Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,125 Leaving Shenzang... The Sea Royal Family Warship in the Deep Sea

Once exposed to the side effects of the Evil King's Blade, Zhao Nan is like an ordinary child. At least until his body recovers, he does not need to be considered to be in combat power... Of course, this state will not last long. long time. ∈♦

However, even if it doesn't take too long, it seems that it can't be restored in time before the contenders arrive.

"Let's evacuate this place temporarily."

I don’t know if it’s because when the Evil King’s Blade was activated, there was still the Wushuang Blade at the bottom, so Zhao Nan’s infant transformation did not show the same tiredness as before, and he had to fall into a deep sleep before he could say a few words. among.

Orisis directly picked up Zhao Nan and little Youni. The wings on his back spread out, and the whole thing rose into the sky.

The large group of people quickly followed up.

Soon after, a contender came to the abandoned palace first. As one of the strong contenders for the core, even in the chaotic battle not long ago, he was still able to persist until this moment. He was also one of the people who directly participated in the destruction of the Palace of the God of Judgment back then.

His eyes were like a ferocious beast searching for prey. He looked around the ruined palace, but he only saw the desolation around him and no one there.

Suddenly, a figure shot out from a distance and landed not far from him. This time, no one from the two took action immediately.

At the end of the fight, strong fluctuations suddenly erupted from a distance, and a group of contenders who were fighting in the giant village finally realized a problem... that is, this battle was probably just a huge conspiracy. It was a vain fight... but the real core was somewhere else, and had even fallen into the hands of others.

"No one is there." The first contender frowned and said.

"There has been a battle here, and I can still feel that there is some other will left here." The eyes of the later contenders condensed. "There are even some that are not even considered the realm of God... they are messy."

The two of them glanced at each other, each seeing the murderous intent in the other's eyes. This situation is the worst thing not only for the two of them, but also for all the hundreds of tribes in Shenzang who are interested in fighting for the core. If the core falls into the hands of others, it means that the other party will one day inherit the God of Judgment...and then rule everything within this divine treasure. A person who becomes a god under the influence of the will of the God of Judgment.

In the end, there is still no way to escape the fate of becoming a slave!

"Never! I will never let this happen to me!" Unprecedented anger burst out in the eyes of the first contender.

At this moment, his will was burning crazily - even in the recent battle, this method of burning will had not been used.

At this time, it is just to find out the core...or the location of the person behind it: if the opponent completely inherits the core, he still has a chance! Last chance!

Outside the ruined palace, contenders kept coming in twos and threes. Continuously... there is an aura like an angry beast coming from here.

On the ground, Zhao Nan looked up slightly. Although they are in a powerless state, these contenders are too showy. Each one is like an incandescent lamp with tens of thousands of watts. It is difficult for people to not see it.

"With Olga's sealing power, our aura will not leak out for the time being." Augustus frowned at this time and said: "But to be honest, who are the inferiors among these gods? Whether it will be discovered in the end, I’m not sure.”

after all. Within the Divine Treasure, there is a truly powerful sub-position of the Gods. There are also several that go directly to the nine-star level. Although, this kind of power is under the influence of Shenzang's will all the way, and there is a slight feeling that it has to copy the pattern of the God of Judgment.

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Where's Al?"

Al...the one who led everyone to the ruined palace, and the other lost person of Cang Zhihai in the paradise world, is now missing.

Only then did Finina react. She also frowned and said, "Speaking of which. Ever since you started meditating in the palace, you have rarely seen him... How long ago was the last time you saw him? Five Days ago?”

Lili said in astonishment: "It's strange, I remember it seemed like four days ago?"

Augustus was stunned at this time and said: "Why do I remember it seems like three days?"

Lin Banyao even hesitated and said: "Um... have we really seen this person? Why do I seem to have no impression at all?"

Zhao Nan lowered his head at this time, looking at everyone's confused expressions... as if he had not mentioned the name Al. They have subconsciously forgotten the existence of this person - even the memory time of existence is different.

"Eh... Al, who is Zhao Nan? The name seems so familiar?" Xu Yang seemed to have completely forgotten who Al was: "From your tone, it sounds like you are a very important person? Strange, Why can’t I remember what this person looks like?”

