Global Monster Online

Chapter 1169 (2) Godhead and Law

The city of Ciriatis.

The birthplace of Poseidon, it was also the legendary birthplace of Sotoros, the god of the sea.

After putting on the false ring for disguise, walking in the birthplace of this god, Zhao Nan and others were also members of the sea tribe.

Little Yuni was looking at the city under the sea with great curiosity. It is normal for children of this age to be active. But because there are many people watching over her, no matter how restless she is, she won't cause any strange things.

——Tell me, what should I do?

While walking, Zhao Nan looked at a message that was freshly sent to his mail space - an email from Dal Xiu.

It seems that I have figured out how to use the email function.

Zhao Nan did not intend to respond to the other party's first email. Don't do what you want to do, if you don't even have a direction for this kind of thing, and you subconsciously start to rely on others, that's all.

It was just Zhao Nan's whim to turn Dalxiu into the Chosen One, and he didn't have too many expectations. Once this incident is over, how Dalxiu grows in the future will all depend on God's will.

It disappears among countless sea tribes on the way, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't make any ripples. However, if there are unexpected results, it can be regarded as a surprise.

Simply regarded as an investment, for Zhao Nan, this kind of investment is based on the basis of not losing money.

Reading and deleting emails barely gave Zhao Nan any pause. He was just like an ordinary passer-by, walking on the streets of Kiryatis with his people.

Just as no one knew, there was a true Chosen One of the Sea God in the City of Poseidon.

And no one even knows. Dar Show, what will be his future?

At this time, Kiratis' Poseidon Temple was right in front of him.

It's not a grand building. Even compared to the Poseidon Interactive headquarters in Poseidon City, it should be considered a streamlined one. The believers in the temple wish that the gods they believe in could have an unparalleled temple. As long as it is the best, believers will never skimp on anything.

So if you simplify it like this, it probably only means the meaning of the Lord Poseidon, who is respected by the sea tribesmen of Kiryatis City.

In addition, unlike the Poseidon City, the Poseidon Temple here is not prohibited from entering the city. Or the entry of other sea tribes in the deep sea.

Just like the temples before the catastrophe, there are gods in the temples for pilgrims to worship and worship.

There are no restrictions here, as long as you come, come with piety. At least you need respect to enter, because it is listening, always listening.

"If I'm not here anymore, can I really listen?"

Looking at the huge statue standing in the main hall, Xu Yang looked at Zhao Nan curiously and asked. This is probably due to some of the suspicion that society had towards such miraculous things before the catastrophe. For Finina and others who were originally born in the paradise world, they subconsciously did not consider whether the gods could hear. They probably only consider whether their voice can reach it.

Of course, Zhao Nan knew that Finina and the others did not believe in gods. Augustus himself was still a minor deity. But if it is a similar feeling. There is a carrier.

That is Zhao Nan himself.

But Zhao Nan still answered this question: "It can only be ignored to the extent that it is not there. This world is supported by the original fate network. Although the fate network belonging to the Conferred God sub-position can be outside the origin fate network, After all, if the Feng Shen sub-position wants its own fate net to be effective, it still needs to be realized through the existence of the origin fate net. So in theory, as long as the Fate Net belonging to the Fengshen sub-position still exists, it can pass through the origin of the world. Yuanwang knows. More or less, it’s just a strong or weak relationship.”

When he said this, Zhao Nan found that Augustus was listening intentionally or unintentionally, so he smiled and said: "Of course, if there are no believers praying, you can probably only hear the wind."

Seemingly seeing Zhao Nan's gaze, Augustus suddenly raised his head. Looking up at the huge statue in the center of the hall.

The Dragon King girl, who was basically connected to the female Holy Dragon Knight, looked back and forth between the two of them suspiciously.

Not counting what Ye Ruofeng said later. Oluga was the second one to know the secret that Zhao Nan was the Lord of Truth—how could he not know that his contractor had been obsessed with the Lord of Truth for hundreds of years?

Therefore, the Dragon King girl frowned directly at Zhao Nan, with a slight warning in her eyes.

Zhao Nan just pretended that he couldn't see it and continued: "But if it is Sotoros, I don't think it can hear it itself, but its Yuanwang can still hear it."

Lili was stunned for a moment, seeming a little confused. She hugged Zhao Nan's arm coquettishly and asked, "What does this mean? Shouldn't the network of fate disappear with the disappearance of the individual?"

