouted contentedly, nodded and said, "Okay, then listen to you, invest a sum of money in his Yueming Technology, and you will arrange for someone to do this after the meeting."

An Qingxue asked, "How much is the amount?"

Luo Sheng thought: "Show the willingness to invest, let him make an offer first, if the angel round exceeds 5 million, then give 1 million, and then deal with this investment as a bad debt, and the angel round investment will cost more than one million, which shows that he was pretending before. If it is inflated or inflated, then there is no need for additional investment in the follow-up, and Yueming Technology can only operate a maximum of 1.5 million funds."

An Qingxue said: "If he bids too high, wouldn't it be better not to vote? The 1 million is saved."

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "It is said that this trip is to support dreams, no matter what happens to Qi Hongjun in the end, the 1 million is earned, at least he bought hope, he can't fly, there are always people with dreams who can Flying up, even if Qi Hongjun loses money, the pattern is a steady profit, do you understand the pattern?"

An Qingxue gave him a white look: "Don't come, fool others, I won't eat you."

Luo Sheng said solemnly, "Then which set do you want to eat?"

An Qingxue glared at him angrily, just at this moment the door of the lounge was knocked a few times, and the two immediately put away their playful thoughts.

Luo Sheng returned to his serious side, and answered casually, "Come in."

"Mr. Luo, it's your turn to appear."


Luo Sheng got up and left the lounge, while An Qingxue went to arrange the investment in Yueming Technology.

At the same time, Qi Hongjun, who was on the stage of the conference, said excitedly: "... Next, I am very honored to invite today's most important players to appear, and applause is welcome!"

The more than 2,000 audience members who attended the meeting applauded at will, although Qi Hongjun's speech was eloquent and even a little excited.

But where can the so-called big names go?

However, the moment Luo Sheng walked from behind the scenes to the stage, the sparse applause disappeared, and everyone stared at the hot man who appeared in their sight.

But this situation only lasted for less than a second, and the atmosphere in the audience burst instantly, just as the water temperature of the same two degrees rushed to the boiling point in an instant, and the thunderous applause of less than a thousand people had the effect of ten thousand people.

Who is present who doesn't know Luo Sheng's name?

And almost all of them are his fans, the object of their adoration.

"My God, it's Luo Sheng, how could he be here?" A media reporter at the scene was also excited. There were only five or six media present today. Those who didn't want to come before, saw Luo Sheng at the moment. , all realize that Jane is lucky today.

After being shocked for a moment, the reporter in the auditorium area immediately took out his mobile phone and opened a WeChat private chat with the editor-in-chief: "Editor-in-chief, immediately give me today's front page headlines, no matter what big news you have to give way, I have super powers. Fantastic!!"

Editor-in-chief: "Aren't you going to report on a conference called HI00, a third-rate private space business conference, there is no hot spot, what can you expect? Don't make trouble!"

Reporter: "Luo Sheng is here! Editor-in-chief!! Luo Sheng was shocked to see the scene of the HI00 conference, can you believe it?"

Editor-in-Chief: "???"

Seeing a few question marks from the editor-in-chief, the reporter simply took a picture with his mobile phone, took a picture of Luo Sheng on stage and sent it to WeChat.

Editor-in-Chief: "Fuck!!! The front page is the headline page, right? No problem, just arrange it directly. Be sure to get the first-hand information!"

Reporter: "OK OK, the scene is handed over to me, and I will send a quick news first. Fortunately, there are not many colleagues here today. This trip is a bloody profit haha!"

Editor-in-chief: "Let's not talk about it, you hold the scene first."

The value of news is linked to its effectiveness. The sooner the news is reported, the higher the value, because the attention is concentrated and the traffic is concentrated. In other words, the effectiveness is money.

Some world-class forums and summits were unable to invite a celebrity like Luo Sheng, but they appeared in a third-rate conference. Luo Sheng itself is a mobile news hotspot, and the combination of the two is a super explosive point.


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