Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,137 Lord Ganyadis

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Hesitation was like being hit by the full force of the Supreme Star Rank, Zhao Nan almost spit out a mouthful of blood from his heart... This dream situation is like the most powerful mental pollution for him.

Tuoba, this dead woman... Could it be that she just finds a man because she longs for a normal life too much?

This must be revenge for the punishment of bungee jumping for her all these years-purely from a malicious phenomenon.

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and calmed down. His face changed slightly, and instantly attracted the attention of Gang Yadis. This data set said lightly at this time: "Your mood has changed."

Seeing this kind of dream... Who can be calm?

But Zhao Nan finally patiently continued to watch.

The dream is still going on. The time of this dream seems to be exactly the same as the outside world. Zhao Nan watched in the dream, Tuoba Xiaocao's family strolled through the store without any disturbance, ate at the restaurant, and then sent them back to Ophir, and finally the family of three returned to their home.

At night, the 'Zhao Nan' in the dream began to take a bath... Tuoba Xiaocao walked in, wrapped in a towel...

"Skip this part!"

Zhao Nan in the central control room suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. At this time, Gang Yadis also blocked the edge of the screen into black without any surprise, and said calmly: "The mating behavior between organisms is the time when emotions are released most strongly. Are you really not going to observe?"

For this intelligence that is just a pair of data, there is probably no so-called shame at all. Everything in its eyes is probably just a pile of codes.

"I don't have your interest in peeping." Zhao Nan frowned-this guy naturally thinks it is normal. For so many years, the Sony people have been living in the society it has created.

"This is observation, which is completely different from the concept of peeping." Gang Yadis said calmly.

Zhao Nan did not intend to continue arguing with Gang Yadis on this issue, but frowned and said: "Although it is a bit unexpected, the fictional world that Tuoba longs for is not too complicated. At most, he is nostalgic for this ordinary life. I don't understand what you call "rare"." Gang Yadis opened the screen again, "Keep watching." The picture has changed. And the location is no longer in Tuoba Xiaocao's home, but in a hotel. Under the night, the lights of the hotel are still bright. Tuoba Xia Xiaocao in the dream has obviously been dressed up, but walked carefully in the corridor of the hotel. This should not be a good situation... Zhao Nan in the central control room frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable. However, unexpectedly, when Tuoba Xiaocao finally opened the door of a room, the person who appeared in front of her was not what she imagined in this situation, but a man... woman. There was another woman in the room. What surprised Zhao Nan was that this woman was still... "Linglong..." Although she was a little older. But Linglong was not wrong. The scene turned, and Tuoba Xiaocao, who walked into the room, kissed Linglong passionately, and the scene gradually became hot. Zhao Nan rationally asked Gang Yadis to close the image again at this time, and subconsciously glanced at Tuoba Xiaocao who was sleeping in the hibernation cabin, and was speechless! This dead woman, she was still so stubborn in her dream. At this time, Gang Yadis's voice came to mind: "This female creature has extremely complex psychological activities in the fictional world. On the one hand, she can't give up her normal life. She loves her father very much. She also loves her daughter and husband, and even hopes to live like this for the rest of her life. But on the other hand, she can't get rid of her relationship with another woman. Every time she has an improper relationship with another woman in the fictional world behind her husband's back, her emotions will be extremely strong. This should be classified as negative emotions, but what makes me curious is that this negative emotion brings her a great deal of pleasure." "I understand that when creatures commit crimes, because they violate the normal values ​​and moral concepts of the tribe, they will occasionally have a kind of pleasure similar to revenge. Obviously, this female creature in the fictional world becomes happy based on this situation." Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he just stared at Gang Yadis. It was as if the switch to speak was turned on. Gang Yadis was talking nonstop at this time: "I thought so at first, but after observing for a period of time, I have to be surprised by the ideal world that this female creature likes. The picture you just saw is the environment that this female creature is in now. Seeing such a picture, I am afraid that most people would think that this female creature chose to get married and have children just to avoid violating the moral standards of society. But this is not the case." Zhao Nan felt that he was so shocked by Tuoba Xiaocao's dream that he was almost unable to take care of himself... This shit is not over yet?

The screen opens.

It was still a hotel room, and Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong were cuddling on the bed, just hugging each other, probably enjoying the afterglow of passion.

Not long after, Tuoba Xiaocao rinsed himself off, opened the door and walked out of the hotel alone. However, just downstairs of the hotel, a private car slowly came over. Tuoba Xiaocao opened the door and sat on the passenger seat without saying a word.

