Global Monster Online

Chapter 1121 Three Questions and Veto

In the forest, you can occasionally see little fairies flapping their thin cicada wings and flying. However, this is not the fairy forest, but a place where a tribe of elves who wandered in the world in the past later settled.

The leader of this tribe is called Woodwoods.

"Locke, is this where you originally lived?"

As she walked forward, Gui Sisi stretched out her hand, and a little fairy boldly flew onto Gui Sisi's finger and called softly.

"It seems to like you very much." Locke smiled and said, "These little fairies only like to be close to kind people."

This should be considered a compliment. Of course, maybe he was just saying what he thought in his heart. Since Locke became a human, he not only talked more, but also became more and more likable.

Gui Sisi rolled her eyes and said, "There are several sitting on your shoulders, and on your head. Are you saying that you are kinder than me?"

Like a bird's nest, these little fairies are like newborn birds, almost completely covering Locke's shoulders and head.

However, at this moment, these little goblins rushed out one by one, and there was a sound of breaking through the air. A simple long arrow had been shot several feet in front of the two people, and inserted into the hard mud. The feathers were still shaking, which showed its strength.

But it seemed to be just a warning.

Gui Sisi's eyes condensed... Although her strength was not top-notch, she had followed Zhao Nan's team to travel all over the country and had seen too many big scenes. At this moment, she said heroically: "Who?"

"Who are you, why did you break into our place?" Only from the heavy shadows of the trees, a voice with a resistance came.

"We have no ill intentions, and it is not considered breaking in here." Locke took a step forward and whispered: "I used to live here too."

Probably because he finally saw Locke's appearance clearly, the guy hidden in the shadows of the trees said in surprise: "Are you... an elf?"

Locke nodded. He smiled and said, "Woodwoods, how are you doing recently?"

"You actually know..." At this time, the elf in the shadow of the tree came out hesitantly, looked Locke up and down again, and then said in surprise, " are Mr. Locke from the Sage Tower!?"


There are not many elves in the village, at least much less than Locke remembered. Some are even familiar old people. Locke lived in the Sage Tower back then. Occasionally, he would come out and bring some snacks, fruit wine and other things made by the elves to Ulysses in the tower. Over time, many old people in the village gradually became familiar with this "elf" living in the Sage Tower.

Because there was no in-depth conversation every time, most of the elves did not know that Locke was a completely different magic tool person from themselves. As for now...there is no need to distinguish them directly.

"Why are there so few people in the village?" Locke asked, looking at several tree houses that were obviously uninhabited.

The elf who led the way was surprised and said, "Mr. Locke, don't you know? The fairy kingdom issued a notice to all the elves in the world some time ago, whether they are mixed-blood or pure-blooded, they can return to the kingdom. There are many young people in the village. They yearn for it, so they leave one after another." Gui Sisi, who has also heard about the history of the fairy kingdom, nodded and said, "Brother, don't you want to go back to the fairy kingdom?" "Me?" He shook his head and said, "I grew up here, this is my home. In fact, many of us don't want to leave here." Locke said, "Where is Woodwoods? Why don't I see him?" Looking around the tribe, Locke didn't find Woodwoods with his eyesight. "Lord Woodwoods..." The elf shook his head and said sadly, "Recently, a pair of sea warriors passed by our forest and discovered our existence. They wanted to occupy this place. The lord led us to resist, and although he finally repelled the group of sea people, he himself was also seriously injured..." The injury was more serious than expected. When Locke saw Woodwoods, the tribal leader's left arm was gone, and there was a shocking scar on his handsome face. He lay on the bed, silently looking out the window.

Seeing that the person coming was Locke, there was a little surprise on his face. He smiled reluctantly and said, "I didn't expect that I would see you one day."

Locke frowned and walked to the bedside, but saw that the place covered by the quilt was unexpectedly thin, "Woodwoods, your leg..."

"Nothing. It was just that one of them was cut off by the sea tribe."

