Global Monopoly of Technology

The nine hundred and fourteenth chapter [completely unable to stop (2 in 1)]

The latest website: In the next week, Zheng Tao handed over a list of cooperation lists on the concept of space industry to Luo Sheng's desk.

In fact, it is a list of the latest "victims".

Forty-two leading international semiconductor manufacturers from around the world "booked" the space factory for cooperation consultation at the first time, and finally only nineteen companies passed the cooperation, including Intel, IBM Microelectronics, Samsung Electronics, NXP, Toshiba, TI , Infineon, etc.

The nineteen semiconductor manufacturers who got the cooperation target are very happy, and there is a sense of relief.

If the future track is in the sky, and you have already got an admission ticket, you can feel at ease if you occupy the pit ahead of time.

The other 23 semiconductor manufacturers who were rejected were very angry. The most angry was that Star Arrow International decided that its cash flow was not sufficient and there was a potential cooperation risk, so they kicked it out.

There is a lot of poor family background, and he is not even qualified to be cut leeks, which is simply heart-wrenching.

In fact, Luo Sheng also wanted to be open to all who came, but if they didn't set a threshold, if they didn't cool down, they would be able to come in if they gave money. When they turned around and calmed down, they would feel that it was a trick and something was wrong.

Therefore, it must be treated differently, so that people who get on the car have a sense of superiority and leadership, and are willing to pay for the future premium.

It makes the people who got in the car feel that they have taken advantage of the opportunity and gave up thinking happily, and the people who did not get in the car feel depressed and jump in a hurry. .

Reality is so magical.

This time, Luo Sheng succeeded in securing a large sum of money. Samsung Electronics spent the most money, spending US$3.1 billion to open a space chip manufacturing plant on the future "Pioneer 2" super space station.

The nineteen major international semiconductor factories each invested about US$2.36 billion on average, with a total of about US$45 billion.

For these big international manufacturers, it is not difficult to spend two or three billion US dollars, and it will not have a major impact on the company itself. Even if the car overturns, it will not hurt the bones. An investment, a ticket that may generate a new track.

If it really is a new track and not getting a ticket, it will have a major impact on the future of the company.

But for Star Arrow International,

Add up to $45 billion and that's a lot of money.

One industry can get a huge capital of 45 billion US dollars, so what about ten industries? Dozens or even hundreds of industries?

Of the hundreds of categories of human modern industry today, at least a hundred of them can shine in space and can tell this story.

There are more sub-sectors.

These are all potential money-making targets!

At this moment, Luo Sheng, who was sitting on the boss's chair in the office, looked at the materials and documents that Zheng Tao sent to him from the nineteen major international semiconductor manufacturers, and sighed involuntarily, "I don't want to try to make money, but it's really a circle. It's so cool, I can't stop at all..."

Do you panic?

In the beginning, Luo Sheng was actually a little panicked, because if the project failed, he would be the first to be liquidated, and the end would be very bad.

Of course panic!

But since the moment when the ladder project was officially announced, it has already shown that there is no panic, and it has basically ruled out that the enemy will instigate things behind the scenes and cause the project to fail. After ruling out this one, Luo Sheng has 100% confidence to build the ladder.

There are no enemies, of course there is no need to panic.

Because the enemy has already got into his car, the biggest potential enemy, Wall Street Capital, is now deeply trapped in it, and he is crying for Luo Sheng while helping Luo Sheng.

The main opponents have now become "our own people". For the sake of stability, although Luo Sheng did not panic, he did not relax.

He wants to make people all over the world his own.

Now, the top batch of capital in the world are all "our own people", and there are no potential main opponents. The next thing to do is to turn some potential opponents on the edge into "our own people". This is "invincible" the highest realm.

When all are "one's own people", of course there is no such thing as "enemy".

The semiconductor industry is just the beginning, and it can no longer be stopped. The future destiny of mankind has come to the crossroads, and unknowingly handed over to Luo Sheng's hands.

Either the entire human civilization will jump from a planetary-level civilization to a stellar-level civilization, or a thunderstorm will trigger an avalanche-style collapse and the global economy will decline. , then the world war is not far away.

