Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 118: Towards the Unknown World of War Girls (Part 1)

after three months.

In the dark basement lounge, down a few gray steps, in front of the seamless bar, the bartender is quietly wiping the glass in his hand. And on this long water bar, there was only one person sitting with his head bowed.

This is a woman, the wine glass in front of her is slightly out of the center of the coaster, and seems to be randomly pressed to the edge.

"Guest, what would you like to drink?"

"No, I'm actually here to find someone... this lady."

The bartender was stunned for a moment, then smiled knowingly, nodded gracefully, and continued with his previous work.

In the underground lounge, there were not many people in twos and threes. Soft music wafted from the nostalgic record player, and it had been a long time.


The woman who lowered her head raised her head in surprise, her face was blushing, her eyes were half-opened and half-closed, she was half drunk: "You are..."

"Zhao Nan, I am going to ask you to work for me."

"……I do not know you."

"No, you know who I, leave with me."

Scarlet closed her eyes again, as if she was about to fall asleep, opened her lips slightly, and murmured: "Yes..."

She suddenly stood up staggeringly, and walked forward slowly. The bartender looked at this scene, slightly surprised, then gently put down the cup in his hand, raised a thumb while saying: "Guest, please pay the bill."

After the two walked out of the underground bar, they walked directly to a luxury car. The back door suddenly opened, and a slightly handsome face poked out from inside, and said with a smile: "Brother Nan, you are so fast."

This person is obviously Xiongyou. As for the person in front of him, it was naturally Zhao Nan.

He stepped aside to allow the two of them to sit comfortably in the car. Xiongyou then tapped the edge of the seat in the car. A careful screen popped out, and he whispered, "You can drive now."

Under the neon lights, the car merged into the not-too-busy road, moving forward unhurriedly.

After a while, in the carriage, Scarlet suddenly woke up. She seemed to feel that her head was very heavy. First, he rubbed his forehead vigorously, and then he looked at the surrounding environment.

She was in a car, and the cabin was very luxurious, which was not a product that ordinary people could own. At the same time, she also saw two very young people. One of them seemed to be very curious, and was looking at her. It seemed that there were some special expressions of excitement.

Scarlet frowned, she couldn't remember how she got into the car. But certainly not through normal means.

"What is your purpose?"

Zhao Nan said: "We have recently established an institution to do some scientific research, so I would like to invite you to be our technical director."

Scarlett said in a nonchalant manner: "This kind of invitation is really unique."

Zhao Nan smiled and said, "As long as Dr. Ohara agrees."

Scarlet sneered and said, "Do you think I will agree to you casually?"

"Will do."

At this time, Xiongyou blinked confidently and said: "We can provide you with enough funds to complete your research. This is an opportunity for you to surpass Dr. Aoi, Miss Scarlett."

Scarlet's face changed slightly, "Who are you guys? Xiubaliye?"

"No." Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "We don't belong to any faction. At the same time, you just need to know that we have enough financial resources to support your research."

Scarlet sneered, "You guys are really confident."

"Don't you know if you look at it?" Zhao Nan said casually.

Scarlet frowned again, and stopped talking, just thinking about something. But I don't know.

Zhao Nan suddenly said: "The doctor had better cooperate. This car has the function of blocking radio waves. After all, I just want you to work for me. I don't want to do some violence."

Scarlett couldn't help being taken aback, the palm that had been quietly inserted into the pocket was pulled out again, and she climbed up to the edge of the car window, supported her chin, and looked at the scenery outside the car.

The car gradually moved out of the suburbs, and after a while. It changed into a very luxurious villa. While driving through the garden, Scarlett was suddenly attracted by something.

In the courtyard, where the spotlights were concentrated, a blond woman stood alone holding a sword, and then her body was split into two. Divided into four, turned into four shadows, and then shot.

Countless sword lights appeared, and a bucket-like pillar in front of him turned into pieces of almost equal shapes in less than two seconds.

"Pandora... this technique is..." Scarlet couldn't help but whispered.

After seeing the car parked, the blond woman casually touched the sweat on her forehead, walked slowly, and said with a smile, "You're back!"

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "Little friend, go and prepare first... Dr. Ohara, please follow me."

Just looking at the ability of the blond woman just now, Scarlett estimated that she would never have the strength to escape alone. She was in the jaws of a tiger, so she had no choice but to deal with it immediately. After being hijacked, she still tried to maintain a cooperative attitude, after all, she herself did not want to be treated roughly.

On the way forward, Scarlett saw a middle-aged man sitting in a hall with a blank expression, motionless.

Scarlett's face changed suddenly, and she whispered: "This is... from the Suzuki Heavy Industries Group..."

"I said that I will provide you with enough funds." Zhao Nan said: "This is just the tip of the iceberg."

Who are they...?

This time, Scarlett just asked herself in her heart, and her face quickly recovered. She followed Zhao Nan into the villa, passed through many hidden checkpoints, and finally went straight into the ground. In the huge basement that was smashed out.

There is a metallic luster all around here, and the eyes are full of extremely advanced instruments. There is a transparent glass in front of the three of them.

At this time, through the glass, you can see that there are already many people in white robes in the basement, who are busy working.

"Dr. Isuzu, Dr. Watanabe, Dr. Cary...they were attacked and killed during the Genetic Engineering Symposium last month?" Scarlet couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Please work hard with these people in the future." Zhao Nan said.

Xiongyou suddenly walked in at this time, looked at Scarlett and said, "Doctor, please come with me. I will briefly tell you about your future work. Well, we need to hurry up, because Xiao Nan is about to give me The supper is ready!" (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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