Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 102 Where did the title gentleman go?

A day later, just after finishing the high-intensity leveling training, Lin Yu Kimono Yun led a group of physically and mentally exhausted people back to the safe zone of the kindergarten.

Because Zhao Nan provided a large amount of supplies, and helped everyone to enchant the equipment for the second time, the half-month training journey has been full of enthusiasm, and the results achieved are simply unimaginable. The goal of level 20 for all staff has finally been achieved.

"Brother Yu, maybe in a few days, Tingfeng City will recover." Xiong You walked beside Lin Yu, although he was tired, he couldn't hide his look of expectation.

Lin Yu patted Xiongyou on the shoulder, sighed and said, "I hope everything goes well."

"After Tingfeng City recovers, Brother Yu, what are you going to do in the future?" Xiongyou asked suddenly.

"It's too early to talk about these things now." Lin Yu said with a smile: "But it's okay to think about it. Good expectations can make people work harder."

"There is someone in front!" Xiong You suddenly frowned.

Lin Yu's face was startled, and he stared at the past. At this time, someone was indeed looking around at the entrance. That person turned out to be Huang Kun. Lin Yu was puzzled, and walked two steps faster. The two knew each other before, and said directly, "Huang Kun? Why are you here?"

There had been conflicts between the two parties before, so Lin Yu naturally would not be too familiar.

"Lin Yu..." Huang Kun looked happy, and quickly said, "Has Zhao Nan come back? I have brought everything I can bring!"

Lin Yu was even more puzzled, wasn't this guy anti-war before? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Out of curiosity, Lin Yu asked tentatively: "Huang Kun, don't you plan to participate in the... battle in the square?"

Huang Kun nodded without changing his face. I thought to myself that Zhao Nan didn't tell about the heart-eating worm. Since Zhao Nan didn't say anything, he himself would not make it public. After leaving and returning to his own territory that day, Huang Kun tried all the methods he could think of, but he couldn't find the location of the heart-eating worm. He asked the priest and the sage, and they said there was no serious problem.

This really terrified him, once more than two days passed, wouldn't he die inexplicably? In desperation, he could only start pulling people overnight, coaxing and lobbying, and finally gathered a lot of people, and rushed over without thinking.

"Of course! I'm also a member of Tingfeng City!" Huang Kunlang said: "I've figured it out. Instead of going on like this, it's better to have a Jedi counterattack. If you succeed, you will have a better life. If you fail, you will be still alive after eighteen years. A good man!"

If you don't know the passionate expression, it is really touching.

"Hahaha!" Lin Yu laughed after being stunned, "Could it be that Brother Huang is high-spirited and upright, brother, I am ashamed! There was a misunderstanding before, everyone erased it together today, and we will be brothers in the future! Come, come, let's go in and have a big meal. Elaborate!"

"That's a good idea!" Huang Kun could only laugh along with him, and finally said, "By the way, where is Zhao Nan? He is the initiator of the plan. I would like to ask him about some specific matters."

"Brother Nan said he won't be back until later." Xiongyou said at this time: "I just received his email... He also said that if Huang Kun comes over, he should greet his people well."

"So..." Lin Yu nodded thoughtfully, and after looking at Huang Kun again, his enthusiasm dropped a lot.

He secretly pondered in his heart, Huang Kun's inconsistencies, probably a little tricky.

"Don't think too much, eat what you should eat, and sleep what you should sleep." Fu Yun suddenly patted Lin Yu's shoulder and said, "Do what you should do."

Lin Yu shrugged, and everyone walked into the kindergarten in unison. I saw that there were already hundreds of people in the playground ahead. At this time, Huang Kun's manpower was compared with his own manpower, but the gap was very large.

"Let's go in and talk." Lin Yu stretched out his hand and said to Huang Kun.

At this time, someone shouted from behind: "Brother Lin, Boss Fuyun! Another person is coming, and there are quite a few of them!"

As soon as the two heard it, they looked at each other, saw the doubt in each other's eyes, and hurried to the exit. I saw two groups of people coming in a hurry from different directions.

"It's in a different safe zone." Fu Yun frowned and said, "Damn it... I said they might have changed their minds temporarily, right?"

