Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 924 [Crazy rush to buy food and other daily necessities]

[Renren Novel Network]

Yesterday, microwave ovens were sold out. Today, people started to buy food, and began to stock up on daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, and salt.

Luo Sheng, who owns Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur, can see the big data information of the whole people. Through the data information such as the payment list of products paid, he can intuitively see what the current citizens are rushing to buy.

Most of the food and drink are bought.

At this time, everyone is most concerned about the big problem of eating. The first thing that comes to mind is the food shortage crisis. Although it is difficult to live without electricity and mobile phones, it is not impossible to live.

But once the food shortage is a problem of survival.

People living in cities are the most anxious, and the phenomenon of stockpiling food has been staged. Commodities such as rice and salt in supermarkets have been emptied, and long-term storage of food, including canned food and instant noodles, has been swept away.

I have always wanted to stimulate public consumption, but I don’t know what to do. Everyone is reluctant to spend money. Those who want to spend money are not enough to spend. Those who have some money try to save as much as possible to be used for emergencies. The consumption limit of the rich is there. It is impossible to eat thirty meals a day.

The exposure of the solar storm has greatly stimulated consumption, and those who save money for emergencies are not stingy at this time.

Consumption has gone up!

The country actually has emergency plans in this regard, that is, how to deal with solar storms in advance, how to avoid negative effects, and how to use them to play a positive role.

There is no doubt that stimulating consumption is a positive role played by solar storms.

After being shaken out by dozens of scientists in Europe and the United States, the emergency response team immediately launched an emergency response plan. All the previously stored food necessities were opened at this time, and the developed logistics system across the country also quickly operated.

A large number of daily necessities, grains, firewood, rice, oil, salt and other necessities were quickly delivered to major supermarkets to ensure sufficient supply, to ensure that short-term and brutal price spikes would not be driven by the panic buying boom, and to stabilize prices.

This is all the result of preparations in advance. The purpose of opening the "granary" at this time is to stimulate consumption and stimulate rapid economic development, because it is still early before the arrival of the solar storm.

Now is the time for the whole people to take their heads. When the craze has passed, everyone will not be so impulsive to consume.

So I saw that the shelves of some big supermarkets in some cities were emptied yesterday. Today they are full again, and they are emptied again today. There are a lot of goods in the warehouse. When they close at night, they will be on the shelves soon, and they will be consumed tomorrow. If you enter the supermarket, you will find that the shelves are full again.

The advantage of taking precautions in advance is that it can effectively use the expectations of solar storms to play a positive role, and bad things can turn into good things. Enterprises get more orders, and the squeezed inventory is also digested, and consumers can even rob them. It will not sweep the goods far beyond the actual value of the goods.

For example, if you buy ten bags of rice and save it, as long as you don't buy it at ten times the price, but at a reasonable market price, it's actually fine, and consumers won't regret it.

When consumption goes up, employment goes up, of course, and the economy recycles.

Therefore, I can see that the whole people are buying and buying frantically, and the relevant departments have not yet intervened, because the prices of food and daily necessities are very stable, as expected, and the panic buying will fade in a few days.

As for the price of some products, for example, the price of microwave ovens has risen by 80% in one day, this is not bad, it does not affect the stability of the overall situation, appropriate speculation is the lubricant of the economy, just like the capital market also needs the existence of hot money, no Hot money market will not be active, a pool of stagnant water.


"Master, there are five minutes left for the video conference."

In response to Xiaona's reminder, Luo Sheng also ended the discussion with Qin Weimu about the financial capital market. This video conference was held by the storm response team on food issues and economic stability. Luo Sheng mostly listened in.

In the private office, after Luo Sheng came in, the big screen was already on, and the video screens of all the participants were successfully connected.

The meeting was held on time.

"The problem of solar storms is not necessarily a bad thing, but it has a great role in promoting the strategy of revitalizing the rural economy. The storm hits the metropolis the most. There is a shortage of food, so it is necessary to transport food and necessities from various places to the cities. The cost will be pushed up, including the push up of other costs, including unemployment, urban security, etc., which will eventually reflect a substantial increase in the cost of maintaining the operation of the city."

