Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter nine hundred [1 trillion]

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The several media present rushed to release the news for the first time. The news was very simple. The title was something like "Luo Sheng was shocked to see the HI00 private space business conference", and then attached a photo taken on the scene, and then another one. Please pay attention to the continuous follow-up reports of XX Media.

After several media outlets on the scene released the news, it didn't take long for other media to quote reports.

In today's era of information big data, news spreads faster than expected, and Luo Sheng's latest itinerary was soon exposed.

"What are you all doing? There is no news about such a big event. Why don't you pay attention to the HI00 private space business conference at this juncture? Don't you know the news released by Star Arrow International yesterday? This is a serious dereliction of duty!"

"But the editor-in-chief..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up to the Bencheng International Conference Center, don't eat Xiangxiang, you won't be able to catch a hot meal!"

Other media also quickly followed suit. Many media reporters were severely criticized by their bosses, and they rushed over after greeting their immediate bosses in their hearts.

With the release of the news, in order to grab first-hand information, various media sent reporters to the Bencheng International Conference Center.

However, when he arrived at the scene, he couldn't get in because he was stopped by Luo Sheng's security team.

In desperation, some reporters began to seek other ways to obtain first-hand information, such as contacting some participants in the venue, and sending the pictures inside through mobile video live broadcast.

Some highly skilled reporters have indeed found an "inside line". Although the photographer's hand is unstable, the camera is shaking, and sometimes he can't hear some voices, but he has endured it for the first-hand information.

At this moment, 60-70% of the audience at the scene took out their mobile phones to shoot and record.

"...I am very happy that Hongjun's love for space exploration is obvious. I believe that if it is not true love and a space dream, how could it be possible to plan and organize the first session under such difficult circumstances? HI00 Conference? Seeing the young people present, I also look forward to the HI00 platform to play its role.”

Luo Sheng sat on the lazy sofa in the middle and talked eloquently, whether Qi Hongjun who was present, or the audience at the scene, all became fans of younger brothers and sisters and good babies in seconds.

No way, the big guy's aura is so powerful,

Anyway, not one of the people on the scene could hold it.

It was obvious that Luo Sheng was the invited guest, and that Qi Hongjun was the host, but at this moment he was basically nodding like a baby, as if Luo Sheng was the host.

This can't be blamed on Qi Hongjun. He really can't hold it. Elon Musk, Larry Page, and Tuantou Bezos may not be able to suppress Luo Sheng's aura when they come!

At this moment, Luo Sheng was sitting on the lazy sofa, and said in a relaxed tone with Erlang's legs crossed: "With the success of private commercial space exploration companies such as Star Arrow International, SpaceX, and Blue Origin in recent years, the pace of space commercialization has grown. Faster and faster, more and more companies or individuals are beginning to invest in the aerospace field, which is undoubtedly an excellent trend."

"But in comparison, the industry threshold in the aerospace field is higher. It is not only a high technical threshold, but also has high capital requirements. Therefore, those who can enter this field are usually some big players."

"Even Elon Musk was able to start SpaceX by selling his share of PayPal, and Jeff Bezos was selling Amazon stock to fund Blue Origin's operations."

"Including Star Arrow International, in the early days, it also maintained operations and continued R\u0026D investment through continuous blood transfusions from Bluestar Technology and Azure Coast. Now it mainly relies on Shengfeng Capital."

When he said this, Luo Sheng paused for a moment and then changed the conversation: "But is space exploration really only big players can get tickets? Not necessarily, there are big ways to play, and there are small ways. Macro Jun's entrepreneurial journey tells us that Yueming Technology, which has neither capital nor technology, has been advancing in the aerospace field step by step for a year and a half, and now there are not many startups that can survive for a year."

"The perception that Hongjun brought to me is that he is like a young literary and artistic youth with a wide-open brain, and as far as I know, the goal of its Yueming Technology is to achieve consumer-level lunar orbit travel in 2040, which seems to be A fantastic idea, and I think any investor would have been scared away by the story."

Qi Hongjun, including the audience at the scene, laughed along with him.

Luo Sheng continued: "But what is surprising is that Yueming Technology is still alive. Without capital, technology, and talents, how did he enter this sophisticated aerospace field and allow Yueming Technology to survive today? Hongjun , I will also hear how you did it."

At this moment, Luo Sheng seems to have unknowingly dominated the entire rhythm of the communication. People who don't know it think that he is the host of this private commercial space conference.

On the other hand, An Qingxue, who was in the backstage, couldn't help but complained in her heart when she heard Luo Sheng's words: Hongjun called out in front of the stage, which was not the case when she was in the lounge just now.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Sheng admires Qi Hongjun very much, and the latter is also very excited. He did not expect to be so generously boasted by idols, and he was also quite uneasy.

