Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 121 Welcome Back

In fact, after the laboratory door was blown open and Finina stabbed Xiongyou's hand, the task of this dungeon was considered complete. But there is still a little time before leaving the copy. Obviously there's not much you can do with this little time.

For example, it is impossible for Zhao Nan to continue the forced baptism in this short period of time, because Qing Jing and Ye have already woken up. The resistance of this stigmata body to the sleeping potion seems to be much higher than it was ten months ago.

After she woke up, a strange feeling enveloped her heart, delicate and gentle, as if something wrapped her heart, but the next second it was a storm again. She can only find a harbor in this wind and rain, but this harbor is the person in front of her eyes.

"30 seconds!" Xiongyou was counting down at this time.

Zhao Nan looked at Qing Jing and Ye regretfully, then shrugged, and then stood up panting. Another reason for not being able to continue to baptize one more stigmata at this last time is that Dr. Ohara also escaped the control of Lost at the same time.

With 10 stigmata on the body and 5 senses shared, what Aoi and Ye feel is what Zhao Nan feels. In this short ten seconds, no one in the entire underground research room spoke. Zhao Nan looked at Qing Jing and Ye for three seconds, and then it seemed as long as three lives and three lives.

Finally Aoi and Ye got out of this strange state, and they felt that the stigmata in their bodies had lost 10 bodies, and they knew what had happened after blinking. Willing to carry out the most sacred ceremony among Pandora, the partner-building ceremony, without knowing it.

Her eyes were reddish. This kind of baptism that did not go through her will was not much different from being forcibly humiliated by others, under the shame that is unique to young girls. teary eyes.

"There are still 10 seconds!" Xiongyou is still counting down.

Da da da--!

At a glance, countless people rushed into the research room at this moment, most of them were Pandora, and there were also a small number of soldiers—soldiers holding submachine guns.

"5 seconds!"

"Don't move, all raise your hands and surrender!" The leader, Pandora, immediately shouted softly.

"2 seconds!"

At this moment, Xiongyou looked at Yanan, and Yanan looked at Finina. Finina looked at Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan responded with a smile, and when Xiongyou shouted for 1 second, he finally left Qingjing and Ye with a smile. But even though the two parties have already shared the five senses, in this short second, it is difficult for Aoi and Ye to feel what kind of emotion is behind this smile.


With a flash of white light, this incomprehensible emotion was interrupted.


There was a flash of white light, and the night wind blew in with a chill, because Zhao Nan was still being baptized before leaving, and Zhao Nan's upper body clothes had already been stripped off. So the wind blows. The skin on the body reacted to the brain with waves of delicateness.

Wow -!

Xiongyou touched the sweat on his forehead, then pinched his face, looking at his palm. There used to be a knife in the palm, but now it is gone, but there is still some blood on the palm, which has become sticky.

Two women, each with their own man, a moment later. Finina took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Welcome back."

Zhao Nan also smiled and said, "Welcome back!"

Xiongyou laughed and said, "Welcome back!"

Xiao Nan also laughed softly, "Welcome back."

The four of them laughed for a moment. It's like a dream. There are so many Octobers in a dream, and I don't care if it's true at the moment. The more important thing now is to find a place to stay.

It's night now, and they're back at this again as long as it's night. In the outskirts, there will be many monsters whose strength has been raised.

Of course, these monsters are not very dangerous to the four of them, but they do disturb people's dreams.



This trip to the fantasy dungeon has been fruitful. But after returning, all kinds of power in the world of Zhan Ji can't be used.

The stigmata of Finina and Yanan had disappeared the moment they came out, and even the Pandora mode system couldn't feel it at all. But the skill list of the two of them is above. But there is a new special skill added.

"Pandora's Transformation"

After transforming, it is directly transformed into the appearance in Pandora mode. Yanan's Pandora transformation lasts for one minute, increases attack power by 30%, defense power by 30%, and removes all negative states.

The same goes for Finina's Pandora transformation effect. It's just that the maintenance time is three minutes, and the attack power is increased by 100%, and the defense power is also increased by 100%.

This is related to the number of stigmata implanted in their bodies, as well as their own degree of openness to stigmata. Zhao Nan pondered, it might also have something to do with their stigmata not being baptized into the 'stigmata memory', otherwise the effect might be worse.

And also after becoming controllers in the world of Zhan Ji, Zhao Nan and Xiongyou also got a special skill.

ice field.

Xiongyou's ice field can freeze any five targets within a ten-meter range. During the freezing, no skills can be used, and the movement speed will be reduced by 100%! The duration is three seconds.

Although it was only three seconds, Xiongyou was already screaming abnormal.

Zhao Nan's Ice Domain is a little different from Xiongyou's. It freezes any enemy within 50 meters, and cannot use any skills during the freezing. The movement speed is reduced by 200%, but the duration is a bit weird.

Consumes 500 mana per second.

His Ice Domain actually uses mana to determine the effect time. Looking at it this way, it turns out that there is also a quality gap between the stigmata and the stigmata.

After Zhao Nan estimated, including the mana brought by the source of mana, he found that he could maintain this ice field for more than 20 seconds.

The abilities of Xiaonan and Xiongyou are abnormal. Finina's is a big pervert. He himself is a monster.

While walking while looking at the special skills, when Xiongyou was wondering if he could rely on this skill to single out an elite monster of the same level, Zhao Nan said: "Let's go after entering the city, you two Take a break for a while."

This trip to the dungeon was able to gain more such gains, thanks to Zhao Nan. Xiongyou knows the taste of food, and said happily: "How about we celebrate?"

Zhao Nan patted Xiongyou on the shoulder, thinking that it would be a long time in the future, and he should slowly and truly draw him to his side. This guy also possesses the skills of the ice field, although it is much weaker than his own, but if he is really covered by a skill from him, the ancient arcanist can only become a third-rate boxer.

"I'm not familiar with Fengshi, I want you to introduce a good place."

"I will handle it."

Hearing that there was going to be a drink, the two women had worried expressions on their faces, Zhao Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little wine to make you feel happy."

After hearing this, Finina stopped talking, and the four of them walked towards the gate of Tingfeng City.

The city gate was closed, because the city lord had already appeared, and there were still many night watchmen walking back and forth on the city gate wall. It has only been less than a day since they left, and people have already started to watch the night. It seems that the fox-man butler in the castle is also very efficient in handling affairs.

Now that the city gate is closed, it is natural that they cannot walk together at will.

But right now, the city is the main one to open the door, no matter whether it is an aborigine or a chosen one, who the hell dares to say no?

So the city gates roared open. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

ps: ps: This was supposed to be after Chapter 120, but last night I was in a hurry. It was already 11:55 when I finished coding Chapter 120. Counting the time to open the backstage, it was still 2 minutes away from twelve I was almost killed, so I didn't have time to write. In fact, what I want to say is that the fantasy dungeon has come to an end, and we are ready to return to the mainline! In addition, because I didn't check the number of words last night, I actually coded a chapter of 5984 words, and there are only 16 words left to reach 6,000... Sadly, I can only say that the writing is not good. You can watch more for free... (Oh, this feeling is free, I guess you all know it.)

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