Luo Sheng put down the materials and spent about twenty minutes to understand the important information of the day as usual.

One piece of information made the headlines. China’s annual GDP was 23.72 trillion U.S. dollars, or about 118.17 trillion RMB. Status, the GDP of the United States last year was only 20.1 trillion US dollars.

It is not that the increase of rabbits is too strong, in fact, the increase is only 5.35%, but the dollar has been slumping too fast in the past year, especially in the second half of the year.

"Hey, the offshore exchange rate has broken 5?"

Luo Sheng looked at the figures and was surprised. At present, the ratio of US dollar to RMB has reached a record high, reaching a ratio of 1:4.9819. The offshore exchange rate has appreciated wildly in the past year.

Last year was an extremely critical year. The global economy was shut down and China was the only country that was spared. It was also doing its best to save the world economy. After all, the world economy really collapsed, and the country was not feeling well.

The Tianti project is huge, and the flow of global capital elements is converging eastward from all directions. Pension funds in North America are investing in the East on a large scale, and continue to sell US stock assets. The speed of the depreciation of the US dollar is beyond everyone's imagination.

This is still the result of preventing the violent appreciation of RMB in the case of various thresholds, otherwise it would have broken within 3.

However, it is worth mentioning that the appreciation of RMB is a substantial appreciation relative to foreign currencies, but the absolute purchasing power continues to depreciate. As soon as the monstrous flood of 5 trillion is released, the absolute purchasing power will either decline or decline, and it is impossible to increase.

The sharp appreciation of the offshore exchange rate is catastrophic for domestic export-oriented low-end and mid-end manufacturing companies. Coupled with the Sequoia pandemic abroad, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have gone bankrupt last year.

In the past year, many experts in economics have been extremely worried that Huaguo is the "hope of the whole village" in the global village. To drive the global economic recovery, they count on the rabbit to lead the world out of the quagmire. If the rabbit gets loose, everything will collapse.

The frenzied appreciation of the offshore exchange rate has made many people terrified that Japan will repeat the mistakes of Japan. Back then, Japan was pressing too hard, which led to the violent rise of the Japanese dollar, which suddenly destroyed a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Compared with this, the appreciation of RMB is more violent, but it has not collapsed. The reason is that in the high-tech industry, the rise and fall of RMB is anchored in high-tech products.

The Tianti project is a typical representative of them. The direct point is that several super technology giants under Luo Sheng represent the domestic high-tech industry and anchor the high-tech industry for RMB.

Currency is essentially the embodiment of a country's credit, and it is also the deployment of a country's production resources. After companies such as Bluestar Technology, Azure Coast, and Star Arrow International have carried out a series of technological upgrades, even if the currency appreciates, others will not. To buy its high-tech products, there is no need to worry about the exchange rate at all.

The cross-border trade of high-tech giants represented by the Côte d'Azur has not been affected in the slightest by the soaring offshore exchange rate.

The total revenue of Luo Sheng's companies exceeded 2 trillion US dollars last year, but the average revenue excluding exchange rate changes reached 11.8 trillion RMB, accounting for about 10% of GDP.

If it is placed in the Western world, it will definitely collapse.

When it is different in China, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have died, and a group with core technologies is retained, while the other group is naturally eliminated.

The state does not provide these enterprises with brainless blood transfusions to ensure employment, but supports and subsidizes emerging industries or supports their transformation.

Where does the money come from?

Nowhere else, it is the taxes of Luo Sheng's companies such as Bluestar Technology and Azure Coast.

Let the high-tech monopoly enterprises represented by Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology lead the export to earn foreigners' money, and the state finance collects taxes and then subsidizes other industries to meet the strategic needs of macro-control. This is similar to the southern social security fund subsidizing the northern the same way.

This is absolutely impossible in the Western world. Why should developed areas such as New York and California subsidize the rust belt? New York, California certainly objected.

It is worth mentioning that the major technology companies under Luo Sheng no longer have tax incentives. The preferential policies given before will expire after the expiration, and no new high-tech tax relief or other incentives will be given, and even an A4 in some fields. Papers are taxed.

