Global Monster Online

Main text Chapter 117: Borrowing to escape

"Give me a reason not to kill."

"Whoever kills her will fight against the eighth nova shock!"

"After the task is completed, this copy will be closed, and it will not be opened in the future, and it will no longer exist. Even if the world is destroyed, it will have no effect on us, and the reason is not valid." Zhao Nan shook his head.

" any case, you can't kill He Ye!" Xiongyou said anxiously.

"Could it be that you... fell in love with her?" Zhao Nan frowned.

He doesn't care whether Xiongyou is affectionate or not, but in his opinion, it is the most irrational behavior to have feelings for the characters in the fantasy copy. Especially this kind of task with a set completion time.

But Xiongyou shook his head and said, "It's not... how to put it, you can understand it as a longing."

Xiongyou sighed: "Maybe Brother Nan, you think it's ridiculous, but for me, this is a persistence in my heart!"

"It's ridiculous."

Zhao Nan shook his head, ignored Xiongyou's obstruction, pushed him away, and walked forward.


Xiongyou rushed forward and tightly held Zhao Nan's arm, "Give me some time, and I will definitely come up with a way to get the best of both worlds! Please! One night, just one night!"

"You...just one night." Zhao Nan sighed, "If you can't think of a way tomorrow morning, don't blame me."

The mission of the dungeon is in the hands of Xiongyou. If he hadn't completed the mission himself, they would never be able to get out of the dungeon when the time came.

When the copy is closed, it is impossible to know whether everything will turn into nothingness or the whole world will continue to run for a long time. If it's the latter, it's okay, at least it can survive. If it's the former...

Zhao Nan is not willing to take this kind of risk. If it's because of Xiongyou's non-cooperation. And letting this kind of risk appear, it can be said that the gain outweighs the gain. Although he admired Xiongyou, he didn't go to the point of confessing his heart.

"I hope I don't have any bad feelings..."

Zhao Nan looked at Xiongyou who was sitting on the ground scratching his head, sighed, and closed the door gently.


The night was as cold as water, and Zhao Nan was sitting alone on the roof of the controller's dormitory area. He closed his eyes. Frozen circles began to appear around the body.

Since obtaining the stigmata, Zhao Nan has already begun to explore the ability of the frozen world alone. Regarding the frozen world, there are many skills that can be found in the academy. With the number of his ten stigmata, his background is extremely profound, even if he explores alone, the progress is not small.

The frozen world expanded in all directions from his body. But the speed of expansion is very slow, almost every millimeter of expansion will stop for a moment. And Zhao Nan's expression will become more focused.

I don't know how long it took, but the expansion of the frozen world suddenly stopped for a long time. A few minutes later, the barrier expanded a little again. But it quickly shrunk back. After repeating this several times, Zhao Nan exhaled and let all the barriers be recovered.

"50 meters."

Zhao Nan was lying on the ground, constantly experimenting with the frozen world, which exhausted his physical strength extremely.

"Once the frontage line is exceeded, irritable emotions will appear... After 60 meters, it will become uncontrollable. This is still a case of conscious research. If it is in battle, the normal extension limit should be 50 meters! That's it. I don’t know if the range of action can be increased through training. There is also the issue of power improvement. The stronger the power, the more likely it is to go berserk in a short range. Sure enough, I still need a Pandora as a match..."

It is difficult for the controller to keep calm because Zhao Nan no longer has anyone who can share his five senses.

After all, the five senses are shared, and the restlessness of the same share can be shared equally.

"The quality of the stigmata is also uneven..."

This is another problem that Zhao Nan discovered in the past two days. The quality of the stigmata activated by different Pandoras is also different. Zhao Nan estimated that this was also one of the reasons why he almost lost his mind this time.

"Needs high quality. And mature stigmata."

"It's better not to baptize Finina's stigmata to ensure the quality..." Zhao Nan couldn't help thinking.

"At this stage, the stigmata in the body can be used temporarily, but they must be replaced in the future... The best stigmata holders at present... are the stigmata in Aoi and Ye's body, which will be the future heroic marks."

"Thinking about it this way, Aoi and Ye really can't kill..."

Zhao Nan stood up. Stretched vigorously, after a night of training, the time has unknowingly arrived in the morning.

Zhao Nan returned to the room, but saw Xiongyou was still sitting where he was, with a haggard look on his face, but there was no sense of loss on his face.

"Have you figured out a way?" Zhao Nan asked curiously.

"Brother Nan, how long will the sleeping potion on your hand last?" Xiongyou said suddenly.

