Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1108 The Little Giant in the Divine Hidden

"Even then, he's just a guy I hate. It's just that you think too much." The Bone Lord responded coldly.

It is now fully in a position to express this dissatisfaction. After all, the Shadow Lord did peek into it very inappropriately.

The Shadow Lord said calmly: "Really? I wonder if Rosaruje would also imagine this after knowing about this matter?"

The Lord of Bones said in a nonchalant manner: "Then you can go ahead and say it, I didn't stop you."

The Shadow Lord chuckled and said: "Old friend, I don't think we need to be so stiff, right?"

The Bone Lord mocked: "You were the one who provoked me first. Don't be so stiff... You are really embarrassed to say such things."

The Shadow Lord didn't take it seriously at all and said: "Old friend, please believe me, I just want to get some benefits... Besides, I don't know what you are calculating in your heart. But it is obvious that I don't want Rosaluger to know. Yes, isn't it?"

A strange red light flashed in the Bone Lord's eyes, "What exactly do you want?"

"I have said before, there is no need for us to make our relationship so rigid." The Shadow Lord chuckled softly: "Besides, although we are called the evil god camp, there is no rule that the evil god camp must be made of iron... …The evil god was originally caught up in intrigues and intrigues… wasn’t he?”

The strange red light in the Bone Lord's eyes shone even brighter, but he didn't say a word.

I saw the two evil gods finally walking out of the hall side by side.

Judgment Shen Zang.

This divine treasure is far larger than the divine treasure of the three goddesses of destiny... Of course, the two are also of the highest star level, so the gap between the divine treasures cannot be so far apart. The only explanation is that the three goddesses of destiny have no intention of expanding their own divine treasures, and they just think it is enough.

For the three goddesses of fate. Shenzang is probably just a hiding place, a place where you can safely carry out your journey into the past and the future... a foothold.

Obviously, for the God of Judgment, Shenzang is a place to live...a place where he can live comfortably.

After walking through the thick layer of fog, the scene in front of us gradually became clearer. What was unexpected was... they came across a small village.

A very special village!

Everything in the village has been magnified dozens of times, and a house looks about the size of a family of three. But it has the feeling of a castle that is neither big nor small.

One row down, it is just a village composed of about a hundred houses, but it is far larger than a city inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people.

"This...could it be a place for giant dragons to live?" Olga quietly gestured. The houses here are comparable to a nest used by an ordinary giant dragon to sleep.

"It's not a giant dragon." Zhao Nan shook his head and pointed forward: "At least these are not clothes for a giant dragon to wear."

The place Zhao Nan pointed to was the backyard of a huge house. There were two huge stone pillars inside, which were used as clothes drying racks. And on top of it, there were clearly several pieces of cloth hanging on it that were not even large enough to describe.

Everyone landed in surprise. Looking at this huge piece of clothing, an idea came to my mind almost at the same time: Maybe the people living here are giants.

"Speaking of giants... do we know one too?" Xu Yang said softly: "The owner of Oz Castle?"

"After the war, the giant race was almost extinct. You actually know one?" Olga asked in surprise: "Is there any connection between the two?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and subconsciously reached out to touch a huge piece of clothing hanging in front of him. But the moment he reached out to touch it, the clothes suddenly shattered and turned into a pile of dust and fell to the ground.

Zhao Nan frowned and stared. It looked like a giant door towards the front, opening a little...but it was also a very huge gap and drifted in.

Dust everywhere. Not only the huge wooden tabletop, but also the surface of the teapot used to hold water was covered with a thick layer of white ash.

"It seems that no one has lived in this village for a long time." Zhao Nan said thoughtfully.

"It's a pity that Caolos is not here, otherwise we might know something." Finina said with a little pity.

Zhao Nan began to let people divide the work and cooperate: "Look to see if there are any written records or anything like that left here. Also search the houses in the whole village to see if there are any clues worth exploring. If you encounter anything, If so, don’t go back immediately.”

Everyone nodded...the house here is huge. Even if there are empty houses, it takes a while to explore.

Zhao Nan, on the other hand, was flying to a higher place at this moment. Looking down from above, he saw huge houses that seemed to be built according to certain rules.

Anyway, vertically, horizontally... different turns. It seems like some kind of strange pattern. Zhao Nan had to let herself fly higher in order to observe the pattern composed of many houses more clearly.

There was no wind high in the sky, and it was so quiet that it gave people a depressing feeling. At this moment, Zhao Nan couldn't help but shrink his eyes... What did he see?

Looking down from above, the pattern formed by these huge houses... "I have seen it before."

Zhao Nan had seen this pattern, it was very clear... When he was in the abandoned land, he was trapped in a special forest, on top of a stone pillar worshiped by those weird people in that forest.

It's the same pattern. Obviously, these houses are not suitable for the residence of those people. Perhaps this is indeed where giants live. So who specifically built these houses according to this pattern?

This is the sanctuary of the God of Judgment... If anyone deliberately made it look like this, it would be the highest star, right?

But why is this... and the body of judgment has a mysterious relationship with the strange clan in the mysterious forest, or... is it also a member of some strange clan.

This pattern...maybe there is some secret hidden in it?

Countless questions began to swirl in my mind. Zhao Nan took a deep breath and resolutely unlocked the seal of his will... For a moment, a huge pressure made him feel almost breathless.