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, and after taking a look at the vision in the sky, he said softly: "Find a place to settle down first. However, if Augustus...well, and Oluga, before I recover, It would be even better if we could open the exit of the divine treasure through the core.”

Once you leave the divine treasure trove and seal it with the core, then on the premise that the contenders are restricted from leaving the divine treasure trove easily, you are completely out of danger this time.

Xu Yang was not in the mood at this time, but he seemed to be trying to liven up the atmosphere by saying, "It's true. It feels like we are being chased by a god from the divine system now!"

"The God... system?" Augustus seemed quite new, "What is the God system?"

Xu Yang had no choice but to explain: "The pantheon refers to a system that has one most powerful god, and then uses this god as the father god. It has more than one god. The entire pantheon is based on the father god. The will of the people is the highest directive. Hmm… It’s okay to understand it as a group.”

Olga suddenly interjected: "The God of Judgment is the Father God of the pantheon...and the gods in these divine treasures are members of the pantheon? Well, the sub-positions here are all judging Those who become gods under the will of God are also like this model. "

Zhao Nan listened, and suddenly his heart moved... It seems that in the entire paradise world, except for the huge organization composed of multiple sub-positions such as the Temple Alliance. There are only those in the Evil God Realm that are collectively called the Evil God Camp. There is actually no concept of the divine system at all.

He shook his head...Introducing the concept of the divine system to the entire paradise world?

The divine system... needs to be more clearly divided, and the scope of the gods' professional duties? Vaguely, Zhao Nan seemed to have caught something special!

However, at this moment, the aura in his heart was directly interrupted, because at this moment, a figure blocked everyone's way.

Seeing everyone except myself. Including Giant Mountain, everyone also took precautions at this time. From the eyes of everyone, Zhao Nan could clearly see the strangeness in them.

I was still wary of the unfamiliarity of this person blocking my way... However, this person turned out to be Al who was missing.

Zhao Nan waved his hand to calm everyone down a little. Then he patted Orisis on the head. The sky dragon understood and lowered his head, landing less than two meters away from Al.

Xiao Zhao Nan and Al looked at each other at this time - at least, there was a big difference between the Al that Zhao Nan saw now and the guy in the impression that he had revealed many secrets because he was afraid of death. After a while. Zhao Nan then said seriously: "Think about it, even if I didn't ask you, you would have used other methods to lead us into the ruined palace, right?"

Al said calmly at this time: "Oh? When did you see it?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "In the Giant Village...when those contenders were really attracted by the light beam."

Al showed a more curious expression...listening.

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "In fact, in order to make the contenders believe that the core of the light beam is really exposed and released, I have prepared more things. Unfortunately, these follow-up methods have not been used. I At first, I thought that these contenders had become helpless because they had not found the core for a long time, and they were so nervous that they did not even care about the possibility that it might be a trap."

"Or as you said, it won't be determined for a while." Al shook his head.

Zhao Nan sighed and said: "It's a pity that I never thought that everything I do can go smoothly... It's as smooth as if someone is directing everything behind the scenes."

Shaking his head, Zhao Nan continued: "Isn't it just right to explain something?"

Al did not respond to this question. After just a moment of silence, he asked softly: "Why do you accept the power of judgment?"

Zhao Nan was also silent for a moment, and said abruptly: "You can judge fate, and even if you have no way to control fate, you still die in the battle of hundreds of tribes. In the end, did you not escape the fate of death... Or in the end. Even if you let fate I can’t do anything about it, and I don’t think I can really do anything about it.”


"What I want is not this kind of power that can only protect myself from fate." Zhao Nan said seriously: "The judgment power of the Supreme Star Rank, the God of Judgment, probably countless creatures will become crazy for it. …But it’s still not strong enough for me.”

Al nodded and suddenly waved... While waving, the space in front of him suddenly began to distort. What is twisted is a black whirlpool, with a strong attraction in the whirlpool.

But in an instant, everyone was sucked into it, without even the slightest ability to resist.

"Whenever you feel really strong... come back and see me. I wish you good luck."

The sound sounded like he was talking in his sleep.

