Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 913 [Another group of people was tricked into a

The latest website: In the video conference, James Gorman said with a blank face: "With all due respect, Mr. Luo, you are adding leverage to realize your cash, and the risks are being continuously amplified by you. The overall global capital stock will not have much in the short term. It's a big change, do you want to suck up the water in the entire pool before giving up?"

The bosses present are all smart people, and all of them are cunning foxes. After listening to Luo Sheng's stories and talking about his vision a lot, he also found out that the routines are almost the same.

They know that Luo Sheng is asking for money again.

The blood of the global financial capital market has been drained by him, and now he is eyeing the cash flow in the hands of big companies, fooling more people into his black car with an uncertain future.

How insane.

The bigwigs on Wall Street felt very tired, and they had to continue to accompany Luo Sheng so much despite being extremely reluctant.

This kind of torment will take about ten years to say the least.

I knew earlier that I shouldn't have been up there, but now I'm sinking deeper and deeper, as if it's a bottomless pit without a bottom.

They even doubted life. All that Luo Sheng has done in the past ten years or so may have been to distribute such an "epic set" to everyone.


It's sloppy!

The bosses cried out regret in their hearts.

"In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

Luo Sheng looked at the investors in the online video conference and said indifferently: "Everyone is in the same boat now, it's better to listen to my arrangement, anyway, if it really collapses and the group is destroyed, the hundred people will be destroyed. , 1,000 people are also destroyed, so the more the better."

The Wall Street bigwigs present were so angry in their hearts that they were speechless with sullen faces.

Being mistreated by him not only can't expose him, but also has to help him to trick more people when he knows it, what is this called?

Seeing that they didn't speak, Luo Sheng took the initiative to push forward and said, "I would like to ask you all to contribute and cooperate with my work. This will benefit everyone."

James Gorman squeezed a few words between his teeth: "So,

How to cooperate? "

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "It's very simple, in line with my concept and vision just now, everyone will raise the stock prices of several targets in the integrated circuit industry. Global investors, including these companies themselves, have seen Wall Street's top and smart funds choose their direction again. , will inevitably lead them to make a choice.”

Lawrence Fengke, the head of BlackRock Group, twitched. For some reason, the attendees were particularly harsh when they heard Luo Sheng's words of "the top smart money on Wall Street".

The top and smartest funds are now tied up by you, and it feels like Luo Sheng is monetizing them and mocking them.

To put it bluntly, it is to continue to fool. Luo Sheng's meaning is very clear. For a company that decides to build chips in the future space industrial zone, Wall Street capital will work together to raise the stock price of the company and express its optimism about its future. Otherwise, it will be ruthless and not optimistic. its future.

There is no prisoner's dilemma this time. It is impossible for these capital institutions on Wall Street to play the black-and-white trick behind their backs. It's not that they don't want to, but that they will lose even more if they do it. There is no reason to do this unless it is Luo Sheng's This plate is completely useless, but it's still something to think about, it seems to be pretty good.

Since they were all killed by Luo Sheng, it means that the monk can't run away from the temple. In turn, it is an unprecedented joint force. It is easy to guide and control the global capital market. Big funds will never have any disagreement. Money doesn't make a difference.

Everyone present knows that we are walking a tightrope right now, and we are only a matter of thought away from the "Ponzi scheme". Success is an epic strategic foresight and price vision, and failure is a new generation of "Ponzi schemes". , and the pain of the Wall Street tycoons is that half of their bodies have been trapped in it and they cannot extricate themselves.

What Luo Sheng wants this time is very simple. Its operation logic is similar to the routine of real estate development and operation. The concept of space industrial zone is equivalent to space real estate. Star Arrow International is the developer, and those companies are the buyers.

Now to build a house, but no money what to do? Of course, it is to play the operation of pre-sale.

First get the money in advance from the buyers, that is, the companies that want to enter the space industrial zone, then use the money to build the space industrial zone, and finally rent it to them or even sell it directly to them, so as to achieve empty hands Wolf.

It can be seen that Luo Sheng's trick is simple and unpretentious. Don't be too simple. It's just old wine in a new bottle. The scene has become a high-end space industrial area, but the mode is still the same mode, the familiar taste, and the original formula.

In a lofty sense, this is called resource replacement and linkage.

To put it in a down-to-earth way, if you take things casually, you will have no money, and there is no such thing.

Aside from some factors, the Wall Street tycoons present were also convinced of Luo Sheng. After all, he was a tycoon who started the Internet, and he applied this set of thinking and gameplay to other fields.

Every move is to open your mouth to empower, close your mouth to link, go back and add a sentence of delayed gratification, scene sinking or upgrade.

This set of gameplay is afraid that no one on earth is more slippery than him.

