Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,170 Elder Burtica’s panic

But Shenzang is not an ordinary secret world.

It has its own unique operating rules, and besides, it is still a divine treasure that was once the highest star level. It wants to open it through violent means... Even if it is an overlapping small world, it has not yet reached that level.

So how to enter this divine treasure is the next problem that needs to be solved.

As a temple dedicated to the highest star level, it is so open and transparent to the Sea Clan. The temple itself seems to be supported by a powerful elder, which is not very reasonable no matter how you say it.

Considering the number of creatures in the deep sea and the lack of gods in the deep sea, a temple of the highest star level would never be able to look like this.

Or just like what this temple has revealed to the Sea Clan, it is open and transparent, and it is just a believer of Sotoros. Coming here depends entirely on the faith in the heart... Don't be kidding, the existence of the City of Sea God will soon be essential. Have you denied this?

After all, he is a supreme star-level god, so Zhao Nan will not be too reckless... The incident of judging the god is still vivid in his mind, and it was partly luck.

However, facing the unknown Poseidon Shenzang, even though everyone's strength has improved a lot now, Zhao Nan is still unwilling to directly break into anything.

Even with great strength, things that can be solved by methods are still solved in a more peaceful way. Great strength only gives people the right to do whatever they want. But if on the other hand, the powerful power is controlled by one's own will, probably the intelligent creatures will only degenerate to the point where they are no different from beasts.

If this is the case, there is no need to evolve wisdom. Wouldn't it be better for creatures to remain in the ignorant beast stage?

So after visiting Poseidon Temple for a while, everyone left the place.

Probably in a state of peace and harmony. As long as there is no contact in advance, there will only be opportunities for mutual contact at the intersection points that may exist in the future.

Therefore, most of the troubles of living beings arise from early contact...which is the so-called asking for trouble.

Obviously, Zhao Nan is looking for trouble this time... However, if we want to balance the Chosen Ones and the originally powerful Sea Tribe, and prevent one side from becoming one-sided, this kind of trouble is necessary.

"A state of almost equal competition is the state in which both parties can improve the fastest."

The goal of the global system is very clear, has always been clear, and has always been doing a distinct thing. Even if a large part of the whole process is to restore history, it will eventually create an individual to complete the original mission. This goal will not change.

The restored history is also based on this basic point.

Similarly, Zhao Nan's goal is also very clear. That is to let yourself become this ultimate individual - because the system also comes from another self. Precisely because it came from him, Zhao Nan knew some things more clearly.

If there is a more suitable candidate, I will never appoint myself to complete one thing. However, people inevitably have the mentality of why I can't do it.

It understands Zhao Nan's psychology. Zhao Nan also estimated the other party's thoughts.

Then the contradiction is reached.

Once the contradiction is reached, there will be momentum to move forward.

It's just that he divided himself into two different roles. One of them did not deliberately ignore the true self under the general environment and created a world of seemingly fair competition - the so-called world of infinite possibilities.

And another. In a world of infinite possibilities, he plays the role of how to obtain the most possibilities, thereby proving to himself that only he can do it.

In the end, it was proved...but it was not proved...two save one.

"If you resort to any means...that is to say, you can replace it. The other me is probably the one who is very contradictory...that's why I fall asleep and perform programmed automatic management to prevent myself from losing control."

"what is this?"

In a hotel in Kiryatis City.

Little Yuni is looking at the thing in front of her - to be precise, it should be something similar to gas. But it is different from real gas.

This is a three-dimensional sand table of the entire Kiryatis City made by Zhao Nan out of air. Commanding the air is not a difficult thing, especially with this aggregation of images. And at this time. More than half of the entire room is occupied by this three-dimensional sand table.

The streets and buildings are all in correct proportions and distributed with a light white air. As for the small light blue dots that are constantly moving on the sand table. They represent the people of Kiryatis one after another.

Among the many light blue dots, there are also a small amount of two other colors. "The red ones are people from Poseidon Temple, and the black ones are members of Poseidon Temple who know the secret. But the range is only Kirya." The city of Tis is not included in the divine treasure.”

I didn't ask how it could be done to this extent. Just ask and show what you want to do when you come out.