His small world is far more powerful than anyone else's, and its power is even close to the realm of gods at the level of gods, so the rejection he receives here is naturally quite serious!

suddenly. Zhao Nan frowned and swooped down. The place he landed was not inside the village... but outside the village, at the edge of a huge ancient well. Zhao Nan stood at the edge of the wellhead, which was as huge as a platform, with stars twinkling in his eyes. He looked down and said in a deep voice: "Come out!"

But there was a slight sound coming from the dark bottom of the well, but after a while, there was not much movement. The stars in Zhao Nan's eyes shone even brighter... This place suppressed the small world to an almost outrageous level.

His little world was so weakened here that, let alone his control, it became difficult to even lift a big stone.

"If you don't come out, then I will come down." Zhao Nan showed no fear and jumped directly into the well without even breathing out.

The wind roared, and this ancient well was much deeper than imagined... but it finally came to an end. The soil on the ground is dry. This ancient well seems to have been abandoned for a very long time. However, at this time, Zhao Nan vaguely felt something in front of him.

The bright crystal illuminated the surroundings in an instant...but what Zhao Nan saw was a huge back. Curling up, with his back to himself and facing the stone wall of the ancient well, he held his head in his hands and got into his knees, trembling. He seemed very scared.

"It is indeed a giant..." Zhao Nan looked up and down, and suddenly said loudly: "Who are you? Why are you hiding in this ancient well?"

The sound is loud. Enough to echo in the ancient well. However, the giant crouched with his arms and legs seemed to be unable to hear, and there was no response at all. But his body seemed to be shaking more violently.

Zhao Nan felt strange in his heart. But he said patiently: "Turn around and let me see you. Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you. I just want to ask you something... So, turn around."

The giant still ignored him.

Zhao Nan had no choice but to bypass the other party, appeared in front of the giant, and said calmly: "You are more afraid. At least it proves that you can hear what I say... and understand what it means."

The giant still ignored him.

Zhao Nan was in his hand, and a fireball the size of a basketball was condensed in his hand, and it shot towards the giant's calf... A fireball of this level was very fragile. To this giant, it probably felt like being bitten by an ant.

In fact it is so.

When the fireball exploded, the giant screamed in pain. The whole thing bounced. Of course, this guy's body was too huge. Just such a movement made the ancient well begin to vibrate and make a rumbling sound.

But thanks to this, Zhao Nan was finally able to see clearly what this giant looked like - although his figure was huge, his facial features had an unexpectedly childish feel.

Just a child from the giant race.

Probably realizing that he couldn't ignore it, the little giant stood up and looked at Zhao Nan with a wary face. He clenched his hands into fists and looked like he was ready to fight at any time.

Zhao Nan waved his hand and said, "Relax, I don't mean any harm."

"Liar! You just hurt me!" The little giant roared. Despite his size, it could scare a normal person, but his voice sounded a little like crying, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Zhao Nan waved his hands at the same time, then put his hands behind his back, and whispered again: "Look, I really don't mean any harm. It's just that you haven't responded to me. I have no choice but to shout like this for a while. Just calling you."

He even landed on the ground so that he could only see the little giant clearly by looking up... This seemed to give the other person a little sense of security.

"Really?" The little giant showed hesitation.

Zhao Nan nodded, but saw the other party slowly squatting down, stretching out his finger, his face full of curiosity, and gently poked Zhao Nan's body.

This probably didn't involve any effort... But such a huge body still made Zhao Nan feel unsteady on his feet. But the other person is obviously just a child. Zhao Nan didn't intend to pursue anything.

And the little giant quickly retracted his finger at this time, seeming to feel a lot more relieved.

"I said, I don't mean any harm at all." Zhao Nan smiled and said, "I just want to ask you a few questions."

The little giant's expression became hesitant again...but at this moment, a sound like thunder rang from the little giant's belly. The little giant quickly covered his stomach and said loudly: "It's not me! I'm not hungry!!"

Zhao Nan said with a smile: "Well, although I'm not as big as you, I don't care about the food. As long as you can answer my questions, I will keep you full so that you can have a good meal. How about it?" "

The little giant hesitated for a moment and did not agree immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhao Nan seriously, "Really?"

"Absolutely no lies."

"Then...then let's hook up and don't lie!"

In a life filled with all kinds of intrigues, Zhao Nan had a strange feeling at this moment. He subconsciously stretched out his hand and placed it on one of the little giant's fingers.

If the trust of living beings could be so simple... what would the world look like? Such thoughts suddenly flashed through my mind.

Zhao Nan finally felt that it was not realistic and let go of his hand.

As if there was a guarantee, the little giant said doubtfully: "But, I haven't eaten for a long time. Can you really make me full?"

A white light flashed in Zhao Nan's hand, and a bag of elf biscuits appeared in his hand. The small bag as big as a palm floated directly into the little giant's hand, "Try this."

This is a must-have ration for the Chosen One. It doesn't taste very good, but just one piece can satisfy you for a whole day... which is something that Zhao Nan can't understand.

"Can you feel full with such a small amount of food?" The little giant picked up the small bag with two fingers with a look of disgust, but maybe because he was really hungry for a long time, he finally poured it into his mouth.

It was swallowed directly without even chewing. In just a second, the little giant's expression changed, and he said with a look of surprise: "Hey, this thing is so amazing. I really wish I wasn't so hungry anymore! Do you still have it?"

Zhao Nan said without any guilt: "I can provide you with a lot. But the prerequisite is that you need to answer some questions for me."

The little giant sat down cross-legged, unable to bear the temptation at all, "Okay, just ask!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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