At this time, Qi Hongjun picked up his microphone and said, "To be honest, it has been very difficult and painful since the establishment of Yueming. For me personally, what I have and master is that I am in Singularity University. I am honored to have some network resources of the people, Professor Dalin and Kayla.”

Several foreigners on the board couldn't help but smile when they heard the instant translation. Qi Hongjun continued: "It was they who helped me realize that seemingly unreachable dream of spaceflight."

Luo Sheng immediately said: "I want to add that there is also Hongjun's brain, he obviously needs to create an opportunity or a fulcrum for himself, so that he can pry and open the door of his own aerospace dream, so he With the first HI00 Private Space Business Conference."

"As far as I know, after he made up his mind, Hongjun started to pursue this seemingly impossible thing non-stop. When many things are not executed, the goals are always lofty and the enthusiasm is the strongest. But many people are often defeated by reality in the process of implementation, and they retreat or give up after encountering a setback or difficulty, which shows how difficult it is to persevere."

Qi Hongjun next to him was super moved when he heard what Luo Sheng said. He suddenly felt as if he had met a bosom friend. will think so.

However, Qi Hongjun is indeed not easy, and he has done things that many people can't do. Even with the network resources he has, few people can make HI00 up and running.

There are two difficulties here.

One is the invitation of the guests of the conference. Without star-level guests in this field, there will hardly be too much attention.

The other is the funding issue. The venue rent, exhibition arrangement, personnel, etc. all need money, and money is what Yueming Technology lacks the most, and it is also one of the biggest pain points on the way for all young entrepreneurial teams.

These two problems are indeed big problems for Qi Hongjun. In order to invite guests, he used his limited network resources and online search to find the contact information of people who may be contacted, and listed a long list. .

In this list, in addition to Dalin and others I know, there are also industry leaders like Luo Sheng and Elon Musk, as well as founders of some start-ups in the aerospace field.

In the list of these big names, some people directly refused, and some did not reply at all.

Qi Hongjun's heart is like a roller coaster, but what he never expected was that Luo Sheng, who he thought was the most unlikely to be invited, came instead. This made him feel very lucky, and he also embraced his idol from the bottom of his heart. Be grateful.

Luo Sheng picked up the microphone again, looked at the more than 2,000 young audiences attending the meeting, and said, "I think for Hongjun, this is just the beginning, and Yueming Technology should also have more plans to implement. This is a A very good example."

"I see from the young people that as a young man with dreams and ideals, he dares to seize every opportunity. If Hongjun did not participate in the Singularity simply because of the lack of the so-called 'gambling money' of 15,000 yuan College gambling, and he wouldn't do things that seem impossible to the average person now."

Qi Hongjun, who was sitting next to him, was embarrassed. Frankly speaking, if Luo Sheng was obviously over 50 years old, he would be a godfather-level figure, the godfather of technology!

Luo Sheng, who was in 1985, is not too young but not too old. He is 35 years old this year, and his face is still similar to that of a young man in his 27th or 8th year. On the one hand, his physique is indeed not old. , On the other hand, there is money to take care of the body or something.

Luo Sheng spoke again: "Star Arrow International has invested 150 billion US dollars, that is, 1 trillion yuan in funds, to provide financial and technical support to civil society and people with lofty ideals in the whole society, just as Star Arrow International's mission as always. 'Our goal is the sea of ​​stars', the focus here is neither the sea of ​​stars nor the goal, but the word 'we'."

"Opportunity, everyone will encounter so many times in his life, it depends on whether you are brave to seize it. Secondly, in doing anything, you will encounter various setbacks, whether it is entrepreneurship or work, we must Move forward bravely under the principle of having a bottom line.”

"The biggest purpose of participating in HI00 today is that I want to tell the young people in the whole society through this platform. I dare not say anything else, but as long as I am still tossing in this field, like Hongjun, I have dreams and ideals and do it. The struggling young people are in an extremely difficult incubation stage. I should excavate them and give them a stage to display their talents. This 1 trillion yuan is the fund for all young people with space dreams.”

"I wish every young man who has a dream of space can bravely pursue it. Even if his dream does not come true, he is worthy of his blood and his youth."

When the speech ended, the audience gave incomparably warm applause. Luo Sheng's speech undoubtedly made young people like Qi Hongjun extremely excited.

One trillion supports the dream!

The young entrepreneurs listened to the series of fighting chickens and blood, investors of Luo Sheng heard the series of wanting to beat people, and the speculators of smashing wool and sets of projects heard the series with glowing eyes.


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