When his vision recovered again, all Zhao Nan saw was a dim environment and the coldness that invaded his body!

Deep sea, he returned to the deep sea again... and he had actually left the Judgment Shenzang!

The exit of the divine treasure that Al opened is still far away from the entrance where Zhao Nan originally entered. But the deep sea is extremely complicated. If you want to call back the Eugen Flying Boat, you can only wait until Zhao Nan recovers.

The place where everyone was staying at this time was inside a huge shell. This shell is already dead. After a little cleaning of the dirty things inside, and placing some kind of waterproof material in it, it can become a good hiding spot, and it doesn't have to be very narrow.

Only small mountainous areas. All he could do was shout about a drop of air that could be breathed in the water, and he stayed outside this shell.

Using bright crystals as the light source, this small space gives people an unexpected sense of security because it is under the sea.

"Is that Al?"

Even now, everyone still feels very unfamiliar with the existence of Al, who has obviously been with him for a while. Finina said: "But why does he want to help us?"

Zhao Nan is being held by Xu Yang at this time... The treatment that is not so good after becoming a child is that he will be held in turns, just like a pillow.

Surprisingly, there isn't much of a sense of disobedience... probably because someone becomes really cute after being transformed into a child.

"Perhaps it's not specifically to help us." Xiao Zhao Nan shook his head at this time and said: "Perhaps what he needs to do is to let everyone know that the core is in the ruined palace... He is leading people who think he has the ability to Heirs. We are just one of them."

Liliru said in confusion at this time: "But if that's the case, wouldn't the people in front already know where the core is? Then why..."

Probably understanding what the other party found strange, Zhao Nan had no choice but to say: "I'm afraid this guy has some means of controlling memory. Hasn't he already erased his existence from your memories? ? As for the fact that it has not been completely wiped out, I think it is either because of his lack of ability or because he does not need enough time. However, it is precisely because of this method that the contenders in the divine treasure have never known the core. place.”

Finina suddenly came over and said: "It's not that I don't know, it's that I forgot it again after knowing it."

"Yes, that's the case." Zhao Nan nodded. At this moment, the core of Shenzang once again fell into his hands. Zhao Nan squinted and said, "Maybe he thought I would choose to inherit the power of judgment, but unfortunately I didn't. He didn't have to show up... But in order to know Why, I had to let myself appear again.”

"...But. In the end, who is this guy?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "About this. I have no way to know now... However, I guess he was commissioned or something like that, or he belongs to a monitor or something."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhao Nan looked at everyone and smiled and said: "But no matter what, the core is finally obtained. And you have also improved during this period. The formation this time is worth the price of admission!"

"Does that mean this is a complete adventure?" Lili squinted her eyes and chuckled, "Then do we want to celebrate this success?"

"Agree!! But aunt, how are we going to celebrate?" Xiao Youni asked curiously.

Liluru chuckled and said: "First of all, we have to invite our Mr. Half-demon, and Mr. Ghost of the Dawn, um. So does Orises! You all go outside, it's not time to entertain male guests. ”


As a result, Lin Banyao and the Ghost of Dawn, who were unaware of the power, were thrown out of the shell by the frantic Liluru. When the shells finally closed and there was only a gap left, Lin Banyao clearly saw the little one. Zhao Nan stretched out his small hand in his direction, and just as he was about to crawl out, he was forcefully pulled into the shell.

help me--! !

Looking at the other person's slightly open mouth, Lin Banyao seemed to be able to hear what Xiao Zhao Nan wanted to say.

The closed shell caused the sea water to stir and hit Lin Banyao's face. He suddenly shuddered and came to his senses... What happened inside?


Xiao Zhao Nan said seriously: "Liliru, calm down, this is not a very good idea!"

Lili's eyes shone brightly and she said, "I'm the only one here who has never tried this... Come on, my good brother-in-law, why don't you put on this baby bear suit and let me hold you for a while?"


" Zhao, are you okay?"

After a long time, Lin Banyao was surprised to see Zhao Nan finally climb out of the shell. Without saying a word, he slowly swam to the top of the shell and sat down as if in a daze... Lin Banyao looked at it again Come on, this is clearly a look that has been ruined.