"What these black spots show is our target." Zhao Nan said: "There are not many in number. But if they all disappear or die at the same time, I think this person will not be able to bear it."

In fact, Zhao Nan deliberately delayed the time to enter Kiryatis City so that the events in Poseidon City could be spread to the Poseidon Temple in Kiryatis City. However, after this day's observation, at least on the bright side, Poseidon Temple did not seem to intend to make any reaction.

Of course, whether something is done in private is a private matter.

But since the top management of Poseidon Temple can endure it so well, then it would be better to stimulate it a little more.

There are twenty-seven targets outside of Poseidon Temple, and there are seven of them in Poseidon Temple including the Great Elder of Poseidon Temple. After Zhao Nan assigned targets to everyone, the entire team dispersed completely in the next moment. And he himself took Little Yuni out of the hotel again and walked towards the Poseidon Temple.

Except for the personnel within the Poseidon Temple, Zhao Nan, the target outside the temple, did not intend to take action personally. One reason is so that other people can get as much quality experience as possible. There is another reason that he needs to personally monitor every move of the Great Elder of Poseidon Temple. The most hopeful thing is that the great elder will directly open the divine treasure.

Just like when he was in the City of Poseidon, Zhao Nan had no intention of exposing his existence to the Sea Clan.

It’s finally time for Poseidon Temple to close.

After all, no matter what, whether it is the masses or the personnel of the temple. There is also a need for something called rest. At this time, in the Poseidon Temple, which had become deserted, the Great Elder Burtica was pacing back and forth in his room, feeling vaguely uneasy.

In fact, this uneasiness has been lingering in its mind since earlier today, and it can't go away. It was as if something invisible was watching over it.

One day ago, dozens of priests sent out suddenly died mysteriously in Poseidon City, which made Burtica start to feel surprised and uncertain.

It can't be Poseidon's apostle. Because every Poseidon apostle accepted the temptation before being successfully transformed. All that was left in his heart was his loyalty to Poseidon.'s hard to say what kind of foreign sea people have mixed into the City of Poseidon, and what clues have been discovered?

The priests who were known to have died in the City of Poseidon had nothing to do with the places where they died. The murderers seemed to have committed crimes without rules.

But since it happened at the same time and was still scattered, does it prove that there is not only one murderer? Thinking of this, Burtica couldn't help but frowned. Whether it's intuition or some kind of connection between the priests on the death list that he knows. They all told Burtica that there was a malicious force approaching Poseidon in the dark.

"These are the people who know the truth about Poseidon's Apostle... What exactly does the murderer want to tell me..."

Suddenly, a rapid sound came from within the room. And the door panel was forcefully opened almost at this moment, "Lord Burtica, it's not good!"

"What! You said they... all died in their own rooms?"

Burtica suddenly took a breath of cold air at this moment!

Those who died were all high-ranking people in Poseidon Temple. Although Poseidon Temple is basically in an undefended state in the city. But as the senior officials of Poseidon Temple, they know where the real strength of Poseidon Temple lies. But even if the temple is not fortified, it can let these high-level officials die in their rooms silently. I couldn't even detect the whole process, it was so weird!

What's even weirder is. There is absolutely no way to discover anything on your own.

"Have you checked carefully? Are there any clues left?"

"I've seen it. There are no signs of fighting at all. It was as if those adults suddenly fell to the ground and then returned to the embrace of Poseidon."

"Bastard! Could it be that they suddenly couldn't think about it and all understood their own lives?" Burtica couldn't help but said with a hint of anger: "Be careful, there must be something you haven't discovered!"

The first elder, who had always been very approachable in his impression, got a little angry, which made the person who reported the report suddenly turned pale with fright. He nodded in agreement and left quickly.

But the more Burtica thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. There must be someone spying on Poseidon from behind!

"They are also the ones who know the Poseidon Apostle's plan, including those in the City of Poseidon... Then I am the only one who knows the truth outside..." Burtica took a deep breath, "Absolutely not. accidental."

Subconsciously, Burtica's eyes fell on the display cabinet in the room.

In the cabinet, there is a very simple conch decoration placed... But it is not just decoration.

It can transmit words to the ear of the other party at a specific location. As long as the other party is in the sea, he will definitely be able to hear it... (To be continued)


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