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Text Chapter 119 Towards the Unknown World of War Girls (Part 2)

What can you do in three months? Ordinary people can receive a salary of three months, thinking about going to do a few major health care. Children from rich families can probably play with a lot of things, which are fresh every day, and the girls take turns changing toys.

In three months, Zhao Nan and the others can also do many things. For example, secretly control some invisible rich people who are not well-known but have a lot of assets, or those scientific researchers who are fancy, and then plan kidnapping.

Don't think that in the world of Pandora, Pandora will run all over the world to catch criminals. Pandora is a force specially set up to fight Nova, they are fighting for the ultimate peace of the human world! Therefore, it is naturally the policemen of various countries who maintain the daily life of the world.

And the average rich man only has a few or even a dozen bodyguards who are physically fit. These bodyguards may be able to deal with ordinary people, but they are probably no different from Zhao Nan and the others.

Infiltrating, bewitching, mobilizing funds, kidnapping, this is what Zhao Nan and the others have to do almost every day after they leave the academy and before they find Scarlet Ohara.

"It always feels like we're now some evil organization trying to conquer the world."

Finina smiled slightly, holding a TV remote control in her hand, leaning against Zhao Nan, sitting on the luxurious sofa, watching the constantly changing TV channels with nostalgia on her face.

It's been a long time since I watched TV quietly like this. At that time, she was just an ugly girl, and Zhao Nan was probably still between mature and semi-mature.

"Isn't that exciting?" Zhao Nan laughed.

"I think we should come up with a name for this organization."

Finina tapped her lips with her fingers, looked at the ceiling, and became distressed: "What's a better name..."

Even though she was saying such witty words, it was just a way for Finina to control her emotions. There are more reasons for implanting stigmata during these three months. As long as they can calm down, both of them will use this similar method to calm themselves down as much as possible.

Over time, both Finina and Zhao Nan have made great progress in controlling the power of their own stigmata. As long as it is not the outbreak of the extreme state, it can even adapt to general high-intensity combat.

And three months later, West Genetics College had already been repaired, but the college issued a wanted arrest warrant.

Wanted to arrest the original controller Xinsheng, Zhao Nan and Xiongyou. And two Pandora substitutes, Finina and Yanan.

They have just entered school, and they have been together in the explosion. It is hard not to associate it with Zhao Nan.

Now, many people are chasing the two of them every day. It's just that West Genetics Academy never thought of it. The person you are looking for is far away, but close at hand.

They are actually still in the city of Sigenetics now.


Since Dr. Ohara was successfully allowed to stay in the underground laboratory of the villa for research, the four of them have stayed in the villa and never left.

And every once in a while, the owner of the villa, the president of Suzuki Heavy Industries, will send out some invitation letters. Invite some rich people to a ball at his villa. The president of Suzuki Heavy Industries also won the title of King of the Prom.

Of course, this is just a cover-up. The real reason is. Zhao Nan can gather more funds through this kind of dance party, through skills such as bewitching and getting lost.

Although this world has super chaebols, the power they possess has even frightened some countries. But there are quite a few ordinary rich people, and the accumulation of a little makes a lot, if it is just for research. Funding is enough.

If so, when the villa is singing and singing every night, the basement is intensely researching, and at the same time, the pursuit of the four people has not stopped, and then it has changed from an open investigation to an unannounced visit. In the blink of an eye, it was more than half a year.

The Pandora model system that Xiongyou asked Dr. Ohara to study has also made a breakthrough recently. This system only limits Pandora's runaway state due to power overload. At the same time, with this system, it can also avoid the suppression of the Frozen Realm in a short time.

The original plot was released because after Aoi and Ye's eighth nova shock in the future, the Pandora organization would inevitably have more Pandora rampages. Now because Xiongyou is familiar with the plot, Dr. Ohara is asked to start research.

Dr. Ohara deserves to be the one who can challenge Dr. Aoi. He developed this system based on the idea proposed by Xiongyou, who only had a concept but no specific information.

"However, due to many technical problems, it is estimated that popular production will not be possible in the short term."

Of course, Ohara is not a god, and at most he can only do this.

Zhao Nan naturally doesn't care, all he needs are two systems. Finina and Yanan can be set alone.

When the Pandora mode system entered the production stage, Zhao Nan quietly gave another order to Dr. Ohara.

"I need to go out for a while. Doctor please take advantage of this time to study the issue of 'baptism'... Well, the correct research direction is to forcibly carry out the implantation of the stigmata body on the controller without Pandora's consent. into the plan."

"You promised me that just by researching this system, let me start researching other things!"

Dr. Ohara was a little reluctant to get up.

