Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 106: The Dark Gold Soul Devouring Staff

(I'm going... I forgot to ask for the first subscription in the first chapter. Now I can only ask for the subscription and the monthly pass.)


The mutated soul-eating python king fell, and the fire and meteors were still shooting, and the rumbling sound echoed in the square for a long time. Accompanied by these voices, one after another the mutated elite monsters became even more insane. Only this time, after each mutant elite monster is eliminated, it will not be refreshed again.

The battle situation gradually became one-sided, and more people began to squeeze into the square! They have been waiting for this moment for too long, as if they want to vent all the grievances from the fall to the present, everyone is crazy!

The fire rain and shooting stars finally stopped, sighing that the scepter fell to the ground, Zhao Nan let out a sigh of relief, and Finina finally calmed down at this time.

After wiping away the pear blossom tears on her face, Zhao Nan took a look at the current battle situation. At this time, the overall situation has been settled, and he no longer needs support in the past.

The mutant king fell to the ground, and the system prompted death. After Lin Yu and others got the confirmation, they sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and their bodies were already wet with sweat. At this moment, the sun sets, the fire burns red clouds, and the sky begins to darken. This half-day of high-intensity combat can be described as exhausting.

"I won..."

Lin Yu looked at the sky that was gradually becoming dark red, and muttered to himself.

"Zhao Nan, who was that person just now?" Huang Kun also collapsed on the ground, but asked without haste.

The moment Zhao Nan fell down, he was so nervous that he almost died! If Zhao Nan died like this, his life would be in danger... With this kind of thinking in mind, Huang Kun was naturally very concerned about Zhao Nan's safety.

Zhao Nan said indifferently: "It's just the safe zone where Lin Yu is. It's just a person who didn't want to fight and escape before."

Why Sun Baoqiang is making a move, I am afraid that no one will know except himself. Zhao Nan can only guess from his words. Sun Baoqiang hated him. So much so that he made a sneak attack at the last moment. As for why he hated it, it was no longer important to Zhao Nan.

It's just that after this time, Zhao Nan's views on the remaining players have changed... No, it shouldn't be a change, it should be an earlier attitude towards these people in the future.

"Then..." Lin Yu's face froze. After such a thing happened, of course his face was not good-looking.

"It's fine now." Zhao Nan shook his head, not wanting to say more.

He walked to the side of the mutant soul-eating python king. The final blow of the monster's death came from his hands. What exploded when he was able to see the mutant king so far belonged to his team for the time being.

Since entering Tingfeng City until now, Zhao Nan has never teamed up with anyone... Once he forms a team, his identity of being born in Dongyuan City will be exposed.

Zhao Nan looked at the colorful things on the ground and began to look for valuable things. The gold coins all over the floor are for him. Like scrap metal.

At this time, his eyes locked on one of the piles of objects, a black magic staff, half of which was exposed from the pile of gold coins. When he walked forward and looked at it, Zhao Nan was overjoyed and couldn't help but flick!

"Dark Gold's Soul Eater Staff (Level 25): All attributes of the character +10; Attack 70-76; Increase the mana value of the character by 500; Comes with 4 mana recovery per second; Reduces the release time of ordinary skills by 2 seconds; Comes with special Skills: Soul Roar (1 hour cooldown), Death Ray (1 hour cooldown)."

"Soul Roar: Special skill, not upgradeable. Group skill. The release range is 100 meters in diameter. Deals 100% mental damage to characters or monsters below level 25. Causes 80% mental damage to characters or monsters below level 30. Deals 80% mental damage to characters or monsters below level 35. or monsters deal 50% mental damage."

"Death ray: special skill, not upgradeable. Single-body skill. The release range is 50 meters in diameter. It causes 20% life damage to characters or monsters below level 25, and has a 10% chance to cause 50% life damage. It causes damage to people or monsters below level 30. 10% life damage, 5% chance to cause 50% life damage. Deal 5% life damage to characters or monsters below level 35, 3% chance to cause 50% life damage. In addition, cause 150 points of fixed damage per second to the hit target, Lasts 10 seconds."

The quality of the Soul Devouring Staff has actually reached dark gold, and in addition to the powerful attack bonus. The reduced skill release time is exactly the same as the Sighing Scepter, and the two special skills that come with it are even more powerful.

Soul Roar turned out to be a special attack skill of the spirit system. This is different from the six-series magic skills. Ordinary players or monsters do not have high spiritual resistance. As for the death ray. Absolutely perverted! The ability to reduce life by 50% with that chance is truly terrifying. Of course, the chances of it working are low...but what if it hits?

What if I hit the boss while pushing the boss? Reducing the blood volume by 50% is equivalent to reducing the time to knock down the boss by half, and the risk will be reduced to a level that makes people feel at ease!

After getting the Soul Eater Staff, the Sighing Staff in Zhao Nan's hand can officially announce his retirement. Of course, whether the Scepter of Sighing is used for reselling or self-destruction, it has a very high value!

"The skill time cooldown of the ancient arcanist is also applicable to these two special skills..."

After re-equipping the Soul-Eating Staff, Zhao Nan looked at this change in disbelief... If these two special skills are their trump cards, after the time is halved, they will immediately rise to the level of super trump cards at this stage!

Zhao Nan's face quickly returned to calm. Although outsiders can see from his short-term changes, he must have obtained something extraordinary.

But no one said anything. Naturally, the three of Huang Kun did not dare to open their mouths, and they were even very indifferent to asking questions in the future. As for Lin Yu and Fu Yun, they didn't care too much.

In this battle, he contributed the most, and almost died. Now that he should get something, who dares to say a word?

At the end of this battle, the strength of Zhao Nan and Finina was completely exposed to the public. Regardless of what happened before the battle, no one dared to underestimate Zhao Nan and Finina after the square battle.

Everyone here knows that Zhao Nan used to be able to make people reluctantly obey him because of his ability to buy food from the outer city. But after this time, he definitely has convincing strength!

There are many more items released by the mutated soul-devouring python king. Zhao Nan was not hypocritical, and searched alone openly.

But apart from a Soul Eater staff, there was no other dark gold equipment. This kind of equipment is rare, especially if it is a level 25 dark gold quality weapon. Therefore, being able to produce one is considered a high incense. In the end, Zhao Nan could only see a golden one-handed sword. Without thinking about it, he handed it to Finina.

Finina originally used only a purple quality sword. This was still a regular level 10 dungeon in Dongyuan City, so it can be eliminated at this moment. After switching to a new weapon, the attack power of the Sky Juggernaut has been greatly improved again!

The next step is to collect some rare or useful things before handing over the rest to Lin Yu and the others to start distributing them. Although the best things have obviously been taken away, the rest are still high-quality goods. For them, it can be regarded as a rather rich harvest.

Everyone simply packed up their things and left them for distribution in the future, then began to join in the suppression of the remaining mutated elite monsters.

At this time, Zhao Nan walked under the soul crystal, and Olisis flew from behind and carried him into the air. He wants to see how to restore the soul crystal in Tingfeng City.

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand to erase it, his palm pressed against the dark soul crystal, and a message automatically appeared on the task panel of his bracelet...


ps1: The second chapter arrives.

ps2: Recommended similar novel "Dimensional Invasion", ISBN: 3024835. The author is a tragedy, full of integrity! ! well! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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