Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,122 A Dangerous Confrontation

The thunder suddenly came down, and the golden thunder turned into a thick and long beam of light, completely swallowing Zhao Nan into it.

In the thunder and lightning beam, all the scenes can only be replaced by a golden color.

This huge shocking change attracted everyone on the ground in an instant. Moving forward anxiously, when he landed on the edge of the ruined palace, all he could see was the scene in front of him.

Finina, who possesses the ability to control thunder, took action instantly, trying to separate the thunder beam. However, the ever-tried Ling Zi Technique now looks like a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

Thunder is not under her least, this has never happened before.

"This was formed under the will of the God of Judgment. There is naturally no way you can shake the will of the God of Judgment...even if it is just a remnant." Augustus sighed.

Finina said solemnly: "No matter what, I can't just sit back and watch."

Augustus shook his head and said: "No. He is now contending with the remaining will of the God of Judgment. If you incorporate the will of a third party at this time, it will only add chaos. And go...don't you trust your man? "

"'s best to be fine. If something goes wrong..." Liluru's abrupt words made Augustus frown at the beginning of the film.

However, £, ww≠w. is just an understatement. For the most successful person who has successfully become a god, his threat to the Black Princess has not yet been truly taken into consideration.

At this moment, just as Augustus said, under such a thick and terrifying thunder, Zhao Nan's body did not have the imagined scars. I saw him quietly standing in this thunder beam at this moment.

I don’t know how long this situation lasted... Under this situation, Augustus did not return to the giant pit again to capture the souls.

Now, we can only pay close attention to Zhao Nan's confrontation with the remaining will of God.

Suddenly. High in the sky, Zhao Nan's arm shook, and a white light flashed in his hand. The right hand holds the Void God-Killing Sword tightly.

At this moment, the huge thunder beam seemed to be shaken for a moment, and then it was like a pipe that was suddenly filled with a large amount of clean water, and the momentum became even more terrifying.

The corner of Zhao Nan's mouth. A little blood spilled out.

However, this time, Zhao Nan opened his eyes and calmly stretched out his left hand at this moment. A simple black long bow gradually appeared from between his fingers.

With the long bow in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, between inhaling and exhaling, a faint stream of light emerged from Zhao Nan's body, as if it had turned into a light armor, separating him from the air. everything of.

Zhao Nan raised his head. Staring directly at the sky above this god without saying a word. I saw that the place where the thunder came from gradually rolled into a huge whirlpool, like a beast opening its terrifying mouth. And this thunder is the fangs that the giant beast spits out and wants to tear everything apart.

Zhao Nan remained motionless.

The world shook again. Even the land where the ruined palace was standing on was shaking violently, as if it would fall from the sky at any moment.

Suddenly, Zhao Nan opened his lips slightly. A low, steady and continuous shouting sound came out. His expression became more and more focused. It’s like he’s storing up energy!

But Thunder, at this moment, became even more dazzling!

At this moment, it seemed to everyone that they could hear two different shouts. One is from Zhao Nan, and the other one is from Zhao Nan. It was actually in the huge whirlpool in the sky!

It's like a confrontation between dragon and tiger! The huge whirlpool and the thunder pouring out were like angry dragons of thunder and lightning... And Zhao Nan was like a tiger sitting high on the cliff. No matter how the thunder in the sky continued, Still not the slightest bit Shanghai-style.

Or. At this moment, all the panic and fear had disappeared from his body. Only one thought was driving Zhao Nan's body to react!

He had to do this, he had to let the ambition in his body and the restlessness in his heart be released one by one! Because, in this thunder beam, consciousness is like chalk words on black spots, slowly being erased as time goes by!

In the confrontation between will and will, you have to see which side is more powerful, able to directly drive away the opponent, suppress the opponent, and even finally let the opponent's will be defeated miserably in your own hands! When one's own will completely overwhelms the opponent's, and the opponent has no resistance at all, this kind of contest will be considered over.

