Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 120: Towards the Unknown World of War Girls (Part 2)

Ignoring Satilesa's frightened and tearful face after being pinched, Xiongyou turned his head and licked his lips, showing an expression that made Louis even more frightened.

Xiongyou suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch Louis' neck, but he didn't use too much strength, it just made him feel a little difficult to breathe.

Louis was crying loudly.

The four Pandoras beside them were like ants on a hot pot at this moment, they wanted to move but couldn't move, their expressions were anxious, and they burst into curses. This is a mature woman, and the level of cursing is naturally not comparable to that of a young girl.

"No matter who you are, the Bridget family will never let you go!"

Zhao Nan walked into one of the Pandoras with a blank expression, reached out and tore off the clothes behind her, revealing a large white back.

"what you up to!"

This Pandora was shocked immediately.

"It's an enemy anyway, and it's useless to leave the stigmata to you."

After all, he stretched out his hand on the opponent's back, squeezed his fingers, and pulled out the stigmata on the opponent's back forcefully!

That Pandora suddenly let out a scream of pain... But even so, the stigmata on her body were pulled out one by one, until finally, the whole person collapsed on the ground powerlessly, already unconscious from the pain past.

This is just the beginning. After Zhao Nan removed the stigmata from the other three Pandoras, he stopped the activation of the Frozen Realm. At this time, Xiongyou knocked Louis unconscious, put him on his shoulders, and walked to Satilesa again with a smile.

Satilesa hid back in horror, but Xiongyou said in harmony: "Men are scary things, they will make you do all kinds of things! Remember, don't like men, especially A man surnamed Aoi! He will make you do all kinds of disgusting things, and will lick your whole body. Wet!"

As he spoke, Xiongyou licked his lips vigorously and made a strange sound.

"No!" Satilesa suddenly screamed.

"Yes, yes, just don't!" Xiongyou said with a strange smile: "It's better to be a girl, because girls won't be so disgusting! Remember, you must like girls..."

Then. Xiongyou's ear suddenly hurt sharply, and someone twisted it forcefully, he couldn't help shouting: "Damn it!"


"All right……"

Xiongyou beckoned to Satilesa helplessly, and said in a low voice: "Goodbye, and remember my words!"



"It's not good, Master Louis is still in Okinawa, Japan!"

Britain, Bridget's headquarters, as the person who controls the entire consortium, Howard can be said to be the most powerful person in the entire world. It can be said that not many people in this world can go against his will.

He was silent, calm, and cruel, but when he heard the news of his son's disappearance from the phone, he reacted coldly as a father, "What happened? Didn't Louis go to Japan for a school break?" Where's Satilesa?"

"Miss seems to have been frightened, and now she has been injected with sleeping pills. I learned from the surviving Pandora that the young master was kidnapped by two oriental men! And one of them can use the all-round freezing world, which is very powerful. In an instant Suppress the four members of the army at the same time."

"Controller..." Howard's face changed slightly, and he asked, "Did the gangster leave any words?"


"Escort the lady back!"

After finishing speaking, Howard put away the phone, but quickly dialed another number.

"What's the matter?" A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"My son had an accident in Japan." Howard did not wait for the other party's response, and said again: "The other party can use all-round freezing to freeze the world. Let several Pandoras be suppressed at the same time."

"Oh?" After a moment of silence, he said, "Then what do you want?"

"I just want people, and ignore everything else. You'd better stop what you're doing... Dr. Aoi!"

"I see."



When Dr. Aoi like Japan was having a headache about this matter, Zhao Nan and Xiongyou had returned to the villa safely.

Louis just passed out and was not killed.

Xiongyou got him into a secret room. Cai said: "Now just wait for the completion of the Pandora mode system, and it will be fine!"

As for the stigmata pulled out from the Pandoras of Bridget, Zhao Nan handed them over to Dr. Ohara for research. This item is scarce and has been strictly controlled. This time I got it from Pandora in Bridget's house, which is considered a windfall.

For the next time, everyone could only wait quietly in the villa.

However, there was chaos outside. Not only the Japanese Pandora troops were sent to search for Louis's whereabouts, but all transportation routes were blocked for three days under the huge influence of the Bridget family.

The three-day blockade did not find the target person. The consortium commander secretly controlling the world's highest force is really angry!

