Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1107 Mass Production Plan

"Go down and see what he is here for."

However, Alice unexpectedly made Iverson feel relieved... It seemed that this time he was not as violent as the previous times, and his voice was even surprisingly soft.

However, the next second, Alice said coldly: "Go and don't let me know that you have leaked my existence, otherwise... you will be responsible for the names of people here in Pompeii."

With such a powerful attack, with just one shot, Pompeii would no longer exist, right? Iverson suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because he didn't know how many tricks the other party had, so some thoughts of informing him that had just arisen in his heart were quickly suppressed.

Iverson quickly walked off the Jingshi Battleship. The moment he landed in Pompeii, the huge and stunning battleship quickly disappeared from sight. It's not that I left, I just used a technology called technology to keep myself in a transparent state.

It seems to be some kind of technology called light refraction?

Iverson shook his head, now is not the time to study these new technologies. He needed to give instructions before Locke arrived, so that the people in the city should keep silent and not reveal the shocking battleship, otherwise the consequences would be quite serious.

Soon after, Locke and Guissi arrived hand in hand.

If you want to have a peaceful life, you only need to take a step back to see the vast sea and sky. Locke did not remember what had happened.

The magic weapon man who had just given birth to emotions was as pure as water at this moment, and he was more willing to believe rather than doubt.

As for Iverson... because of Zhao Nan's presence and the concerns of his descendants, he didn't have too many thoughts in his mind.

The scholar clan's revenge has been avenged. It's time to put aside grudges and start over... Locke put aside the past grudges, and Iverson even felt like he was redeemed.

"My son, you are welcome."

When they met, the two hugged each other completely from the heart, showing no trace of emotion. Iverson grabbed Locke's hand and said as he walked: "Why are you here?"

Locke smiled and said: "Father. Your Excellency asked me to give you a letter."

Originally, we didn't have to go through so much trouble. We just needed to find a few people from the scholar clan and transform them into the Chosen Ones, and we could communicate directly. However, Zhao Nan had no intention of allowing the scholars, including Iverson, to undergo transformation. Instead, let these guys be aborigines.

Iverson took the letter, but did not open it immediately. Instead, he asked: "Son, did you come here to deliver the letter?"

"Yes." Locke nodded: "This is the only thing your Lord has ordered. I can allocate the remaining time freely. Father, I think I can live here for a while."

Iverson suddenly said: "In that case, kid, can you do something for me?"

Locke looked at Guissi, then nodded and said, "Father, please tell me."

Iverson smiled and said, "Do you still remember your last master?"

Locke said seriously: "Lord Ulysses, Locke still dares not forget it."

"Very good." Iverson said with a pleased smile: "You are a human being and you must not forget your roots. The Saint once taught you many things. It can even be said that you are today, partly related to the Saint. So. This time I want you to return to the Saint and thank him on my behalf."

For Locke, it was originally from the Tower of the Philosophers in Ulysses. The Tower of the Sage is even a place equivalent to home. Hearing this, Locke almost didn't think about it. "That's good. I've been out for a long time. Speaking of which, I also miss Ulysses-sama."

"Then you can rest here for a day before setting off tomorrow." Iverson nodded and said, "I still have something to do. Let's have a good chat at dinner tonight."

"Mr. Iverson, please go and do your work." Guisi said softly at this time.

"You still call me sir?" Iverson chuckled and said, "If you call me inappropriate, I won't treat you as my daughter-in-law."

Guisi's face turned red, and she called out in a low voice: "Father."

Iverson watched the two of them slowly walking towards his residence with a look of relief, and then sighed. At this time, the body began to rise uncontrollably... This was the process of being absorbed by the stunning battleship.

When I saw Alice again. Iverson hesitated for a moment, and finally took out the letter from his body - even if it was hidden, it was useless. If this girl wanted to, she would have no chance of resisting.

Now the fate of the entire Pompeii city is in the hands of the other party, and he has to bow his head and obey. I just hoped in my heart that things wouldn't get out of hand in the future, and at the same time I could only walk around - as expected. Alice showed a hint of pleasure at Iverson's actions.

But she shook her head and said, "Read it to me."

Iverson has never discovered this non-entity thing so far - originally, he did not dare to get close to Alice.

The scholar had no choice but to sigh, and could only tear open the letter obediently and read it word for word. But there isn't much text on the letter.

It's just a simple sentence...just an instruction.

"Start the production of emotional circuits... Zhao Nan."

Iverson's hand suddenly trembled, and his face changed slightly, and he also felt a sense of sudden realization. When the first emotional circuit was truly born, Iverson had a hunch that Zhao Nan would not let this technology be sealed forever so easily. He asked Pompeii to rebuild and even provided a lot of supplies... From that time on, Iverson knew that one day in the future, Zhao Nan would make such a request to him.