Obviously, in this confrontation, Zhao Nan himself did not gain any advantage!

At this moment, a little bit of white light suddenly gathered in front of Zhao Nan's chest, with an area as big as a fist!

This is a strange badge...the Godslayer Badge! After the God Killer Badge appeared, the Soul Eater of the Void and the Black Void of Destruction in Zhao Nan's hands also left his hands at the same time! The three god-killing weapons directly transformed into a triangle, and seemed to be connected to each other through some strange force, forming an inverted triangle with a more significant effect next to the serious case! And Zhao Nan is currently living in this triangle.

"not enough……"

Zhao Nan took a deep breath, "I need more!"

Having said that, the Explosive Soul that never left her body was completely uncontrollable by its master Augustus. It flew out of her body and rushed directly towards the huge inverted triangle!

Augustus looked aside, and the weapon that always accompanied him at this moment actually became more unfamiliar in an instant! But the connection between herself and the blunt sword has not been interrupted!

As the master of the Exploding Soul, no matter how much I call, I can never summon it back!

At this moment, it was as if the blunt sword suddenly had its own consciousness and automatically had the thought of becoming a booster, so it shot out automatically!

However, the person Blunt Sword wanted to help was Zhao Nan... If it had been anyone else, Augustus would not have let his weapon fly away so easily.

That's fine... Big brother, I can't do anything for you without any scruples now. Just let the Explosive God Soul Breaker take my place.

Sure enough, the upside-down triangle seems to have become thicker due to the appearance of the Explosive Soul Splitting Soul! Four different pieces of god-killing weapons turned into four points at this moment and were connected to each other!

their appearance. Their simultaneous exertion was as if they cut this huge thunder beam in the middle! After letting the benefactor stop for a moment, the thunder beam returned to its original appearance again, and this time it was much more fierce than before!

Zhao Nan's mouth felt sweet, and hot blood spat out from her mouth, "Not enough! Not enough! Not enough!!"

Zhao Nan's voice contained a certain kind of anger, completely turning into a roar!

Seemingly thinking about what Zhao Nan needed, Finina, Lili, Xu Yang and Ye Ruofeng all set their eyes on Ye Anya at the same time.

But Anya Ye was at this moment. He had already held a god-killing weapon in his hand!

At this moment, above the whirlpool in the sky, another huge thunderbolt was suddenly struck towards Ye Anya. A certain residual consciousness seemed to finally feel the real threat!

In other words, he was instinctively unwilling to let the fifth god-killing weapon fall into Zhao Nan's hands, so he took action against Ye Anya who was holding the fifth god-killing weapon!

The moment the golden thunder shot down, Ye Anya's expression changed slightly, but the Akatsuki Sword and Piano in her hand did not behave like Augustus' Exploding Soul. Automatically shoot out!

Yeyue came towards Ye Anya almost instinctively, trying to push her away, but it seemed that she couldn't outrun the lightning!

now. A thin figure was infinitely faster than Catwoman, and grabbed Ye Anya into his hands in one fell swoop. The figure's hand also held a huge crescent sickle.

Faced with the thunder that missed and started to shoot down wildly, it swung heavily! The sickle split the air, releasing a black crescent. Cut off all the thunder in front of you!

"Li Gui!"

"Don't worry, Master, I'm here."

Anya Ye shook her head and said she was fine.

But at this moment, countless thunderbolts began to gather in the sky, turning into huge beasts! This huge beast is completely composed of thunder and lightning. Each one gives people a frightening feeling!

Augustus frowned at this moment and said: "This core feels threatened. At this time, it has completely blocked Zhao Nan's will. His will cannot get out of the light beam, and there is no way to use it by ourselves... It seems that we need to Leave it to him."

At this moment, as if he couldn't feel anything happening outside the thunder beam, the light on Zhao Nan became stronger and stronger!