Although it can't be said of suppression, it is obviously because Luo Sheng's several companies earn too much, resulting in excessive concentration of wealth.

No matter how rich a rich person is, they can't eat thirty meals a day, and they can't drive thirty cars a day. No matter how much money they have, they are "dead money" that cannot flow. The troika that drives the economy is exported. It depends on super-giant enterprises, and the casualties and injuries of small and medium-sized enterprises are equal to hedging.

Then the core force driving the economy is the two carriages of investment and consumption, especially consumption.

Luo Sheng doesn't need to wake up from above, and he will take the initiative to take more social responsibilities. After all, it is an indisputable fact that so many small and medium-sized enterprises have been killed. Under the circumstance that the overall increase does not increase significantly, the performance of his companies has increased significantly. It often means that other companies go out of business one after another.

Although these failed small and medium-sized enterprises were not directly killed by the large enterprises under Luo Sheng, when the RMB anchor was gradually decoupled from the US dollar and anchored in the high-tech industry, Luo Sheng's industry was the largest beneficiaries, there is no doubt.

What followed was the violent appreciation of RMB, which indirectly killed the small and medium-sized enterprises in the low-end manufacturing industry.

The appreciation of RMB is the only way to go. As long as this country wants to achieve high-tech transformation, the road of appreciation cannot be avoided.

Some low-value-added manufacturing industries will be released when they are released, and industries with low profits can be released if they can be released, and other emerging market countries will take over. Only those related to national defense, and some that cannot be played without it will be blocked. The core industry of the neck must be firmly grasped in the hand, and even if it does not make money or profit, it must be subsidized from other places.

As for the low-value-added manufacturing industry, the work of making screws can be released.

The general public in China is now paying a huge amount of taxes through high value-added companies such as Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur, and then through the allocation of national finances, indirectly realizing the steady upgrade of national welfare.

unemployed? Out of work? Then don't work, isn't the direct welfare subsidy more fragrant?

Either wages have decreased, or they have not increased, but hidden benefits have gone up.

The most typical example of the benefits of not working is the express delivery industry.

This industry has dropped sharply from the peak of more than 3 million people in the past three years to less than 1.3 million, and the decline is still accelerating.

In contrast, Dabai robots, which deliver couriers, surged by more than 2 million units.

Those "unemployed" couriers are not making trouble. They are enjoying life. They are either traveling far away, basking in the sun, or immersed in the virtual world, because Dabai robots are helping them make money, and they are not afraid of running out of food.

Warren Buffett once said: If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.

Obviously, when the courier brother sleeps, there are big white robots to help them make money. As long as they don't pursue an extremely luxurious life, they really don't need to work.

Since the beginning of the intelligent machine revolution, when the public treated this new thing, it was like a boyfriend such as a first love girlfriend, afraid of not coming and being afraid of chaos.

But in the past few years, when witnessing the status quo of the express delivery industry, takeaway industry and other industries that have begun to change, the public has completely changed their minds: they are not afraid of it coming, they are afraid that it will not come, and they can even come casually.

Luo Sheng gave the general public a good expectation, and it was a predictable expectation. He was not afraid of robots grabbing jobs, but looking forward to robots coming to grab jobs as soon as possible.

Because of this, China's economy has not collapsed, but has achieved a successful transformation of high-tech in an extremely powerful way with a result that exceeded the expectations of all economic researchers who believe in textbook book-basedism.

The GDP statistics released this year have reached the top of the world. The biggest significance is that this country has declared a success in its high-tech transformation.


(Ps: When I quoted the famous words of the stock gods, I was very unconvinced. I found a way to make money while sleeping, and I swelled up? Is it a masterpiece? No, I have already realized my dreams and I am making money. Now, what does it mean to make money while sleeping? I've been inflated? I've been very distressed recently. The money I earned in my dreams is worth ten gods, but I just can't get it out. Who knows how to get it out and I'll give him half of it... …

Let me give you a report on the progress of the extra part. I have already written the eighth chapter since yesterday. )

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