Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 912 [Space Manufacturing]

The latest website: According to Luo Sheng's request, the propaganda department of Star Arrow International came to the Second Rocket Base to take some pictures on the spot, produced a promotional video of about 42 seconds and released it to the public.

The video content includes pictures taken in the second rocket base, as well as part of the manufacturing process, transportation process, and the internal video of the "Star Arrow 20S" during its test flight last year.

Of course, it is also indispensable to match a powerful BGM as a foil. This time, it is for high-profile publicity. How can it be high-profile.

Although the promotional video is only 42 seconds long, it contains a lot of information, many of which are pictures that have not been released before, and almost everything that can not be kept secret has been released.

However, when the promotional video was released to build momentum for Star Arrow International and the Tianti project, all domestic netizens turned into drama elites and went online one after another.

"It's just a bunch of wood, there's nothing to see, it's scattered... [doge]"

"In order to solve the problem of raw material transportation during infrastructure construction, we installed an engine at the tail of the logs, and the logs after harvesting were directly launched from the harvesting site to the construction site, which shortened the transportation time of raw materials and greatly improved the construction efficiency."

"It's all log transport trucks, and they're scattered!"

"This is a fully automatic log transportation system being developed by Star Arrow International. This system can quickly transport the harvested logs to major factories for production and construction. The principle is very simple. Our country is in a period of high backwardness, and we have to adopt this method to speed up production and construction, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the level of development... [doge]”

"If you have something to say, why do you stand up? ... [hands funny]"

"You're wrong!"

"Will it be a little too high-profile? How about keeping a low profile? But I like it!"

"My lord, times have changed! I can't stand it anymore! Showdown is coming!"

"It's too sci-fi to have it. I didn't expect to see the birth of the space ladder in my lifetime!"

"Does it mean that we ordinary people also have the opportunity to enter space?"

"When will Star Arrow International start a space tourism project?"

"This definitely makes money,

There are even local tyrants who are willing to spend tens of millions of dollars just to get a real space experience. Back then, how many rich people were fooled by Musk. Wouldn’t the archbishop cut a wave of leeks? "

Compared with 15 years ago, the mentality of the Chinese people today is very different. If it was 15 years ago, it would have been very exciting, but today it is very calm about this series of achievements.

In addition, he also mocks and even self-deprecating in a serious manner. This is a manifestation of self-confidence and calmness. Only when he is not confident will he show and care about it, so as to protect the fragile glass heart.

Times have really changed.

In contrast, European media compared the data of the "Star Arrow 20S" super-heavy rocket under Star Arrow International with the North American "Saturn 5".

Although the report is quite objective and neutral, Europeans cannot hide their envy, jealousy and hatred.

It is also worth mentioning that astronauts from all over the world are now being asked to make up for Chinese in a hurry.

After the release of the space ladder and the blueprint planning vision of the "Forerunner 2" super space station, the aerospace community of all countries knows that the International Space Station will be withdrawn from the stage of history much faster than they thought.

The Tianti project itself is almost a human century project built by gathering the power of global capital. As the operator, Star Arrow International is a commercial aerospace company, which is naturally open to the world.

A series of space infrastructure will be built around the "Forerunner 2" super space station, such as opening the outer space laboratory to customers.

Some scientific studies have unparalleled advantages in a zero-gravity environment, and even many experiments that cannot be completed can only be carried out in a space environment.

Including some high-end products, manufacturing in a gravity-free environment has advantages that the surface does not have.

Since it is positioned as a "customer", of course, it has to pay, and it can be done without spending money on scientific research.

Global Capital saw that Star Arrow International continued to announce a series of progress and major breakthroughs, and the major projects were steadily advancing and the progress was announced in real time, and it was also a lot of peace of mind.


"Mr. Luo, the story of the ladder is very beautiful. It can open the door to the real cosmic era for all mankind, but how will this story be realized in the end? We still seem to be far away, and we need to anticipate!"

During a high-end video call with several core investors of Shengfeng Capital on Wall Street, James Gorman, who was on the line, questioned.

