Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 925 [Luo Sheng's Solution]

[Renren Novel Network]

The video conference continued, Luo Sheng, who had not spoken much, said at this time: "The problem is not single, it is systemic, the most fundamental core of preventing solar storms is not the storm itself, the hardest and most difficult point in this tough battle. , to put it bluntly, it is the question of whether there is room for rural development, this is a rural economic development problem, if the source is solved, everything can be solved easily.”

Yu Zhengping nodded again and again: "Yes, if the core essence of the problem is not solved, it will definitely recur after the root is not completely cured, and it will recur repeatedly, and even more new problems will arise."

This video conference was not only set up to deal with the impact of the solar storm, but also involved the real top-level design. The specifications are extremely high, and everyone involved is a big winner.

Another participant asked succinctly: "Well, since the truth becomes clearer and clearer, and rural development is difficult, where is the problem of young people's reluctance to return to their hometowns? Where are the pain points?"

Yu Zhengping immediately said: "The biggest pain point is the rural financial problem!"

After throwing out the conclusion, Yu Zhengping explained to everyone in an orderly manner: "We know that a large number of resource-based assets in the countryside cannot be used as collateral, but financial textbooks emphasize that investments must be mortgaged with realizable things before they can be borrowed to you. So the question is almost unsolvable.”

"If you are interested in researching financial institutions at the county level in various localities, you will find that the more rural areas and counties are, the more financial deposits are greater than the loans, you can see that the rural areas are not without money, but these financial institutions have drawn a lot of money. The funds of the company are turned into deposits and then withdrawn at a very low cost to high-yield places outside, because it is not profitable to engage in agriculture, so it is inevitable that capital will flow out of the local area.”

"But there is no guarantee that there is a shortage of funds in these traditional agricultural areas, so there is an overinvestment at the other end, and this end is short of funds. The rural areas and counties with a large amount of deposits are desperately attracting investment because of the so-called underdevelopment, so they must promise to give foreign investment. High returns for people.”

"This is a very paradoxical phenomenon. This end uses a very low return on capital to withdraw funds, and the other party uses a high return promise to attract external investors, both inside and outside. Losses, and The loss is caused, and many development zones established by agricultural areas have not prospered. As soon as enterprises enter, they start to lose money, and finally become local debts. Such phenomena can be found everywhere.”

Yu Zhengping, who spoke, was heartbroken and helpless when he explained the pain points of these problems.

Luo Sheng took a cup of water to moisten his throat, looked at the participants and said, "The phenomenon is not important, the most important thing is whether there is a new and effective system of using rural local deposits for local development. On this issue, I would like to volunteer to toss and toss.”

The leaders at the meeting smiled curiously: "Oh? It's good to be young and energetic. I'd like to hear more about it."

Yu Zhengping also looked sideways.

Luo Sheng said in an orderly manner: "The large-scale employee shareholding of the Côte d'Azur Group to share the labor surplus of the company is a good template. I think it can be more thorough and implement a full-staff shareholding system."

"For example, taking the township level as a unit, any person, including foreigners, wants to settle in the township, and the income from his first year of entry into the township will be used as a basic equity and become a source of income for him as a shareholder. The funds are financed by the township’s own institutions, so that a large agricultural complex is formed where all employees are shareholders, and their funding needs can be resolved in-house wherever they are.”

"Then how does a village generate income? The value is anchored in its local ecosystem. Professor Yu just said that the difficulty of rural finance is that a large number of assets are non-target resource assets, and they cannot be Effective valuation cannot correspond to the financial regulation that you must have collateral to borrow.”

"Then we can't blame the bank for being snobby, right, it has to enforce the relevant regulations, and if there is no collateral, it means that the bank has too much risk exposure,

It is illegal or even illegal. "

After speaking, the conference room was quiet for a moment, and one participant said in a deep voice: "It is difficult, very difficult. The biggest problem is how to use local resources to monetize, especially to achieve healthy and sustainable development is even more difficult."

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "There are many ways to increase farmers' income. For example, by letting high-income people leave the cities to consume in the countryside, farmers' income can increase. You don't have to sell agricultural products. You can sell local cultural heritage and ecological natural scenery. , sell the way of life that people and nature live in harmony. The problems encountered in the development must be solved through development, which should not only make the best use of the situation, but also adapt to local conditions.”

After a while, Luo Sheng added: "As an external intermediate force, I can also use some of my own abilities and dispatchable resources to help as much as possible. For facilities of a public basic service nature, such as small and medium-sized trading centers, we need to put some effort into logistics to reduce transaction costs.”

"Logistics leads to price gaps. The richer the region, the easier and cheaper it is for everyone to buy products. The poorer and more backward regions, the higher and more expensive the transaction cost of buying things. The richer the region, the easier it is for his agricultural products to be sold to cities. The more remote the area, his agricultural products can't get in or out in the deep mountains and old forests, and even many good products can't be sold in big cities."

"So I want to develop such a logistics system across the country to eliminate the two price discriminations that have existed for thousands of years and lead to uneven regional development. The richer the richer, the poorer the poor. This logistics system can Conventionally, I bring business success, I don't participate in a penny of profit sharing, let the profit stay local, and let the local public share the profit."

After speaking, all the attendees were stunned, and after a while, Yu Zhengping praised without hesitation: "Mr. Luo's words surprised me, I have never seen this world without profit or not. It is said that the merchants who may still be subsidizing money, and may also be thankless, are unheard of.”

Luo Sheng smiled, looked at Yu Zhengping and said, "Professor Yu is right, businessmen are profit-seeking by nature, does that disprove that I'm not a businessman? It's just that I'm pursuing the highest and fifth level of Marlos' needs. The pursuit of self-spiritual needs, now there are too many people who don’t do personnel work, I want to do some personnel work, and I happen to have some ability and energy to toss, so let’s do it.”

Hearing this, another person in the meeting said with emotion: "If Mr. Luo's remarks spread, countless people in the business world would be ashamed."

Luo Sheng joked: "Then please help me keep this little secret, otherwise everyone will hate me. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to meet in the future?"


Everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter. At this moment, the video conference began to become more active and relaxed, and they admired Luo Sheng even more. This level of structure is not a level that ordinary people can achieve.

In fact, Luo Sheng is joking and is really pursuing the highest level of demand in the Malos demand hierarchy. There is really nothing else to pursue, and he has become the small group standing at the top of the human pyramid. people.


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