"I'm afraid it is." Lin Yu shook his head and sighed, "It's probably Zhao Nan who did it, but I just don't know what method he used."

"Whatever it is, it will be better if we recruit more people. I took a look at the monsters in the square once, and I don't know how many people will be killed or injured just because we want to contain those mutant elite monsters." Fu Yun stroked his beard, his face full Joyfully said: "Now that the number of people is large, the death rate will decrease!"

The two groups of people arrived in a short time, and it was not beyond their estimation. After some words of shame, they swore to the sky that they would definitely participate in the battle to save Tingfeng City. So excited Sometimes even foam at the mouth.

"Everyone take a rest for a while, and I will ask someone to prepare some food." Lin Yu looked at the leaders of the three parties apologetically.

It's okay, Lin Yu, you are busy first, we are not in a hurry Huang Kun said quickly.

The other two leaders quickly said the same thing. Lin Yu could only be amazed, but he could only be surprised secretly, and then took people to prepare to go.

After Huang Kun watched Lin Yu leave, he then looked at the other two people standing at the same station. After the fall of Tingfeng City, the leaders of the major safety zones will more or less meet each other, and the three of them can be regarded as acquaintances.

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other, you looked at me and I looked at you, each of them hesitated to speak. Huang Kun suddenly sighed, and said with a bitter face: "Could it be the two of you too?"

"Heart eater..." one of them sighed in a low voice.

"Sure enough." The last person smiled wryly.

"Did the two of you not find a solution?" Huang Kun couldn't help frowning.

"I have tried all the methods that can be tried, but none of them work. I always feel that the borer is still in my body."

"It's the same for me. Once I close my eyes now, I can see a disgusting bug lying on my heart. I'm not afraid of your jokes... As long as I think of the pain, I'm covered in cold sweat."

Huang Kun said helplessly: "The three of us are all the same. To make fun of you is to make fun of yourself... Hey, now that my life is in the hands of others, I can only be a man with my tail between my legs."

"That's the only way for now."

The other two sighed, both looking helpless.

Lin Yu is still preparing food for these people. Huang Kun and the others had just arrived, so they couldn't make a sound, so they could only wait in silence.

After a while, Zhao Nan's figure appeared at the entrance. The leaders of the three parties walked over quickly without saying a word.

"Oh, it's all here." Zhao Nan looked at the three people in front of him with a half-smile.

At this moment, he was probably cursing to death in his heart, but he had to force a smile on his face.

"I've brought the person you want." Huang Kun said first.

"Not bad." Zhao Nan laughed.


"Don't worry, the heart-eating insects can sense me beyond the entire Tingfeng City." Zhao Nan whispered: "As long as I don't die, the insects will naturally not get out of control."

The three of them frowned, which clearly meant "Once something happens to you, we will all have to be buried with you."

Even though he knew it, he couldn't do anything about it.

These three people are not stupid, otherwise they would not lead a safe zone and have their own territory. It's just that I'm unwilling to be controlled by others from now on.

"By the way, I also captured the archer who framed you back then." Huang Kun suddenly said flatteringly.

Zhao Nan glanced at Huang Huaming behind him, who shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Leave it to you!"

"Kill it." Zhao Nan then whispered.


PS: Before coding this chapter, I was very angry. After coding, I found that all the anger disappeared. It seems that I still like to write novels, so it calms me down. In fact, I have always rarely PS to say anything. It's just a sudden sigh tonight.

The book has been open for more than a month, and it has grown up to the present. I would like to thank many people for their support. Some people say that I have many relatives and friends, so I put this book on the top, and I got a lot of recommendations. Well, let me say something here, the book friends who support me are all my relatives and friends.

Because of your support, I am relieved.

Because of your support, I will insist on finishing "Global", no matter the results are good or bad. The mailed contract indicates that the number of words in the complete text is 200W words. Then even if I throw it, I will finish it.

Because of you.

Thank you for your support.

2014 is coming, make a wish before New Year's Day.

I hope you can continue to support me and walk together through storms in the coming year!

Hmm...continue to fix the previous typo tonight.

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