As for the position of the main driver... surprisingly, it was 'Zhao Nan' in the dream.

"Husband, thank you for coming all the way to drive me."

'Zhao Nan' smiled slightly and said: "As long as you are happy. But is this really good? Why not just take Linglong back to live? There is still a spare room at home."

While waiting for the red light, Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly leaned over and kissed Zhao Nan passionately before saying, "This is how you feel about having an affair. Besides, bringing Linglong back won't be an advantage for you, right?" "

‘Zhao Nan’ chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, “It sounds like I’m hungry and don’t choose what to eat.”

"Linglong is a very appetizing main dish." Tuoba Xiaocao bit his lip. There are many kinds of styles.

'Zhao Nan' reached out and pinched Tuoba Xiaocao's nose, "Then let's find a place to eat... Tell me, what do you want to eat?"

Tuoba Xiaocao couldn't help but kiss Zhao Nan's cheek and said, "So, it's great to meet you in this life. It's worth it that I helped you give birth to a daughter."

"But I also want one more son."

" have to eat something first to replenish your strength."

There should be more eye-catching content. But inside the central control room. As if he had received a fatal blow, Zhao Nan decisively asked Gang Yadis to cancel these dream images.

He rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Tuoba Xiaocao in the dormant cabin with a strange expression... Once again he had nothing to say to this dead woman.

So what is the relationship between the three people in the dream... What the hell? Zhao Nan actually felt stupid and confused... Even he, as a human being, couldn't understand it for a moment, let alone Gang Yadis's collection of data. No wonder it feels that Tuoba Xiaocao is extremely rare as a data collection target.

"Do you want to see another fictional world of female creatures?" Ganyadis suddenly asked at this time.

Zhao Nan was stunned, his eyes fell on the other dormant cabin, and he shook his head decisively - although he didn't think Linglong would have any strange virtual world, but after being struck by lightning in Tuoba Xiaocao's dream, Zhao Nan Nan wisely refused this kind of peeking behavior.

Zhao Nan sighed. "Although it disgusts me...but I probably thought of a way to wake this guy up."

Ganyadis looked curious: "What method."

The hesitant look on Zhao Nan's face flashed across his face, and then he opened the dormant cabin. Ganyades was watching with concentration, as if unwilling to let go of any detail.

But Zhao Nan's lips began to tremble, he must be saying something... However, even if Gangadis adjusted the radio function to the maximum level, he still couldn't hear any sound, and then he realized that Zhao Nan had used a strange method to completely cut off the sound.

It should be saying something... But can a few words restore the spirit that refuses to wake up from the fictional world? Gangadis's calculation was - impossible.

Unexpectedly, a moment later, Tuoba Xiaocao in the dormant cabin suddenly opened his eyes. First there was a confused look in his eyes. Then it quickly became clear.

Finally realizing the situation around him, Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly jumped up from the dormant cabin. "Damn it, what the hell is this place! This broken computer has been stabbed a thousand times. If you have the guts, come out. I will definitely beat you to death!"

Seeing Tuoba Xiaocao like this, Zhao Nan suddenly felt a refreshing feeling - this Tuoba Xiaocao was the one he was more accustomed to. As for that dream... none of the data will exist afterward.

If something like that is left behind, it is simply a stain on life.

"How will you be here?"

It was as if Zhao Nan's existence had finally been discovered. Tuoba Xiaocao looked at Zhao Nan up and down with strange eyes, "By the way... I finally threw the crystal out."

Tuoba Xiaocao rubbed his forehead. He must have been sleeping for too long, causing him to feel a little dazed. "How long has it been?"

"Have you looked at your personal space and figured it out for yourself?" Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes. He said calmly: "I think although you have been dreaming for a long time, it should not be to the point of confusion."

"Dream?" Tuoba Xiaocao was stunned and said, "What dream?"

Zhao Nan shrugged... It seems like he doesn't remember things about the fictional world after becoming clear? would be better not to remember.

"It's nothing." Zhao Nan pointed at Linglong lying in another sleeping cabin: "You can find a way to wake her up yourself. Her consciousness is now trapped in her own imaginary world. Well... tell me something It should be enough to stimulate her the most. In fact, although her consciousness is completely in her own fictional world, the key is whether she can hear it or not. "

"...Can you speak human language?" Tuoba Xiaocao rolled his eyes.

Zhao Nan shook his head and simply ignored Tuoba Xiaocao's matter. Instead, he turned to look at Gang Yadis and said, "Come with me. I have other things I want to talk to you about."