I just didn't expect that he would choose this time period - but the production of emotional circuits takes a long time, so naturally the sooner the better.

Iverson took a deep breath at this time, looked at Alice with an expressionless face, and hurriedly said: "The person who signed the inscription is actually the real boss behind our Pompeii... I didn't mean to hide it. It's just that this city is now under your control, and it doesn't seem to matter who its boss is."

Alice looked at Iverson expressionlessly... This unblinking gaze made Iverson's heart beat wildly, fearing that the other party would be unhappy and directly give Pompeii a terrifying artillery attack.

Unexpectedly, Alice suddenly said, "Since this is your boss's request, just do it. I don't want people in Paradise World to know about my existence for the time being. So you can go ahead and mass-produce the emotional circuit, and I can even provide you with a little help."

"Help?" Iverson was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Haven't we discussed mass production before?" Alice said indifferently.

"Oh... yes, yes." Iverson felt that his brain was suddenly not enough. Although it is true that he doesn't want people to discover his existence for the time being and needs to cover it up. But it's not to the extent of helping the emotional circuit to mass-produce, right?

This woman... What is this girl thinking?

"Then go ahead. If you need to mass-produce, you need to make a large number of magic tools..." Alice waved her hand, but quickly retracted it, frowning and said, "If you use magic tools, the speed is still not fast enough. Let's use them for production."

"!" Iverson took a breath of cold air.

Because he was blinded by hatred, he had cruelly conducted experiments. However, now that everything is over, he will always feel a lingering sense of guilt when he thinks back. He no longer wants to try childbirth, "No. Using human bodies is taboo, absolutely not allowed!" The great scholar unexpectedly insisted on this aspect. Alice sneered, "Since that technology has been created, why are you here to promote humanitarianism? Don't laugh at me. Listen, the civilizations of all ages have always been the law of the jungle! The process of every civilization ends with either killing each other or destroying each other! Even if you kill thousands of people today, no one will think you are wrong in the future. Even if you make achievements, history will still praise you!" "Anyway... No." Iverson gritted his teeth and said, "I refuse!" Alice said indifferently, "Pompeii is so big. I don't believe that there are no scholars who understand this technology except you. Even if I can't find it, can I still cultivate it? Humph! Iverson, if you know what's good for you, do what I say. If you don't let me... you know the consequences!" Iverson's face turned pale-the mass production of emotional circuits, if it is just to hide yourself from being discovered, you can completely not invest any energy, or even perfunctorily do it. But the other party is obviously very concerned... Could it be that the other party wants to take this opportunity to take all the cultivated emotional circuits for himself? "The names of the scholars in Pompeii are in your hands now. Do it or not, it's your choice."

However, Alice was pressing forward step by step, leaving Iverson with no way out. After pondering for a long time, Iverson nodded - this is probably the sadness of having epoch-making technology but no one to protect this technological power.

Alice nodded with satisfaction. She said calmly: "If you don't want to use ordinary people as production tools, then use the warriors of the sea tribe as tools."

"Sea tribe?" Iverson looked up in astonishment.

"Yes, it's the sea tribe." Alice sneered: "Anyway, the sea tribe is the enemy who invaded your land. Isn't it a good thing to use the enemy's body to produce?"

Iverson was stunned, frowned, and finally sighed: "Can you let me think about it... just one day."

"What I need to hear at this time tomorrow is a positive answer." Alice waved her hand, and Iverson could only attack and retreat.

At this time, Alice shook her head towards the closed control room door, "He is just a hypocrite."

"It's just... I didn't expect Pompeii to be his property..." Alice looked at the empty control room absentmindedly, muttering to herself: "If you want to mass-produce emotional circuits... Alice will work hard... Give you a surprise, okay... Don't be angry with me, okay..."



In the deep sea, a colorful light suddenly flashed.

The light source was extremely strong... So strong that it even illuminated a distance of a thousand meters in an instant. At this moment, the light source even gradually turned into a ring!

There are many strange runes on the ring. At this moment, Chaoros was in the sea water, with a solemn expression.

Surprisingly, at this time, the expression that made people look like a scammer at a glance was completely gone.

Zhao Nan watched all this happen silently.

I saw a huge beam of light shooting out instantly from this halo. The powerful force even caused the sea water on this side to squeeze out in an instant, forming a huge vacuum zone.

The entrance to the Divine Treasure of the God of Judgment has begun to emerge! It has been more than ten days since we arrived in the East China Sea, and it’s finally time to harvest—no, it’s harvesting but still within the Divine Treasure.

"The breath of God's Realm... can already be felt."

Zhao Nan murmured to himself. Augustus and Olga beside him also felt the sensation at the same time. And as time went by, the rest of the people gradually felt a sense of oppression coming from the divine treasure.