His remarks represent the idea of ​​investing capital. Everyone knows and recognizes that the Tianti project must be a great project based on all mankind, and its merit will last forever.

A company's expansion of open source is its best development path, and the same is true for all of humanity.

With the increasing population, under the circumstance that the overall resources of the earth are limited, in order to avoid the occurrence of the "Malthusian Trap" disaster, it is necessary to expand the denominator of the overall resources that can be mastered by human beings, otherwise the world war is not far away.

In other words, from the open source of the earth to the entire solar system, the resources in the huge solar system are more than enough to carry a population on the order of hundreds of billions.

But in the eyes of these capital tycoons on Wall Street, it is worthless because it is too far away.

And capital is short-sighted.

What they are most concerned about is when the profit will be cashed, how to cash it, and even whether it can be cashed.

Luo Sheng looked at the investors on the video screen and said: "In the next 20 years, the development of lunar resources will be its core profit growth point, and the fusion clean energy Helium III is the most outstanding long-term expectation. We will focus on developing Mars.”

The head of Pilot Capital asked: "The 20-year cycle is still too long, let alone 30 years. Is there a 10-year cycle plan? You know, although the current global capital has regained confidence, it is actually very Fragile, unable to withstand any major disturbances, once the domino effect caused by the collapse, everyone has to die."

Those of them who are engaged in capital operation are very clear that the current ladder project must have a strong and sustainable expectation. To put it in a down-to-earth way, the picture must be very realistic. As long as there is logic in the expectation, it can be hyped. It turns the whole plate around.

As for whether it will collapse...

What time has this happened? They have already gotten into Luo Sheng's black car. Although they regret it, they are no longer in their consideration. Either it is really successful and it is the best. All means to delay the crash time, the longer the better, and then run the game faster.

Luo Sheng smiled and replied: "Don't panic, the ladder is built and the future is bright. Of course, there is a ten-year cycle goal. Building the space ladder does not mean that it is necessary to expand mining resources to extraterrestrial planets to achieve profit return. It means that the upgrade of modern industry will lead to a series of upgrades."

People are puzzled.

Luo Sheng said in an orderly manner: "We have decided to build the first space-based industrial manufacturing area on the 'Pioneer 2' super space station in the next ten years, and the first industry to be introduced is the integrated circuit industry."

"The basis of the chip comes from wafers cut from silicon crystals. The larger the crystal, the larger the diameter of the cut wafers, which means that the loss of blocks due to edge cutting is smaller relative to the total available area, improving yield and reducing costs."

"In the gravity-free space environment, including convection, crystals can grow larger and more uniform than the ground. The suspension processing can avoid possible pollution caused by containers and conveying pipelines, and further improve the quality."

"In other words, the competitiveness of high-end chips produced in the space industrial zone is better than that of the ground, so in the foreseeable future, whether it is Intel, LSMC, or Xiongxin Electronics and other chip manufacturers want to To play the high-end market in the future, we must move the factory to space to make chips.”

Everyone looked at each other.

And Luo Sheng added: "In addition, the advantages of manufacturing high-quality drugs and high-quality alloys in the space environment are self-evident. The former is more uniform because there is no convection and precipitation components, and the protein crystals can be larger, and suspension processing is avoided. Pollution reduces impurities. The latter is also more uniform, metallurgy in a vacuum environment will not produce defects such as blisters, and it is more convenient to mix different metal components with widely different melting and boiling points into alloys or to manufacture lightweight and strong alloy aerogel materials, etc. ."

"I won't elaborate on more examples. When the ladder is created, the total cost of human transportation to and from space is reduced to more than 90%, almost indistinguishable from the ground. The prosperity of space manufacturing will become an inevitable trend. Now, those well-known companies are bound to enter the space-based industrial zone, in order to obtain higher competitiveness of their products to ensure that their market position is not replaced by potential competitors."

"So, I don't know if you are satisfied with such expectations?"

After speaking, Luo Sheng silently added in his heart: Telling stories and talking about vision is the best brother.


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