Howard used his influence to make the national institutions of the entire island country work. The search and arrest team was not only Pandora, but also all the police and the army.

This panicked and powerful first investigation plunged the entire island country into chaos.

"It's amazing, just to track down the whereabouts of one person, it can actually cause chaos in the whole country."

Watching the daily reports on TV, Yanan couldn't help sighing while drinking black tea. Sitting with Xiongyou, Zhao Nan and Finina.

"This is the power of the two-dimensional world!" Xiongyou said without any surprise, "In this two-dimensional world, if it is normal, it is abnormal!"

"But..." Finina whispered: "I always feel that I can't hide here."

Zhao Nan nodded and said: "Now we have begun to hold hands in the houses of ordinary people. It is estimated that in the near future, even the private places of the rich will be unavoidable. After all, the owner of this villa is really different from the Bridget family. Far."

"Zhao Nan, is that system almost complete?" Yanan said in a low voice at this time: "Late will change, please complete the task as soon as possible and leave! It is better for people to leave safely than to take risks in order to get something. "

"Xiao Nan..." Xiongyou said slightly loudly: "Wait a little longer, the task can be completed with a simple blow of a knife. We still have a lot of time."

"But I always feel that things will not be so perfect." Yanan sighed.

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Why do you see that?"

"It's just a feeling..." Yanan said: "In fact, your starting point is also good. You have entered a similar fantasy dungeon, and you know that you can get more benefits from it, and you can enhance your individual strength after leaving. This is not true. What... But I always feel that the world of this dungeon is too real! It’s so real that I can’t even treat the people here as virtual.”

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Xiao Nan, do you have... nostalgia for this world?"

Zhao Nan had to think about this aspect... When he first entered the fantasy dungeon, he got stuck in it and couldn't extricate himself. Not to mention Yanan, he was in the copy of Heart of Time back then. Zhao Nan was also once confused, whether to live in the dungeon all the time.

Yanan shook his head in confusion, expressing his ignorance, and then sighed: "I just feel that I have entered a balanced world from the original world. The door of the fantasy copy is actually the intersection connecting the two worlds. "

Zhao Nan looked at Yanan with a strange expression. For some reason, he suddenly had a strange inspiration in his heart, but it was only fleeting. I want to catch it, but I can't.

He listened quietly, and Finina and Xiongyou also listened quietly.

Yanan just said what was in his heart, raised his head slightly, and seemed to be braver, "If this world is virtual, it would be too real. Let's just talk about my little friend, who obviously wanted to stab Louis several times Yes. But every time it stops suddenly.”

"Because the system has not been completed yet!" Xiongyou argued.

"It's because he was crying, and your heart softened. So you couldn't do anything." Yanan shook his head and said, "Little friend, you can't hide it from me..."

"I'm just..." Xiongyou was suddenly speechless.

Zhao Nan lowered his head and pondered, "What do you want to explain?"

"If it's just virtual, unreal, and we have already determined that this is the same as data, why do we still feel soft-hearted?" Yanan shook his head and said: "So I can only understand this as a real existence The world we are in now is actually another real world. It exists in another time and space that we never had access to before. After all, only real things can make human beings have real feelings.”

She looked at Zhao Nan with clear eyes, and said crisply: "Also, don't you think that. Since catastrophes can happen...then, this is the real world, so why not?"



Zhao Nan closed his eyes, Yanan's words were different from his cognition. But strangely let himself listen to it, and even listened to it in his heart.

If what Yanan said can be true... Will all fantasy dungeons be balanced worlds one after another? Global gamification is already a topic of wild talk... On this basis, there will be countless junctions that balance time and space.

Is this really something a human can accomplish?

At this moment, Zhao Nan felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, and his whole body felt cold.


At this moment, the phone rang.



"It's Dr. Ohara, the system has been assembled and ready to be implanted!" Xiongyou said with joy after listening to the call.

"It's not too late, let's finish the task at hand first." Zhao Nan took a breath and said, "Xiao Nan, your thoughts...well, very good."

"'s nothing, I just like to think wildly." Yanan immediately lowered his head and said, "There are always some unrealistic fantasies."

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "Human creativity has always come from fantasy."

But whether this fantasy dungeon was really created by humans, Zhao Nan couldn't make a definite judgment at the moment.

However, the Pandora mode can be implanted right now, so he temporarily put this thought aside. Regardless of whether it is true or not, now that you have reached this point, you cannot give up.