Everyone walked out of the flying boat one after another. Standing in this empty space, silently waiting for the entrance to truly open.

Suddenly there was a loud noise like thunder, and in front of everyone's eyes, a golden door flashed, slowly emerging from the light pillar, and the flowing light began to recede from all parts of the door like quicksand.

The God of Judgment, the highest star level divine treasure, has a majestic and long-lasting presence. The feeling of awe came over me again. Zhao Nan is no longer unfamiliar with the divine treasure... He has even entered the divine treasure of the three goddesses of fate once.

It's just that compared to the sacred treasures of the three goddesses of destiny, the divine treasures of the God of Judgment obviously make people feel more depressed - this may be because the two parties are in charge of different things.

Judgment and judgment, judging fate, naturally have a little more majesty.

The door slowly opened at this moment. The aura coming out of Shenzang in an instant caused Augustus and Olga to change their expressions slightly at the same time. At the same time, they felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Kaoros turned back calmly at this moment and said: "Don't try to resist this aura. In most cases, it will not hurt, as long as you have no ill intentions. Moreover, you are in this strong aura of the realm of gods. . You two little guys are not enough."

After all, it is the favor of God, a powerful beast that the God of Judgment once kept by his side. If he hadn't been killed by the God's Punishment Apostle and reborn in the star spirit world. Over the years, it may have grown to a more terrifying level.

At this moment, the door opened slightly. However, Kaoros has stopped opening the door and said calmly: "Go in. This door cannot be opened too big, otherwise the East China Sea will boil."

The door of Shenzang is fully opened, and the breath inside will rush out without reservation. Impacting the origin of this world, the more powerful the God-Self-position will be, the greater the impact will be, the more it can shake the surrounding environment... and the more it can attract the attention of others.

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and took one step forward. Already in the gap between the doors, I suddenly felt a sense of joy in my heart.

"Judgment Divine Treasure... I hope I can find another way here." Zhao Nan murmured to himself, and in a flash, he had already entered this huge door.

At the same time, everyone behind him did not hesitate and followed one by one... Finally, Caolos looked at the giant door silently and sighed: "I finally returned to this hellish place. Old guy, don't blame me, I just want freedom... As for whether this guy is qualified or not, you can just make do with it."

The body of the judgment beast Caolos suddenly burst out with bright golden light at this moment, and his body also transformed into a giant beast in an instant.

The three tails were like black cheetahs, with a streak of lightning twining on their foreheads, and green eyes... At this moment, Caolos' claws landed on the door panel of the giant door at the same time, and he pushed hard... pushing away this trace of The cracks were completely closed.

The completely closed door made a loud roaring sound at this moment, and gradually disappeared. Kaoros let out a long breath, a terrifying divine light shot out from his eyes, and the huge halo surrounding him was completely shattered at this moment.

The sea water rolled back and filled the vacuum.

After doing all this, Kaoros returned to his original appearance with a tired face. While letting out a long breath, he thought about swimming further into the deep sea, "Master Cat, I... too It’s time to settle the grudges from back then.”

"Caolos is missing!"

Within the divine treasury. Before they could fully see everything in front of them, the suddenly closed entrance made everyone start to feel surprised and uncertain.

Naturally, the guy who is missing from the team will eventually be discovered.

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, "Don't worry about it. That old cat probably has something to do. Now that we have opened this sacred treasure, this is where we need to pay attention. ”

Everything in front of me was covered in mist, and I couldn't even see the distant scenery clearly. Augustus stretched out his hand and traced the strange gas around him that looked like clouds but not mist with trembling fingers. He said nervously: "This... is completely like the realm of God that has been realized. No wonder Just opening it a little bit gives me that level of pressure.”

"It's amazing. I heard that the God of Judgment had completely fallen during the battle. I didn't expect that after his death, God's will could still remain strong to this extent."

Zhao Nan also felt that he was struggling. However, in this place, besides him there were Augustus and Olga. The rest seemed surprisingly relaxed.

Stretching out within the will of the Fengshen sub-position, the stronger the own will, the stronger the suppression it endures, and the more repelled it is by this place.

"Let's go, the entrance has been closed... If we want to open the way out again, we can only explore this place. Otherwise..." Zhao Nan said with a solemn face: "I'm afraid we will be trapped in this place forever."

Tianyi Empire, Imperial City.

There is a huge circle in the sky above. Like a crimson moon. But this crimson moon is not the real reason. It is merely the entrance into the mysterious world of evil.

Since it was opened, this entrance has never disappeared. The evil gods had already arrived at that time. But he had no intention of returning through this passage.

The evil gods have been trapped in it for who knows how many years. Now that they are out of trouble, who would plan to go back to that place where birds do not lay eggs?

At this moment, the former imperial palace of the Tianyi Empire had long since become the palace of evil gods. Creatures, male or female, are sent from everywhere every day. They all suffered all kinds of painful tortures here to provide entertainment to the evil gods.

