Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 107: The Method of Restoring the Soul Crystal

Zhao Nan quickly withdrew his hand, looked at the tasks on the task panel with a strange expression, and frowned.

With the passage of time, the mutated elite monsters in the square have been wiped out! When the last mutated elite monster was eliminated, the entire square suddenly lit up with a light.

"The skill can't be used!"

"Here... turned into a safe zone?"

"Could it be that Tingfeng City has really recovered!!"

"No, the safe zone is only here! You can still use skills when you leave the square!"

"What? Could it be that we have lost so many people, is it just a waste of effort in the end?"

Facing the gradually heated discussions among the crowd, Zhao Nan Zhao Nan said to Lin Yu and the others: "Go back and rest first, the monsters here have been cleared, and the soul crystal needs to be restored to truly restore Tingfeng City."

"What's the method?" Lin Yu asked anxiously.

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief and said: "Now in the map of Tingfeng City, all monsters will have a chance to burst out a prop called 'soul fragments'. You need to collect all 9999 fragments before you can restore the soul. The brilliance of the crystal is restored."

"That's it?" Lin Yu frowned, then stretched out, and said happily: "Is it just an ordinary monster? It's that simple, no matter how low the explosion rate of this item is, we gather everyone, and one day It can be collected!"

"That's right! If it's just an ordinary monster, it's much easier than dealing with the monsters in the square. I believe there are not many people who won't participate this time!" Fu Yun also laughed.

"Then let's make arrangements now...and then notify other people in the safe zone." Huang Kun and the three said.

Although Tingfeng City did not recover immediately after killing the mutant king, it was only a matter of time under such conditions.

"It's not urgent, everyone has worked hard today. Let's go back and rest for a while." Zhao Nan said indifferently.

"That's... there's really no rush, we need to have a good celebration tonight! Hahaha!"

"Go together, go together!"


When Finina came over, she saw Zhao Nan rubbing a bunch of hair behind her ears silently, looking thoughtfully at the people on the road ahead who had just started various explanations.

"Just collecting fragments?" Finina was silent for a moment and asked tentatively.

Zhao Nan sighed. Looking at the person who was busy packing things, he whispered: "I still need... a soul sacrifice..."

"What's that?" Finina's complexion began to turn ugly, as if she had thought of something.

"The literal meaning..." Zhao Nan smiled wryly, "We need to pay a certain amount of life to activate the effect of soul fragments."

"How could this be... Isn't that..." Finina hurriedly lowered her voice, her expression serious: "Will anyone be willing?"

Zhao Nan shook his head, no need to say more. Who would be willing to sacrifice their lives?

"Let's go back too..." Zhao Nan held Finina's hand and said, "I hope there are enough cannibals among all the people in Tingfeng City... otherwise."

"This matter can only be done secretly."

Zhao Nan nodded... After accepting the task of restoring the soul crystal, he now has the ability to activate soul fragments by killing people.

To kill a former cannibal. Zhao Nan can do without any psychological burden. But if a person is struggling to survive, and he has not done anything harmful to the world, and contributes his life, he is still unable to do so.

But no matter what, this matter must be completed by him in the end.



The monsters in the square were completely emptied, and the method of recovering the soul crystal quickly spread among all the safe areas.

In the name of the person who successfully killed the mutant king this time, Zhao Nan asked Lin Yu and the others to gather all the leaders in the safe zone again. Discuss the collection of soul fragments.

This kind of debris will burst from the body of ordinary monsters, and the danger is relatively low. It didn't take long to receive replies from everyone willing to participate. After all, the environment in Tingfeng City can be restored relatively safely. Anyone is happy.

The atmosphere of this gathering was much more harmonious than last time. No one mentioned the initial unhappiness. Of course, everyone knew what they were thinking behind the scenes, and everything would be discussed after Tingfeng City really recovered.

The next day, the mighty monster hunting operation began. The remaining players in Tingfeng City, except for being unable to move due to their own disabilities. Everyone is active on the map.

Of course, low-level monsters are easier to kill, so most players choose to go out and start farming near Tingfeng City.

After another three days, the amount of soul fragments collected broke through 500. The number 9999 is still quite far away. Most of these fragments are still obtained from high-level ordinary monsters. In desperation, everyone had to point their targets at some slightly higher-level monsters.

The hunting team gradually dispersed.


Somewhere outside Tingfeng City.

A team of six people just completed a hunt for low-level monsters. The monster area in front of him has been temporarily cleared. The six people casually rested in the temporary safe zone.

"It took a full three hours, but not a single piece came out... I don't know when this explosion rate will end." One of them couldn't help sighing.

"Forget it, even if it's slower, it's better than nothing." One of them whispered: "We won't continue to live that kind of life."

"Hush... Keep your voice down!" One person's expression changed.

"Ann, here are all 'your own people', no one will report anyone, right?"

"It's better to be careful...Although we keep it secret, if something happens...and you are not surprised that we can be unified into a team?"

"Who knows? After all, we usually act together a lot, so it wouldn't be strange to be in the same team, right?"

"No way! Once Tingfeng City is restored, who would think about that kind of thing? Do you think I am willing? If there is no other way..."

"Okay! Don't make any noise, try to get a piece of it. This can be exchanged for fresh meat in someone's hands..."

"Yeah, I haven't eaten fresh meat for a long time..."

"Wait, there seems to be someone there."

"Boss Huang? Why is he alone?"

"Go and see, he seems to be waving at us."

"Strange, why are you here alone?"

Although it was strange, but looking at the monsters in front of them, they were only partially refreshed, and they were not high-level monsters. They could kill a batch of them in the blink of an eye. The six people walked out of the safe zone without even thinking about it.

But just after the six people walked about ten meters, the soil on the ground suddenly turned into a muddy one, and at the same time, countless fireballs began to erupt in the sky.

Under the light of the fire, the lives of these six people began to disappear rapidly. Huang Kun could only watch quietly, without saying a word, and let the six people scream and curse in front of them.

When everything subsided, there were only six bodies left on the ground.

"This should be the last batch in the safe zone where I was originally..." Huang Kun whispered behind a big tree beside him.

"Next, hand over the Lie Crystal to Zhong Jianming, and let him prepare for action... In addition, you and Qian Sen will find a way to make an appointment with the leaders of other safe zones."

"I see……"

Huang Kun sighed and left alone.

Not long after he left, Zhao Nan paced out behind the tree and looked at his task panel.

"An average person's life can activate 50 soul fragments... 9999 pieces are 200 people..."

ps: I won three monthly tickets, thanks to "Wu 0 Nai", "Wolf Cliff", and "Dream☆" who voted for the monthly tickets! In addition, from the third chapter to...

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