Xiao Zhao Nan shook his head and reached out to pinch his eyebrows. "It's nothing...just let me calm down for a while."

Lin Banyao nodded, thinking it would be better to follow what this person said. So I sat silently next to Xiao Zhao Nan - I heard that Zhao Nan in this state couldn't even defeat a monster of several levels at this time. If there is any danger here, maybe I will be cut into pieces by the women in the shell, right?

"Where's the hilly land?"

Zhao Nan suddenly asked, but saw that Xiao Shandi was nowhere to be seen outside the shell.

Lin Banyao was stunned and said: "I said he was hungry. I originally planned to give him elf biscuits to satisfy his hunger. But he didn't think it tasted good. So I teamed up with Orisis and said I was looking for something to eat. Now, you probably don’t know how to fish for deep-sea fish in that sea, right?”

Zhao Nan nodded... He didn't want to pay more attention to this matter.

Augustus checked nearby and found no powerful enemies. Some of them are just ocean monsters living in the deep sea, and they are not very powerful. For Eulisis, he was just a target that could be killed.

"By the way, half-demon, can you feel Rizal's presence now?" Zhao Nan suddenly asked.

Lin Banyao and Rizal, the son of the Xuanfeng Dragon God, had concluded a contract with the Holy Dragon Knight earlier, and this contract has never been terminated. Rizal has not been found since he disappeared from the Dragon Realm.

Similar questions. Zhao Nan has asked several times during this time. Every time, Lin Banyao could only shake his head to express that he had no feeling. However, this was probably someone who couldn't ignore the requests of others. When asked this time, he still closed his eyes very honestly and tried to sense Rizal's existence through the contract itself.

Suddenly, Lin Banyao opened his eyes and said incredulously: "I feel it this time!"

Rizal...appeared in the deep sea?

And is it still the East China Sea where everyone is? Zhao Nan suddenly became thoughtful...Whether the Dragon Emperor Artifact was stolen by Rizal or not, he would soon find out.

Thinking about it. The sky dragon that went out to hunt came back at the same time as Xiaoshandi. Eulisis walked to Zhao Nan with two strange fish on his waist. He sat down and said, "Brother, do you want to eat?"

Eating it raw...swallowed half of the fish body in one bite...only then did Xiao Shandi slowly walk over. The little giant's body still looks very huge even on the seabed, and every step he takes can bring up a lot of silt that has settled on the seabed. It's just that the waterproof barrier surrounding the entire shell is not large, so Xiao Shandi can only squat down and let his head stick into the barrier. "Zhao Nan, I saw a really big fish!"

"I told you that it's not a fish, idiot! It's a suit!" Orisis said with an old-fashioned look: "It's a boat used by the sea tribe to sail in the deep sea! Boat! Do you understand?"

"Oh!" Xiao Shandi responded.

Zhao Nan couldn't help but said in shock: "What kind of ship?"

Orisis said: "There is a very large trench ahead, and there is a very large Sea Race warship in it. It seems to have crashed into something. Anyway, it sank. I've seen it, and there's nothing in it. , There are only some bones of the Sea Clan. By the way, I seem to have seen this flag somewhere... Brother, do you have any impression?"

As he spoke, a piece of wet rag was spat out from Orisis's mouth. Zhao Nan frowned and said in shock, "Is this... the mark of the Sea Royal Family?"

Zhao Nan was not necessarily unfamiliar with the mark on the broken flag. Because the sea royal family I met once, the infatuated phosphorus fish man, had used it before.

So, the sunken warship at least belonged to the Sea Royal Family?

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment and then said: "Oulisis, do you still remember the place where the warship sank?"

Sky Dragon nodded.

Zhao Nan said: "Take me there now."

Eulisis said in astonishment: "But brother, don't you look like you are determined to go out and take action?"

Zhao Nan climbed onto Orisis's shoulder without saying a word, and said in a deep voice with a childish voice: "I want to stimulate my hurt heart!"

"Okay then." Orisis would not refuse his master's request. Hearing this, he put his hands behind his back and lifted up little Zhao Nan, "It's done! Let's go!"

Shoot out this waterproof barrier! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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