But for the evil god, this level is completely unable to release the pain caused by being imprisoned for these years. Soon after, many evil gods got tired of this painless fun.

In the palace hall, where Rosa Lujie was sitting. Officially the throne of the former Tianyi Emperor. In front of him, several evil gods were floating in the air casually.

"Skeleton Bones, are you really sure that the Lord of Truth is still there?" Rosarujie suddenly said: "It has been a while since we arrived. During this time, we have been constantly searching for the so-called hidden gods, but they have not yet found their whereabouts."

The Bone Lord said sternly: "I don't need to lie to you about this matter. In fact, during the war, I left many secret treasures in the world that can call me to project across the secret world. At that time, there was a The fallen wizard who vowed to take revenge on the Temple Alliance called my projection. However, when he was about to succeed, he met the Lord of Truth... At least that person gave me the same feeling as Oka. What Ness said is that the Lord of Truth most likely died at a completely different time. It should be said... that it was a later time."

Rosaruje frowned: "However, you didn't write down that person's appearance, right?"

The Bone Lord shook his head and said helplessly: "You should also know the methods of the Lord of Truth. Under his will, if he wants to make you unable to remember things, is there a way for you to keep them?"

Rosarujie snorted coldly... but had no intention of refuting this point of view. He just closed his eyes and said slowly: "The Lord of Truth is too elusive and we must not let him appear. I guess he is very It's possible that he was seriously injured. If he didn't let us go, we would have started to be active, and there's no way he wouldn't show up... After all, the Evil Emperor..."

Shaking his head, Rosa Lujie seemed to have given up the plan to continue talking, and suddenly said: "Where is the Dark Dragon King? It has been going to the Dragon Realm for a while, hasn't it taken the Dragon Realm as its own? "

"There is no news at all." Another Evil God said calmly: "In fact, I just received the news that the entrance to the Dragon Realm is completely sealed from the inside. In our current state, unless more than ten Evil Gods are dispatched, no one else can I think it can open the door to the Dragon Realm... As for the Dark Dragon King, I'm afraid it's a little bit unlucky."

If the Dragon Realm is successfully controlled, with the character of the Dark Dragon King, the door to the Dragon Realm will be opened with great fanfare, allowing the Dark Dragon clan living in the dark underground to return in a mighty manner.

"Trash." Rosa Lujie cursed in a low voice, and then stood up: "The Shenyin people will continue to search! During this period, you can't cause trouble for me outside! Unless you are from the Temple Alliance or the Empire of Night Come here to seek death, otherwise you will continue to stay here!"

"Are you planning to travel far?" The Bone Lord raised his head and asked.

"I'm going back to the evil mysterious world." Rosarujie said calmly: "During this period, Okanes will replace me!"

After saying that, Rosa Lujie's whole body turned into a jet of black light, which shot out from the entrance of the hall and rushed directly into the red moon in the sky.

The evil spirits in the hall gradually dispersed. However, in the end, there were still two evil gods was the Bone Lord, and the other was the Shadow Lord.

"Old friend, you seem to have become more courageous recently." The Shadow Lord suddenly said in a sharp voice.

The Bone Lord said calmly: "I think as an evil god, he has never been timid."

The Shadow Lord let out a weird laugh like rusty gears grinding together: "Is the list even so big that you dare to hide the truth?"

The Bone Lord looked at the other party with a nonchalant expression, "I don't know what you are talking about."

The Shadow Lord chuckled and said: "Your last projection was returned. Don't forget that I happened to be passing by. Although you didn't explain anything later, after I left, I quietly attached one of your skeleton soldiers. A hint of dark wind..."

"What exactly do you want to say?" The Bone Lord's voice suddenly turned cold.

The Shadow Lord said: "Old friend, that statue you made out of many times did you blow it up in total?"

The Bone Lord's eyes flashed red, and his murderous intent was strong!

Just as the Shadow Lord said, it did hide something from Rosaruje. I will never forget the moment when I was driven back by Zhao Nan.

It was as if that appearance was completely engraved in my mind. So he returned to his palace of bones, and in order to vent his anger, he even secretly made a statue out of bones, which he blew up every day to vent his hatred.

In the process of constantly venting his hatred, the Bone Lord gradually calmed down, and also escaped from the fear of meeting the 'Lord of Truth', and discovered something.

The person he considered to be the Lord of Truth was far less powerful than the Lord of Truth... Later, when he thought about it carefully, he realized that everything was just because he was too afraid... what drove him was just the power of will at the level of a small world.

Therefore, the Bone Lord gradually came up with a bold idea... No matter whether the other party was the Lord of Truth or not, he must be weak.

And he still has the power of the Lord of Truth...if he can get this power! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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