At this moment, the god-killing weapons standing at the four corners around him began to vibrate. They seemed to have reached a critical point, but they were never able to truly explode!

What is lacking is probably the fifth piece of god-killing weapon, right?

However, at this moment, outside the thunder beam, countless thunder beasts have gathered around. Together they build an unbreakable wall!


Two huge dragon roars were recalled at the same time, and the siblings Orises and Olga revealed their true bodies at the same time! The two descendants left behind by the Sky Dragon Emperor crashed directly into this huge beast wall at this moment!

"Let's open the way! Don't waste time!" Olga's voice came!

The sky dragon and the silver-winged holy dragon emperor simultaneously used their claws to tear apart the densely packed thunder beasts. However, the thunder beasts seemed to be immortal. The moment they were torn apart, they actually healed again and even fought back crazily. come over! But in the blink of an eye, dozens of thunder beasts had climbed on the two giant dragons.

"Do it!" Finina shouted loudly.

Almost at the same time, everyone rushed towards this extremely terrifying wall of beasts, waving their weapons and frantically killing the Thunder Beasts one after another!

At this time, Anya Ye directly handed the Dawn Sword and Piano into the hands of Ghost of Dawn, "Listen, you have to bring it to my brother's hands no matter what, do you understand?"

"Understood." Without much hesitation, the Ghost of Dawn took the Dawn Moon Sword and Qin directly from Ye Anya's hand and fired it out! !

Boom! !

Suddenly, a huge electric grid was cast from the sky, completely blocking the path forward of the Ghost of Dawn. There is absolutely no space for people to slip through on the Thunder Web. The Ghost of Dawn, caught in the giant thunder net, is subjected to terrifying similar attacks all the time!

Crack! !

In just an instant, the Ghost of Dawn's body was already scorched in many places! However, this last one remained silent, just to complete the orders given by his master. A strong thrust suddenly burst out from his body, pulling this huge thunder net directly towards the light pillar!

High in the sky, on this road, a large number of thunder beasts were once again generated and came out directly to collide with the Ghost of Dawn!

"Playtime for the Saints!"

In the air, a black flash suddenly shot into the body of the Ghost of Dawn! The Ghost of Dawn disappeared directly from this giant thunder net!

When he appeared again, he was already in front of the light pillar. Without any hesitation, the Ghost of Dawn directly threw the Dawn Sword and Qin in his hand towards Zhao Nan who was within the beam of light!

Unexpectedly, the light pillar seemed to have turned into an iron wall. With the strength of the Ghost of Dawn, the Dawn Sword and Piano entered and hit the light pillar, and was directly bounced out!

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank... There was no way for the Xiaoyue Sword and Qin to be delivered to Zhao Nan's hands. In this way, wouldn't Zhao Nan in the light pillar...

"No...don't give up, there must be a way." Finina gritted her teeth, suddenly drew out her sword, and released a huge sword light towards the light pillar!

Passing by many thunder beasts, the sword light flew past at a terrifying speed, and finally hit the light pillar... But in the end, like glass hitting a stone, the sword light spread smoothly in an instant.

Within this pillar of light, Zhao Nan could not see the situation outside the pillar of light at all, but I guess the situation was not very good... The upside-down book next to him clearly showed that Augustus and others were in the pillar of light. Outside!

But calling for the arrival of the Explosive God Splitting Soul did not bring about the appearance of Akatsuki Jianqin... There was not much possibility. When this happens, everyone will not disperse, but should all appear outside the light pillar.

So...are there any obstacles?

Did he even encounter any danger?

Zhao Nan felt even worse... He could leave this pillar of light at any time! But after leaving, there is only one result, that is, his will needs to bow to the remaining consciousness of the God of Judgment, and he will not be able to surpass him in this life... He needs to live under the will of the God of Judgment in this life.

If you give up now...

At this moment, the voice came again: "Do you think your fate is fair?"


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