Zhao Nan said: "It was indeed like this before the Conferred God. But it is different after the Conferred God. Because after the Conferred God, the fate lines are woven into a network and can be completely fixed. What this kind of fixation requires is a base point, or support. point, that is to say, the existence of 'godhead'. Godhead is something emerging that is needed by the world, or it is something inherent and needed by the world, so after it is built into the godhead. It must exist, regardless of whether it belongs to an individual or not.”

Ye Anya and Ye Ruofeng looked at each other, stuck out their tongues, and almost said in unison, "I don't understand."

Zhao Nan smiled and said: "This paradise cannot be completely explained by science, but theology is okay. Or it can be compared with something more common sense... Well, do you know the law?"

"Even children know that kind of thing." Ye Anya shook her head: "But what does it have to do with the law?"

Zhao Nan flicked Ye Anya's head and said: "If the law has been enacted, then if the person who enacted it does not exist, does it mean that the law can also be invalidated?"

"What you mean is that the Fengshen sub-position is the one who makes the law, and the law itself is the Godhead. Therefore, the prayers of believers are not actually directed to the Fengshen sub-position, but to the Godhead. In other words, we will only seek The help of the law, rather than the help of those who make the law?”

Finina's concluding words. It’s pretty clear... This most beloved woman is actually really smart. Compared to her twin sister Liluru’s evil cunningness, Finina’s should be a more upright way of wisdom.

"Make laws..." Augustus said thoughtfully.

Regarding the topic of the degree of godhood, the most relevant issues are probably her and Olga who have completed the process of becoming gods. But it wouldn't hurt for others to listen.

But what kind of law and what kind of godhead? What the hell are you talking about...Lin Banyao just looked at him and said nothing, and he couldn't understand it at all! ! I wipe...

"...Can you tell me more about Godhead?"

At this time, Augustus suddenly said, his tone seemed a little strange. Just in the ears of those who listen. It seems that a certain subject can be easily passed over.

"Of course." Zhao Nan said seriously: "I won't be as stingy as you...but now is not the time. Yeyue is back."

Everyone is here watching everything in the hall like tourists. Catwoman, on the other hand, used her abilities to sneak into the Poseidon Temple earlier.

"grown ups."

Ye Yue's silent appearance did not alarm anyone - of course, it refers to the Sea Tribes who were praying attentively in the hall, as well as the Poseidon God's priests who maintained order.

"Let's talk aside."

"Did you find anything?" Zhao Nan asked.

Yeyue began: "Sir, this Poseidon Temple is very strange."

Zhao Nan looked at everyone and signaled Yeyue to continue talking about what he saw.

"That's right." Yeyue frowned and said: "This Poseidon Temple seems to have no defense at all. It is not only a place used to pray for believers, the entire Poseidon Temple can indeed allow the sea people to be free. Walking. Even the residences of the senior cadres of Poseidon Temple and even the highest elders were not protected at all. I even saw some believers walking directly into the rooms of several senior cadres and starting to chat... I I think the elders here are probably in the same situation."

"Is it true that you can't see any guards?" Finina asked in surprise.

Yeyue nodded: "I've walked back and forth here twice. I didn't see any guards...but there are some very powerful guys in Poseidon Temple. There was even one that almost gave me an Ogu I didn’t dare to get close to Master Sidu. I thought it might be from the leader of Poseidon Temple, the Great Elder Burtica.”

Augustus shook his head at this time and said: "I haven't really become a god. It's probably the same state I was in when I was cultivating in the Dragon Realm, and I'm still short of the last step. But that will seems not to be underestimated. You It’s right not to get close, even if it’s not easy for me to show myself directly.”

"So, it's because the Great Elder is so powerful that we don't bother to set up defense forces here?" Xu Yang said.

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "Think about the temple personnel at the Poseidon City headquarters. Aren't some of them wearing weapons?"

"Is it intentional?" Finina frowned: "It's not that there are no guards. It's just that no one can see it... But where did Poseidon Temple hide its own hands? Is there any secret passage here? kind?"

Yeyue said quickly: "Sir, let me investigate carefully again."

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "There's no need for that. I think I probably know where the guards are."

"Where?" everyone asked.

However, Augustus and Olga looked at the statue in the center of the hall at the same time, and the female holy dragon knight said calmly: "Sure enough, does this statue contain divine treasure..."

ps1: I’m so exhausted today, and the reason is unknown... so just one chapter.

ps2: The third update of "Global" will be tomorrow.

ps3: Also, yesterday's chapter 1069 should be chapter 1068... I miscounted again, go beat up the PE teacher who taught me math =. =(To be continued)


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