Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1124 Overlapping Small Worlds

boom--! ! ! roar!

The ferocious thunder struck down the Xiaoyue Sword and Qin in the first instant. ¥f Immediately afterwards, the second thunder spit out from the terrifying whirlpool again. At this time, the Exploding God Splitting Soul suddenly made a sound of breaking through the air, and its speed increased several times in an instant, and it crashed directly into the thunder!

A wave of excitement was scattered from high in the sky, and the resulting halo of light spread to an extremely distant place... No one wanted to know how far away it stopped.

At this moment, what we are concerned about is just what happens to the Void Soul Devourer that turned into the last sharp arrow!

At this moment, everyone's hearts jumped sharply at the same time, as if they were driven to cater to the sudden contraction of this god's heartbeat.

When his eyes focused on the last Void Soul Devourer, it suddenly disappeared into the air and completely disappeared. The huge whirlpool also stopped at the same time, everything was silent, and for a moment there was a feeling that the world had completely stopped.

Suddenly, this huge vortex began to spin crazily again. The thick dark clouds covering thousands of miles around it were shrinking violently like a sponge. However, what was pouring out was not water - but lightning!

"Is it just for this reason?"

But a calm voice sounded leisurely between heaven and earth... The voice seemed to contain endless inconceivability.

There is no doubt...this is a question to Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan, at this time, lowered the black long bow in his hand, raised his head and looked at the day, and after a moment of silence, he said softly: "For me, this is the only reason."

The sound of sudden and rapid laughter was loud and loud, as if it was a sigh... and it also seemed to be self-deprecating. The laughter that filled the space between heaven and earth echoed for a long time. It's a tingling feeling - but it's a feeling of hopelessness. At this time, the endless dark clouds suddenly boiled and expanded violently, expanding, expanding, and finally reached the limit!

boom--! ! ! After the limit comes the explosion. A huge ripple spread out from the center of the vortex, and pieces of thick dark clouds quickly disappeared amidst the spread of the ripples.

Finally it was sunny.

From the highest point, a stream of light slowly descended, and dots of star-like light dotted the trajectory it drew when it descended. Finally, it slowly fell into Zhao Nan's hands, making a strange sound. .

A very pleasant feeling - the soul-eating void! Among the god-killing weapons. The attack power is one of the most powerful, and the only thing used to create it is the thumb.

Zhao Nan exhaled and his expression gradually calmed down - he had not been so crazy for a long time.

Only extreme emotions can drive all the most powerful forces in the world. If the will is flesh and blood, then emotion is the blood that drives this flesh and blood. Zhao Nan looked up at Fang Qingtian again. Then, how could the one who truly dominates this paradise world be able to drive the origin of the world?

What is it that he is obsessed with?

Empty. Suddenly, like a wave, tiny golden light spots poured out from all around. They are increasing in number. He even hid until the waves turned into a golden sea. Waves come from all directions and eventually converge at the same point. It's like there is a space that can swallow everything.

What the golden ocean poured into was this space...a point.

Suddenly, when all the golden waves poured into this point, a dazzling golden light group slowly descended from the high altitude. Eventually it fell into the hands of Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan lowered his head and frowned as he looked at the ball of light in his hand. The light is virtual, but its entity is a ball head filled with various spikes, which seems to be composed of countless sharp rhombus crystal pieces - the core of the gods.

Zhao Nan just glanced at it and landed towards where everyone was. at this time. The Xiaoyue Sword and Qin and the Exploding God Splitting Soul, which were struck by thunder and fell out, were shot from a distance and shot into the hands of Ye Anya and Augustus respectively.

"Welcome back."

What greeted Zhao Nan was just a plain sentence... Whenever he came back from a war or a long trip, this sentence would always accompany him.

Yes...welcome back.

Just because of this sentence——is enough to be the reason...the only reason.

"Well, I'm back."

"Is this the core of Shenzang?" Augustus picked up the strange crystal in Zhao Nan's hand and frowned to observe it.

Although picking it up seems to be a very simple action, it is also for people like Augustus or Olga who have successfully become gods. For others, this crystal exudes an intimidating aura all the time, as if it is impossible to get close to it.

Zhao Nan said: "Take it first and analyze it carefully. This will be of great benefit to building your own divine treasure."

