Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 108: Monster Calendar April 5th

The collection of soul fragments by the people of Tingfeng City is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Zhao Nan will announce the latest number every day, and call on more people to go to the edge of the map to hunt monsters.

He also revealed to everyone that through his exploration, he found that killing monsters at the edge of the map would yield more soul shards.

The monsters on the edge of the map and in Tingfeng City are all level 20. But why there are more there and less in the city, no one knows. After all, he is the great hero who killed the mutant king, and also the executor of the restoration of the soul crystal. Everyone just listen to what he said.

And Zhao Nan's own hunting plan also slowly unfolded. The so-called going to the edge to kill monsters is just to execute those cannibals more conveniently in the wild.

After being attacked by Sun Baoqiang once, the evil spirit that he washed through time in the "Heart of Time" copy seems to have returned.

Fenina saw this change but could only helplessly. In the scene that happened in the square, if Zhao Nan really died unfortunately, she estimated that she would also become crazy.


Another week passed, and the collection company of soul fragments had broken through three thousand, and the results were quite gratifying. According to this speed, it is estimated that in half a month at the earliest, enough fragments can be collected.

And this week, Zhao Nan was not idle. While letting people secretly find out the former cannibal, he began to control the leaders of the rest of the safe zone through the lies of "heart-eating worms" in his own hands, in order to achieve more. Quickly uncover the rest of the cannibals.

Zhao Nan has her own plans.

Now he is trapped in Tingfeng City, and there is still a long period of time for the intercommunication between cities.

But after a fall, there were not many people left in Tingfeng City. Such a number of people will definitely not be able to resist the second monster siege.

At this stage, all cities should be in a suppressed state, even after Tingfeng City recovers. It is estimated that most people will be aware of this problem. Then began to consciously suppress the opening of the map. So that the next time the monster attacks the city, the monster's strength will not become stronger.

Under such a very likely situation, for future safety, Zhao Nan has only two choices.

The first is to meet the conditions for urban intercommunication as soon as possible. In this way, whether it is to ask for help from another city, or to migrate there, the chances of avoiding the second monster siege will be greatly improved.

The second is more difficult. That is, before the second monster siege begins, but before the conditions for opening cities are reached, the strength of all members can be raised as high as possible, and they will fight in unison. In the face of monster siege, a well-trained and well-coordinated team is far better than a random motley army with several times the manpower.

Of course, either way. Zhao Nan must hold the control in his hands. Tingfeng City is no longer comparable to Dongyuan City, and most of the human nature has been distorted faster after one fall. Perhaps the restoration of the city will bury these dark sides in their hearts... But such bad memories will eventually accompany them all the way.

Zhao Nan didn't want to finish playing in the map of Tingfeng City, so he had to think about how to survive. And suppress the opinions of most people and open a brand new map.

Since most cities are suppressing levels, in the case of Tingfeng City, it is necessary to do the opposite. Crazy level up and fight more advanced monsters. Open more advanced copies to get better equipment and treasures.


Ten days later, the number of soul fragments collected by people has exceeded 8,000. The recovery of Tingfeng City is in sight, and people are talking more about life in the future. Only a few people will talk about it, some people who went out to hunt monsters and never came back.

They may not come back...

But these people who can't come back. The number of people is not large. On average, a safe zone is about ten or twenty people. Although they are all ordinary monsters, they will always encounter force majeure situations. Even before the fall of Tingfeng City, some people unfortunately died during missions or killing monsters.

therefore. There are not many voices talking about this.

And Zhao Nan has rarely seen people during this time. Although he has a lot of rootless water on hand, which can wash away the evil value after killing. But the problem is that these days, he has been killing people continuously, and his body has inevitably been contaminated with a lot of murderous intent. This and occasional killing are two different concepts. Even if it is a normal person, even if it kills a damned person, if it happens every day, it will always feel depressed.

"How far is it?"

Kindergarten belongs to Zhao Nan's own private space. Zhao Nan closed her eyes, pillowed on Finina's lap, her back was pressed against the cold ground, her face was natural.

This is what he used to calm himself. Finina would gently rub his forehead for him during this time.

"It's almost..." Zhao Nan didn't open his eyes, and his breathing was very regular: "The number of cannibals exceeds the activation amount required by the soul fragments. You don't have to worry about the problems you were worried about before."

Finina kept moving her hands, but became more gentle, and said in a low voice: "The next thing...let me do have killed enough."

"I kill monsters more."

"It's different..." Finina stopped her hands and sighed.

She moved Zhao Nan's head cautiously, and took another breath, humming an unknown tune from her throat, as delicate as water.

Zhao Nan had already fallen into a deep sleep.


Monster Calendar April 5th.

The remaining players in Tingfeng City gathered around the square where the soul crystal was located. But in the square, it was empty at the moment, only a figure gradually walked towards the location of the soul crystal.

This is the day everyone is looking forward to.

Zhao Nan walked to the bottom of the soul crystal, one after another soul fragments shot out from his hands at a very fast speed, and the fragments exuded a soft white light.

At this time, every time a piece of soul shard merges into the soul crystal, the life value of the soul crystal will increase by 1 point! The speed of improvement gradually accelerated.

Everyone's heartbeats also gradually accelerated.

The brilliance of the soul crystal also gradually strengthened, shot into the sky, and then turned into dots of colorful light, like snow, drifting and falling, slowly covering the entire city of Tingfeng.

Not many people know that behind this brilliance, there are actually two hundred lives. But insiders feel that it is very cost-effective to exchange the lives of these scumbags for the future of the public.

But no one thought about how to solve this method of activating soul fragments if there were no cannibals in Tingfeng City.

They subconsciously don't think about it.

Zhao Nan didn't want to either.

"Recovered... Tingfeng City..."

Someone was crying loudly at this time.

Under that radiance, starting from the square, a kind of vitality is completely glowing. On the edge of the square, in the gap between the stone slab and the soil, a small piece of fresh moss gradually spread.

ps: If nothing unexpected happens, there will be Chapter 5 tonight. The response is good, and I gritted my teeth to Chapter 6... Please subscribe~meow. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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