"A month at most."

"That's good." Xiongyou stood up immediately and said: "I found out that in two weeks, the college will organize first-year students to go to East Genetics College for exchange activities. We can take advantage of that time to secretly create Leaving in confusion, Miss Finina and Xiao Nan will start school next week, just in time."

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "The fundamental problem has not been resolved."

Xiongyou said: "No, this is just the first step. After successfully leaving the academy, we can find someone. Although she is not the technical commander of the Pandora project, she has good achievements. Maybe there is a way to solve the problem of the stigmata running amok. The problem... The key is that I don't know if she can solve this problem within a year... Also, how should we approach her..."

"Let's do it like this." Zhao Nan suddenly smiled.

"Although I really like to hear your approval." Xiongyou sighed: "But there are still many loopholes in this plan, and I haven't deliberated it yet."

"No..." Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "There is no need to focus too much on any problems in this world. Remember, your purpose is to complete the task of this dungeon, and my purpose is to find enough benefits here. We You don’t even need to take the opportunity to leave, just leave if you want to leave...Little friend, you are very familiar with the plot here, right? Now that we have obtained enough capital, we can actually start to use our own methods to change this place!"

"you mean……"

"Speed ​​up a little bit."



In the last two days at West Genetics Academy, the patrols of the academy troops have suddenly intensified. It is heard that after the four Pandoras went berserk, two more Pandoras disappeared. The outside media began to report these things, but the officials did not come forward to explain, and for a while, people were panicked.

And in this tense atmosphere, Finina and Xiao Nan finally arranged all the procedures and entered the academy.

After they entered the academy, all surveillance personnel withdrew immediately. From now on, it will be handed over to the academy for monitoring.

"Now I would like to introduce two freshmen to you, they are..."

"It's so beautiful! Is it a foreigner?"

"The other girl said it so cute!"

"Quiet, quiet, get ready for class!"


"Hey, I heard no, a new Pandora just killed a senior senior on the first day of school!"

"It's from Class F, right? I've seen it, it's so beautiful!"

"That's would be great if I could become her controller."

"Go, many senior seniors are ready to make a move! How can it be your turn!"


"Everyone seems to be talking about you."

Finina wrinkled her little nose and leaned on Zhao Nan's body. The two were quietly embracing each other in an unoccupied corner of the academy.

"It's annoying."

"Who made you make such a big fuss just after entering school?" Zhao Nan laughed suddenly.

"That can't be helped. Does this school have separate classes for male and female students? I was planning to come to you after class, but who knew that a senior student got in the way... I hate her tone of voice, and for some reason I couldn't help but move my hands." Let's do it."

"Then on the first day of school, I beat up the seniors, and then I was arrested to meet the head of the school, and then I was locked up for three days, and I'm only coming out now."

Finina lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "I don't know why recently, I always feel a little irritable."

"Fortunately, you have a large number of stigmata implanted. The academy values ​​you. The punishment of shutting you down for three days is actually just a small punishment."

Zhao Nan patted Finina on the back and let her lie quietly on his body.

The number of stigmata implanted in Finina is 20. With so many stigmata on her body, it seems that it has not affected her much. And she would hit people on the day of enrollment, probably the same as Zhao Nan's own situation last time.

"Are you tired?"


"Then we are going to leave here." Zhao Nan said with a smile: "The monitoring of this place is too strict. Now that the stigmata are in hand, it doesn't matter to stay here."

"So... I want to try the so-called college life."

"There is still a chance in the future." Zhao Nan smiled, then took out the phone, and said after a while: "Little friend? Are you and Xiao Nan ready?"

"Everything is ready."

"Well, where are people?"

"After stopping the medicine, it is estimated that I will wake up soon."

"Okay... let's do it!"

Zhao Nan let out a low laugh, and under Finina's puzzled gaze, she suddenly stretched out her left hand, with five fingers spread out and closed one by one. When the fifth finger was completely closed and the hand was palmed into a fist, a loud noise resounded in the academy.

One ring after another!

At this time, terrifying explosions occurred in dozens of places throughout the academy! There was a piercing electric sound in the college, which was the college broadcast that was disturbed.

"Nan, isn't this your masterpiece?"

"I'm not the one who detonated it." Zhao Nan laughed: "Okay, now it's time for us to leave."

At this time, in the chaotic college, the college troops were dispatched to rescue the disaster site, but no one noticed that there were four people who violently broke through the college's automatic defense system and fled far away. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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