"The best way to relieve urban pressure is to distribute the population to rural areas across the country to digest it. The impact of solar storms on rural areas is minimal, or even negligible. Rural families can grow their own food and live rhythm. It won't be significantly affected, at most there will be less entertainment."

"The city is very different. People are concentrated, factories are closed, and large-scale water and electricity cuts have brought huge troubles to daily life. Fortunately, the city has huge mobility, and many people have a hometown. At this time, everyone should be encouraged to return to their hometowns. Development can not only revitalize the rural economy, but also ease the cost of urban operations, not to mention, the reduction of the urban population will greatly reduce the transportation cost of grain transportation and supply."

The video conference has started. The speaker is Yu Zhengping. He is a heavyweight scholar and a leader in the field of rural cultural economics. He is also a research scholar who understands rural economics and culture best in the country. .

Luo Sheng is basically playing the role of a participant now, and he is mostly listening to insiders. This is not his main area of ​​responsibility, but Luo Sheng is obviously also playing a key role in the overall solar storm prevention plan. of.

At this time, another participant said: "It is impossible to enforce the relocation of the population from the metropolis to the villages all over the country. The key is to let everyone see that there are opportunities for development in the countryside, so that everyone will return to their hometowns spontaneously. ."

Yu Zhengping nodded in agreement, and spoke again: "There are many factors that hinder the development of rural economy. For example, if you say that the current social trend of thought is to make you leave your hometown, your parents have worked so hard to support you to go to college in order to leave your hometown. Establishing a foothold in the city. Now everyone is doing what they earn money. Farming and producing food is the least profitable, and it is also the most unprofitable or even negative. Going back to the village will be considered unpromising. High blood pressure."

Speaking of Yu Zhengping's helpless hand, he laughed at himself, and everyone at the meeting also smiled lowly. Yu Zhengping continued: "The food security issue cannot be dealt with alone, but comprehensive measures must be taken. In the past, despite the low level of productivity, we have We rely on organizational capabilities and a complete system to ensure food security."

"Once the major villages receive the influx of urban population, it is necessary to confirm the main body of responsibility for food security. The localization of food security must at least ensure the basic food security of their own villages, and the basic food and drink problems can be solved without relying on external procurement."

"That is to say, the real grain is stored in the village, so that it will not lead to catastrophic consequences of large food security. If a natural disaster or a major accident occurs, they are all waiting for the state to adjust the grain. What if the disaster is bigger? What if the road is blocked and cannot be delivered? The people waiting for rations over there are waiting to feed. This kind of thing can’t be said to happen at any time, and the time of the solar storm is imminent.”

Everyone nodded silently, and Yu Zhengping finally added: "The other is to mobilize the urban public to participate in agriculture, and the society needs to work hard. Right now, citizens in major cities are rushing to buy daily necessities, which shows that they have this kind of food security crisis. Consciousness, if this is the case, why not plan ahead? Why not keep a certain amount of food in the family at all times?"

"If preparations are made in advance, it will not be crammed, and the money spent in panic buying may not necessarily be bought, resulting in a series of negative factors caused by the shortage of goods. If the country hadn't made preparations in advance, I can't imagine the price of prices. How high will it soar? The common people spend more than ten times the usual price to buy a bag of salt and a bag of rice. The damage to the economy and the intensification of the gap between the rich and the poor is incalculable.”

Luo Sheng, who said nothing, scratched the back of his neck silently, as if he was the richest person present.

The core point of today's meeting is how to solve the impact on the metropolis when the solar storm comes. You must know that in a metropolis, if the entire city is cut off from water and electricity for a week, if nothing else, the paralysis of a sewage system alone will make the entire city The stench is suffocating, and the scale of the population in a big city is always in the millions, tens of millions, or even tens of millions.

The solution now proposed to deal with solar storms is to reduce the size of the urban population, so where can these people who leave the city go? The place where they can receive them is their hometown, the villages where the branches are located all over the country.

But here comes the problem. Since there are not many development opportunities in rural areas, it is precisely because of this that everyone is desperately crowding into big cities.

Therefore, the core essence of the problem is to make rural areas have development prospects, so as to attract people, especially young people, to return to their hometowns to take root. operating costs.

As soon as the solar storm comes, there is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, the whole people can calmly look up at the starry sky to see a rare aurora beauty that can be seen in a thousand years.


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