Zhao Nan had no choice but to say: "This shouldn't be too difficult. With your ability, it probably won't take long. And you don't have a choice, right? Unless you don't want to fulfill your dreams...or don't want life to be here This ends here. Apart from you, most of the scientific researchers here have family members outside. Even if you don't want to, there are many people who are willing to take over from you. After all, they have obtained enough technology from you in more than half a year , can be compared to help me complete the final stage of the system... As for the issue of 'baptism', I believe it is only a matter of time."

"Okay." Dr. Ohara immediately stood up.

Zhao Nan smiled with satisfaction.

For this female doctor, she can only use this method of temptation. She has no family and is alone, so it's hard to handle when she is in a hurry. It is also impossible for Zhao Nan to keep an eye on her 24 hours a day and let her do research work with her skills.

After all, it doesn't matter whether you use Lost or Bewitched. People who have been spellcast can only do some simple things, and it is more difficult to think.

"Little friend and I will be away for about two days. You and Xiao Nan are here to keep an eye on Da Yuan. If she makes a small move..."

"I know how to do it."

After the two couples hugged each other for a while, a white helicopter flew in the sky. Zhao Nan and Xiongyou didn't say much, and turned over directly.

"After waiting for more than half a year, I finally waited until that guy left from England." Zhao Nan's gradually shrinking villa. said softly.

"The Bridget family naturally protects their heirs strictly, so it's not surprising to think of a whole team of active Pandora troops." Xiongyou said: "But it will be much easier to leave the base camp. After all, apart from the target person In addition, there are many noble students here. They are too busy."

"The destination is... Okinawa."



"Students, this is the destination of this school trip, Okinawa!" The blond teacher dressed coolly and said with a smile, "Let's enjoy this summer vacation! Sunshine and beach!"

In front of him was a group of eleven or twelve-year-old students. Although they were still immature children, the teacher obviously didn't dare to neglect them. These guys were all the queens of the British nobles. Especially one of them.

"Student Louis, don't you want to participate in their games?" The teacher felt that he could take advantage of this time to get in touch with one of them.

"Why aren't we in the same area as the second grade?"

"Separate grades, Louis."

The little boy with blond hair lowered his head, and after answering in a low voice, he suddenly stood up and walked forward.

"Louis. Where are you going?"

"Just be quiet, I don't need you to go there."


"That's the target?"

"Hmm. This is the yellow hair!"

"It's rare for him to leave alone, let's do it."

"I can't wait for a long time... Hey, the yellow hair must die, I like the name of this copy!"



"Louis... why are you here?"

"Of course I came to see you, it's so boring over there... Sister, let's go play!"

" brigade seems to be. Not good."

"It's fine if I say yes, who dares to have a bad time!" Louis pouted immediately and said, "Don't tell me, sister, don't you want to listen to me and play with me?"

"'s not..."

Satilesa's expression changed slightly, she finally lowered her head when she looked at her half-brother. He whispered: "I know..."

"That's good!"

Just when Louis was about to reach out to grab Satilesa's hand, suddenly there was a terrifying explosion on the distant seashore. The powerful explosion force pushed the seawater to the beach, and at the same time, the beach Explosions continued to occur around the area.

"What's going on!" Louis suddenly panicked.

"Master, miss, it seems that an unknown person has attacked, please leave here with me as soon as possible."

Beside Louis, four Pandoras appeared.

This is the person the family has always sent by his side to protect him, and Louis is naturally not surprised. At this time, his face was slightly pale, obviously frightened, Liushen Wuzhu nodded.

But at this moment, the four Pandoras suddenly found themselves unable to move!

"What's going on here... Frozen Realm?"

All four of them had expressions of surprise on their faces, and one of them shouted, "Where's the Controller?"


Xiongyou laughed and walked out amidst the billowing dust, holding a person in one hand, and casually remained on the ground, "By the way, your controller is really ridiculously weak, and he passed out with just one punch." .”

"who are you!"

One of them, Pandora, gave a deep drink, and then his expression changed: "Did you cause the explosion?"

"Go ahead. Don't waste time."

It is not an easy task for him to maintain the frozen world and suppress these four Pandoras at the same time. This is an active-duty army, not a comparable level of substitutes like the academy. Of course, it is not as good as Pandora, which is the top few in the academy, otherwise Zhao Nan would not be able to suppress the four of them at the same time, and would have to take Louis and Satilesa away.


Xiong You grinned, and walked towards the two young master and young lady who were too frightened to speak and could not move at the same time.

"This is the 'Queen of Forbidden Touch'..."

Xiongyou pinched Satilesa's face lightly, and said with a strange smile: "I met it! I met it... Now it's your turn, Huangmao!!!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature , the novel is better and updated faster!

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