Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1138: Genocide

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In the central control room of Gang Yadis, a huge light and shadow appeared in front of Zhao Nan. Above it is a diagram of the internal structure of the entire Gangadis.

Gangyadis, who has lost his main consciousness, can invade more easily than the shocking battleships of the past. When the rest of the auxiliary intelligence is brought under Zhao Nan's control, the distributed intelligence systems throughout the warship will no longer be important. It only needs to be rewritten through the auxiliary intelligence.

After controlling the central system of Gang Yadis, it won't take long for this battleship to be under Zhao Nan's true control.

"What are you looking at?"

Suddenly, Tuoba Xiaocao's voice came. Surprisingly, there was Linglong beside Tuoba Xiaocao - she seemed to have just woken up and looked a little weak.

"The interior composition of this battleship." Zhao Nan quickly returned his gaze to the image in front of him.

This image is like an open map that is ten meters long and four meters high. Zhao Nan moved a few steps to the left: "Ganyadis is too big. I'm looking at some places that can be dismantled, and then use the materials to repair the damaged areas."

"You...don't think you control this place?" The two of them were startled at the same time and looked at Zhao Nan as if they were seeing a ghost.

The only person who answered her and the two of them was Zhao Nan's slight hum.

Whether it's Tuoba Xiaocao or Linglong, after meeting each other again after this period of time, there is a feeling that this guy is even more talkative. It's not that he has changed into another person, but there is... a qualitative change.

I can’t tell what this feels like.

The only thing I know is...the method is a little more indifferent.

The two of them didn't ask how Zhao Nan controlled Gang Yadis in such a short period of time... or so they asked. You won't get a truly definite answer, either.

"What do you plan to do after you take control of Gang Yadis?" Linglong finally couldn't help but ask.

Zhao Nan did not respond, but turned around and stretched out his palm. A ball of white light condensed in his palm... and then appeared in front of the two of them. It was a set of seven-color rainbow keys. "If you still need a few keys, just take them from here. Don't come back for a while after you go to the Star Spirit Path to Heaven. It will take me a while to get there."

The two frowned at the same time, but did not move.

Tuoba Xiaocao said slightly displeased: "What do you mean? Don't I have the ability to put together a complete set?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "No, you can get it together. But, since it can be put together in the end, why not get it together earlier? It is precisely because I know you have this ability that I don't want you to waste your time. On top of the search.”

Tuoba Xiaocao turned his face to the side and whispered: "I don't want your charity."

Zhao Nan suddenly said: "I want the road to heaven to be explored as soon as possible. But according to the current progress, I am afraid I will be disappointed. So I need capable and experienced people to join this exploration." Before, let’s speed up the progress. Such people... I can only think of you for the time being.”

Linglong frowned and said, "If that's the case, why don't you take action yourself?"

Zhao Nan said softly: "There are still some things in the main world that I need to deal with before I can leave."

Tuoba Xiaocao turned his head in astonishment and said hesitantly: "You...have you really discovered the location of the system this time?"

The experience of overseas desert islands made Tuoba Xiaocao understand what Ofir originally needed to complete by himself. It fell on Zhao Nan by accident. What she needed to carry was put down because of it, but accordingly. However, Zhao Nan also had to take up the things that he had put down.

Tuoba Xiaocao always felt that if he hadn't dragged Zhao Nan into the xl world, this guy might not have to be exposed to these things - this guy has his own family... but now he has replaced him.

It was probably a feeling of guilt that made Tuoba Xiaocao feel like he didn't dare to face the other person after that time... maybe there were other strange emotions as well.

"If possible, I hope so." Zhao Nan shook his head. He said with a little pity: "But for now, it is not the reason... In short, if possible, I hope that you will get the seven-color rainbow key from me, not someone else."

The two were silent for a moment. Linglong said coldly: "Then can I take this as you using us to speed up the progress of your exploration when you have no way to take action?"

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, "If you put aside some things, that's probably it."

Linglong nodded and did not speak. He just focused his attention on Tuoba Xiaocao, obviously letting her make the decision. However, Tuoba Xiaocao walked up to Zhao Nan expressionlessly and reached out to grab Qise Shao.

When his palm took in several of the keys, Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly said: "Can I ask you a question?"


Tuoba Xiaocao took a deep breath and said, "After the exploration is completed, what do you want to do?"