Gang Yadis did not refuse at all, and the projected image just followed Zhao Nan, bypassing the huge central system and reaching the other side.

Tuoba Xiaocao let out a slight sigh at this time, took a glance at the back of Zhao Nan who disappeared like a giant pillar, and then squatted in front of the exquisite sleeping cabin. He grabbed his hair in great pain and said, "Damn it... How could I have such a magical dream? It's killing me!"

"I have returned the people to you, and you have successfully awakened one of them."

On the other side, Ganyadis was the first to speak. As if to remind Zhao Nan that he has made his choice... In fact, he is just worried about whether Zhao Nan will go back on his words. For Ganyadis, after the conditions are met, it is naturally the purpose before the conditions.

It really doesn't want to turn itself into a pile of scrap metal.

"If it were me, even if the functions of activities were damaged, I would still not give up exploring the surrounding environment. After all, although I once lived in the paradise world, coming back here has separated the world from the first era to In the eighth era, it feels strange and uneasy..." Zhao Nan turned around, looked at Gang Yadis and said: "You haven't explored the current paradise world to see how many abandoned places there are. Are the races on earth like my own successful return?"

Ganyadis can return to the paradise, and Rizal and the former holy dragon knight Tristantin can also return successfully, then Zhao Nan has reason to believe that more races in the abandoned land can also survive the disaster.

Perhaps those people are now hiding in the paradise world, quietly familiar with the eighth era...the powerful pre-era survivors in the abandoned land. Many have extraordinary powers, but they are limited to the limitations of the abandoned land. There is no way to release one's own power, otherwise the too powerful power will eventually collapse the space in the abandoned land.

Just like the disaster caused by the swallowing of the World Tree last time. But now that he has successfully survived the last disaster and landed in the paradise world again, there seems to be no need to limit himself.

Whether it's the gray-body people, the supernatural race, or the beast-controlling demon race...etc. If you can use your power unscrupulously, I'm afraid it won't be much worse than the current Evil God camp.

"The compensation for my exploration time was just the discovery of the Styx Demon." Goyadis said: "But you have already said that the Styx Demon here is not the species of the abandoned land."

Zhao Nan was slightly disappointed.

Gang Yadis suddenly said: "I have also captured the signal of the Jingshi battleship. But only once. But since the signal can appear, Jingshi must be somewhere. I speculate that it may be the same as me. He cannot survive because of the damage. Don’t stop and repair yourself.”

The stunning battleship... also landed?

This is good news for Zhao Nan. Because no matter what, Zhao Nan also has half of the control over the stunning battleship. With his current ability, it does not seem to be difficult to completely seize control of the battleship.

Not only the amazing battleships, but even the current Gangyadis have become easily accessible. Zhao Nan looked at the projected image of Gang Yadis without blinking and showed a smile, "Ganyades, don't worry, I will keep my promise and won't turn you into scrap metal."

Gangyadis said: "Indeed, it will do you no good to turn me into scrap metal. After all, there are still opportunities for you and me to cooperate in the future."

Zhao Nan suddenly said: "But there is also a chance that you and I will confront each other, isn't it?"

Gangyadis said: "No, given your current situation, it would be a very unwise choice to be hostile to you."

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "That seems to be the case... but it only seems so far. For me, you are the highest crystallization of the Sony clan, and your calculations are too terrifying. So, Nan Mian will one day, you Find a way to restrain the power of will in the eighth era through calculation."

Ganyadis said: "What do you want to do? Your voice fluctuates. In this case, you do not have good intentions towards me."

"I guess so."

Zhao Nan walked forward, passed through the projected image of Gang Yadis, and finally walked in front of the central system, reaching out and pressing on the central system.

"The meaning is unclear, what do you want to do?"

"Needless to say? Of course it is the most permanent method." Zhao Nan said without looking back: "In fact, you are not needed. Just a few auxiliary control intelligences can control this battleship very well. Isn't it?"

"Do you want to..."

The image of Gangyadis suddenly became hazy and distorted, and its voice could not even be fully released... Some unknown things were invading its auxiliary intelligence at this moment, and began to attack at a terrifying speed. These auxiliary intelligences provide coverage.

"What do I want to do?" Zhao Nan said with a sly smile: "With such a big killer, the safest way is to keep it for yourself! Data... It is better not to have your own ideas. Since it is death If you want to be a dead thing, just concentrate on being a dead thing.”

The projection disappeared in an instant...Ganyades couldn't even say the last word.

When Zhao Nan opened his eyes again, the entire Gangadis battleship was already under his control!

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