But his face was obviously not so relaxed... Broken arm is already a very unfortunate thing, and on this basis, he has to lose the pain of broken leg. This kind of blow is really cruel for the elves who love freedom.

"Has the sea tribe invaded here?" Gui Sisi couldn't help but frown.

Because this forest is located behind the Dragon Kingdom, the area behind it is almost entirely mountainous. Although it has its own territory, it is basically sparsely populated and has mountainous terrain. I think the sea people would only think about reclaiming this kind of place after they have really suppressed all the resistance forces on earth.

Woods shook his head and said: "It doesn't seem to be an army. There are only a few hundred in number. They seem to be looking for something...keys or something. I don't know much. For are?"

"Guisi, she is my wife." Locke said bluntly.

Woodwoods was stunned, but there was nothing. Locke came from the Tower of Sages. Under the guidance of that adult, he probably didn't have much prejudice against humans in his heart... In fact, the one who lived in the Tower of Sages was also a human, but his wisdom But he and the elves in his tribe were convinced.

"There are many cute guys among humans." Woodwoods smiled and said: "Locke, are you coming back this time to visit Teacher Ulysses?"

Locke nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Woods, I am afraid that the Sea Clan that I defeated this time will come back again."

"This is also what I'm worried about." Woodwoods said with a wry smile: "In the last confrontation, our tribe had a lot of wounded people, and they haven't recovered yet. But on the other side... there is a very powerful commander. If it hadn't been for Ulysses that day, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the protection given to me. In fact, I'm afraid the Sea Clan will be frightened away by the power of the protection."

Shaking his head, Woodwoods said with great concern: "But the power of guardianship can only save me once. Once the other party knows the truth, the consequences will be disastrous."

Locke frowned and said, "Why don't you find Lord Ulysses?"

Woods said with a complicated expression: "I am close to the tower, but there has been no response... Maybe the teacher does not want to get involved in this kind of battle between creatures."

Locke and Guisi looked at each other and suddenly said: "Sisi. Get some wound medicine and stabilize Woods' condition first."

Half a day later, with the help of some wound medicine developed by Linglong that could also benefit the aborigines, Woods's face looked much better. Of course, there is probably no way to rebuild the limbs...unless there is help from a secret treasure that has this function.

However, as a 'worker' who only works in the main castle of Tingfeng City, Guisi does not have such a powerful secret treasure on hand - originally, for the God's Chosen One, as long as he does not die immediately, there is no problem of losing limbs. .

Locke quickly said goodbye to Woods for the time being. Under his hopeful gaze, he walked into the depths of the forest. Soon after, the two of them arrived at a small piece of open grassland.

Locke looked around, and suddenly walked quickly to the side of the grass, squatted down, and dug up the soil on the ground with his hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"In the past, when I came back from going out, I would pull the mechanism here. When Lord Ulysses heard the sound of the mechanism, he would know that it was me who was back." Locke explained.

Buried in the soil is a strange metal ring. Locke grabbed the metal ring and pulled hard. A slender chain was pulled out. At this time, strange sounds suddenly sounded around the empty grassland.

It's like the sound of wind chimes made of glass.

The air in front of them began to twist and spread out like ripples in water. A tall tower gradually appeared in front of their eyes - the Tower of the Sage!

"Do you think. Is fate fair?"

The source of the sound... Zhao Nan couldn't find the source. It seemed to come from within his own body. No, it's deeper than the body.

Within the soul.

It was as if his own soul was asking questions about himself.

Destiny, is it fair?

Zhao Nan subconsciously began to think about this issue. Life is full of ups and downs, and some people have ups and downs in their lives. Good fortune and misfortune come hand in hand. Some people have smooth sailing and smooth life when they grow old. But if you want to ask these people whether their fate is fair, what kind of answer should they give?

At this moment, it seems that the soul, which Liluru calls unprecedented perfection, has no way to answer this question. Is that fair? But why do some people live a miserable life and never change? Is it unfair? But what about those who have never experienced ups and downs?