In the underground research room, Dr. Ohara could see that he was quite tired. Even if she is a genius, completing this system in such a short period of time is not enough.

Zhao Nan walked to Da Yuan's side, a gray light flashed in his hand.


Ohara is just an ordinary person. Mere deception is enough. Looking at Da Yuan who had lost his sense of self-control, Zhao Nan said in a deep voice, "Is there any problem with this system?"

"No... I have tested it with the stigmata you provided..."

"Okay." Zhao Nan nodded.

After waiting for a while, Da Yuan came to his senses, frowned but didn't say anything, he just gave Zhao Nan a weird look. Calmly said: "If there is no problem, let's start the experiment."



Looking at Finina and Yanan who were implanting Pandora mode in the laboratory, Zhao Nan suddenly said, "Doctor, what about the other research?"

"That's not a difficult research." Dr. Ohara said indifferently: "Just write a few programs, the key is to find Pandora who needs to be baptized by force."

Zhao Nan nodded.

The implantation of the Pandora mode went very smoothly. It took about half a day. Finina and Yanan walked out of the laboratory safely without even feeling the slightest pain.

The two tried it out. After activating the Pandora system, a dazzling set of armor appeared on his body out of thin air.

"The time you can resist the freezing world is two minutes, and it is also the limit to withstand the overload of the power of the stigmata." Dr. Ohara said indifferently: "Be careful."

"That's good." Xiongyou said reassuringly.


Completing the implantation of the Pandora system can be said to have completed a major event. Finina and Yanan, who had newly obtained the system, put aside other ideas for the time being, and were ready to experiment as soon as they walked out of the underground research room.

Zhao Nan released the frozen world, and the two turned on the system. At this moment, he can move freely within the bounds of the enchantment.

"it works!"

Finina immediately said happily.

"Own it..."


It was at this moment that the gate of the villa was ruthlessly blown away. Several black shadows galloped out in front of them. Wearing...the uniform of Western Genetics College!

It's the Pandora of college!

How could they appear at this time? And it seems that it is not a normal search at all! It's like knowing that there are people hiding in this place early on!

It is impossible for the four people on our side to leak who are they? Just when these Pandoras fell in front of him, Zhao Nan quickly flashed past everyone in the villa, but he had no clue and was in a bad mood.

The reason for being in a bad mood is because...among these Pandoras, one of them is Aoi Kazuha.

The two are old acquaintances—old enemies!

Aoi and Ye looked cold. She still remembers being attacked by Zhao Nan back then. But when she woke up, more than ten days had passed.

"So it's you!" Qing Jing and Ye Han said bitterly.

"It's really a meeting of enemies this time..."

Xiongyou held his forehead, as if he didn't expect this to happen.

After saying that, Qing Jing and Ye suddenly disappeared in place, the speed has surpassed the catch of sight.

She became faster... Zhao Nan could only think so. Aoi and Ye were already close in front of him.

When the Frozen Realm was about to unfold, there was another figure standing in front of Zhao Nan.


The weapons of the two women clashed fiercely a few times before they scattered. But the confrontation between the two did not stop because of this.

Lightning separation followed by lightning reconnection. In this wide courtyard, at that terrifying speed, the sound of fencing filled the air. And the figures of the two of them flickered around, erratic like ghosts.

"It's actually able to tie with He Ye! Who is this Pandora?"

Pandora on the side of the academy was suddenly startled: "He Ye's strength is already number one in the academy!"

"This is not what you care about..." Zhao Nan looked ahead and stretched out a hand.

The strange light immediately controlled the other Pandoras.

"Oops, it's an enchantment! Hasn't the controller arrived yet?"

It did not arrive!

They are just a step ahead, those controllers are still on their way. But Zhao Nan obviously won't treat him fairly. After the Frozen Realm suppressed Pandora, Yanan and Xiongyou took action!

Pandora was suppressed, unable to resist the attacks of the two at all. It didn't take long to resist, and he was knocked unconscious on the ground.

But the battle between Aoi and Ye and Finina is not over yet.

One is the stigmata body, which has more than 20 stigmata. And Finina also has 20 stigmata on her body, and she also has skills belonging to the sky sword master. For a while, the fight was inextricably linked.

"You can't escape... the big troops have already arrived!"