After another moment of silence, Zhao Nan said softly: "If possible... I hope you can leave immediately."

"You guy! What on earth can't you tell me?" Tuoba Xiaocao gritted his teeth and suddenly felt faint.

He fell to the ground in an instant... The other Linglong also responded almost at the same time and finally fell to the ground.

Two engineers came over at this time, picked them up respectively, and then sent them out of the central control room...

When the two of them woke up, they saw yellow sand all around, and the air was as unbearable as fire, but there was nothing in front of them, a continuous patch of earthy yellow and dark blue.

"It seems that after we were unconscious, we were sent to a very far place." Linglong looked around and suddenly smiled bitterly: "There is no room for resistance at all... When did that guy become a domineering president... …Um?"

However, Tuoba Xiaocao seemed to have not heard anything. He raised his eyebrows and kept looking at the keys in his palm.


"You said... should we go to the Star Spirit Path to Heaven now?" Tuoba Xiaocao turned around. There was a look of confusion on his face.

Linglong's eyes were stunned, as if she understood something, and she smiled and said: "You have decided for yourself... This time, you must have had a good dream."

Tuoba Xiaocao felt as if his tail had been stepped on, his whole body was shaking, and he said with a gloomy look on his face: "Don't mention it... I feel like I'm dead now."

Inside Ganyatis.

Zhao Nan came to the place where the Sony clan members were sleeping. Look at the sleeping cabins arranged neatly one by one. It was like walking into the lair of some insect beast. These sleeping cabins are like eggs of insect beasts.

"Only consciousness is left, and even the body is gone...what's the use of staying here." Zhao Nan flew past the many dormant cabins, and finally landed on a console used to maintain the functions of each dormant cabin. on, pressing the button that stops maintaining the brain activity of the Sony people.

"Assistant intelligence, destroy all data in the fictional world." Zhao Nan said calmly: "In addition, send engineers over to dismantle the energy sources in these Sonys."

After the order is issued, engineers will naturally arrive. The advantage of this intelligent system is that it can execute the owner's orders meticulously.

only. After this order, in addition to the Gangadis battleship and the amazing battleship that is unknown somewhere, the Sony clan in the first era has truly disappeared in the long river of time.

Although only the brain is still active, it is still a life to be precise... There are a lot of lives here, but they are completely ended with just one word.

This is even more terrifying than the thousands of troops killing each other on the battlefield, with corpses littering the fields in the end.

Seeing the dormant cabins slowly getting dark, Zhao Nan slowly closed his eyes... as if he heard countless wailing sounds.

I don’t know when the First Age is about to be destroyed. Have these sounds ever appeared before?

When it was almost dawn, Zhao Nan's figure appeared under the control of the Eugen Flying Boat.

Did not return to room. Just open the screen in the control room, allowing the control room to be completely connected to the outside air, and watch the ray of light rising from the sea level slowly creep into the control room.

When the sea level turned golden, Zhao Nan slowly closed his eyes: "It's just that there are two more Tuoba and Linglong. In fact, it doesn't necessarily have much effect on advancing the progress of exploration... We still need to Only if more powerful guys join the path of Star Spirits to Heaven.”

The palm that was lightly placed on the seat handle suddenly opened. A total of four magnificent crystals appeared on the top of the palm.

Heart of the Seven Seas.

They came from the seven monarchs of the ocean who were assassinated. With the help of the King of Souls, Julius was able to deliver the four Hearts of the Seven Seas to him more smoothly than expected.

"The only thing left is the Siren Monarch." Zhao Nan looked at the four Hearts of the Seven Seas on hand, "After gathering all seven Hearts of the Seven Seas, the Nightmare Monarch will probably be qualified to aspire to the highest star level... …But it’s just one more.”

"I need more."

"Flying boat, change course. The target is thirty degrees north."

"Lin Banyao said that he can feel where Rizal is. I hope it's not just Rizal."

"If a full-scale war breaks out between the sea clan and the land, I don't know how many people can rise quickly..."

"The future many things have she seen?"

"This time, am I still at the end of time...will time stop..." (A great pie-in-the-sky event, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ Click/Chinese official account (Add friends on WeChat - Add a public account - just enter ddxiaoshuo) and participate now! Everyone will win a prize. Follow the ddxiaoshuo WeChat public account immediately! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster updates!


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