Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 105 Ding, congratulations...

The blade was stirring, and Zhao Nan was about to suffocate from the heart-gouging pain. He asked himself that he had suffered a lot of trauma, and his ability to bear pain was far beyond ordinary people, so he couldn't help but hum in a low voice at this moment.

"I won't let people look down on me anymore, absolutely not! It's you, if you didn't kill Di Qiang, if it wasn't you...I will never give you a chance to despise me! Go to hell!"

Sun Baoqiang was clearly insane, half of the invisibility cloak he was wearing was now scattered, exposing his upper body. At this time, he was tightly holding the hilt of the dagger with both hands, the back of his hand was exposed due to force and excitement, his mouth seemed to be unable to close, and he spewed out one after another grinning laughter.

The excruciating pain continued, and Zhao Nan's consciousness changed from almost fainting to extremely clear, as if all the time flow became very slow, and the threat of death made his thinking jump at a terrifying speed.

If it is an ordinary player, it will definitely fall under this kind of trauma. However, he had taken the fountain of youth and gained three times the recovery speed, so even though his health was passing by rapidly, he did not die in an instant!

One second, two seconds?

Don't know how much time is left! But he knew very clearly that he could only protect himself in the remaining time! Never die easily!

Double Spin Fly*2!

This is a skill that was ready to be released a long time ago, and Zhao Nan subconsciously didn't want to waste time changing anything. Sun Baoqiang behind him apparently never thought that at such a time, the other party could still release his skills soberly! He doesn't know how short the time for the ancient arcanist to release his skills is!

The whirlwind that came out hit the ground first among the electric light and flint, and the huge reflected wind pressure instantly lifted the invisibility cloak on Sun Baoqiang's body. Huge airflow. They were pushed into the mid-air respectively.

Because of this, Sun Baoqiang's hands had to let go of the hilt. At this time, others opened their eyes and looked at Zhao Nan in mid-air.

I saw Zhao Nan's body slanting in the air, ready to fall down. But at this moment, Zhao Nan knocked the staff in his hand hard on his chest, only to hear a ding. The dagger stuck in his heart was knocked out directly, spraying out from his back.

A column of blood spurted out!

And this change has already attracted the attention of the monster team that is attacking the mutant king.

"Zhao Nan...!"


Finina's face paled even more, she was still on the body of the mutated soul-eating python king, she stopped completely at this moment!


Sun Baoqiang's pupils dilated instantly, and someone actually used this method to pull out the short sword... Isn't he afraid of pain?

He didn't know whether Zhao Nan was in pain or not, but he knew that he was also in pain afterward, and it turned out that he had already fallen to the ground. And Zhao Nan has already landed at this time.

After landing, Sun Baoqiang suddenly trembled. Even though he no longer has the invisibility cloak on his body, even though he has been exposed to others, he still wants to kill this person completely.

Yes, it was killed!

Now that this point has been achieved, all previous efforts cannot be wasted.

To kill!

At this moment, Sun Baoqiang was completely bewildered in his heart, let go of his hands and legs on the ground, and crawled towards Zhao Nan like a mad dog!

But he saw Zhao Nan lying motionless on the ground, and saw the man running towards him crazily. How could Finina care about the mutant king monster? Jumped out directly from its body. Her great mood changes, and a black streamer lingers between her eyes. The long golden hair was flying in the air, and there was a faint touch of black at the tip of the hair.

But, it's too late! Sun Baoqiang has already quickly climbed to Zhao Nan's side, holding his fist high!

"don't want!!!!"

The tip of the hair has completely turned black in this instant.

But at this time. The fist that Sun Baoqiang slammed down was tightly clenched and stopped in mid-air, his arms were shaking constantly.

"You're not dead yet!!" Sun Baoqiang screamed in disbelief.


With a low hum, two huge flame dragon heads roared out from the ground. It hit Sun Baoqiang's body hard. The huge impact rushed his body into the sky, then exploded, and then fell to the ground, his body was scorched black, twitching constantly, and his life value almost dropped to zero!

At this moment, Finina landed on the ground, the black light in her eyes flashed back and became clear again. She took two steps, then took two quick steps, and then ran forward. She didn't want the sword, and rushed over directly!

Tears welled up, and sobbing nearly stopped breathing.

"I got an instant blood recovery potion when I was doing the 'Time Dungeon', and I'm fine now." Zhao Nan comforted me softly.

Finina just lay on his chest, not saying a word, but her body was trembling.

Zhao Nan let out a sigh of relief. Although his health recovered in an instant and his heart injury was rapidly healing, the pain was still there.

Seeing this completely reversed change, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Zhao Nan said at this time: "Don't stop attacking, be careful!"

The mutated soul-eating python king can't stop fighting, his life has reached the lowest point, and its resistance is obviously becoming more crazy!

"Attack, attack!"

Lin Yu quickly yelled! !


The brilliant light came out again, and the attacking crowd became even more ferocious.

At this moment, Sun Baoqiang who fell on the ground trembled all over and got up from the ground, regardless of the life value that had fallen to the bottom... At this moment, he just wanted to escape from this place.

How could Zhao Nan let him leave so easily?

With a shake of his hand, the secret treasure hunting spider web appeared in the palm of his hand, and the black ball shot out a white silk thread, wrapping Sun Baoqiang's whole body. Zhao Nan pulled hard, and he was dragged back on the ground.

"You... what do you want to do!!"

Zhao Nan sneered, and came back from the ghost gate. At this moment, he was not calm, and a violent feeling in his heart almost burst out of his body.

He also ignored the strange cry of the other party, pulled Sun Baoqiang up directly, and inserted a staff into his clothes.

"You... let me go! Let me go..."

"Let go of your MB!"

With a punch, Zhao Nan was so angry that the punch was so powerful that it directly smashed Sun Baoqiang's mouth and teeth, making it difficult to speak.

Just when the eyebrows were golden stars, I only felt my body lighten, as if being pushed into the sky by something forcefully. When he came back to his senses, he only felt a stench coming from his nostrils.

In front of him, a huge bloody mouth has opened! He was sent into mid-air by Zhao Nan, and he was coming towards the mutant king!


Frightened, he entered the darkness completely, and then, the magic staff stuck in his clothes exploded at this moment...


The mouth of the mutated soul-eating python king was forced open at this moment, and a puff of black smoke came out! Its body shook even more violently.

Zhao Nan saw that there was only the last trace of this guy's blood gauge left!

"The last blow." Zhao Nan said with a low smile.

"You fight... Now I just want to hold you and not let go." Finina whispered.



A brilliant light shot down on Zhao Nan's body. Sighing, the scepter moved a little forward, and two huge magic circles appeared in the sky, and fireballs shot out continuously.

Fire and rain meteors exploded everywhere on the body of the mutated soul-eating python king.


The Fire Rain Meteor skill has not disappeared yet, but the mutant king who has been here for dozens of days has arrived.

"Ding, congratulations to player Zhao Nan, successfully killed the mutant soul-eating python king..."

ps: The first chapter in 2014 to...

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