Watching the fall of several companions. Aoi and Ye said calmly.

"As expected of the woman who made the stigmata a heroic mark, it's really terrifying." Xiongyou sighed.

Zhao Nan hastened to use the wind of listening, his eyes could not catch Qing Jing and Ye's figure, but his voice could!

Immediately, all the sounds within a 100-meter radius hit his ears. Zhao Nan frowned suddenly, because he heard another strange voice.

Dr. Ohara!

She was actually preparing to escape from this place at this time!

"Little friend! Xiao Nan, you are responsible for assisting Finina. I will come as soon as I go."

After all, ignoring the astonished two for the time being, the Wings of Lightning Wind opened, turning into a shadow and rushing into the villa in an instant.


"Dr. Ohara, where are you going?"

In front of Zhao Nan, Dr. Ohara was holding a tablet computer in his arms, with a hurried expression on his face. Seeing Zhao Nan's arrival, his expression suddenly changed dramatically.

"If I'm not mistaken, they were notified of their arrival. It should be you, right?"

"What evidence do you have?"

Zhao Nan snorted coldly, "I'm too lazy to argue with you, tell me!"

With a flash of light in your hand, bewitch!

Ohara's expression suddenly became sluggish, and the balance of his voice was emotionless: "By implanting the Pandora mode system, a special wave of stigmata will be emitted. Writing some signals into this wave will make the nearby Pandora La sensed..."

"It really is you..."

Zhao Nan pondered for a moment. At this time, if it is discovered, there is probably nowhere to hide.

He pointed at Ohara's forehead, but this time he tried the lost skill. The duration of this skill is longer.

"Go back to the lab and lock yourself up!"

After all, Ohara acted according to the order, without any hesitation.

Zhao Nan shook her head, this accident might end the dungeon trip early!

Zhao Nan quickly rushed out of the underground research room and returned to the battlefield. Xiongyou has not been baptized. Currently, the Frozen Realm cannot be used, but with the combined strength of the three of them, Qing Jing and Ye can be temporarily suppressed.

It's just that Aoi and Ye obviously didn't overload the stigmata, and they can already do this at a normal level...

At this time, Zhao Nan didn't hold back either. He took out the Soul Devouring Staff. He captured Aoi and Ye's position by relying on the wind of listening, and then unfolded the frozen world.

In the barrier, Aoi and Ye's speed suddenly slowed down. It's just that the barrier of all tests and all spirits didn't suppress her very much.

Prove once again how strong the opponent is.

"Soul Roar!"

This is the special skill of the Soul Devouring Staff, a purely spiritual attack!

At this time, under the attack of the roar of the soul, Aoi and Ye's rhythm suddenly became flustered, and their hands and feet were out of control for a moment.

"good chance!"

Finina screamed coquettishly, and the sword turned into a huge light and shadow, and turned into a full moon. Under the blessing of the power of the skill and the power of the stigmata, Aoi and Ye were slashed into a terrifying wound.

Thorns and vines!

Then it is tightly wound up.

Zhao Nan pulled out the sleeping potion, poured it into the opponent's mouth, and made him fall into a deep sleep.

At this time, some military helicopters suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and at the same time, more Pandoras could be seen coming here.

"There is no other way...Little friend, prepare to complete the task!"



In the underground research room, Louisian was sleeping beside him.

In the research room, Zhao Nan and Xiongyou were lying on the experimental bench respectively, along with Aoi and Ye and another Pandora.

"Prepare for a forced baptism." Zhao Nan ordered decisively.

On the console, Dr. Ohara, who was already in a lost state, quickly controlled it.

Xiongyou's forced baptism was completed relatively quickly. Zhao Nan needs to take out the original stigmata before proceeding.

At this time, everyone was nervously watching Zhao Nan's situation.

"Listen, people inside! You are surrounded, surrender quickly!"

"No, there are enemies outside!" Xiongyou said nervously looking at the screen.

"Wait..." Zhao Nan frowned, the baptism just started, and now there are 6 stigmata!

7 -!

8 pieces——!

9 pieces——!

Rumble! The door was blasted open at this moment!

"Kill him!" Zhao Nan shouted immediately.

Xiongyou shook his hand, but the knife couldn't go in all at once.

Finina's face turned hard, she held his hand and exerted some strength!

10 pieces——!

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiongyou for completing the task..."

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