Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 103: Dog Leg

Naturally, the settlement of the archers was done secretly. Huang Kun went to operate without saying a word, and the other two dared not ask in person.

Zhao Nan walked directly inside, and they could only follow silently. Lin Yu just came out at this time, and as soon as the two met and said hello, everyone began to eat.

"Take a day off tomorrow, and start attacking the monsters in the square the day after tomorrow." Zhao Nan said, "At the same time, we can allocate time for everyone."

Zhao Nan glanced at the few people in front of him, and said loudly: "Lin Yu and Fu Yun still follow the original plan. As for the three of you, Huang Kun, you will play the first attack first. I will remind you to leave the stage when you feel it is enough. Lin Yu, Later, you will hand over the information about the monster in the square to Huang Kun and the others, so that they can learn about it in advance. You must memorize all the information tomorrow."

"No problem." Lin Yu nodded and said, "But what about the supplies? It seems that the supplies on hand are not enough."

"I have asked someone to prepare it, and it will be in place tomorrow." Zhao Nan smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Now that there are more manpower, as long as there are no accidents in the day after tomorrow's attack, it is estimated that it can be defeated."

Lin Yu shrugged and said: "Having reached this point, I don't want to think about success and failure."

"I respect you!" Zhao Nan raised his glass suddenly and said, "I also respect everyone."

After three rounds of drinking, full and drunk, Zhao Nan quietly called Huang Kun and the three to a corner.

"Huang Kun, is there the secret treasure that can test lies that you mentioned last time?" Zhao Nan asked.

Huang Kun was taken aback for a moment, and said awkwardly: "I was just trying to lie to you..."

He looked at Zhao Nan anxiously, worried that the other party still remembered what happened that day, and said quickly: "I brought some hot women over..."

Zhao Nan snorted coldly: "I would rather you bring more people who can join the battle!"

"It can be used and played, don't worry!" Huang Kun said with a smile all over his face.

Zhao Nan shook his head and turned to look at the other two. One is Qian Sen, a level 20 human shield warrior, about thirty years old. The other one was Zhong Jianguo, a level 20 demon throwing ax fighter, about the same age as Qian Sen.

"Do you have anything like this on hand?"

Qian Sen and Zhong Jianguo shook their heads and said no. Zhao Nan didn't doubt it. Given the current situation, the three of them wouldn't dare to tell him half a lie.

Once psychological fear is formed, it is more effective than any restraint. As long as these three people are afraid of death, they dare not make other small moves for the time being.

Zhao Nan glanced outside the door, pondered for a while, and opened his backpack. A long, transparent crystal was already in his palm: "This is the crystal of lies, you take turns to use it."

The crystal of lies is not some high-level secret treasure. This is what broke out in the first level 10 regular dungeon in Dongyuan City. The objects used can only be characters below level 25. Zhao Nan thought it was interesting, so he put it away, and it happened to be useful at this time.

"What... is this going to do?" Huang Kun couldn't help becoming curious: "What I'm telling is the truth!"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "It's not you, but your manpower... use it. My goal is to find out the hidden cannibals in your respective teams!"

Cannibalism is a big taboo, once the trend is formed, everyone will be in danger, and the remaining people who listen to the wind may perish. Every safe zone will stop this from happening. But there are still people who are sneaking around. Huang Kun and the others are also well aware of this situation, but their respective sites are complicated, and it is difficult to act if they cannot find evidence, so as not to cause panic.

"Ask all the people you have suspected." Zhao Nan first handed the crystal of lies to Huang Kun, "Then write down the prisoners, and put them all into the same team by tomorrow night at the latest. The day after tomorrow This group of people are the ones who are really leading the attack! Since they have eaten people, let's use their lives to atone for their sins."

Huang Kun and the three couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. This was a way to kill this group of people before the battle started... This guy, when he became ruthless, was definitely far from his appearance.

Zhao Nan looked at the three of them with a half-smile, and suddenly asked, "You three, have you"

Huang Kun shook his hand, and the crystal in his hand almost fell to the ground, and hurriedly said: "Absolutely not!"

"No no!"

The three of them looked at the crystal of lies one after another, seeing that it hadn't changed at all, they felt a little relieved. Zhao Nan laughed lightly, and said casually: "Do things well for me, don't make any mistakes, and I won't treat you badly in the future... Go ahead, and it's best to finish this matter before dawn."

Seeing how fast the three of Huang Kun were running, Zhao Nan shook his head, and a burst of laughter like silver bells suddenly came from behind. Not surprised at all, Zhao Nan turned around and opened her hands.

Finina threw herself into his arms without thinking, and said in a low voice, "These three will probably have their tails between their legs in the future."

"Please, how is the situation in Dongyuan City?"

"Well, it should be ready by noon tomorrow at the latest." Finina said softly.

"That's good..." Zhao Nan patted Finina on the back and said softly, "Rest early tonight."


Finina's voice sounded as thin as a mosquito.



This time Huang Kun brought around 300 people, Qian Sen's was a little over 400 people, and Zhong Jianguo's people were not too many, just over 200 people.

As for the rest of their respective territories, they stayed behind. Although these three are leaders, they are not able to mobilize all of them. But the total of three people is almost a thousand, which is not a small number, and it is considered qualified to lead the battle.

At noon of the next day, Lie Crystal returned to Zhao Nan's hands again, and there was an additional list, which clearly listed the names of 28 people.

Zhao Nan's face was a little ugly. There are twenty-eight people out of one thousand, which seems to be a small proportion. But there is an old saying that a thousand-mile fortune is destroyed by ant nests.

"These people had doubts before, and it took us some effort to make them identify without noticing." Huang Kun said first: "And we have already put them all into the same team."

"After the battle begins, the three of you should keep an eye on these people and make some accidents come out." Zhao Nan tore the list in his hand into pieces: "I don't need to teach you how to do it specifically?"

"Of course, I guarantee that no one will notice!" The three of them promised quickly.

"In the future, unless it is necessary, I will try not to meet with you directly." Zhao Nan said suddenly: "I will explain to you by email if there is something else. Besides...these are for you."

At this time, Zhao Nan shook his hand, and three weapons of different shapes fell out of the ground, "These three are blue-quality weapons that have been enchanted twice. After equipping them, you will also join in the attack on the mutant king." Among the team...Of course, after completing your tasks."

The three of them looked at each other, and although they didn't want to, they had no choice but to pick up the weapon.

"Don't think too much about unnecessary things." Zhao Nan said coldly: "Once Tingfeng City recovers, you will be heroes."

"I hope so."

Huang Kun replied with a wry smile, but what he thought in his heart was that no matter whether he will be a hero or not in the future, another identity has already been confirmed early on. Zhao Nan said that they would contact each other by email in the future, which has already shown that the true identities of the three of them are actually their lackeys.



Another day passed, and above Tingfeng City, a round sun slowly climbed through a thick white fog, crawling towards the sky above Tingfeng City bit by bit.

At this time, a team of more than 2,000 people headed straight for the square where the soul crystal was located.

The monsters on the road were cleared one after another. Before the battle, there were already dead bodies all the way.

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