It is foreseeable that such a set of serial meter takeaways will be punched out, with Wall Street capital making a choice on the one hand, and Luo Sheng with a legendary halo on the other side. For those high-tech giants, they are definitely worried about the future and panic. If you are going to die, other investors who don't know the truth will also get restless.

This panic, it was all right and then an accident happened, because Luo Sheng was trapped.

In the end, it was too late. The door was welded to death again. The only change was to add a group of "victims" and that's it.

Another change is that Shengfeng Capital has an additional debt that is reflected on the balance sheet, but after the victim learned that he was cheated, no one dared to jump out and confront him except shouting "RNM refunds money" in his heart. Luo Sheng shouted, "I don't want to pay back the money," because he would be beaten to death by other people on the spot before shouting out the words, like a group fight.

All those who know the truth are carefully protecting this plate from collapsing. If someone comes out to shout "refund", they may collapse in a stampede at any time if they are not careful.

Whoever wants everyone to die, everyone should let him die first.

If you want to fill the imbalance in your heart, you can bring in more "victims", and in the end, you will be more balanced by pulling a few more backs.


Three days later, Star Arrow International once again disclosed the latest detailed plan, that is, the planning blueprint of the "Forerunner 2" space station planning space industrial zone.

Immediately on the same day, Xiongxin Electronics immediately responded with a message, announcing that a budget of no less than 20 billion yuan would be planned to invest in a space chip manufacturing plant.

At the press conference, the head of Xiongxin Electronics stated in a high-profile manner that the company will relocate the factory to the space industrial zone to improve the core competitiveness of the company with the vision of winning 70% of the global market share in the high-end chip market in the future. Empowerment is the key to achieving your goals.

On the same day, Xiongxin Electronics with the trading code [688888] surged 8.86% to close, and it once surged to 12.32% during the session. The capital inflow showed that the capital inflow from the north was a large-scale inflow.

In the past three trading days, foreign capital has continuously net bought more than 2.2 billion yuan. Three days ago, Luo Sheng and Wall Street's capital bosses held an internal video conference.

Foreign investment has no brains to support, no brains to be optimistic.

The development of Xiongxin Electronics is also seen by everyone. Now it has risen to be in the same echelon as semiconductor giants such as LSMC and Samsung, and has achieved the same level from backwardness to catching up.

Now this wave of operations, no matter how you look at it, is to launch a posture of surpassing and leading friends, and it is aggressive, and it is necessary to overthrow the industry leader himself.

Coupled with the superposition of Luo Sheng's magical aura, the friends and merchants are simply empty.

The world's major semiconductor foundries have held meetings for the first time to discuss and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of chip manufacturing under the space manufacturing industry. The result is that the chips made in the space factory are more competitive.

The level of semiconductor technology is about to reach the limit of the physical level. How to improve the competitiveness of products has to find a breakthrough in other places, and Xiongxin Electronics has now chosen, and the answer given is to develop space manufacturing.

In fact, not only chip foundries are empty, but the entire international semiconductor industry is also empty.

Once Xiongxin Electronics moves the factory up, will the entire industry chain of independent semiconductors that Huaguo has just formed will follow the collective upgrade? Will it follow the footsteps of Xiongxin Electronics and move the factory to space?

It's not obvious, it certainly will.

In the future, can you still compete with it?

This is a question that the whole industry is thinking about, and it is more and more worried, and the capital market is still fanning the flames to amplify their anxiety.

Then, interesting things started to happen.

Two days later, several major international semiconductor manufacturers, represented by Samsung Electronics, sent a research group to visit Star Arrow International at this juncture, because Luo Sheng had never contacted them at all, and it seemed that they were deliberately excluding foreign semiconductor manufacturers.

The hard-to-find move made them anxious.

So I took the initiative to come to the door to discuss the possibility of cooperation, and want to move the factory up. These big factories have very clear ideas. First, they really don’t want to be left behind, and second, they don’t put their eggs in one basket.

There are so many things that Xiongxin Electronics is doing, it must be followed, not afraid of being wrong, but afraid of not keeping up with the right, and finally being squeezed out of the track, it will take one's life.

If you are wrong, you will lose a little money at most, but if you are right, if you don’t keep up, you will lose the future track, and maybe even the company will be lost in the near future.

Lawrence Fengke and other Wall Street capital bosses are all in their eyes. Seeing those international semiconductor manufacturers lined up one by one, they are impatient to send money to Luo Sheng, and they are also experts. The key is that these people are not They didn't even know that Luo Sheng was in charge of the whole situation.


(Ps: Recently, I'm sorting out the follow-up outline, starting the extra chapter, and then writing three chapters in one breath, I can't stop... [Holding face and crying.jpg], basically it's confirmed, The protagonist is Luo Sheng.)

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