Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 101 Ideas

Finina is practicing various skills not far away. If Zhao Nan encounters a situation, how can she not rush over? It's just that when she arrived, she quietly received a notice from Zhao Nan to wait and see what happened, so she kept hiding. With her ability, among this group of level 20 monsters, she can easily reach the level of being uninhabited.

Huang Huaming had already prepared for the worst, but the situation suddenly reversed, and before he could react, he was out of danger, and it seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Is this a new skill?" Zhao Nan pulled Finina into the dragon's back without looking at the people on the ground.

"Moon Crash, which appeared after Star Crash reached its full level, its destructive power has been doubled, and a swinging effect has been added."

Starfall Strike's single-target attack is already terrifying, with twice the enhancement and a swing effect, the skills of the Sky Sword Master have always been extremely terrifying. Of course, the stronger one's own strength is, Zhao Nan will only be happier.

At this time, due to the impact of Finina, Huang Kun's team was scattered, and the effect of the swing was not only to swing, but also to cause a short-term dizziness. The player who was swung away and flew upside down among the crowd of monsters stared at gold stars. Before he could react, he was thrown to the ground by the besieged monsters.

There were screams everywhere.

Once their formation broke up, Zhao Nan didn't even need to make a move. Naturally, monsters on the street would deal with them. Olisis floated up and down in mid-air, and after a few minutes, Huang Kun's hands began to regroup.

Zhao Nan squinted his eyes and tapped his staff again. The two flame dragon heads collided in one place at the same time, weakening the opponent's defense a lot. At this time, Finina jumped out of the dragon's back, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and struck down again.

It was another blow from the Moon Crash, which once again broke up the formation that had been put together with great difficulty, and then Shi Shi suddenly jumped out and returned to the dragon's back again.

At this moment, Huang Kun's teeth were chattering with hatred. For those two, a mage was already perverted enough, but a swordsman would be just as terrifying. This time he went hunting, he only brought two hundred to less than three hundred people. If he keeps being harassed like this, it will be a matter of time before he is consumed by monsters on the street!

Regret at the beginning... Huang Kun suddenly had some regrets, but he quickly erased his thoughts. Instead of regretting, it is better to think about how to solve this crisis. But looking at the formations that were broken up again and again, he suddenly found that he couldn't think of any way to break the situation!

"Zhao Nan, everyone is human... Are you so cruel that you don't care about so many lives?" Huang Kun shouted angrily: "We are all dead, and it is no good for you! Even if you can restore Dongyuan City , but the number of people is small, can you still survive the next monster siege?!"

This is not alarmist talk. Huang Kun's words are indeed true. Even if Zhao Nan becomes stronger, he still has a limit, but in the face of the siege of infinite monsters, he will not be able to resist after all.

"Shall we reconcile?" Huang Kun said in a deep voice, "It's my fault this time, how about I make compensation? I have some good secret treasures on hand! At the same time, I promise that I will never trouble you again in the future!"

"I don't believe in the so-called guarantee now... especially your guarantee." Zhao Nan shook his head.

"Then what do you want!!" Huang Kun couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Come out alone, and I'll talk to you."

As Zhao Nan kept going forward, Olisis let out a loud roar, and then landed on the ground. At this time, the monster also temporarily stopped its activities.

Seeing that Huang Kun seemed to be hesitating, Zhao Nan said bluntly: "I want to kill you, do I still need to play such a trick? How timid!"


This is a matter of face... At the same time, Huang Kun has no other choice. The matter is indeed as the other party said, as long as he keeps harassing, his manpower will be exhausted sooner or later.


"Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

It's not that Huang Kun didn't want to take advantage of the opportunity to attack while talking. It's a pity that the other party is not stupid. The female swordsman was holding his long sword around his neck at this time, and even grabbed him with her backhand. He could only sigh inwardly, this time he fell to his grandma's house completely.

"First, hand over the people in your safe zone who can buy food from the outer city."

"Impossible!" Huang Kun refused without thinking.

But at this moment, the sword edge on his neck slightly cut into his throbbing blood vessels, Huang Kun suddenly became frightened, and whispered: "Can you change the condition? You are forcing us to death!"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "After handing over the people, put your people into my formation and help me attack the square."

"This is your purpose!" Huang Kun frowned and said, "That's a dead end!"

"If you don't agree, you can go to hell right now." The extremely cold words rang in my ears.

Finina's words were like a cold wind, making Huang Kun's heart beat violently.

He fell silent, then sighed: "Okay, give me time to prepare."

"Of course." Zhao Nan smiled, walked to Huang Kun's side, and put one hand on his chest.

"What are you doing?"

Huang Kun felt a piercing pain coming from Zhao Nan's palm, something was going into his body with all its strength. The pain made him break out in a cold sweat, but he wanted to struggle but was firmly suppressed by Finina.

After a while, Zhao Nan withdrew his hand and said calmly: "Some harvest from a long time ago. It is actually a kind of secret treasure. Heart-eating insect eggs. It has no attack power, but it can lurk in the player's body and be controlled by my will. And it It has only one function, which is to devour the heart."

"You..." Huang Kun was almost speechless with anger.

However, Zhao Nan snapped his fingers suddenly, and a heart-piercing pain hit Huang Kun's nerves in an instant. The pain caused him to roll over at once, and his health began to decrease rapidly.


"Okay, your life is in my hands now." Zhao Nan said blankly: "Tell me, how much time do I need for you to prepare? It's best not to exceed three days."

"That's three days." Huang Kun panted, but the frightened expression on his face did not disappear.

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "Also, once the heart-eater cannot sense my presence within two days, it will lose control. Of course, if you have a way to get rid of it within two days, then naturally ignore me."

Huang Kun's expression changed, he gritted his teeth and remained silent. At this moment, Zhao Nan and Zhao Nan turned to one side to give him the way. Huang Kun ran away without saying a word. He ran into his own hands, yelled a few times, and a group of people started to rush out of the long street.

"Do you still have this kind of thing on hand?" Finina couldn't help asking curiously.

Zhao Nan smiled softly: "Eggs of heart-eating insects do exist, but they are super precious and low-level, where can I find them?"

"Then what happened just now...?"

"A dark-type skill at level 25, it's just a mind bite."

Finina was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "No wonder you let him go and gave him time to release the control... When did you become so cunning?"

Since it was just a skill effect, Huang Kun's body would naturally not have a heart-eating worm, so no matter how he manipulated it, he would never find this non-existent thing... The so-called being controlled can't be solved no matter what.

"He has a ghost in his heart, so he will be afraid." Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "It's not me who controls him, but his fear of death... Wait, I thought of a good way."


"Haha." Zhao Nan laughed: "This time it's an accident, I only came up with this idea of ​​scaring temporarily, using the difference in character level, they don't know the reason for this skill yet... Since they don't know, why not Continue to use it?"

"You're thinking……"

"Well, let's put down the practice of skills first."

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