It just ends up being pointing at each other.

Perhaps it can be said that the justice of fate does not lie in the individual, but in the whole. Justice can only be reflected within the essence of things. It needs to be taken as a whole.

But is that big but false truth really useful? Because this kind of big but empty theory can ignore individuals? At least in Zhao Nan's own opinion, if fate is fair, everyone cannot be ignored.

"Fate is never fair."

Zhao Nan's answer came after a long time... He didn't know at this moment that seven days had passed since he sat on the floor.

But during these seven days, with him as the center, the rubble and collapsed stone pillars in the ruined palace began to float automatically, and with him as the center, they began to rebuild piece by piece, one by one. Combined.

This combination is very slow, but seven days are enough for these materials to build an outline.

It is also vaguely in the shape of a circle.


After Zhao Nan answered, the voice came again, and this time it only said two words, a question.

What Zhao Nan was thinking...but he couldn't say it at the moment. It was as if the promised promise was completely wiped out after this voice asked. As for thinking, at this moment, it jumped back to the first step of thinking.

It was like reincarnation all over again, and he needed to think about it all over again.

There is nothing wrong with thinking twice about the same problem. Zhao Nan also began to think about this issue again.

However, this time it took twice as long.

Fourteen days.

"Fate is never fair."

It took twice as long, but the answer didn't change at all.

"Why?" the voice still asked.

From this moment on, Zhao Nan once again fell into a state of mental emptiness... What's more serious is that it seemed as if all the promises had been overturned. It's as if even I have begun to deny myself. This time, it wasn't just the voice asking Zhao Nan why - he himself was also asking himself why.

Another twenty days.

"Fate is not fair." The answer is still the same as the previous two times, full of extremely firm belief.


Question three.

Zhao Nan snorted coldly in his heart at this moment: "Don't think about washing away my answer. I don't have time to waste time with you on such boring things! I will tell you the answer now! Fate is never unfair, even if it is just, It’s just man-made creation! All the injustices in the world are just pranks of fate.”

This time, there was silence for a long time... After a long time, the voice said: "On the other hand, if there is no such mischief, there will be no so-called embodiment of justice, right? If there is no concept of injustice brought by fate, What needs to be done to reflect the justice in the values ​​of life? If we are in a situation of absolute justice from the beginning, is there still any effort to create justice? "

This time, Zhao Nan did not continue thinking, but suddenly opened his eyes.

The stones suspended around him, the pillars that had been rejoined, and the materials that had been built into a huge column at some point were scattered instantly at this moment.

Zhao Nan snorted coldly: "The so-called ruling is nothing more than this. Under fate, you are just its fair spokesperson, and in the end you are still under fate. What I have is control, and you are here to talk to me about justice. ?”

This time, there was no response.

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief, but said to himself: "Yes, what I need is control... Relying on this core of slaves under justice, but wanting to get closer to control is simply the opposite. On the contrary, I am controlled by these The question shakes my faith in dominance!”

Suddenly, Zhao Nan's legs flicked and he shot straight up. At this moment, the seal of the will in the body was directly opened, and the rebellious intention was exposed in the world like a wild beast!

This force is like a sharp sword, with terrifying aggression towards everything that has already existed!

Absolutely a spiritual circle!

At this time, like a domineering tyrant, descended on this world! Suddenly there was a loud roar in the sky! This kind of treasonous and unethical resistance within Shen Zang is unintentionally a denial of everything that Shen Zang itself operates.

Since ancient times, reversal has been something that breaks the existing rules - its appearance will inevitably cause a crazy counterattack from the existing situation! At this moment, the remaining divine will of the God of Judgment within the Divine Treasure has been completely angered by Zhao Nan's actions!


boom--! !

Above the sky, there were dark clouds and thunder and lightning. The earth is shaking in all directions - all of this seems to show how angry the core of Shenzang is! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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