The core of the supreme star-level God of Judgment, Shen Zang... For the sub-position who has just entered the Conferred God level, it is not only a lot of benefits, it is simply like a priceless treasure. But Augustus had never been a hypocritical person, but he was somewhat hesitant in his heart, "But you..."

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "For me, I don't need it now."

At the beginning, he wanted to obtain this core, but he also had the idea of ​​​​analyzing it - the temptation for Zhao Nan to succeed in becoming a god was equally huge. But he also told Augustus that he wanted to find another way.

Nowadays, dual wills overlap the small world. When used together with the Evil King's Blade and the Peerless Blade, the will that is still in the small world is comparable to the realm of God, as if it has opened a new door for Zhao Nan. .

The direction of the road gradually takes shape. Although we still don’t know what is at the end of the road, at this moment, Zhao Nan has decided to embark on this new road.

Then, for him, the value of collection has far exceeded the value of use.

Augustus thought thoughtfully and quickly nodded: "In that case, I will analyze this core with Olga. She has never built her own divine treasure."

"Okay." Zhao Nan said softly, "You can figure it out yourself."

The Dragon King girl had no merit in this battle, but Zhao Nan was never stingy with her own people.

At this time, Zhao Nan's whole body was filled with an awe-inspiring aura - even the people closest to him felt inexplicably frightened after the initial excitement.

It's as if you are looking at a tyrant who has just calmed down his anger, but you don't know when he will once again ignite the anger that can overturn the entire world.

The rule of all things, even the absolute spiritual circle, ruled the new small world in the past. If domination is a theme, and if its theme has countless branches, then the small world of ‘Dominion of All Things’ can be said to stand at the highest point of this theme.

In the overlapping small world, an unknown change is gradually evolving in Zhao Nan's soul - and he is only vaguely aware of it, but has not grasped it accurately.

However, if we temporarily give up thinking about such profound questions, the most intuitive benefit that the overlapping small world brings to Zhao Nan is that he is no longer restricted by the realm of gods filled with the Judgment Divine Treasure itself, and can use all his strength to The earth exerts the power of its will.

This is true for the Judgment Divine Treasure, and I'm afraid it's not much different for other Divine Treasures. Therefore, as long as the strength of the overlapping small world continues to increase, it can continue to compete even if it faces various high-star god realms.

And go... Zhao Nan didn't see where the limit of the overlapping small world was at this time.

The new road... seems to have no end.

His mind was racing at an unprecedented speed. In front of him, it was just what Zhao Nan was thinking a second after he said, "You can figure it out."

The speed of thinking is accelerating all the time. Even though the core of the divine treasure is not in his hands at this moment, Zhao Nan is still able to accept the self-operating laws of the entire divine treasure all the time.

In front of him... the entire Shenzang world seemed to have changed into black and white threads in the sight of his thinking. And everything is just a three-dimensional image constructed by these black and white silk threads.

Suddenly, Zhao Nan looked beyond the crowd and looked outside the ruined palace.

"what's going on?"

This time, Augustus didn't seem to sense anything... Before this, the reactions of Zhao Nan and Augustus were almost the same in everyone's eyes.

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "It's nothing. In fact, it's a normal thing. The commotion here is so loud, the Shenzang Core has completely exploded, and the guys who are still fighting for the fake core in the Giant Village will naturally be able to feel the truth of the matter."

"They are coming?" Finina frowned and said, "This is not a good thing."

"Actually, it's a good thing that we're here now." Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "At least there weren't these people here just now. Otherwise, the scene would only be more chaotic. The efforts we made earlier are actually far from effective. Exceeded expectations. “

While saying this, Zhao Nan's body began to gradually shrink - although the Wushuang Blade can offset the damage that the Evil King's Blade must cause to the body, it cannot eliminate the side effects of using the Evil King's Blade.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but be dumbfounded when they saw Zhao Nan's shrunken body... Ahead, a group of core contenders were rushing towards him like crazy!

Damn - in the end there is no way to avoid this infantilization!

"Hehe, daddy has become a little daddy! Kiss!"

Little Youni couldn't hold back all of a sudden. She hugged Zhao Nan, who was even younger than herself, and kissed him without thinking! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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